



1、Module 6 Section IIGramma合成词和冠词i.语法专练在下列句子空白处填入适当的冠词,无需冠词处划X。1.The museum is quite far. It will take you half an hour to get there byXbus.2.Bill likes playingXfootball, but his sister likes playing the violin.3.She has an orange skirt. The skirt is nice.4.The woman over there is a popular teacher in

2、 our school.5.We cant see the sun atXnight.6.The Turners live at the end ofXTurner Street.7.The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day.8.rve just had a glass of milk forXbreakfast.Thats not eno ugh.9.Its a pleasure to see the sun rising in the east. _10.I go toXschool on foot because

3、 my home is near the school.I.用所给动词的正确形式填空1.At the meeting last month he_ (come) up with the problem.解析:came 过去发生的动作。2._The beauty of the picture(consist) in its balanee ofcolours.解析:consists用动词的第三人称单数。3._ All the guests (invite) to the party are his good friends.解析:invited过去分词作定语,表被动含义。4._The(excit

4、e) children were shouting and jumping.解析:excited excited 用于修饰人,exciting用于修饰物。5.All the photos_(take) in the park yesterday have come out well.解析:taken过去分词作定语,表被动含义。6.The_ (surprise) news spread out all over the town fast.解析:surprising surprising用于修饰物, surprised 用于修饰人。7._ Many things(consider) imposs

5、ible in the past are quitecommontoday.解析:considered被认为不可能的。8.They will go to the place,_ (hope) to find the secret plant.解析:hopi ng现在分词作伴随状语。in.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Not long ago I was nt doing very well in exams and I was full of disappo in tme nt and _1_thinking. While o

6、n the Intern et, I met many new frien ds, but one _2_._His n ick name is Colorful Day, and we _3_ on the Web.He told me he lost his _4_ at age 15 andfelt the whole world had closed its door to him.He was _5_ so fast that I could nt believe he was bli nd! But he continued to_6_,“ Five years ago, I re

7、alizedit was time to cha nge my life .Ihad read aboutHelen Keller and understood her life_7_. So I developed a website about her life_8_ mine called Three Days to See .”I visited his website which was well produced and vividly _9_._I asked, “ How did you _ 10_ to build such a website ?” He said, “ T

8、hanks to the new techno logy,I can use software specially_11_ for the bli nd. _12_ I point2the cursor ( 光标),it will just read the words there out to me. We can do far more things and _13_more in formatio n tha n we could before. ”I the n asked,“ Didnt you have great difficulty with it?”He hesitated

9、and the n bega n his _14_ with a smili ng face,“ Yes, but I havefaith in myself to _15_ mycolorfuldays. And moder n tech no logy gives methis mediumand _16_ to do it. ”His _17_ attitude towards life made me believe that our dest iny offers notthe cup of despair, _18_ the chalice (高脚杯)of opportunity.

10、 I returned to mylessons, with a smile on my face and with _19_ of a colorful future.The In ternet, which makes me _20_ differe nt lives and cultures, has a charm you cant find inano ther wise non-virtual world.【文章大意】因成绩不佳,作者的内心充满了失望和消极思想。他在网上遇到了网友Colorful Day ,是他的经历鼓励作者重新振作起来。1.A. positive B. activ

11、eC. n egative D. in structive解析:C 与前面的 full of disappointment相呼应,negative 表示消极的”。2.A. turned out B. stood outC. came out D. looked out解析:B 作者在网上认识了许多朋友,其中有一个很突出。sta nd out 突出”。3.A. argued B. interviewedC. told D. chatted解析:D 既然是网友,当然要“聊天”。4.A. eyesight B. hearingC. courage D. con fide nee解析:A 与下文的 b

12、lind相呼应,故答案为 Ao5.A. speaking B. sayingC. typing D. spell ing 解析:C 根据常识可知,网上聊天多是通过打字实现的。6.A. follow B. writeC. read D. copy解析:B 这里与上文的 typing相对应,用 write。7.A. friendship B. marriageC. happ in ess D. hardship 解析: D 因为这里讲的是 Helen Keller 可推断 hardship 为最佳答案。8.A. as well as B. such asC. like D. as解析: A as

13、well as 把 her life禾口 mine 连接起来。“ a website about her lifeas well as mine ”表示“一个既关于我的生活也关于她的生活的网站”。9.A. offered B. presentedC. delivered D. found解析:B 此处是指网站呈现出来的外观很生动。offer 提供;present呈现;deliver递送;find 找到,发现。10. A. try B. comeC. work D. man age解析:D ma nage to do 设法完成,符合语境,故选D 项。11. A. designed B. sold

14、C. pla nned D. imagi ned解析:A 此处是指专门为盲人设计的软件。312. A. Whether B. HoweverC. Whatever D. Wherever解析:D 本句句意:无论我把光标指向哪里,该软件都会为我读出该处的内容。根据 句意可知 D项正确。13. A. send B. accessC. com muni cate D. excha nge解析:B 此处表示可以“使用”比以前更多的信息。故用 access。14. A. page B.speechC. words D. opinions解析:C words 指通过键盘输入他想说的话。15. A. cre

15、ate B. produceC. recog nize D. orga nize解析:A create my colorful days“创造我的多彩的每一天”。16.A. momentB. changeC. opport unity D. occasi on解析:C 本句句意:并且现代科技给了我这一媒介和机会去实现它。由语境可知C 项切题。17. A. hopeful B. disappo in tedC. pleasa nt D. optimistic解析:D 此处是指乐观的生活态度,故选Do18. A. but B. andC. so D. then解析:A 此处构成“ not.but.

16、 ”结构,该结构意为“不是.而是.”。19. A. eagerness B. expectationC. rich ness D. n ervous ness解析:B 此处是指对未来的期望,故选B 项。20. A. touch B. fellC. experie nee D. suffer解析:C 此处是指因特网使作者得以体验不同的生活和文化。experienee意为“体验”。IV.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Michael loves scuba-divi ng. By 9, he was an extraord inary swimme

17、r and a good liste ner in thepool.Michaels first dive, _1_, was truly un forgettable.In stead of using a boat,the pla n was to go dow n a ladder at the boat and drop into about 15 feet of water.Everythi ng went _2_ (perfect). His in structor Polly led him to the n earby reef.While _3_ (explore) the

18、reef in 27 feet of water, Michael suddenly sig naled a problem with his mask.Polly sig naled back for him to clear it. He cleared it _4_ the n later sig naled the problem aga in. Hismask was completely flooded with water. Michael made a sig n _5_ he wan ted to go up. Polly signaled,“ No! Stay with m

19、d ”Accord ing to Polly, eve n though scuba _6_ (train) teaches new divers how to deal with floodedmasks, many beginners panic the first time water fills their masks duri ng an actual dive. Michael was ntlike many begi nn ers, though. He did nt panic. He did _7_ (exact) what he learned to do during h

20、isyears. He stayed calm, _8_ (thi nk) it through, and followed Pollys _9_ (in struct). Polly graduallyledMichael to an area with shallower water. The group swam together back to the shore for a celebrati onof Michaels _10_ (amaze) accomplishme nt.【文章大意】 Michael 是一名潜水员。最值得一提的就是他第一次潜水的时候突遇意4外,其他人可能已经惊慌失措,可是他却与众不同。解析:1.however 考查上下文语境。根据第一段中


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