



1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?一单元目标与要求 1.学习一些单音节形容词、多音节形容词和特殊形容词的比较级和最高级。2.学习进行简单的比较,并表达自己的好恶。  3.学习进行简单的调查。  4.通过对家乡的各种娱乐设施作比较,引导学生热爱自己的家乡。二词句荟萃1.the best movie theater 最好的电影院 2.the biggest screens 最大的荧屏3.the most popular 最受欢迎的 4.the closest to home 离家最近5.the shortest

2、 waiting time 最短的等待时间 6.the best sound 最好的音响7.the most comfortable seats 最舒服的座位 8.the best clothes store 最好的服装店9.the best radio station 最好的电台 10.the worst clothes 最差的衣服11.buy clothes the most cheaply 买衣服最便宜 12.buy tickets quickly 买票最快捷13.have the worst music 有最差的音乐 14.play the most boring songs播放最无聊

3、的歌曲15.choose songs the most carefully 选择歌曲最仔细16.Welcome to the neighborhood! 欢迎成为邻居17.How do you like it so far? 到目前为止你对它印象如何?18.I still dont really know my way around. 我还是真的不知道周围的路。19.The best supermarket is on Center Street. 最好的超市在中心大街上。20.You can buy the freshest food there. 在哪儿你能买到最新鲜的食物。21.I lo

4、ve watching movies. 我喜欢看电影。22.You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. 你可以坐得最舒服因为他们有最大的座位。23.Thanks for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我。 24.No problem. 没问题。25.It has the worst service. 它有最差的服务。26.What do you think of 970 AM?=How do you like 970 AM? 你认为970 AM怎么样?27.We went to the wors

5、t restaurant in town last night.昨晚我们去了镇上最差的饭馆。28.The menu had only 10 dishes and the service was not good at all. 菜单上只有10道菜,而且服务一点儿也不好。29.Blue Moon is good, but Millers is better in town. Blue Moon很好,但在镇上Millers更好一些。30.Jonny Depp acted the best in that movie. 在那部电影中Jonny Depp表演得最好。31.Hes much better

6、 than others at finding the most interesting roles. 他在发现最有趣的角色上比别人做得好得多。三难点解析:1. comfortable(adj)舒适的,安逸的 more / most a comfortable bed 一张舒适的床 a comfortable job 一份轻松的工作反 uncomfortable不舒服的eg: It has the most comfortable seats.2.close (adj)近的,接近的 closer-closest 反义词为far 近义词为near (be) close to =next to /

7、 near to. 离近 The post office is close to my home. The radio station is closer to my home. The park is the closest to my home. Please keep the window closed.(v)关,关闭, 反义词为openclose the door / window3. n.+ly=adj. lovelovely livelively lonelonely friendfriendly be friendly to sb. = be kind to sb. “对某人好”

8、4. 形容词的比较级和最高级 A. 大多数形容词有三个级。 (1)原级: 常用结构as .as. 像.一样 Zhang Hong is as tall as Tom. Tom runs as fast as Jack.not as/so + adj /adv的原级+as 不如/不及.(2)比较级(用于两者之间的比较) 常用结构:形容词比较级than .Who runs faster, Lucy or Han mei?He is taller than I.Tina is more athletic than Sam.Hollys best friend is funnier than she

9、is.(3)最高级用于三者或三者以上比较,形容词的最高级前常加定冠词the.常用结构: A: the + 最高级of / in . 是. 中最.He is the tallest of the three.He is the funniest in his class. The seats in the middle of the cinema are the best of all.John is the fattest in his class.B: one of the +最高级+名词复数 “最之一”Kunming is one of the most beautiful cities

10、in China.Mr. Wu is one of our friendliest teachers. He often helps us.Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.C: 特殊疑问词+ be + the + 最高级,甲,乙or丙?Who is the tallest, Tom, Jim or John?Which language is the most difficult, English, Japanese or Chinese?Which is the best movie theater, To

11、wn Cinema, Screen City or Movie Palace?D: the +序数词+最高级+单数名词+in 短语The Yellow river is the second longest river in our country.注意:形容词最高级前一般要加定冠词the,但当形容词最高级前有形物代,所有格时,则不能再加the.Please give my best wishes to your sister,Lily.Tom said last Sunday was his most unlucky day in his life.5. What do you think

12、of 970 AM? 你认为970 AM怎么样?What do(es) sb. think about/of sth.? 意为“某人认为怎么样?”,是一个用来询问某人对某事有何看法的句型。该句型可以转化为“How do(es) sb. like?”答语往往是对人(物)的评价。 例如:  -What do you think of your math teacher ? 你认为你们的数学老师怎么样? - She is friendly and knowledgeable. Everyone likes her. 她友好而博学,人人都喜欢她。  活学活用 - _do you _ the game? - Its wonderful. I think


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