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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上PEP小学英语三年级上册期末测试卷(满分:100分 考试时间:40分钟)Class(班级)_ Name(姓名)_ Mark(成绩)_Listening Part(听力部分,共40分)I. Listen and circle. (听一听,圈出单词的首字母,共10分) l fa eb ds cb d q pj gn mr dl t. Listen and circle. (听一听,圈出正确图片的字母,共5分)1. Hello! I am Chen Jie. A. B. 2. This is a brown crayon. A. B. 3. Whats this? Its

2、a pig. A. B. 4.Id like some bread. A. B. 5. Can I have some juice? A. B. III. Listen and judge(听句子,判断与图画意思是否相符,打“”或“×”,共8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )IV. Listen and number.(根据你听到的内容给下面的图片标序号,共7分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )V. Listen and draw or . (听音判断,画或,共10分) Writing Part (笔试部分,共60分)I. T

3、hink and write.(按字母表顺序,默写26个大小写字母,共13分)II. Read and number(读一读,根据单词的顺序给图片标序号, 共10分)1. bear 2. tiger 3. panda 4. duck 5. elephant 6. bag 7. ruler 8. eraser 9.pencil 10. book ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. Read and number(读一读,给下面数字按从小到大排列,将单词序号填在横线上,共5分)three one four nine seven tw

4、o eight ten six five _IV. Read and circle.(读一读,圈出不同类的单词,共6分)1. four foot five2. milk juice monkey3. book duck bear4. hand head bread 5. ruler blue yellow6. pen black bookV. Read and choose. (读一读,选择正确的一项,共6分)( )1当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: _ A. This is Miss Wu.       BMiss Wu

5、, this is my dad.       ( ) 2.我国国旗的颜色有: 。 A. red and white B. red and yellow ( ) 3.别人赞扬你的东西很漂亮时,你应该说: 。 AThank you. B. Yes( ) 4.询问别人的年龄,你应该说: 。 A. How old are you? B. How are you? ( ) 5.当你向别人提议“我们上学去吧!”时,应该说: 。A. Lets go to school. B. Welcome to school. ( )6.早上和同学见

6、面时,应该说: 。A. Good afternoon. B. Good morning. VI. Listen and match. (给小丑的身体部分配上正确的英语名词,将单词编号写在括号里,共10分) Read and match (读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答句,把正确的字母编号写在相应问句前的括号内,共10分)(    ) 1. How are you?                 

7、60; A. My name is Chen Jie.(   ) 2.  How many plates?               B. Me too!(    ) 3. What's your name?               

8、C. Five.(    ) 4. Happy birthday!                      D. Very well.(    ) 5. I have a bag.              

9、           E. Thank you.新版PEP小学英语三年级上册期末英语试题(本卷共4页,答卷时间40分钟,满分100分) Mark: 学 校班 别姓 名学 号 Listening Part听力部分(50分) 一听录音,给图片标上正确的序号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,把物品与颜色的单词连起来。(10分) 1、 yellow 2、 red 3、 black 4、 white 5、 blue 三.听音,选出你听

10、到的句子。(10分) ( ) 1、A. Im Chen Jie. B. My names Chen Jie . ( ) 2、A. Whats your name? B. How are you? ( ) 3、A. Good afternoon! B. Goodbye! ( ) 4、A. Show me green. B. Show me red. ( ) 5、A. Close your book. B. Carry your bag. 4 Listen and judge.听音,判断图片与你听到的内容相符合的打“”, 不符合的打“×”。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( )

11、( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五听录音用阿拉伯数字写出下列动物或物品的数量。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、听句子,选择答语,并把序号填在题前的括号内。(5分) ( )1. A. Im nine. B. Im fine, thank you. ( )2. A. Thank you. B .You are welcome. ( )3. A. Great B. Thanks. ( )4. A. Eight B. OK. ( )5. A. Sure. Here you are. B. Me too.Writing Part笔试部分(50分)一.看图片,将下列表示器官的单词序号填入

12、正确的方框内(10分)二. Read ,find and choose.看图,选择正确的单词并将序号写在题前括号里。 (8分)ear eye hand face nose arm leg foot ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、Look and choose.读句子,选择正确的答句。(10分)( )1.How are you? A. Five.( )2 How old are you ?. B. Nice to meet you.( )3.This is Wu Yifan. C. My names Zoom.( )4.Whats your name? D.

13、Fine, thank you.( )5.How many plates. E. OK.( )6.Happy birthday F. Here you are.( )7.Can I have some water, please? G. Thank you ( )8.Colour it brown. H. Great. ( )9. Lets make a puppet.? I. Its a duck.( )10.Whats this? J. Im Nine.四. Read and choose. 根据图片或语言情景,选择正确的选项。(12分)( ) 1. Whats this? It is _

14、. A. an elephant B. a bear C. a panda .( ) 2. I have _ A. an eraser B. a crayon C. a ruler ( ) 3. - Colour it brown. -_. A. Goodbye B. Bye C. OK! ( ) 4. - ? -Im Miss White. A. Whats your name? B. Hello? C. How are you? ( ) 5.Id like some , please. A. juice B.egg C.bread ( ) 6.Have some . A. juice B.

15、 egg C. bread 五.读一读,选择恰当的答句(5分)( ) 1. 当你告诉别人你有一只尺子时,说: A. I have a ruler. B. I like a ruler. C. Look at my ruler. ( ) 2. 当你把一样东西给对方时,可以说: A. How are you ? . B. Here you are C. Me too. ( )3向别人介绍你的朋友时,说:A. My name is Jim. B. Im Jim. C. This is Jim. ( ) 4.告诉朋友。你看到了绿色。说: A. I see red. B.I see green. C.I

16、 have green( ) 5.你想问远处的动物是什么?你应该说:AWhats that? B. Whats this? C. This is a bird.六、给下列对话的语句排列正确顺序,将其序号(A、B、C、D)写在括号内。(5分)AHi !Sam B. How old are you? C. Happy birthday? D. Im six years old.F. Thank you G. This is my brother ,Sam.正确的语序是:( )-( )-( )-( )- ( )一 听录音,给图片标上正确的序号。 1.pen 2. elephant 3.milk 4.

17、apple 5.egg 6.bird 7.pencil box 8.monkey 9.bear 10. eraser二、听录音,把物品与颜色的单词连起来。 1. The mouth is red 2. The pen is blue. 3The banana is yellow. 4.The eye is black 5. The book is white.三.听音,选出你听到的句子。1.B My names Chen Jie2. A Whats your name?3. B Goodbye!4.A Show me green.5. B. Carry your bag.四Listen and

18、 judge.听音,判断图片与你听到的内容相符合的打“”, 不符合的打“×”。Close your book. () 2.Open your pencil box .(×)3 White, White, Touch the ground. (×) 4. Carry your bag. ()5. Black black ,Stand up (×)五听录音用阿拉伯数字写出下列动物或物品的数量。1. How many tigers ? Three.2. How many pigs? Five.3. How many erasers? Seven.4. How

19、many rulers? Six.5. How many pandas? Nine.本题答案:1.( 3 ) 2( 5 ) 3. B( 7) 4. (6 ) 5. (9 ) 六听句子,选择答语,并把序号填在题前的括号内。1. How old are you?2. Thank you.3. Have some bread.4. Lets go to school!5. Can I have some water, please?本题答案: 1. A 2.B 3. B 4. B 5.AWriting Part笔试部分答案一 二题略三、Look and choose.读句子,选择正确的答句。1-D

20、2E 3B 4C 5A四 Read and choose. 根据图片或语言情景,选择正确的选项。1C 2.C 3.C 4A 5C 6 A五.读一读,选择恰当的答句1.A 2.B 3. C 4. B 5. A六、给下列对话的语句排列正确顺序,将其序号(A、B、C、D)写在括号内,你真棒G A C F B D 学校 班级 姓名 学号 - 装 - 订 - 线 - 三年级英语期末检测.听力(20分) A.听录音,根据所听内容,用1、2、3、4、5为下面各图重新排序,每小题念两遍。(5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B.听录音,选择你听到的单词,把正确答案的序号填在题前括号内,每小题念两遍。

21、(5分)( )6.A. ball B. blue C. glue( )7.A. car B.cat C.cake( )8.A. eye B. egg C. leg( )9.A. bird B. bike C. bear( )10.A. head B . hand C. hot dogC、听录音,根据录音内容,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,把正确答案的序号填在题前括号内,每小题念三遍。(5分)( )13. A. B. C.( )14. A. B. C.( )15. A. B. C.D根据所听内容,将所听到得句子的标号写入题前的括号内。(每小题读两遍)。( )1、 A. How are you?

22、B. How old are you? ( )2、 A. Whats your name? B. My names John.( )3、 A. Can I have some wate ? B. Can I have some juice?( )4、 A. Colour it brown? X Kb1 .C om B. Colour it white?( )5、 A. Im six years old. B. Im nine years old.、看图选单词,把代号填在括号里。(5分)16、book 17、car 18、juice 19、banana 20、pig 21、hamburger 2

23、2、doll 23、kite 24、bag 25、balloon( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )、从所给三个单词中找出不同类的一个,并把代号写在前面的括号内。(5分) ( )26.A. green B. bus C. pink( )27.A. plane B. train C. pencil( )28.A. knee B. water C. juice( )29.A. apple B. pear C. chicken( )30.A. doll B. ball C. ship、读一读,从B栏选择正确的答语,并把代号填在A栏题前的括号内。(5分) A栏 B栏( )31. Whats your

24、 name? A. Its yellow. ( )32. Can I see it? B. Im fine. Thanks!( )33. Happy birthday to you! C. My name is GaoWei.( )34. What colour is it? D. Sure!Here you are. ( )35. How are you? E. Thank you. 、为所给单词或句子选择正确的翻译,并把答案代号填入前面括号内。(10分) ( )36.Good afternoon! A. 晚上好。 B. 晚安。 C.下午好。 ( )37.Act like an elepha

25、nt. A. 扮演熊猫。 B. 摸摸我的大象。 C. 扮演大象。 ( )38.Youre welcome. A. 谢谢你。 B. 不用谢。 C. 欢迎。 ( )39.I like Coke. A. 我喜欢吃蛋糕。 B. 我喜欢喝可乐。 C. 你要可乐吗? ( )40.hand A. 头 B. 脖子 C. 手( )41.Take out your eraser. A. 拿出你的尺子。 B. 拿出你的橡皮。C.把你的橡皮给我。 ( )42. 对不起! A. Goodbye B.Im sorry. C.How are you? ( )43. 我很好,谢谢。 A. Hello! B. Im fine.

26、Thank you. C.How are you? ( )44. 晚安! A. Good evening. B. Good night. C.Goodbye. ( )45.我喜欢橙色。A.I like orange. B. I have a marker. C.I like pear.、情景对话,请把正确答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。(5分)( )46.你的妈妈帮助了你,你该说: X|k |B| 1 . c|O |m A. Hello! B. Thank you! C. How are you? ( )47. 你要告诉你的好朋友你爱吃鸡肉,你会说: A. I like hot dogs. B.

27、I like chicken! C. I like apple! ( )48. 别人向你道谢,你该说: A. Thank you. B. Im sorry. C. Yourewelcome. ( )49. 下午,你在校园里遇到了你的英语老师,该说: A. Good afternoon. B. Good morning. C. Good evening. ( )50. 你要把钢笔拿给你的朋友,该说: A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Ok.、读一读,找出下面句子的中文意思。(5分) ( )51.Here you are. A.我能吃个苹果吗? ( )52. I

28、have a pencil. B. 挥动你的胳膊。( )53. Show me your purple pen. C. 给你。( )54. Wave your arms. D.展示你的紫色钢笔。( )55. Can I have an apple? E. 我有一支铅笔。、单项选择,把正确答案的字母代号填在题前的括号内。(5分) ( )56. Can I see your bag? A.No. B.Ok.Here you are! C.Thank you.( )57. Good evening! A. How are you? B. Good evening! C. Good afternoon

29、.( )58. What colour is it? X k B 1 . c o m A. Its white. B. This is my ruler. C. I like milk.( )59. How are you? A. Im fine. B. Im Lisa. C. Oh.Im sorry.( )60. Whats your name? A. This is BaiLing. B.Sorry! C. My names LiYan. 读短文,判断正T误F(5分)My name is Sarah. Im from America. Im nine years old. I like b

30、lue very much. Look! I have a blue pencil box, a blue ruler, a blue pen and a blue eraser. But my brother Sam likes red. He has a red pencil box, a red pencil and a red eraser.( )1.Sarah is an American.( )2.Sam is nine years old. ( )3.Sam has a blue pencil box.( )4.Sarah has a blue pen.( )5.Sam has

31、a red bag.二找出不属于同类的单词。 (    ) 1.A.pig         B.purple       C.pink (    ) 2.A.elephant     B.eight      

32、  C.bear (    ) 3.A.milk        B.tea          C.chicken  (    ) 4.A.hand        B.head    &#


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