



1、 教 学 设 计 单 位:吉林市丰满区实验中学年 级:二年级 学 科:英语 教材版本:PEP二年级下册 姓 名:李美娜 教 学 设 计课 题Unit 2 Weather 课时5执教时间年 月 日 第( )周教学内容Lesson 1修 改 意 见教学目标:1. Knowledge aims: To learn five words about weather: rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy, sunny, and the functional sentences: Whats the weather like? Its_.2. Ability aims:To talk

2、about weather conditions in daily life by using the sentence pattern “Whats the weather like? Its_.” 3. Emotion aims:To foster the students sense of cooperation and to learn to cooperate with others in the class activities.教学重点:rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy, sunny教学难点: 1. sunny = sun + ny2. Whats the

3、weather like? Its_.教学准备:word cards, weather icons, an umbrella, PPT and a tape recorder教学过程:Step 1. Warm-up1. To sing a song: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.2. To sing the chant in Unit 1 with actions.(设计意图:歌曲和歌谣能使学生感到轻松,愉快,产生兴奋情绪。在明快优美的旋律中,不仅复习了上节课的内容,又调动了学生的学习兴趣,为下一步教学做好准备。)Step 2. RevisionTo re

4、view the words on the blackboard: rain, cloud, snow, wind, sun. (BB). (设计意图:复习旧知识,为新知识的学习做铺垫。)Step 3. Lead-in To watch a video (P10-11). T: Who are in the video? (Bill and his father, Angel and Lucky)T: What are they talking about? T: Yes, they are talking about weather. Weather is closely linked to

5、 our life. So this class we will learn Unit 2 Weather. (BB). 天气。Weather, weather. (设计意图:这样利用多媒体课件创设情境,引起学生探索新知的欲望和学习兴趣,使其积极主动地开始新知识的学习。)Step 4. Presentation1. To present the weather icons in Part A and guide the Ss to learn the new words: 1) rainy a. To show a picture of raining by PPT. T: Look, wha

6、ts the weather like in Shanghai? Yes, its rainy. So I have to add a “y” to the “rain”. Rainy. (BB) 下雨的。b. To show the weather icon. T: Look, this icon represents that its rainy. Rainy, rainy. c. To read “rainy”, group by group then one by one.d. To make the sound of the rain.T: Rainy, rainy. Its rai

7、ny. (BB) Group A and C make the light rain by rubbing your hands. Group B makes the heavy rain by clapping your hands. Rainy, rainy. Its rainy. 2) cloudya. To show a picture of black clouds by PPT. T: Look at the black clouds. Its cloudy. b. To show the weather icon. T: Cloudy, cloudy. c. To read “c

8、loudy” by beating the word card then together. d. To read “cloudy” with actions T: Now, follow me, please. Cloudy, cloudy. Its cloudy. 3) snowya. To compare and guide the students to say out “snowy” T: Look, rain, rainy. Cloud, cloudy. Snow, _. Yes, snowy. (BB) 下雪的。Snow, snowy. We can use this icon

9、to represent.b. To read “snowy” one by one, then group by group. T: Snowy, snowy. Lets see some pretty pictures. (PPT: 6 pictures) S1-6: Snowy, snowy. Its snowy. 4) windy a. Guide the students to say out “windy”T: Listen, the wind is coming. (PPT: sound of wind) Wind, _. Yes, its windy. (BB) 刮风的。Win

10、dy, windy. Look, it stands for “windy”. b. To read “windy” one by one then together. Windy, windy, its windy.5) sunny a. To show “sunny” by PPTT: Look, its sunny. (BB) The sun is high in the sky. (Show the icon.) b. To read “sunny” group by group then one by one.T: Read after me, “Sunny. Sunny. Its

11、sunny.” c. To observe “sunny” T: Rain, rainy. Cloud, cloudy. Snow, snowy. Wind, windy. Sun, sunny. Whats the difference? Yes, sunny = sun + ny.(设计意图:利用PPT出示rainy等五个关于天气词汇的图片,并出示天气图标,使学生能很好地理解关于天气的五个词汇。加动作练习说单词、句子,如Rainy, rainy, its rainy. 学生动口又动手,积极参与课堂活动,既体验了学习的乐趣,又增强了自信心。)2. Word drills1) To liste

12、n to the new words by tape recorder and repeat. ( P12 )T: Open your books to P12. Look at part A. Listen and repeat, please.2) To say out the new words by looking at the weather icons as quickly as they can. ( Take the weather icons off the BB one by one. ) T: Whats the weather like? 3) To stick the

13、 weather icons back onto the BB.T: Who can put them back onto the BB?(设计意图:通过此活动让学生对所学单词的发音更清楚,更准确。同时也训练学生的注意力和反应能力。)3. To sing the chant in Part A.1) To show an umbrellaT: Whats this? Its an umbrella. Look, the umbrella goes up. The umbrella goes down.2) To watch the chant in Part A by PPT.T: Lets

14、watch a video.3) To watch the chant again. This time the Ss should try to sing the chant and do the actions after teacher. T: Lets watch it again.4) To stand up and sing the chant together with actions.T: Stand up. Follow me, please.(设计意图:把本课主要内容以chant的形式说唱出来,生动活泼,活跃课堂气氛,也可使学生放松,并在说唱中复习所学知识,加深印象,为下面

15、的学习奠定基础。)4. To present “Whats the weather like?”1) To lead in “Whats the weather like?” T: The chant is about weather. Now look out of the window. Its _. Whats the weather like? ( BB ) Yes, its _.2) To read the new sentence. T: Weather, the weather. Whats the weather like? 3) To read the new sentenc

16、e one by one then togetherT: Who can read this sentence?S: Whats the weather like?(设计意图:经历前面大量的语言输入之后,在这里呈现本课的主要句型“Whats the weather like?”易于学生接受、理解和表达。)Step 5. Practice1. Game: One acts out three kinds of weather in front and asks, “Whats the weather like?”The other students try to guess. To watch

17、a video then T sets an example.T: Lets play a game. Look, whats the weather like? ( Show the actions. )S: Its _.T: Yes. You are clever. Come here, please. Can you do as I do? (设计意图:激发兴趣,在玩中学,学中乐,培养学生的集体荣誉感。)2. Pairwork: Two students in a group. One shows his or her picture and asks, “Whats the weather like?” The other one answers according to the picture. Then change.1) T and a student set an example.2) Two students set another example.3) To practice at seats.4) To perform in front.(设计意图


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