



1、第1页共9页人教新课标第五、六模块单词拼写专项练习(根据新考纲)第一组(Unit 1 Book 5 )1._ He was so(全神贯注)in the book that hedidn_ t hear the bell .2. He finished his work in a _ (积极的)way.3. The team are working hard to _ (分析)the problem so that they can find the bestsoluti on .4. It is difficult to _ (操纵)this kind new the machine.5.

2、The babies are well _ (照顾)in the popular nursery.6. All our results are published in_ ( 科学)journals.7. E_ to so many advertisements, we cant help being persuaded to buy something we dontreally n eed.8. The army was well trained and well armed, and had little difficulty d _ the enemy.9. The doctor is

3、 well known for having c_ some people of the deadly disease.10. An e_is a pers on who is very skilled at doing someth ing or who knows a lot about aparticular subject.第二组(Unit 1 Book 5 )1. Has the government _ (宣布)that they will build a new highway to the mountain?2. Finding a solution to this probl

4、em is one of the greatest_ (挑战)faced by scientiststoday.3. He works in a sports centre _ (指示)people in the use of the gym equipment.4. I am a very_(热情的),like to make friends, chat with friends.5. You should not _ (拒绝)the invitation from your old friend.6. The meeting I m going to a will be about the

5、 new forms of agriculture.7. Don Lb_ your parents for all the wrong that you have done.8. Kindn ess is one of the young En glish teachers c_9. Dont jump to the c_ before you make a careful investigation.10. They s_ me of hav ing a hand in the affair.第三组(Unit2 Book5 )1. They married last month but I

6、didn t attend their w_.2. Approach ing the main square, we saw a s_of about 15 meters in height.3. It has the oldest_ (港口)built by the Roma ns in the first cen tury AD.4. Theory should be_ ( 一致的)with practice.第2页共9页5. Marx points out the potential_ ( 冲突)below the surface of the society.6. When he fi

7、rst came to the c_, he could nt tell wheat from Chin ese chives( 韭菜).7. I was grateful to Anna for being ope n and givi ng me the opport unity to expla in and c_ themisunderstanding between us.8. The purse found on the playground matches the d_ made by Mary, so it must be hers.9. A_ by the beauty of

8、 nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two dayson the farm.10. The department has been put under local _ ( 行政部门 ).第四组 (Unit 2 Book 5 )1. The c_ of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village.2. Children wearing school _ ( 制服 ) look much smarter.3. This is a c_ of

9、 poems by poets of the Tang dynasty, which I like very much.4. However, the southern part of Ireland was u_ and broke away to form its owngovernment.5. Our class is d_ into two groups during the discussion.6. Now our country has won a _ (辉煌 ) victory, but we still have a long way to go.7. Water is s

10、aid to c_ of oxygen and hydrogen.8. Jack Mann was a _ ( 皇家 ) Air Force fighter pilot during World War II.9. She f_ the letter in half and put it into her pocket.10. The drama course can give me enough c_ to get my degree.第五组 (Unit 3 Book 5 )1. They are p_ us to make a quick decision.2. Animals in zo

11、os are not in their natural s_.3. He is a man who is o_ about life. So we can say he can live a long life.4. The birds flew away in all d_.5. After he won the amateur (业余的) championship, he turned p_ .6. _ (在.之前)to leaving for France , he studied a lot about the country.7. Travellers are _ ( 提醒 )tha

12、t they must come back before dark.8. The experience left a lasting _ ( 印象 )on me.9. She is _ ( 不断地 )changing her mind.10. Water can transform a_ ( 沙漠 ) into a garden.第六组 (Unit 3 Book 5)1. He is collecting m_ for his new book in the countryside.2. he was born in Denmark, but he became a British c_ at

13、 the age of 30.3. He s not hung;ryhes just g_ .4. I have something to tell you but Ill speak to you p_.5.The restaurant has just e_ five new waiters.6. The _ ( 代表 )were all amazed by what had happened in the factory.7. Just for an _ (瞬间) I thought he was going to refuse.第3页共9页8. The new car goes at

14、an _ ( 惊人的 )speed.9. Plastic bags can be _( 再利用 ).10. Has the bill been _ (批准 )by the committee ?第七组 (Unit 4 Book 5 )1. I felt g_ for not being able to help you.2. Doctors are aiming to C_ more on prevention than cure.3. She has _(获得) an email address and a site on the World Wide Web.4. Many of the

15、adults were a_ as having learning difficulties.5. Police have stressed that this is the most a_ description of the killer to date.6. Berman started at ABC News as a desk a_ working the overnight shift in 1995.7. The number of nervous disorders in the_ ( 职业 ) was rising.8. Robert was e_ to talk about

16、 life in the Army.9. He was _( 更新 ) the work schedule on the computer.10. They dont seem to realize that were working to a d_ .第八组 (Unit 4 Book 5)1. The cooking time d_ on the size of the potatoes.2. They are _ ( 控告 ) of trying to use fake money.3. He d_ an explanation from the Education Secretary.4

17、. The Russian Parliament has_ ( 批准 ) a program of radical economic reforms.5. Her novel is in the p_ of being turned into a television series.6. Although he only joined the firm last year, hes _( 高级的 ) to me already.7. I dont think of myself as being especially g_ .8. His latest book of poetry will

18、be _ ( 出版 ) by Faber in May.9. Chuck was very t_ and precise in describing his research.10. He took out a spotless white handkerchief and _ ( 擦亮 ) his glasses.第九组 (Unit 5 Book 5)1. I knew very well that the problem was more _ ( 复杂 ) than he supposed .2. They suffer from health problems and fear the

19、long term effects of _ ( 辐射 ).3. The skin, whose functions are very complex, is our bodys largest organ which acts as a bagainst disease and the suns harmful rays.4. One of the station staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his _ ( 援助 ).5. The nurse applied p_ to his arm to stop the bleeding.第4页

20、共9页6. We find such rudeness quite u_.7. It was _( 至关重要的 ) to show that he was not afraid.8. He a_ to be sent to the northwest of China.9. When it rains very heavily, you can say that it is p_ .10. S_ are a tool for cutting paper or cloth, that has two sharp blades with handles, joinedtogether in the

21、 middle.第十组 (Unit 5 Book 5)1. He said m_ to me that he didnt mean to upset me.2. She was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment for p_ and attempted murder.3. I f_ believe that the more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying,the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.4.

22、 In the rainy season things get damp easily.5. We like to live a life full of _ ( 多样化 ) and mens tastes are various.6. People had to _ (治疗) themselves in their own way before they received thetreatment sent by the government.7. Tom got badly injured in the car accident. The i_ to his leg was really

23、serious.8. That morning I had put on a pair of black slacks and a long-sleeved black _ ( 女衬衫 ).9. There were fewer _ (临时的) engineers to employ in that city because of low pay.10. An a_ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.单词拼写第一组 (Unit 1 Book 5)1. absorbed 2. positive 3. analyse 4. ha

24、ndle 5. attended 6. scientific 7. Exposed8.defeating 9. cured 10. expert第二组 (Unit 1 Book 5)1. announced 2. challenges 3. instructing 4. enthusiastic 5. reject 6. attend 7. blame 8. characteristics 9.conclusion 10. suspected第三组 (Unit 2 Book 5)1. wedding 2. statue 3. port 4. consistent 5. conflict 6.

25、countryside 7. clarify 8. description 9. Attracted 10.administration第四组 (Unit 2 Book 5)1. convenience 2. uniforms 3. collection4. unwilling 5. divided6. splendid 7. consist 8.Royal 9. folded10. credits第五组 (Unit 3 Book 5)1. pressing 2. surroundings 3. optimistic 4. directions 5. professional 6. Previ

26、ous 7. reminded 8. impression9. constantly 10. desert 第六组 (Unit 3 Book 5)6.第5页共9页eager 9. updating 10. deadline 第八组 (Unit 4 Book 5)9. thorough 10. polished 第九组 (Unit 5 Book )1. complex 2. radiation 3. barrier 4. aid 5. pressure 6. unbearable 7. vital pouring 10.Scissors 第十组(Unit 5 Book )1. mildly 2.

27、 poisoning 3. firmly 4. damp 5. variety 6. treat7. injury 8. blouse9. temporary 10. ambulance第一组 (Unit 1 Book 6)1. The couple a_ a child after the earthquake.2. Kate is a girl who _ (拥有) a rare intelligence.3. It is t_ of the young man to think of himself before others.4. Heavy drinking can cause _

28、( 永久的 ) damage to the brain.5. I have f_ in his ability.6. Two factories were closed in an _ ( 企图,努力 ) to cut costs.7. It is difficult to p_ what effects of the accident will be.8. She bought me a b_ of flowers on my birthday.9. He can t eat seafood because h_e_ _s_ ( 过敏的 ).10. The museum held a(n) _ (展览) of


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