



1、锤l江dr 2018年中考英i件试卷(满今脚今芳试时闻,2分仲、-箪项选其is小xan8. one of _ noM fW小I March.A. a()2. My claHsmnteEnglish cla33A.3. rherx-there tastes nice.B. MHUtlWDaniel lrcj*ei up一B. ofCA CQ仃c. 2corner of the street. The coffeeh“Ehucan remember s many小心“1A. 13I左.(I couldnt believe the iak5. I misgd la. carry outhis hor

2、iwfown for over ten yenra. he nu”csI), when)7.YQII_ care.A. mustntHSome s-oliinters plwn A. findoutB.rhcMigb Mr. Li _8his old friends from time lo time.A. hx lefthas been away fromCWHNnwfiy from1亡I hear there will IM* a I,rppa PiK Theme Furk in ShanKhai.big surprise!A. WhtT B. WhntC. HowD.An Al rolo

3、tin our school dining hall nextEm kxking forward to it.A. will use B. will IJTti5ed C. 18 used【How aterm.was iiedYuan Longpings_2 ur countryamaxinR.I aKree12 anl hi5 team even start to plant saltwater rice.A. exTrhr/nh”* B. converxatton C. contribtition lcollection Wliai s wrong with your forchcadC

4、W )?I knocked my head un the tree while I_ my dog.A. walkedB. was walking Q has walkvd L)ain walkingWlirn in Rome do ns the Romans do. We should behave when travelliiiK brihlyB. hardlyChighlyD. properlyWhich of ilir following worcU formed like homework*?A. inventorBraincoatC. dishonentD. card皂MIMay

5、I pay the bill through WeC hat_ Hoin the QR rode(二络码)on the wall.A. I d like toB. I-m afrnid not(J. ( f course you can)9Never mind27.28.uk of thostc vvho have bven in oarWhen we think of friV|1:typeone that hns notlife for a lonR time.叭we評。“.7 our mind at womc moinrrn.been with for a lonjTperf匕小tfir

6、l with red curly hair.The firt such friend rliw le.nrtoperation on my nose. She、5“ in the bed next to &Clncrnbt.eiV4丫亡She would jump Out ofMIBOHItwo ycarA older.W*len“心on iho colei floor 20whenever th1山“ “认SheWanbedme.Without her. 1 would havcJ:;h32my parrots were (arI we years Inter* 1 w“、,: :丫

7、:W;小”*w lhe oldest in that schoolttoo buy. rhere. I met nforiJ,/1.W,with us. hu 2 biortcdthe others were babies who叭二fJ;We vouldn t speak teTTch otherwlt, MVCM,rd(所谓的COrnPttition-X,lbi v trying to bW金败each other m the same皿屮“心our、皿诃心: 詁】think, gave me 21泌drawing, atKmc. even皿“二(XiffprWc Rot throuKhA

8、difficuhlime I could control. And maybe v:洌山負mih.Sllch frirnd5eft M,pporixwkn our迅lhcnu25g a similar scene can brinRback為 gg rise% in our heart when weihmk f xb八them well()16.(17.20.()21.()22.(23.21.)25.thatikC. In fact Cimi c.呼im Q Ccreative(.卩rctccxd (:.althovigh Of dream Q suggestion Q. everytlun

9、g C. Surprisingly三阅谏理戏(具10小鳩矗小4 2分満分2。分阅谀卜血的三篇惣文根讯矩丈恻容从知文后拆爼所门的 越坝中选择最住垂叽A. In the endA. clonesA. hisA. active A.reminded A. unlessA. wisdom AinvilRtmn A.somcihinR A.I .uckilyB.B.H.B.In区clearshersmoch-Mtill friendcoiiiniB.B.B.B. anythB. NaiuraIXD.D.V)LXI).D.22 the warmth lliemn(l wi?*hD.IXIn all fil

10、U your* carefuliniprcsv ! 11nH quickly in n betterway.Tip 2 Be EmouragiimItAmafing whnt n kind word xtouch cn do. When I wa*Akid 1 went io a lo o( schools.11always nuuiv me arciTTAIICI I*、very nervousAIM unhurt* ofmyzlf. nonu Irouble in our lifv inremembered for year*TGp 3一When myIwcrckid my mum iil

11、n hewtAcar and our %hool wn* 30-nunutr wlk)urnctghltor oCfcrcd to dri 2 ozhool when lrop|jcd her an “f|ui ihAt wd my mot hr r n lo oftime. Giving h “ 2 others canbnng you hfippinc*.When thinking about how to bvcouic a beitvi person rcinvmbcr thz “mnll chaiiK arcHIWOimportant. Buta26.Th27.28.pnrnKrup

12、h tucarm ” _ _ _ A J ncourngt- c7h them oftenI、To Lc-coniv bwttiFr person. Mart withHDUIII changrM I more love io the* world IM* km to yoursell firtI o make (riciuk with nciKhbotK. drive ilMfir kids to uchoolB7 hr number of the forciKncrs who aork in (whma hnsi incrcRrd grently during Hw pi*t ten ye

13、ars. /:na CAlled Nikk Mtlchell xnd hi tenm tire running nfier th*ir dreanis in C hina. I he mm inthinkintc about mixing the Cbincsc mlli twhnology. He ti|i thecompanyin】7 ml now片taM(n of over 30 worker*. Th. company lirMrk(创 牝 回that offer free workpnrt Htui cth*rFollowing hi、drtam to discover the wo

14、rld Miichcll errivccl in China in 2006tttha 5 IX. Sii* y-nrs later, hramazed byMVR video hrMIWonline.An decided tc work in (Ins field. Shortly adtf-r. hr started MtudyinR nml found online coinnHinity o( people wholuaJ the anic intercutMitchell in seeing his VR dream come true(hina rovilciit)g from c

15、ollrKr hr left hin !unirtown in Silx-rta and niovc. he hns built a Russian lanKiRrn(w website about(bun” And set up an online 6lore onrAabao. lhe new website now ha* 1 ( u h砧I hif cup* “nd chop!4tick have IK- omc |x)pularfureiner livinR m f hina.His childhood dream wn to be liplomat 夕卜吏 *Now it Hns

16、IM* n realized in 5ome way?%. 1lis website tinup the company EXi.nm31.u. Nikk l. Nikkc.Mkkd.Nikk A. -b-c-drhe underlined phrase,efull ill ambition A. visit wcbMit-sC do lopping Which of the following pArugraph?A.Hangzlioti has sc upB.Chnia ian ideal pin hianKhou has liecomc :iI), ( hma l.一D. d-b n c

17、B. achieve dreamsD. receive txiucationcan b to offer service. co for foreigners iotravel around.i popular placv among (hinesehas offered a goodbusmv5j we had planned he woukl. zind ran ftrr the deer and the rahbii whrnrvt r he felt likeit i but he ncvvi li! !rnrn how to kill for him5 1仁Yuu enn toach

18、 old lions new trick、.I c lived on deer mostly andlept on a xfn in our living room I wouldnt have him itiMdc our bvdroom no rnat ter( rfc ) how often IJvrtie nkrd. Youknow I have to dru%w the line somt-whcrcl nevercutd. When it Wbad.be often ne lr(l aE 山 *-”1“ “hP-ei h” u 3-Py:山.二防二”K【uthMU wnll w“

19、UMIh以h for an oici bon io jump W Went hwanted to too. And if -vcr IWrttr wentout m、 by nie in 1K- kitchen nnd wntch me with tho*c Kreat ambrr *yrM %hilc for the Mound ofHvrtic M var conniiK up tlir ptuh to iI *The lion wns retting ller. And he berime weak in bi5 l wry little. Heprnt hit last day- 7w

20、pirig nt livi lie fort.从buried(界hint at the bottom of the lull. I3vr lie wanted U ft Iways ftrbt he plxct* f rorn the kilchvn vinciow. Ivic.Aj4c. 1 will lui he nhotih t 1 V.1 l*r I f vqizl(/XdAptcd from The Butterfly I.ion)32. Whr.t did Brrti wife menu by ?iiyii)K * I ha%e to dritw the lim)33. Which

21、 description nlwut the lion is TRUE aceording tot*ie31. Whnt ran be infcrrccK M from the story?A.BerticS hg wa5 badly hurt by the lion.B.The lion wanted to leave iWrtic* family(*. Bertie wife would plant乳t ree (or the lion1 J. Bertie lovetl t he iion more than hiw wife did)35J he story is mainly abo

22、utA.Fi*rtir and his wife the owners of the lionB.tricks that BTtIC HIKI hi、wife taught lhe lionC.the habits that the lion formed in l3ertic*B familyD.the laMt day the lion 5pcnt with Bertie and bi wife四、询汇iff用其10小題$毎小題1分满分10今祝步句意川别 5 给单闻的正确舉式翼空每空_诃My mum. She cooks breakfast for Dad and me.3B an you

23、 tril me the_ _ _ _ ( pronounce) of the word agriculture?Soxry. I don*i know either.39. The letter x often represents a ( n) _Math excrcieIn ordvr to attract more people (mjuzi:omz j) arc free for theomelirrc0A. She would like lhe lion lo mi by hvr.BShe dicini expect litTtiv to kvcp the lion36.growi

24、ng number ofDay.(柯叶)Frust me.plensc.roukl rlo to cheer him or wen comfort him. I le would ?*it ior 1Our5 1,1or po off an len区WHlk by himII. I Ic xe*Tnrd so shui distant (迖 的.Iry 1 did I cr.iild not rench him. 、 卩 . You alw x |nvt ull (he secret to a third perscxi. Just keep it topublic.H) 旬M汉ifi提水写出

25、各单lj的正确形式.毎空一诃44. We dcpeixl on nnturr to live,HOit is nrccsnry forUMto protect it A12-445.(住也屯心智急地八rn,ldEU mindSnot.Ik羔于空決小测h毎小越I分居分山小倔壬-鸿遵器貿皿及所摘片為啟亦写出所乂饱诃使知3出了盘砒漫*1乂devHPnien(ofmxirrn technology, dif d严wOrl011 1 b. k. *Al,T,h-k Aluit I- h,!nfwtniil r:F(ook忙1;口OMchwith friends through enwil*O,becau

26、se (hmlc thn- 吓people still preferM八小山;八kZz “:Wrkwhen readi.BH P*L汁防血“门心WbrainsWork,vn,,H儿叫come up w.h -UI、“Jbut *小::g follOW1zIK,fxaily M.yZ h八展zy pS心讥rrndinR皿g园Ibey -the typa;ldeI|lcrtinnini . hkegg nbou|:P5 rcmliuK. le-W,U|2 小;品心 5 l 叭曲tnnkvs no加;orf名readinK卩列(:W Wh“严,k斗八當:;囂1robleUsunll,, .1H In

27、orcHelpful. Brn-necU kmn notea by h 51却fr忖Ito tnkrn longer.tswhenyou digha,Vicc.r 苕- ,:you reAdPper bookM. Next ume- :5 yoM rcndskbZ icncc二to Mow down and f;営皿叭tg汽.任务盅阅Mitc)h”宀心h川衣upfor makmR exeroe hrtbil your life.1-n activities you enjoy.Remember thcrc*s no rule止川uv . can be done whenever it瓜“皿八”

28、沁吵2.Exercise after work.DoniROhome first. Few严皿J叽沖川 冇动力片that they will go out aKain and exercise after小沙;筒aixluhang clothes.3.Exercise oven wlun youTirednessIMnot an excuse-1打号叫衣you breathe deeply and your body makes better use of xhc oxyE f,畋. htn. you will feel enerReiic.4.Notice that you arc lett

29、er th: before.Ill reat when your cloths,!;you can lift heavier thmgs or lakeexercise longer. There* something oo t* I ke getting a Rood nights sleep or thinking more clearly.5.Walk with a pedinielcr计步霜翕Not everyone can Wou,AUth 1O0a day. Use apedometer and find out your dailys!1,Ps- And hen. try you

30、r best toWalk 300 oxira steps each day. I inMI、yai canreach 10,000 steps a day.期读以卜信息用恰当的单诃完成卜凶的販文毎空一i叭According io WebMI) there arc home easy ways to make exercise(i habit. Firs when you do activities youenjoy such as ptsh up. you dont have consider 56 conditions. Second the best way is to exercise

31、 before home becausemost people are unwilling to RO out again and exercise after clothes at home, fhird. keep on exorcising even (hough ye taking aBreath will help your body make better use ofexchange*. Moreoverpay attention to your 59 in exercising, like losing wrighr exercising longer etc. Finally

32、, walk with apedometer and find out your daily teps.【Hen, 60 lhe number of steps day by day. Y(mr goal of 10.000 teps a day can beac hieved.HLOUInodiffruinyfttoKoing57oxygenonieFeo” waste is a world s probinn Every year. alx)ut 13 billion tons, or one-third of all the food produced i9 t|rown rJVayac

33、cordinH to a survey. Using Just?5 pprrAnt of that waited f0ou . .(& g70 million hungry people which would end worldhunger. The pg;卜::门wacd 234 pounds ( *t: which二呵 小r tother rouniries. In thelsmuch hettr in,1.t nowthe country k穿;Zz 5、ood nt corxrvliuig food“心l5|. Franc- the firM country inA law

34、was msdc by KrrnehKovornmeft. H“y “ustd严NowJ gkl to preven.碓k山需眾爲心 X 屮a fine.Irill;IlUedenfsnloiH te/H / .(cw| wastrlioukn“严Marie Mourad - as. i1HC*- IHWSmake itHHtnndarc!reduCe*Hh foorl waste, prnneeis hH :;in Pnri*who hafwrit.rn several;P;: :,;二血宀h“ b,come h- mosttl,eCountry thftlVVNMWthe food-bta

35、c t,v b. H.S.f:.Hv%s.lfU |OIM!hr X3mpl H驚:忖“计,.,|小.、Jg橙:說:Z:爲:豐為T;h鸞:皿2 m2 w 2,ndustrv ”.h i心心“八。fight -K-nM focxJ w.ste. E、s“心卜ailCnt*nnnH taku actioiu _ v六_ ri囲读以上催ua川恰卄的m“J i成卜-Food wate URPr hh:n around wkL卜 厂嘗z? J;一 JX th和wanted food, the worldhunger would end. In the l-M.France didn dowd,m con

36、trollinp feed w“tebut now ih(ouniry hzthe IWTtw Blnck fnmilv. “ muldle-aneci couple a jimiiir school boa primary hnoi irlA4 呻madeto Supermarkets ofAccrtnini“ rnut donnte unused food-ut food ?wiitAinAbility.七.书面共1 &$满分15分)丹如你足夕华櫛参加J今年X IW的英国伦敘游学(Mdy tourh;动.英方捉 供r网个家庭供你选择侶住并征询你对游学A动的UH义.讷阅渎以下信良宥

37、一均电r邮件冋员.copiedvoicesThe wntdopinionsFrenchactionsI he Green familya99 old c vuple no chtldrrfi two a flat in the centre of InctonWh fi350 fvundsMany thanks.Li Hua农求“甲容必效包括某_京的両信息及你选抒的理2镇江市2018年中考英语试卷、篥项选擇1. C考査冠词用法.句惫,孤金最喬名的科学家之 一,在3月份去世了.用定冠词the构成多音节形容词famous的最高级形式.故选C.2. A考査介词辨析.旬童,我的同班同学丹尼尔在今 天的

38、英语曝上装扮成电子狗霊波。dress up*憲为“装粉 成 ”砖后跟表示角色的名词.故选A。3 A考査iher be句型.句意;在街道拐角芈有一家 咖啡店.那儿的咖啡宾起来不错.therebe句凰表示某处 有某物have/has的主语是表示人或组织的名词.主语 acoffee shop提承be动词用单敢形式.故透A。4. B考査连词辨析.句意:直到我在电视上看到了选 个外卖员我才相佰他能记住这么多古诗利文的at提示 构成句型not. . . until.表示直到才 ”.故选B.5. D考査情态动词辨析.句尊: 我猪过了昨晚的 (经典球流传节目.你不必往意.你可以稍后在网上 观看.答语第二句提示

39、用悄态动词needn 1.31示“不必故it D.6.D考幾动闻短语辨析.句意:一些志as者廿划就学 校放学时间做一个调査.find out为“搞清 #明白sell out为-对% collection意为收.contribution意为“贡献” 符合句 童.故选C._11.B境査动词时玄.句意:你的前顧怎么T ?找庄J1殉时把头1到樹上了 主句用了过去时玄 慢示while引异的时间状语从旬中用过去进行时态表示在1口 C 询册析.E 厲人莎wn Tf* :警-二 &地I忖;* “ W动 “】lx?hivr .符T E 的乞0.为哼孕皑修几需畑 3 m r 卜曲晖介单吗构词 g.MJ i

40、fll ff F J=C-F AX 3 H r;:;:?曲J 2茫炽立吁.切 0- 牝E UX泄过 g 侑付wciiu r 低呵以.nwi獅憫I e二纸码AMI为-典 誥吐”小颅壶丈 i 輕 E 不熊m矶打-不吹*根抑拎讷kr乞町仙JIJ Of vo“you can 划为你 恢讨 以 来丘岳p X tny引申的At和求许讨他一般*的句.H迭IS 4仰农屮 4 311妁稻Me H4态nJ刃I A呵u t 4& 4t . K AW 血从,丁小彳 7 ”诚 用炖(M)41J i/Y F护L) X01出V l/t巧I F“勺I床连 3 作我E作从“J J主1U诅义不播!血述 J J| XiQy

41、K*矢.念】辰丸疋一卫&疋尢.姐独48发人ma社妞 列旳疋那斗一JL上LQL令JgdL*中 2 件#i.*】匕人. 尙阳证有 姓砒友人廷在我土* 中一円阳.咗3乩卫】4他们的辻往上F M站出理在理T S H:毎工IX *夂幻E让衣】工强衣 们邑孤贬九权任】左女于.作甘在攵中3比丁坷6 e- L . Jit比more active fUbrmvr1H升鈕” 瑜I下文silentlyC L ST IJA .故i& B.三.MliSiKmI:尢# 九盘、兴尢疋一* 况明疋 姐无*t如何机场O二. 如何反对览化命 C 人扳出T三棗虑仪井松斜5*5第一 乩* 伶由巴比竝V.26. A代回

42、用代Ifi.承核上文-我去:T很参#always made me enred Jef W Bfr J toROto lot of schools.HH& A.”.A主旨大总硒 毎3点连议主竟兔在说If乐于助 人.fAi& A.ZB. C饲IT理厨fi. 炫句羸为你不W6从空忏于焜创Hi水来食人尢 :匕C项JK为-宴对世界 橄更多的爱Jt瘠先.苔特自巴 网再凄如近故逊C.B丄丈.尢盘孤尢是 一 迅明L. i壬十年工竝来七 參 g 外CK人列中 0 叙工林.丈4aci了叭 W 夕卜g 會年在中DQ创业女观曲巴J9L绘的込审.T9.B rift !f上一段VR良巍势峻引仗下来爼H牛庄

43、线林住能E农立了公司.ttSB.* M B W毀文“述中实”息的 泌暗开饴介第&EZMaxm虫鈍纹魁语听茯旬中的心6门殳卩文0绍可以斤出钱电泊与实规也和痢儀有矣fit &B.Jl. D 二 三WHfrK竜文耒旬章为只.他訂有債松 丸厶殖nut籽层地茯这堆开创事业金Q上切虫为D外M人供TAI?的ei业环境. A環的Hanphou宙上文中Guingriwu文不搭配出瑣中的trave ,roundfcTA中buildbusmen不时应K環中的roong Ch nt5e文釣主义不符,故逢D.C丈丈MA吳 8 件賞長宜小说*) af*i4T6i4tAfr扌一 M 虫箱药畝宰. 样4也了于

44、士直 丈艾的瑞心惜.g. c fcjfflWK.承按上文ir不让它邊列&电里 丰旬丈夫多衣请*子计于进耒眞线旬干技达的是 不允详!子进人宦钉的寻蜜ttiXC.站c tsw幔娱更丈悄敷-履第一、-旬 町知C瑣关于子的仪述正其丈夫.故ftC.“D通过直文铃n连可観直述背吋于工不第自件其力占的寅休尊*trliwf炫pronunriatinn J9. uiknown 40.muxumo0)41 ported riMilrd 42. leaves 43. ourxhrw44. widely 49. sharing五話文填空itktu文是一签朴吃吗文.號文 电孕$範为讪故虞塔才殳勺出的鼻円“happening what U用hipprn龙示发* 的 事情助勺词更爪用显庄分诃形式.4?. However下文的5tiil*仍險H不用刖何however杀rtf表示旬电转折.41 better文的叶仙0 U不两击比较HI剧Wwr l的比较須better.work.49.d:ffere! Ttftifift明专tfTlftHlT*不冏的ftfi用different. A不同的-修饰名伺i毎几M. mdode I文的-FHMfRHlT文的分矣说阴畏 刀;用直诃include.H示四包括:包51.“rpo承捷上


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