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1、William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878) the first American lyric poet第1页/共28页第一页,共29页。1) Worksa) Poems 1821b) The Fountain 1842诗选(sh xun)泉Poes reputation was first第2页/共28页第二页,共29页。c) The White-Footed Deer 1844 d) A Forest Hymn 1860e) The Flood of Years 1878白蹄鹿森林(snln)赋似水流年(s shu li nin)第3页/共28页第三页,共29页。f)

2、 “To a Waterfowl” 1815g) “Thanatopsis” 1817h) “The Yellow Violet” 1814致水鸟(shunio)死亡(swng)随想黄色(hungs)堇香花第4页/共28页第四页,共29页。2)Life Bryant was a poet, and editor. He was born into a doctors family in Massachusetts. He started to write poems when he was 14 years old.第5页/共28页第五页,共29页。 Bryant quitted his st

3、udy in university and then became a lawyer. In 1825, he turned to journalism. In 1827, he became an editor for Evening Post and wrote a lot of political criticism. But it is his poetry which made him popular among people.第6页/共28页第六页,共29页。v He was influenced by Graveyard School in England and wrote “

4、Thanatopsis”. His best works are his lyric poems about nature and so his style is quite similar to that of Wordsworth.第7页/共28页第七页,共29页。 The most accomplished and popular American poet of the first half of the nineteenth century, Bryant also was the first American poet to receive substantial internat

5、ional acclaim. Bryant is considered an early proponent of Romanticism in American literature, and his work is often compared thematically and stylistically to that of English Romantic poet William Wordsworth. Opposing eighteenth-century poetic conventions and using experimental iambic rhythms, Bryan

6、ts poetry usually meditates on nature and the transience of earthly things. 第8页/共28页第八页,共29页。 Although its themes were few and its thought not profound, Bryants verse possessed a simple dignity and an impeccable restrained style, most notably in Thanatopsis (1817) and To a Waterfowl (1821), the poem

7、s for which he is best remembered. Since Bryant also spent more than fifty years of his life as editor of the New York Evening Post, a career which ranks among the longest in American journalism, he never fully developed his poetic talents. However, Bryants literary efforts make him an important, if

8、 somewhat overlooked, figure in American poetry.第9页/共28页第九页,共29页。布赖恩特 威廉柯伦布莱恩特(William Bullen Bryant,1794-1878),美国诗人和新闻记者。作为美国首位(shu wi)重要的自然派诗人,他经常被称为“美国的华兹华斯”。布莱恩特的作品受沃兹沃斯的影响,不过,他所描述的是美国有代表性的鸟语花香和其他自然美景。死亡随想是他在17岁之前创作的,表达了死亡不可避免、人们必须接受的哲学理念。布莱恩特做报社编辑长达50之久,对政治和社会问题很感兴趣。他采用无韵诗的形式翻译了荷马的伊利亚特(1870年)和奥

9、德赛(2卷,1871-73年),保留了原诗的质朴和庄重。 第10页/共28页第十页,共29页。威廉柯伦布赖恩特 布莱恩特出生在马萨诸塞州的库明顿,在九岁之前就开始(kish)写诗。禁运(1808年)是他发表的第一部诗作,对杰斐逊政府进行了批评。在威廉斯学院读书一年后,布莱恩特成为一名律师。 1821年,布莱恩特在剑桥出版了一部诗集,收入了死亡随想、致水鸟,及其他早先发表在北美评论上的诗作。1824-25年间,他在美国文学报上发表了20到30首诗。第11页/共28页第十一页,共29页。 Each pair of unstressed and stressed syllables makes up

10、 a unit called a foot. The line contains five feet in all, as shown next: 1 2 3 4 5 shall I.|.comPARE.|.theeTO.|.aSUM.|.mers DAY? .A foot containing an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable (as above) is called an iamb. Because there are five feet in the line, all iambic, the meter of

11、the line is iambic pentameter. 第12页/共28页第十二页,共29页。本诗的韵律(ynl)分析 In each stanza, the poet uses iambic trimeter in lines 1 and 4 but iambic pentameter in lines 2 and 3. The second stanza illustrates this format: . vain LY the FOWL ers EYE three iambic feet might MARK thy DIST ant FLIGHT to DO thee WRON

12、G, five iambic feet as, DARK ly SEEN a GAINST the CRIM son SKY, five iambic feet thy FIG ure FLOATS a LONG. three iambic feet第13页/共28页第十三页,共29页。To a Waterfowl To a Waterfowl is a lyric poem of eight four-line stanzas presenting the musings of a person observing a soaring waterfowl. Bryant completed

13、the poem in 1818 and published it in a collection, Poems, in 1821. According to biographer Parke Godwin, Bryant was traveling from Cummington, Massachusetts, to Plainfield when he saw a high-flying bird that later inspired him to write the poem, one of his most popular. 第14页/共28页第十四页,共29页。 To a Wate

14、rfowl Whither, midst falling dew, While glow the heavens with the last steps of day, Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue Thy solitary way? Vainly the fowlers eye Might mark thy distant flight to do thee wrong, As, darkly seen against the crimson sky, Thy figure floats along. Seekst thou

15、 the plashy brink Of weedy lake, or marge of river wide, Or where the rocking billows rise and sink On the chafed ocean-side?第15页/共28页第十五页,共29页。 There is a Power whose care Teaches thy way along that pathless coast The desert and illimitable air Lone wandering, but not lost. All day thy wings have f

16、anned, At that far height, the cold, thin atmosphere, Yet stoop not, weary, to the welcome land, Though the dark night is near. And soon that toil shall end; Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows; reeds shall bend, Soon, oer thy sheltered nest.第16页/共28页第十六页,共29页。

17、 Thou rt gone, the abyss of heaven Hath swallowed up thy form; yet, on my heart Deeply hath sunk the lesson thou hast given, And shall not soon depart. He, who, from zone to zone, Guided through the boundless sky thy certain flight, In the long way that I must tread alone, Will lead my steps aright.

18、第17页/共28页第十七页,共29页。Summary The poet questions where the waterfowl is going. He questions his motives for flying. He warns the waterfowl that he could possibly find danger, traveling alone. But, this waterfowl is not alone. He knows that the waterfowl is being led by some Power. As the waterfowl reac

19、hes out of the narrators sight, the narrator reflects on Gods guidance in his own life. The narrator is sure that God has led this waterfowl, and that the waterfowl had faith in the narrator. Now, the narrators faith is strengthened. He knows that God is guiding him as well. 第18页/共28页第十八页,共29页。Whith

20、er, midst falling dew,While glow the heavens with the last steps of day,Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue Thy solitary way?你要去往何方?露珠正在坠落你要去往何方?露珠正在坠落(zhulu),天穹闪耀着白昼最后的脚步,天穹闪耀着白昼最后的脚步,远远地,穿过玫瑰色的深处,远远地,穿过玫瑰色的深处,你求索着孤独的道路。你求索着孤独的道路。第19页/共28页第十九页,共29页。 Vainly the fowlers eye Might mark th

21、y distant flight to do thee wrong, As, darkly seen against the crimson sky, Thy figure floats along. 也许,猎鸟者的眼睛徒劳地看着(kn zhe)你远飞,想要伤害你,当红色的天空衬着你的身影,你飘摇而去。第20页/共28页第二十页,共29页。 Seekst thou the plashy brink Of weedy lake, or marge of river wide, Or where the rocking billows rise and sink On the chafed oce

22、an-side? 你想要飞往何处(h ch)?要寻觅杂草丛生、潮湿的湖岸?大河的边沿,还是磨损的海滩?那里有动荡的巨浪起起落落第21页/共28页第二十一页,共29页。 There is a Power whose care Teaches thy way along that pathless coast The desert and illimitable air Lone wandering, but not lost. 有一种力量关照着你, 教导你在无路的海滨, 荒漠和浩淼的长空(chng kng), 独自漫游,不会迷失。第22页/共28页第二十二页,共29页。 All day thy

23、wings have fanned, At that far height, the cold, thin atmosphere, Yet stoop not, weary, to the welcome land, Though the dark night is near. 你整天拍打着翅膀, 扇着远天(yun tin)那寒冷的稀薄大气, 尽管黑夜已靠近,你已疲惫 也不肯屈尊降落安全的大地。第23页/共28页第二十三页,共29页。 And soon that toil shall end; Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows; reeds shall bend, Soon, oer thy sheltered nest. 不久那折磨就会结束; 不久你就会找到夏天的家,歇下, 在同伴间欢叫(hun jio);不久 芦苇将弯下,在你隐蔽的巢上。第24页/共28页第二十四页,共29页。 Thou rt gone, the abyss of heaven Hath


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