1、东城区 20082009 学年度第一学期期末教学目标检测高三英语本试卷分第i卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两部分,第i卷1 至 12 页,第n卷13 至 16 页,共 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项:1.答题前考生务必分别将答题卡i和答题卡n上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字 笔填写,用2B 铅笔将准考证号对应的信息点涂黑。2.答试卷第I卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡I上对应题目的答案选中涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准。如需改动,用橡皮擦除干净后再选涂其他答案项。 在试卷上答题无效。3.答试卷第n卷时,必须用黑色字迹的签字
2、笔按题号顺序答在答题卡n的红色框答题 区域相应位置内,未在对应的答题区域做答或超出答题区域做答均不得分。 在试卷上答题无效。第I卷(选择题,共 115 分)第一部分:听力理解 (共两节, 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话你将听一遍。例 :What is the man going to read?A.A newspaper.B.A magazine.答案是 A。1.When did t
3、he lecture probably begin ?C.A book.A.At 8:15.B.At 8:50.C.At 8:05.2.Where does the woman probably go for her holiday ? A.Thecountryside.B.A forest.3.What are the speakers probably doing?A.Having a visit.B.Looking at a picrure.C.A beach.C.Talking abouthistory.4.What do you know about the speakers?A.T
4、he woman likes scary films very much.B. The man is going to see the film.C. Neither of them cares much for scary films.5.What is the man s opinion about MaryGreen?A. She is really an unlucky woman.B. What she says is not always true.C. She always tells funny stories.第二节( 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 22.5 分)听下面
5、 6 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟时间阅读每小题。听完后,每 小题将给出5 秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6.Why does the woman think California is a nice place to liveA.It has a large population.B.It has a mild climate.pleasant and quiet.7.Where does the man probably live ?A.
6、In the countryside of New Zealand.B. In a big city of America.C. In a town of California.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8.What is the woman doing ?A.Looking for a boyfriend.B.Choosing a bodyguard.an employee.9.According to the woman, which should be consideredfirstA.Special tastes.B.Good looks.character.听第 8
7、段材料,回答第 10 至 11 题。10.What is the man expected to do?A. To organize a conference.?C.It sC.Interviewing?C.MoralB. To pick up some people at the airport.C. To meet some people from New York.11.Which describes Steve Maglieri ?A. Tall and energetic, with beard.B. Thin, short, with dark hair.C. Strong, no
8、t too high or too short.听第 9 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。12.How many passengers does thebus usually hold?A. Eight. B.Ten. C.Eleven.13.What can you do on a fine eveningafter a days travel ?A.Take a shower.B.Cooking outside.C.Sleep in thesleeping room.14.Why is the man calling the agent?A.To book a ticket.B.To
9、know the deadline. C.To ask forinformation.听第 10 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。15.What is the man s problem ?A.He is too fat.B.He is in bad health.C.He needs torelax.16.What is Spa Heaven ?A.It s a swimming pool.B.It s a recreation center. C.Its a placefor yoga classes.17.What can we know from the conversation?
10、A.A swim costs 10 dollars.B. Non-members can use the facilities free.C. The Special offer period ends at the end of this year.听第 11 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18.Which is the first stop of their visittoday?A.The Central Park Zoo.B.Patrick s Cathedral.C.ChryslerBuilding.19.When was Patrick s Cathedral (大教堂) b
11、uilt ?A.In 1903.B.In 1931. C.In 1879.20.Which of the places are the visitors allowed to stay for fifty minutes?A.Grand Central Station.B.Empire State Building.C.Rockefeller Center.第二部分:知识运用 (共两节, 45 分)第一节 单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从每题中所给的 A、B C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。例:lt s so nice t
12、o hear from her again., we last met more than thirtyyears ago.it or not答案是 Dodow n.22. Where is the tin-ope nerOh I it earlier. Here it24.To help myself get to sleep, I have tried several ways but it seems thatworks.25.Students should often be allowed to work in groups, gives to co-operateand to sha
13、re.B.whereC.whichcareful study, we now haveB.muchC.fairlyD. whatabetter un dersta nding ofD.quite27.It sound like a perfect destination, but it is really adventurous toA.What s moreB.That s to sayC.ln other wordsD.Believe21.Have you readtoday s news? The priceof houses has slightly goneA.the, theB.不
14、填,theC.the, 不填D.不填,不A.see; isB.saw; wasC.saw; isD.see,was23.Pleasant music is often played classesto make stude nts refreshed andrelaxed for awhile.A.betweenB.amongC.overD.afterA.noB.noneC.n eitherD.allthem cha ncesA.who26.After two yearsthe cause ofthe problem.A.verygo there.第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.
15、5 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。There is one thing better tha n making a new friend, and that is keep ing an old one.- Elmer G Letterma nTwo years ago my family moved. The day we left, my best friend and I cried together in my 36bedroom for hours. I was miserable durin
16、g the five-hour car ride to my new house.A.shouldB.mustC.shall28.The students will usually have a very anxious timeof the collegeentrance exam in ati ons.D.mayfor the resultsA.waitB.waitedC.to wait29.The magni fice nt tower must be saved,the cost!D.waitingD.wherever30.Flowers grow ing in a well-equi
17、pped gree nhouse find hard to thewild.survive inA.it B.that C.so31. Do you know how much a babysitterWell, it depe nds.A.paysB.gets paid32. Have you got any jobs yet ?Well, I have got several offers,A.have bee n. wait ingC. am. waiti ng33.I am used to gett ing up before daw nD.veryfor an hour?C.bei
18、ng paid D.paidbut not so suitable. I still ._B. would. waitD. have. waitedit is still dark outside.C.whichD.when34.It makes his life quite differe ntA.thatB.whichhe has received educati on abroad.C.what D.how35.The taxi driver took a shortcutA.gettingB.getme to the airport on time.C.hav ing gotD.got
19、Life was 37 .On the first day of school, I called my best friend to tell her how it had gone. Then on Hallowee n,I sent her a letter and a picture of my new friends and me.Fin ally, she wrote mea letter. It was nt 38 a lette a piece of paper say ing,“ Best friends forever ” .When I fin ally got her
20、e-mail address, I e-mailed her the 39 letter I hav_ever written. After the third e-mail with no 40 , my messages grew shorter and shorter. 41 each pass ingday, my42 grew. I n ever received a reply from her.Momsaid that I 43 trycallingmy other friends,that I didn t need to alwayscall her. 44my best f
21、riend, the girl that I had known from my childhood?My first 45 was automatic.“ No way! ” But after five more e-mail messages,I started to consider what my momhad 46 . Every night for about a week, I stayed up in bed, 47 ,“ Should I keep trying or.?”The way I looked at it was that:if I m her best fri
22、end, she d 48 a minuteto push a few buttons on the phone, or type a shorthello ” on the computer. Tome, keeping in touch is part of being a friend and it is important. To her, it really didn tseem to 49 .After two years of 50 , I fin allygot a phone call from her my best friend.It was a big51 . She
23、told me how sorry she was for not writi ng, and about how busy she had bee n. I forgot abouteverythi ng that had happe ned and how anno yed I had bee n with her. I 52 her. I guess keeping intouch just isn t her 53 .I have realized true friends never really lose their special 54 .Even aftertwo years,
24、 it felt like we had just talked yesterday.Now she and I write regularly or at least she tries to, 55 she tries hard.What more could a friend ask for?36.A.cold37.A. uneasyB.emptyB.u ncertainC.smallD.dirtyC.unin terestingD.unbearable38.A.justB.onlyC.evenD.hardly39.A.longestB.bestC.simplest D.funniest
25、40.A.returnB.informationC.messageD.response41.A.OnB.ForC.With D.As42.A.patienceB.angerC.worryD.curiosity43.A.mustB.had toC.wouldD.could44.A.Put awayB.Leave outC.Give up D.Cut off45.A.reactionB.opinionC.thought D.impression46.A.remindedB.offeredC.statedD.suggested47.A.askingB.thinkingC.whispering D.s
26、truggling48.A.saveB.spendC.take D.waste49.A.matterB.careC.valueD.mind50.A.disappointmentB.fearC.silence D.regret51.A.stepB.surpriseC.advanceD.change52.A.ignoredB.acceptedC.criticizedD.forgave53.A.styleB.hobbyC.ideaD.nature54.A.wayB.connectionC.heartD.image55.A.butB.soC.andD.though第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每
27、小题 2分,共 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAria Ricardo was a beautiful, slim young woman with dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin. Sheused to work as a model and earn as much as $2,000 in one day in front of the camera. She modeled fortop magazines in Paris, Rome, Tokyo, andthrou
28、ghout the Un ited States.Aria s father, now retired because of a disability, was a police officer whoreally loved his work. Aria would rather follow in her father s footsteps than pursue her modelingcareer. She remembered listening to her father tell stories when he came home after a day on the beat
29、.The excitement, tensions and risks of police work appealed to her.Aria got started in the modeli ng bus in ess quite by accide nt. She accompa nieda friend to an in terview at a modeli ng age ncy. Her friend wan ted the job, whileAria did n t. The people at the age ncy were impressed with Aria s ap
30、peara nee andpoise. They knew she d be brilliant in front of the camera. So they sent her on her first modeli ng jobfor Seven tee n Magaz ine right away.Despite her success as a model, Aria n ever gave up her dream of being a policeofficer. She passed the wrirtten examfor the NewYork Police Departme
31、nt. She planned to enter thePolice Academy as quickly as possible. Her family and friends thought she was out of her mind even tocon sider such a thi ng. Police work was dan gerousand the pay could n t compare to a top models in come. But Aria knew what she wan ted, and she wentfor it. She had n eve
32、r really inten ded to be a model any way. Fin ally she hooked her fish.56.Aria s success as a model resulted from ._A.her desire to succeed in itB.herlooks and shapeC.the help of her fatherD.thecompetiti onwith herfriend57.Aria went into modeli ng becauseA.she wan ted to earn moremoneyB.she wan ted
33、to accompa ny herfriendC.she was give n an un expected opportunityD.she was very beautiful58.Aria s family would like her toA.remai n a modelB.do whatever she likedC.find somethi ng challengingD.follow her father s footsteps59.Aria Ricardo probably is a now.A.photographer work ing for a magaz ineB.s
34、tude ntof the PoliceAcademyC. top model of a world companyChina Daily Oct. 11,2008 The Ministry of Health has called for more awareness from thepublic on the mental health of the young, as part of efforts to mark World Mental Health Day which fellon Friday.More than 15 percent of Chinese youths have
35、 been found with mental problems, and about 30million young people under 17 are suffering from depression, the Shanghai-based Wenhui Dailyreported. The World Health Organization estimates that before 2020, the rate of children with mentalproblems will increase to 50 percent, and mental problem will
36、become a major factor behind deaths andillness in the young worldwide.Deng Xiaohong, the spokesperson for the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, said rapid socialchanges is one of the reasons behind the rising number of youngsters with psychological problems. Ifthese mental diseases are not addressed
37、on time, occurrence of crimes, drug-taking and otherdangerous behaviors are expected to rise. Experts said mental diseases could be caused by manyfactors, such as the inability to handle interpersonal relations well, unstable emotions and pressuresfrom an overload of studies. A number of experts hav
38、e also said the one-child policy is another reasonleading to poor mental health in the young. Children are said to be too “ spoiled ”and “ selfish ”ina one-child family.It s reported that schools in many cities are rolling out measures to help students maintain theirmental well-being. Yin Jingmiao,
39、a teacher of the Beijing No.105 Middle School, told China Daily thatthe school invites psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.“ Studentscan be arranged tohave 40-minute counseling sessions,” Yin said. The school also gives lectures onmental health to senior grade student
40、s before they take the national college entrance exams to helpease any anxiety arising from the tests.60.Which of thefollowing can be the best title for the passage?A. Efforts to Mark World Mental Health DayB.Seriousness of Youngsters Mental Health ProblemsC. How to Maintain Mental Well-beingD.Publi
41、c Awareness on Youngsters Mental DiseasesD.woman police officerExpected61.The writer intends to tell us in the sec ond paragraph thatA. mental health problems of the young are becoming a popular problemB. o nly young people are sufferi ng from men tal health problemsC. me ntal problems will become a
42、s serious as deaths and ill nessD. the rate of childre n with mental problems will in crease to 50 perce nt62. Which could be the con seque nee if the problem is left un treated?A. Inability to handle interpersonal relations.B. U nstable emoti ons.C. Drug-tak ing and other dan gerous behaviors.D. Ra
43、pid social cha nges.63. Why is Beiji ng No.105 Middle School me ntio ned in the passage?A. To provide the stude nts with coun seli ng sessi ons.B. To give an example show ing how men tal problems are dealt with.C. To help ease the an xiety aris ing from college entrance exams.D. To call on other sch
44、ools to learn from No. 105 Middle School.CEach wi nter, the rugged North Shore serves up some ofthe largest and most impressive ocean waves on the planet.Giant waves make their long journey across the no rther nPacific to the area s shoreline. For many island residents, this meansonly one thing: sur
45、f up.The exact origin forsurfingis unknown, but mosthistoria ns believe that the Polyn esia ns were already verygood at the sport by the time they migrated to the Hawaiian Islands some 2,000 years ago. EarlyHawaiians called surfing“ He nalu ” , which literally translates to“wave sliding ”. During th
46、is time, only high-rankingofficials and nobles had accessto the best surf spots. King Kamehameha himself was said to be a kee n and skilled suffer.Surfing really took off in the early 1990s. Ridi ng boards made from redwoodand baisa wood, early surfers risked their lives to take on these gia nt wave
47、s.Today, tha nks to a nu mber of moder n inno vati ons and inven ti ons, the surfi ng population on theNorth Shore has exploded. Waveriders and spectators from around the world gather here fromNovember to February, hoping to catch that perfect wave. Win ter wave heights can get as high as 20feet, wi
48、th faces up to 50 feet! This extreme surf is for experts only, and even then conditions areconsidered highly dangerous.World-k nown surf con tests are held here from early November to late December.The Wans Triple Crow n of Surfing, which in cludes the Vans Hawaiia n Pro at Alii Beach Park in Hale i
49、wa, the Rip Curl Cup at Sun set Beach, brings together theworld s best professionalsurfers.Watching them surfing on the grand waves is reallya feast for the eyes.Although win ter on the North Shore may not be the best time and place to learnhow to surf, the summer mon ths provide safer and more favo
50、rable con diti ons.64. The passage is most probably from. _A.a guide bookB.a magaz ineC.a gover nment reportD.a geography textbook65. What can we lear n from the passage ?A. High officials were the best surfers in the past.B. Surfi ng dates back to at least 2,000 years.C. The best time for surfi ng
51、is from November to February.D. Surfi ng is a sport for professi on als and experts.66. Which of the following isNOT true to the passage ?A. The Polyn esia ns were among the earliest people who took up surfi ng.B. Moder n inven ti ons make surf boards safer for the surfers.C. It is a perfect cha nee
52、 for spectators to watch the competiti ons.D. More and more people on the North Shore go in for surfing.67.It s suggested that a surf learner should._A. make use of the summer time to learn how to surfB. meet the challe nge of the perfect waves on the North ShoreC. take the chance to win a prize in
53、the world-known competitionsD. watch the professi onal suffers surfi ng whe never possibleDManyparents find that their children act very mean to their friends.They wonder whatthey can do about this behavior without squash ing their spirit. Here is what pare nting experts expla inand suggest:Pre-scho
54、olers have no idea how others feel. They are in the process of understanding their ownfeelingsand have not yet developed “ emotionalintelligenee” . Children of this age also do things just because it can make themfeel powerful whe n they are able to make others resp ond.Here are some things you can
55、do to reduce the mea n talk: When the child s ina good mood, look her in the eyes and lovingly tell her how you feel when she speaks in a mean way toano ther child. Have a look of disappo in tme nt on your face and role-play with her to show her thebehavior you would like to see. Then, every time yo
56、u see her dem on strat ing the nice in teracti onwith others, stop what you re doing, give her eye con tact and make a big deal out of it. Young childrenn eed to know what good behavior looks like with regular encouragement. Whenyou catch her beingmean to a child, get down on your knees next to her,
57、 and, with your arm around her, face the child thatis receiving her meanness, and apologize to thechild for bothof you, the n walk away. As soon as the other child is away, let your daughter know how disappo in tedyou are in her behavior and quickly let it go.Parents should set up a con seque nee wh
58、e n this n egative behavior occurs. You can give theseother ideas a try first. If you re not seeing any results after afew times, the n go ahead and set up the con seque nce(such as not being able to play with that child).Avoid using “time out ” because it doesn t work. It gives the child too much p
59、ower and too much attenti on. The most effective con seque nces are those that are directly tied to the behavior. If she is beingmean to children, then the play session ends. And most importantly,set up this consequenee inadvanee whenthe negativebehavior is NOT occurri ng.If you should catch her bei
60、ng a “bully ” to another child, and she has somehow hurt him or her,immediately put all your atte nti on on the victim, not her. Dont scold or punish your daughter. Softly, gently, and immediately,nurture the hurtchild and get your daughter to assist you in the nurturing.Whenthings have calmeddow n,
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