1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx船舶保安计划(样本)【精品文档】机 密CONFIDENTIAL船舶保安计划SHIP SECURITY PLAN船名:Name of Ship: 编 号Number(SSP01)编制日期Compile Date审核/日期Auditing/Date/批准/日期Approval/Date/船舶管理有限公司Ship Management【精品文档】修 改 记 录AMENDMENT RECORD修改号Amendment No修改日期Date修改人姓名/职务Name/Position修改后的计划实施日期Implement Date公司保安员签字Signature目 录CONTE
2、NT第一章 概述Chapter Summary1、 公司保安管理方针Company security management policy2、 船舶保安组织结构Organizational structure for ship security3、 公司和船舶资料Particulars of company and ship4、 定义Definitions5、 本计划控制要求Requirement of the plan controlling6、 本船与公司、港口设施、其他船舶以及保安当局的责任Responsibility of the ship and company, port facil
3、ities, other ship and Security administration7、危险货物或财产的控制Dangerous cargo or belongings of control第二章 职责、权限和船长权力声明Chapter Responsibility, Power and Statement of masters right1、 公司保安员Company Security Officer (CSO)2、 船舶保安员Ship Security Officer (SSO)3、 船员Crew4、 公司对船长在船舶安全和保安方面的决定权的声明The companys stateme
4、nt on the masters authority upon matters of the ship security第三章 保安等级和保安措施Chapter Security measures for each security level1、 保安等级指令的接收和执行操作要点Receipt of security level order and outline of implement2、 各个保安等级下的保安措施Measures to be taken for each security level第四章 保安事件/非法行动的应急反应Chapter Emergency Measure
5、ment Against Security Incident/Unlawful Act1、 保安通信和报告Security Communication & Incident Declaration2、 外部通信系统External communication system3、 内部通信系统Internal communication system4、 保安事件/非法行动应急部署和相关操作要点Outline of key measurement in emergency against Security Incident/Unlawful Act1) 全船搜查(检查)行动部署/The o
6、utline of overall search onboard2) 保安事件/非法行动应急部署/Emergency plan in Security Incident/Unlawful Act 海上航行炸弹搜查应变部署/The explosive searching instruction at sea 防海盗/武装盗匪袭击应变部署/Emergency Plan Against Piracy/Armed Attack 在港内停泊期间人员撤离应急部署/Emergency evacuate plan in the port 碰撞应变部署/Emergency plan in collision 搁
7、浅应变部署/Emergency plan in grounding 机器故障/电力中断应变部署/Emergency plan for machinery abnormal/power failure 人员伤害应变部署/Emergency plan for injuries 货物事故应变部署/Emergency plan for cargo accident 消防应变部署/Emergency plan in fire fighting 海上航行船上人员撤离应急部署/Emergency plan for evacuate at sea 救生应变部署/Emergency plan for live-
8、saving 船上油污应变部署/Emergency plan for oil pollution3) 保安事件/非法行动应急反应操作要点/Key measurement in the explosive searching 海上航行炸弹搜寻操作要点/Key measurement in explosive searching 防海盗/武装盗匪袭击操作要点/Key measurement against privacy or armed attack 防偷渡操作要点/Key measurement against unauthorized access of person 船舶遭受劫持操作要点/
9、Key measurement in hijack 接到炸弹威胁电话操作要点/Key measurement after receiving call informing explosive 港口炸弹搜查操作要点/Key measurement in searching explosive in the port第五章 保安培训、演习和训练Chapter Security training, exercises and drill1、 保安培训、演习和训练要求The requirement of the security training, exercise and drill2、 在船船员保
10、安培训计划Security training plan onboard3、保安演习和训练计划Security exercise and drill plan4、 保安演习和训练实施方案Security exercise and drill program第六章 船舶保安设备Chapter Ship Security equipment1、 保安报警系统Ship security alert system (not available onboard)2、 保安探测设备Ship security detection device or system (not available onboard)
11、第七章 船舶保安监控检查Chapter Survey on ship security monitoring1、 监控要求Requirement of ship security monitoring2、 保安监控实施方案Implement plan of ship security monitoring第八章 船/港和船/船界面活动及保安声明Chapter Activities of ship/port and ship/ship interface and security declaration1、 本船与ISPS规则缔约国所属港口的界面活动操作要点Key operations of i
12、nterface between the ship and a port in the territory of a Contracting Government2、 本船与ISPS规则缔约国所属船舶的界面活动操作要点Key operations of interface between the ship and another one flying the flag of a State whose government is a Contracting Government to ISPS3、本船与非ISPS规则缔约国港口的界面活动操作要点Key operations of interfa
13、ce between ship and a port within the territory of an non-Contracting Government3、 本船与非ISPS规则缔约国所属船舶的界面活动操作要点Key operation of interface between ship to a ship flying the flag of a State which is not a Contracting Government to ISPS4、 保安声明Declaration of Security1) 关于保安声明的说明/Explanation for Declaratio
14、n of Security2) 保安声明格式/Form of a Declaration of Security 船/港界面保安声明格式/Form of a Declaration of Security between a ship and a port facility 船/船界面保安声明格式/Form of a Declaration of Security between two ships第九章 内部审核和评审Chapter Internal Security Survey and Review1、 保安活动的内部审核和评审操作要点Key operations for interna
15、l survey and review on security activities2、 船舶保安评估的定期评审操作要点Key operations for periodic review of the ship security assessment3、 船舶保安计划的定期评审操作要点Key operations for periodic review of the ship security plan第十章 记录要求和记录格式Chapter Requirement and form of the records1、 记录要求Requirement of records2、 记录格式Form
16、 of record1) 船舶在前10个港口所处的保安等级和特别措施记录格式/The form of records of the security level and specific measures of the ship the 10 previous port it visits2) 船舶在前10个港口发生的船船之间活动的信息记录/The records of information about ship to ship activities at which the ship operated in the 10 previous port calls 保安培训、演习和训练记录/T
17、he records of training, drills and exercises 破坏保安状况记录/The records of breaches of ship security 保安等级的改变记录/The records of change of security level 保安活动的内部审核记录(报告)/The records of internal audits of security activities 船舶保安评估和船舶保安计划的定期评审记录(报告)(通用)/The records of ship security evaluation and periodic rev
18、iews for Ship Security Plan (Reports) 船上保安设备的保养、校准和测试记录/The records of maintenance, calibration and test for ship security equipment 与公司保安员和外部组织关于保安活动的通信记录/The records of communication relate d to security activities between the ship and Company Security Officer and/or outside organizations 保安计划修正记录
19、/Amendment records of Ship Security Plan第一章 概 述Chapter Summary1、公司保安管理方针/Company security management policy依据SOLAS第XI2章和国际船舶和港口设施保安规则(ISPS)A部分的规定,并充分考虑ISPS规则B部分的要求,采用风险评估的方法对船舶保安状况实施评估,根据评估结果制定船舶保安计划,旨在预防保安事件的发生或最大程度地减少由此对船舶、人员以及财产所造成的伤害和损失。Evaluate the ship security condition by risk management and
20、 establish the ship security plan correspondingly compliance with the Chapter -2 of SOLAS, Part A and guidance in Part B of International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities (ISPS Code). The purpose of the policy is to prevent security incident occurrence and/or reduce the injury a
21、nd lost of life, ship and property as far as possible.2、船舶保安组织结构/Organizational structure for ship security船长Master公司保安员船舶保安员Ship Security Officer大 副Chief officerr轮机长Chief Engineer甲板部船员Deck Dept轮机部船员Machinery Dept3、公司和船舶资料/Particulars of company and ship1) 公司资料/Particulars of company 公司名称/Name of co
22、mpany: 电话/Tel.: 传真/FAX: 公司保安员/Company Security Officer姓名/Name:办公电话/Office Tel.:家庭电话/Home Tel.: 移动电话/Mobile Phone: 办公室传真/Office Fax: 电子邮箱/E-mail: 负责雇佣或指派船员的公司/Company involving in crew employing: SHIP MANAGEMENT 负责决定船舶租用的公司/Company involving in ship chartering:SINOCHEM SHIPPING 租家资料/Particulars of ch
23、arterer:由公司保安员向船长提供相关资料/Provided by Company Security Officer to Master2) 船舶资料/Ships particulars: 船舶保安员/Ship security officer: 船名/Name of ship: 船长/Length: 满载平均吃水(夏季)/Fully loaded draught (summer): 最小干舷高度/Min. freeboard: 总吨/Gross Tonnage: 出厂日期/Delivery Date: 船员人数(定员)/Complement: 登记国家/Registered Countr
24、y: 船籍港/Registered Port: 呼号/Call No.: IMO登记号/IMO No.: 卫通识别号/IMARSAT ID: 电话/Tel.: 传真/Fax: 电传/Telex: 船舶通道标识图和限制区域清单/Ship gangway control plan and restricted area list² 船舶通道标识图/Ship gangway control plan图示:系缆 (A) 锚链 (B)舷梯 (C) 引水梯 (D)船舷 (E) 克林吊索具(F)伙食吊索具(G)² 限制区域及控制清单/Restricted area and control
25、 list:编号 No.名 称Name部 位Area通道数量Passage quantity封闭方式Closed Mode钥匙持有人Key holder1234567891011121314151617181920212223244、定义/Definitions1) 关键操作特指那些因任何人为的过失或疏忽均可能导致人员非法登轮、非法进入限制区域、威胁船舶及人员安全、非法行动等严重后果的所有操作活动。Key measurement:Key measurement is those may result in serious results as unauthorized embarking, i
26、llegal access into restricted area, imperiling personnel life, and other unlawful acts because of any neglect in conducting these measurements.2) 限制区域是指船上那些一旦有具有非法攻击行动目的人员进入即可能对船舶、人员、港口设施等造成严重威胁的敏感区域(包括进入这些区域的通道)。Restricted areas:Restricted areas are the sensitive locations may lead to serious threa
27、ten to ship, personnel, port facility, if anyone aiming to unlawful attack ever attends in these locations and the gangway to them.3) 限制区域标识系指为了使船上负有保安职责的人员易于识别和控制,对经保安评估确认后认定的区域按照规定的颜色和文字采取的标识。在限制区域的醒目处张贴“限制区域”“未经允许,禁止进入”的中英文字样,字体规格由公司统一制作后发船。Mark of restricted areas:Mark of restrict areas is parti
28、cular signals in standard color and words for the areas-which have been approved by a security survey-, and these signals are marked to facilitate the person being responsible to the ship security in his or her activities of ship security control and identification. Stamped “Restricted area”, “Witho
29、ut allowance, access prohibited” in Chinese/English at obvious place of restricted areas, the specification of mark to be made by company and issued onboard.4) 船舶通道系指外部人员能够合法或非法登轮的可能的通道。Ships passage:Any possible passage accessible for legal or illegal visitors.5) 保安威胁系指根据威胁情景和发生可能性经过船舶保安评估加以确定的对船舶、
30、人员或港口设施形成潜在威胁的状况。Threaten to security:Threaten to security is those may imperil life, ship, or port facilities potentially by a security evaluation considering condition of the threatening and possibility of its occurrence.6) 保安事件系指威胁船舶、人员、货物以及港口设施保安的任何蓄意的可疑行为。Security incident:Any intended activity
31、 suspected to threaten the security of the ship including mobile offshore drilling unit, its crew, passengers, stores and cargo, or of a port facility.7) 非法行为系指针对船舶、人员、货物以及港口设施保安所实施的犯罪行为。Unlawful act means any criminal act directed against ships (including mobile offshore drilling units), crew, pass
32、engers, stores and cargo on board.8) 破坏保安状况系指由于非法行为对船舶、财产、设施以及人员造成的后果。Breach security condition:means result to ship, belongings, facility and personnel because of unlawful act.9) 保安等级系指由主管机关制定并发布的旨在对船舶所在区域可能发生的或已经发生的保安事件的风险级别进行划分,以便船舶根据保安等级采取相应的保安措施。保安等级分为以下三个等级/Security level means the qualificati
33、on of the degree of risk that a security incident will be attempted or will occur. It can be divided into three levels:保安等级1系指船舶应始终保持最低限度的适当的防范性保安措施的等级。Security level 1 means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times.保安等级2系指由于保安事件风险升高而船舶应在一
34、段时间内保持适当的附加防范性保安措施的等级。Security level 2 means the level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident.保安等级3系指当保安事件可能或即将发生(尽管可能尚无法确定具体目标)时,船舶应在一段时间内保持进一步的特定防范性保安措施的等级。Security level 3 means t
35、he level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target.10) 本船的所属船旗国主管机关系指中华人民共和国海事局。Ministration of the ship flag: means the Ma
36、rine Safety Administration of P. R. C.11) 公司在本计划中系指船舶管理有限公司。Company means the owner Ship Management.12) 高风险区域系指经船舶保安评估后确定的船舶可能遭受保安威胁的风险相对较高的区域。经评估确认包括下列区域和港口。High risk regions means the areas are determined to be high risk against ship security by a ship security evaluation. Such areas include follo
37、wing area and port: 中国南海沿海海域及台湾海峡/Offshore region of South China Sea area and Taiwan Channel 新加坡海峡海域/Singapore Channel 马六甲海峡海域/Strait of Malacca 安达曼海海域/Anamneses Region 亚丁湾/Gulf of Aden 索马里沿海/Offshore region near Somali 印度尼西亚沿海海域及各港口/Offshore region and Port of Indonesia 菲律宾沿海海域及各港口/Offshore region
38、and Port of the Philippinesa) 缅甸仰光沿海海域/Offshore region of the Rangoon, Burmab) 越南沿海海域/Offshore region of Vietnamc) 孟加拉国沿海及港口/Offshore region and ports of Bengald) 印度东海岸北方港口/The eastern coastal region of India, and its ports in northe) 东非、西非沿海及港口/Offshore region of East Africa and West Africa 南美巴西、秘鲁
39、、哥伦比亚沿海海域及港口/Offshore region and ports of the South America as those in Brazil, Peru, Colombia 美国沿海区域及其所有港口/Offshore region and ports of United State13) 低风险区域指“高风险区域”以外的其他区域。Low risk regions:means excluding the high risk regions.5、本计划控制要求/Requirement of the plan controlling1) 本计划由船舶保安员负责保管和控制。This p
40、lan shall be kept and controlled by Ship Security Officer (SSO).2) 必须在船舶保安评估的基础上编制船舶保安计划,并经主管机关或其授权的认可保安组织(RSO)批准。Compilation of the ship security plan shall base on the ship security evaluation, and the plan shall be approved by the Administration or other authorized security organization (RSO).3)
41、如定期的保安评估的结果发生变化,应对本计划进行适当的修订,如对本计划进行重大更改,在实施之前,必须经过主管机关或其授权的认可保安组织(RSO)审批。The ship security plan shall be amended accordingly given that major changes are found in a regular security evaluation. If such amendments concern the essential parts of the plan, before being implemented, the renewed plan mu
42、st be approved by the body on behalf of the administration to the ship or other authorized approved security organization (RSO).4) 本计划采用电子版本(电子光盘),并在光盘的外包装及光盘表面标识中、英文“机密”字样,由船舶保安员保管,不得泄露给外部组织以及公司内部与保安活动无关的人员。任何人不得违反上述程序而擅自更改计划内容和格式。The plan is preserved by the SSO in an electric version (compact dis
43、k), and to be labeled with “CONFIDENTIAL” (Chinese/English) on the package and surface of the disk. Unauthorized access to this plan or disclosure its content to external organization or company stuff irrelevant to ship security is strictly forbidden. None can violate the above procedure to presume
44、changing content and format of the plan without authority.5) 船舶在接受PSC检查时,除特定的情况外,本计划一般不向检查官员出示,若PSC检查官一定要查看船舶的保安计划,必须得到船长的同意。Whenever PSC onboard, exclude special requirement, the SSP shall not be shown to the inspectors, only the captain approved, the PSC Officer can check the SSP.6) 用于船舶人员培训和操作的复制
45、,必须记录和标识。Copies for drills and exercises must be recorded and marked.7) 本计划电子光盘由公司安排统一制作并由ISM办公室负责发船,应对光盘的制作数量和发船情况进行记录,记录保存三年。The compact disk of the plan shall be made by company and forwarded to ship by ISM department, number with detail of the forward of the compact disks shall be recorded, such
46、 a record shall be kept for three years.6、本船与公司、港口设施、其他船舶以及保安当局的责任/Responsibility of the ship and company, port facilities, other ship and Security administration1) 关系图/Relationship缔约国政府Contacting Gov./Contacting Government Contacting Government Contacting Government Contacting Government公 司Company港
47、口设施Port facilities本 船The ship他 船Other ship2) 说明/Explain 缔约国政府/Contacting Government:² 规定保安等级并为防止发生保安事件提供指导/Decide the security level and supply guidance of preventing occur of security incident,² 在保安等级3时,发出必要指令,向可能受到影响的船舶和港口设施提供与保安有关的信息/When to be security level 3, giving necessary instruc
48、tion, supply relevant information of security to the ship and port facilities which may be of influence,² 委托并授权经认可的保安组织、批准港口设施保安评估、确定须任命港口设施保安员的港口设施、批准港口设施保安计划、依照SOLAS第XI2章第9条之规定采取控制和符合措施、规定关于保安声明的要求/Submit the authorized security organization, approve the security evaluation of port facilities
49、, confirm the port facilities which may need appointing port facilities security officer, approve thePert Facility Security Plan, in accordance with the SOLAS XI2, No.9 to adopt control and the requirements of “Declaration of Security”. 公司/Company:² 确保在船舶保安计划中写明强调船长权威的声明/Insuring the statement
50、of the authority of master in the SSP,² 指定公司保安员和为公司的每艘指定一名船舶保安员;并制定符合ISPS规则中规定的各自相应的职责以及培训、演习和训练要求/Appointing the company security officer and one ship security officer for each vessel;and establishing corresponding responsibility and requirement of train, drill and exercise to satisfy the ISPS
51、 Code,² 确保为公司保安员、船长和船舶保安员为按照第SOLAS第XI2章和ISPS规则履行其职责和责任提供必要的支持/Insuring the necessary support to the company security officer, master and ship security officer to fulfill their responsibility to be in compliance with the SOLAS XI2 and ISPS Code. 本船/The ship:² 按照业经主管机关或其授权的认证组织批准的船舶保安计划实施,持有
52、有效的国际船舶保安证书/Implement the SSP with approval from Administration or authorized organization, with the valid international ship security certificate,² 接受缔约国政府根据SOLAS要求实施的各种控制和符合检查/Accept all the control and compliance inspection from the Contacting Government according to the requirements of SOLA
53、S,² 应备有指明负责船上船员工作及负责船舶各项事务的人员/Appoint the person whom shall be charge of all the crew matters,² 按照主管机关发布的保安等级启动相应的保安措施,执行缔约国政府可能发布的在保安等级3时的相关指令/According to the security level issued by Administration to startup corresponding security measures, implement the relevant order of security leve
54、l 3 possibly issued by the Contacting Government,² 与港口设施保持有效的沟通和联系,通报船舶保安等级和保安措施实施情况,必要时提交保安声明/Keep valid communication and relationship with the port facilities, inform the ship security level and implementation of security measures, supply Declaration of Security if necessary. 港口设施/Port facil
55、ity:² 所有为国际船舶停靠的港口应完成港口设施保安评估/All the port for international ship berthing shall finish the security evaluation of port facilities,² 根据评估的结果确定是否任命港口设施保安员和编制港口设施保安计划/According to the result of evaluation, decide whether to appoint port facilities security officer and compile the port facilities security plan,² 与船舶保持有效
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