1、.L12 The 90-10 Secret九一秘訣真是不可思議!然而,很少有人曉得此祕訣並加以應用,結果呢?上百萬人白白承受著壓力、磨難、困擾與心痛,他們似乎從未有所成就,也未能享受人生。糟糕的日子一天接著一天,倒楣事似乎不斷發生,壓力、愁眉不展、以及破碎的人際關係,像條毯子緊緊包覆、令人無法喘息。憂慮耗盡了時間,憤怒破壞了友誼,生活似乎索然無味,無法盡興滿足地度過。這是否描述了你的景況呢?如果是,別喪氣,你可以大不相同。了解並運用九一秘訣,它會改變你的一生!以下是秘訣的內容:生活中僅一成是由發生在你身上的事情構成,另外九成的生活則取決於你對方才那一成的事情如何反應。我來解釋一下。我們真的無力
2、掌控那一成發生在我們身上的狀況,我們沒有辦法阻止車子拋錨,班機很有可能延誤抵達以致我們整個行程一團糟,某個駕駛也可能在車流中擋了我們的去路,你有概念了,對於這一成的狀況我們1. However, very few know and apply this secret.(見第1行) Nevertheless, not many people know this 90-10 secret and make good use of it.(1) very few = very few people(2) apply v. I, T 應用;運用例:Several companies have appl
3、ied the technology to the development of new products.apply to A for B向A申請B We need to apply to the embassy for a visa if we want to visit that country.apply to V申請做 He applied to join the organization and was accepted.apply to .適用於 Im afraid the rule doesnt apply to people under 18.apply A to B把A運用
4、於B We need to apply the same principle to these two different cases.apply A to B塗敷A在B之上 The mother gently applied some lotion to the babys skin.apply oneself(to + N/V-ing) 專心致力 Danny could do well in English class if he applied himself.2. The result? Millions of people are suffering undeserved stres
5、s, trials, problems, and heartache.(見第2行) What is the result of this? The result is that millions of people suffer from stress and other problems that they should not have to suffer from.suffer可為及物與不及物動詞,作為不及物動詞時常與介系詞連用,後接疾病或具體的不適狀況。例:If you insist on quitting your job, you should be prepared to suf
6、fer the consequences.Some people suffer side effects from this medicine.The old man is suffering from terminal cancer.She suffered from depression after giving birth to her first baby.3. They never seem to be successful or to enjoy life.(見第3行) It seems that these people are not successful and do not
7、 enjoy their lives.They never seem to be successful. = It seems that they are never successful.It seems (to sb.) (that) S + V .It seems that it is going to rain.It seems to me that we should consult the principal before making a decision.S + seem to V .You seem to be very interested in baseball.They
8、 seemed to enjoy the novel very much.S + seem adj./like NHe seemed a bit bored listening to the speech.It seemed like a wonderful idea.4. Stress, lack of joy, and broken relationships are like a smothering blanket. (見第6行) a smothering blanket = a blanket that is very heavy and could smother a person
9、5. Worry consumes time, anger breaks friendships, and life seems dreary and is not enjoyed to the fullest.(見第7行) When people worry, they end up wasting a lot of time; when they get angry, they may lose friends; too much stress and unhappiness can cause people to feel very unhappy about life.(1) cons
10、ume v. T 消耗(能源、時間、食物等) 例:Do we consume too many natural resources?(2) life seems dreary = life seems to be dull(3) to the fullest 亦作 to the full徹底地;充分地。6. 10 percent of life is made up of what happens to you. 90 percent of life is decided by how you react to the other 10 percent.(見第12行) Only a small
11、 part of life (10%) is made up of situations that we cannot control. Most of life (90%) is made up of situations that we can control.(1) A is made up of B A由B構成 例:The freshman class is made up of 24 boys and 18 girls.(2) what happens to you是由關係代名詞引導的名詞子句;how you react to the other 10 percent是由關係副詞引導
12、的名詞子句;兩子句皆做名詞用,分別為介系詞of及by的受詞。(3) react to sth. 回應;對有所反應 例:The storekeeper reacted angrily to the customers complaints.7. We really have no control over 10 percent of what happens to us.(見第14行)have control of/over sth. 對加以控制 例:You really need to have control over your own temper.take/gain control of
13、 sth. 掌控;接管 lose control of sth. 失控8. The plane may be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off. A driver may cut us off in traffic. You get the picture.(見第15行) Perhaps the plane will arrive late and force you to change your plans. Perhaps another car will suddenly move in front of your ca
14、r. These are examples of what I mean by situations that you cannot control.(1) 關係代名詞which引導的子句用來修飾前面的先行詞,亦即The plane may be late arriving一整句,which所指的即是班機延誤這整件事。(2) get the picture意為understand。 例:Dont say anymore. I get the picture. 無能為力。另外的九成就不同了,你決定了那另外的九成!該怎麼做呢?藉由你的反應。你無法控制紅燈,但是你可以控制你對紅燈的反應,別讓人愚弄了
15、,你可以控制自己的反應!看看以下的例子:你正和家人一起用早餐,你的女兒打翻了一杯咖啡,就灑在你上班穿的襯衫上,你無法控制剛剛發生的事,接下來發生的事則由你的反應決定。你咒罵,嚴厲地指責你的女兒打翻咖啡杯,她哭起來眼淚掉個不停,罵完她之後你轉向你的配偶發飆,批評他或她把杯子放得太靠近桌子邊緣,接著是短暫的言詞交鋒,你怒氣沖沖地上樓換襯衫。 9. How? By your reactions.(見第20行) How do you determine the other 90 percent of life? The answer is: you determine that part by the
16、 way you react to what happens to you. by在這裡是藉由的意思。 例:I usually pay for groceries by credit card.10. Dont let people fool you; you can control how you react!(見第21行) You can definitely control the way you react to situations. Dont believe anyone who says you cannot.(2) 疑問詞所引導的名詞子句(how you react)作為con
17、trol的受詞。11. What happens next will be determined by how you react.(見第28行) The way that you react will determine what happens next.本句中what happens next及how you react同為名詞子句,分別作為該句的主詞與受詞。12. After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticize him or her for placing the cup too close to the edge o
18、f the table.(見第33行)(1) 原句為After you scold her.。因為兩個子句的主詞一致,所以省略前面子句的主詞改為分詞構句,主動語態用現在分詞。(2) turn to sb. (for sth.)轉向(某人)常用在尋求幫助或支援的情境。例:I can always turn to my parents for advice.但於課文中單純表示轉而朝向(某人)之意。(3) criticize sb. for sth.因(某事)批評(某人)。 例:The movie was criticized for its sexism.13. You storm upstair
19、s and change your shirt.(見第35行)(1) storm在此處為動詞,意為怒氣沖沖地衝向(某處),為一隱喻(metaphor)用法。例:After the quarrel, she stormed out of the room.(2) 類似以天氣的用字為隱喻的用法尚有:We had a tempestuous meeting.He thundered with rage. His face clouded over with anger. 回到樓下之後,你發現女兒只顧著哭而來不及吃完早餐並準備上學,她錯過了校車,你的配偶有事要辦得馬上離開,你衝去開車送女兒上學。因為你
20、晚了,在一條限速三十哩的車道上你開到四十哩,警察攔住你,耽擱了十五分鐘又損失了六十美金拿到一張超速罰單之後,你到了學校,你的女兒往校舍跑去,連再見都沒說,你比平常晚了二十分鐘到辦公室,接著發現忘了帶公事包。你這一天才開始就糟透了,時間不斷過去,情況似乎越來越糟,你巴不得快點回家,等你到了家,卻發現自己和配偶以及女兒的關係出現了小小裂痕,混亂的一天以此告終。為什麼你這一天如此倒楣?_A) 是咖啡引起的。B) 是你女兒引起的。C) 是警察引起的。D) 是你引起的。14. Back downstairs you find your daughter has been too busy crying
21、to finish breakfast and get ready for school.(見第37行)(1) too adj./adv. to V太以致於無法 例:He is too young to know how to say no to others.(2) get ready for sth.為某事預備妥當 例:I am busy getting ready for our family trip.15. ., and after a fifteen-minute delay and throwing sixty dollars away on a speeding ticket,
22、 you arrive at the school.(見第42行) 片語throw away此處意指浪費。 = waste sixty dollars on a speeding ticket16. Your day has gotten off to a terrible start.(見第47行)get off to a terrible start = begin very badly開始得糟透了get off to a good/bad start = begin well/badly 有個好壞的開始17. When you arrive home, you find a small
23、wedge in your relationship with your spouse and your daughter. This caps off a terrible day.(見第49行)(1) cap v. 原有cover之意。例:The mountain is capped with snow.片語cap off則為完結;告終之意。to cap it all (off) 尤有甚者的是;雪上加霜的是答案是D。你無法控制咖啡發生的事,那五秒之中你如何反應才是導致整天倒楣的原因。以下是本來可能發生、也應該要發生的狀況。咖啡灑在你身上,你的女兒正要哭出來,你溫和地說:不要緊,親愛的,只要
24、下次小心一點就好了。你抓起一條毛巾迅速上樓,套上一件新襯衫又拿了公事包以後,你下樓來正好來得及望向窗外,看見你的女兒上了校車,她轉頭揮揮手。你和配偶親了對方一下,兩人都上班去了,你提早了五分鐘到,愉快地跟同事打招呼,你的上司也說你這一天順心極了。注意到其中的差別了嗎?我們得到的是兩個全然不同的狀況,兩者的開端相同,終點卻大相逕庭。為什麼會這樣呢?全在於你如何反應。18. How you reacted in those five seconds is what caused your bad day.(見第57行)這個句子中有兩個疑問詞所引導的名詞子句,一個做為句子的主詞(How you re
25、acted in those five seconds),一個作為主詞補語(what caused your bad day)。19. Here is what could have, and should have, happened.(見第58行)what could have happened指原本可能會發生的狀況(如果你採取不同反應);what should have happened指原本應當要發生的狀況(可惜你卻沒有如此去做)。20. Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry.(見第59行)(1) be abou
26、t to = be going to正要例:We were about to set out when he arrived.21. Grabbing a towel, you rush upstairs.(見第63行) You grab a towel and (you) rush upstairs.22. After slipping on a new shirt and picking up your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your daughter getting on the bus.(見第64行)(1) slip on sth. = put on sth. quickly迅速穿上(2) 此處do
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