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1、美国出入境1-94表详解美国入境口岸进入美国海关,须填写两份表格,一份是美国海关申报单,一份是美国出入境 证明单(I - 94 )。美国的海关官员会检查这两份表格并最后决定您是否可以进入 美国以及能在美国停留的时间。请千万保管好,并随时携带I-94表,尤其在临时 离开美国境的时候,否则无法再度返回美国海关表格样本美国司法部OMR 1115-407美国海关出入境登记表(I-94 FORM )(中英文对照)U.S. Departme nt of JusticeOMR 1115-4077Immigratio n and Naturalizati on service 移民局Welcome to th

2、e Uni ted StateAdmissio n Number233414639 09I-94 Arrival/DepartureRecord-I nstructio nsThis form must be completed by all pers ons except U.S. citize ns, retur ning reside nt alie ns with immigra nt visas, and Can adia n Citize ns visit ing or in tran sit.Type or prin t legibly with pen in ALL CAPIT

3、AL LETTERS. Use En glish. Do not write on the back of this form.欢迎来到美国登记号码(*举例说明)233414639 09I-94入境/离境记录说明除了美国公民,美国海外侨民,永久居民和 加拿大公民外,所有访问或过路的人士都 必须填写此表请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚 填写.请用英文填写.不要在此表背面填 写任何东西.This form is in two parts. Please此表包括两部分,请填写入境记录(第1项complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13)

4、 and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17).When all items are completed, prese nt this form to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalizati on Service In spector.Item 7 Tf you are entering the United States by land, en ter LAND in this space. If you are en teri ng the Un ited States by ship, en ter SEA

5、 in this space.Form l-94(10-01-85)NAdmissio n Number233414639 09Immigratio n and Naturalizati on Service至第13项)和离境记录(第14项至第17项) 两部分.填写完毕后,请将此表交给美国移民局官 员.第7项内容说明-如果你从陆地进入美 国,请在空格内填写LAND,如果 你乘船进 入美国,请在空格内填写SEA.I-94 表(10-01-85)N 登记号码233414639 09移民局I-94Arrival Record1. Family Name2. First (Give n) Name3.

6、 Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr)4. Country of Citize nship5. Sex (Male or Female)6. Passport Number7. Airli ne & Flight Number8. Cou ntry Where You Live9. City Where You Boarded10. City Where Visa Was Issued11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr)12. Address While in the Uni ted State (Number and Street)13. City and S

7、tateI-94入境记录1. 姓2. 名3. 生日(月/日/ 年)4. 哪个国家公民5. 性别(男填MALE或女填FEMALE)6. 护照号码7. 航空公司和航班号8. 你在哪个国家生活9. 你在那个城市登机10. 在哪个城市得到签证11. 得到签证的日期(日/月/年)12. 在美国的住址(门牌号及街名)在美国的住址(市名及州名)Departure Number离境号码233414639 09233414639 09v « m ft 出 tttiwI-94Departure RecordImmigratio n and Naturalizati on Service移民局14. Fa

8、mily Name14.姓15. First (Give n) Name 16. Birth15.名16.生日(日/月/ 年)Date(Day/Mo/Yr)17. Cou nty of Citize nship17.哪个国家公民I-94离境记录美国海关申报表(中英文对照)WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES欢迎来至 U美国DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY财政部UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 美国海关署海关申报CUSTOM DECLARATIONEach arriv ing traveler or head of family

9、must provide the followi ng in formatio n (on ly ONE writte n declarati on per family is required):1. Family Name:2. First Name3. Middle In itial4. Date of Birth: (Day/Mo nth/Year)5. Airli ne/Flight No.:6. Number of family members traveli ng with you7. (a)Co untry of Citize nship:7. (b)Co untry of R

10、eside nee:8. (a) U.S. Address (StreetNumber/Hotel/Maili ng Address to U.S.):8. (b) U.S. Address (City):8. (c) U.S. Address (State):9. Coun tries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如 下资料(一个家庭只须申报一份):1. 姓:2. 名3. 中间名4. 出生日期:日/月 /年5. 航空公司/航班号:6. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:7. (a)国籍:7. (b)所居住国家:8

11、. (a)在美国地址(街道地址/旅馆/在美国 的通讯地址):8. (b)在美国地址(城市):8. (c)在美国地址(州):在到达美国之前此行所访问过的国家Ei 匚 foB-tim寧炳 出 ia训9. The purpose of my trip is or was BUSINESS Personal10. I am (we are) bringingYES NOfruits, pla nts,meats, food, soil, birds, sn ails,otherlive animals, farm products; or,have bee n on a farm or ranch o

12、utsidethe U.S.:11. I am (we are) carryi ngYES NOcurre ncy ormon etary in strume nts over$10000U.S. or the foreig n equirale nt.12. I have (we have)YES NOcommercial mercha ndise, U.S.or foreig n:(Check one boxonly)13. The total value of all goods I/we purchased oracquired abroad and am/are bringing t

13、o the U.S.is (see in structi ons un der Mercha ndise on reverse side; visitors should report value of giftsonl y): $ U.S.Dollars10. 此次旅程的目的是 商务个人11. 你携带水果,植物,肉类, 是 否 食品,土壤,鸟类,蜗牛,其他 动物和农产品,或你一直居住 在美国以外的农村或牧场吗12. 我(我们)携带了超过一万是 否美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券13. 我(我们)携带了美国或外是否国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾)14. 我(我们)在国外购买或获得并带入 美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏 目;访问者只须申报礼品价值):$美元作者:启德教育资深美国顾问一一孔新Ei 匚 foB-tim寧炳 出 ia训作者:启德教育资深美国顾问一一孔新Ei 匚 foB-tim寧炳 出 ia训SIGN ON RESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READ WARNING. (Do not write below this lin e.)在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字(不要在此线下面


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