



1、Lesson 4 Dont Smoke, Please!教学设计彬县小章初级中学 耿永刚【教学目标】知识与技能能听懂、会读、会说单词、词汇:smoke ,harmful ,public, law, be harmful to ,millions of ,as a result of ,in public places, against the law,second-hand smoke,get into the habit of ,stay away from ,give up 掌握本课功能句1. Smoking is bad for our health.2. Every year , mi

2、llions of people around the world die as a result of smoking.3. In many countries, smoking in public places is against the law.4. Once you get into the habit of smoking, its not easy to give it up.5. Stay away from the cigarettes and live a long , healthy and happy life.3.能就吸烟有害健康,以及怎样远离吸烟这些话题进行流畅的会


4、。【教法选择】任务型教学中小组合作学习发挥学生个人才能,尊重学生差异个人阅读,集体阅读,并采用学生互帮式教学师生互动,注重学生能力的培养,促进学生全面发展【学法指导】任务型学习,小组合作交流【教学准备】教师:课件,录音机,磁带【教学过程】Step1: 1.GreetingsStep2: Lead-in多媒体展示一张图片T: What is he doing?S: He is smoking.T: is smoking a good habit?S: NO, Its a bad habit.T: As a student, should we smoke?S: NO, we should nev

5、er smoke.T: Why?S: Because it is bad for our health.T: Good , Smoking is bad for our health. What should we do?Ss: Dont smoke.T: OK, this class we will learn a new lesson lesson 4 “Dont smoke, please!”【设计意图】通过对话导入,自然引出新课课题Step3:观看一些吸烟有害健康的视频以及图片(多媒体展示)【设计意图】让学生通过图片了解吸烟的危害,创设情境,激发学习动机。Part Before-Rea

6、dingTASK1:Preview Check(夯实基础,构建词汇)A. New words checkAs a student, we should never _(吸烟).Smoking is _(有害的).We should not smoke in _ (公共的)places.Driving after drinking is against the _(法律).B. Phrases check.对有害_2.数以百万计的_3.因为,由于_ 4.在公共场所_5违法_ 6.二手烟_养成的习惯_8.远离_9.放弃_(设计原理):在听力和阅读前,帮助学生攻克单词,短语难关,在读前扫清障碍,在语

7、境中讲解的同时,对学生进行知识的简单输入。Task 2.Listening practiceListen to the text carefully and find the statements true or false.【设计意图】通过学生课堂上听录音的训练,培养学生获取信息的能力。Part while reading Task1.Read the lesson together in a loud voice and finish the chart of “Lets Do It .No 1”Task2.Read the text again in a low voice by you

8、rselves, then find out the main idea of the whole text.Task 3.Read the each sentence carefully in pairs one by one, then underlined some important and difficult sentences, discuss them with your partners actively.【设计意图】通过齐读、默读、小组合作读,一方面可检查他们的发音情况,另一方面也可以检验其他学生判断发音的能力。这不仅调动了学生的学习积极性,也达到了共同进步的目的,并培养学生

9、自学能力与小组合作意识,让学生提问题,学生解决。通过本环节,锻炼学生的阅读能力,以加深对课文内容的理解。Task 4 language points studysmoking is bad for our health.be bad for _同义词:_Ex1.Drinking too much _you.2.Once you get into the habit of smoking, its not easy to give it up.get into the habit of_ 同义词_Ex2.We must _reading.3.Stay away from the cigarett

10、es and live a long ,healthy and happy life.stay away from:_同义词_Ex3. Everybody should_ the junk food. (先让学生自己做答,对于自己不会的,别的学生能解答的可先让学生给解答,讲解知识点过程中,边讲解边练习多媒体展示出知识及练习,让学生填词,老师检查并且核对。)Part after reading Task1.Activity Lets speak outTask2. Self production.Write a short passageDont smoke, please!TitleBeginningBodyEndingSummarychallenge yourself(给出学生图片,让学生用自己本课所学来描述这些图片,最终是英语学习生活化,生活英语化。)HomeworkReview the new words and phrases ,then make sure to use them freely and correctly.Write a short passa


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