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1、越南太原梅塞尔1000m3低温液体贮槽 施工组织设计 Vietnam Taiyuan Messer 1000m3 cryogenic liquid tank 苏州制氧机股份有限公司Suzhou oxygenerator Share LTD越南太原梅塞尔1000m3低温液体贮槽项目Vietnam Taiyuan Messer 1000m3 cryogenic liquid tank project施工组织设计Construction Organization Program2016-05-22编制 201607-10修订2016-05-22 prepared 2016-07-10 Revisio

2、n四 川 省 化 工 建 设 有 限 公 司 第 九 分 公 司Ninth sub-company of Sichuan Chemical Construction LTD苏州制氧机股份有限公司Suzhou oxygenerator Share LTD.越南太原梅塞尔1000m3低温液体贮槽项目Vietnam Taiyuan Messer 1000m3 cryogenic liquid tank project施工组织设计Construction Organization Program施工单位Construction unit编制Editor审核Check批准Ratify总包单位审批意见Th

3、e total package unitsApproval comments 2016年 月 日建设/监理单位意见SupervisionUnit opinions2016年 月 日目 录table of Contents1.工程概况51. Project Overview52. 适用范围72. Scope73. 编制依据及相关标准规范103. Basis and related standards104. 施工准备、施工程序及施工方案104. The construction preparation, construction procedures and construction schem

4、e105珠光砂装填705. Perlite filling706、设备整体冷试716, overall equipment cold test717、安全注意事项727. Security Considerations728、质量保证体系及质量控制758, quality assurance and quality control759、进度控制及施工计划进度表789, and construction schedule control plan schedule78苏州制氧机股份有限公司Suzhou oxygenerator Share LTD越南太原梅塞尔1000m3低温液体贮槽项目Vie

5、tnam Taiyuan Messer 1000m3 cryogenic liquid tank project施工组织设计Construction Organization Program1.工程概况1. Project Overview1.1 工程名称:越南太原梅塞尔1000m3低温液体贮槽 1.1 Project Name: Taiyuan Vietnam Messer 1000m3 cryogenic liquid tank1.2 建设单位:越南梅塞尔 1.2 Construction units: the more Nanmeiseer1.3 设计单位:苏州制氧机股份有限公司1.3

6、The design unit: suzhou oxygen generator co., LTD 1.4 工程建设地点:越南1.4 Project Location: Vietnam1.5 低温储罐概况:1.5 cryogenic tanks Description:外罐直径 13 m 内罐直径 10.3 m;外罐高度 17 m 内罐高度 13.65 m外罐主体材料 Q235B 内罐主体材料 S30408储罐容积 1000m3 物料名称 LN2储罐设计温度: 外罐:常温 内罐:19650Tank outer diameter of 13 meters, the inner tank of 1

7、0.3 meters.The outer tank height 17 m ,The outer tank body material Q235B, The inner tank height 13.65 m, The inner tank body material S30408. Tank volume 1000m3, Material name LN2, design temperature: Outer tank:, the inner tank at room temperature: -196 50 。1.6工程简介:1.6 Project Description:越南太原梅塞尔1

8、000m3低温液体贮槽由苏州制氧机股份有限公司设计、供货,由我公司承担现场组焊安装任务。该工程项目技术要求高,施工难度大,对施工组织和和施工技术要求高,施工过程中必须每一道工序严格要求,保证每一项工序质量,从而保证工程质量。Vietnam Taiyuan Messer 1000m3 cryogenic liquid tank from Suzhou oxygenerator Share LTD design, supply, Borne by the company site welding installation tasks. The project technically demandi

9、ng, difficult construction, construction and construction organization and technical requirements, the construction process must each procedure strict requirements to ensure the quality of every step to ensure project quality.1000m3贮槽体积大、重量大、是散装到货,部分零部件在厂里预制成形,在现场组装成整体。由于施工现场情况复杂,又是登高作业,加上产品结构的特殊性,对

10、施工工艺和安装质量要求很高。1000m3 tank bulky, heavy, bulk arrival, some parts in the factory pre-shaped, assembled on site as a whole. Due to the construction site complex, but also a climbing operation, with the particularity of product structure, construction technology and install high quality requirements.储槽

11、内槽主体材质为S30408不锈钢、外槽主体材质为Q235B。外槽起保护绝热层作用,绝热层为填充的珠光砂。内槽底部绝热采用泡沫玻璃砖,在玻璃砖与内槽底板间浇注了负荷分配板,负荷分配板也起到保护玻璃砖的作用。Inner tank body is made of S30408 stainless steel, Q235B the main material  An outer  Trough protective outer insulation effect, heat-insulating layer is filled with perlite. The bottom of

12、 the groove using insulating foam glass tiles, glass tiles and between the inner groove bottom poured a load distribution plate, the load distribution plate also protects the glass tile effect.2. 适用范围2. Scope of application2.1 本方案适用于越南太原梅塞尔1000m3贮槽的安装,2.1 program applies to Vietnam Taiyuan Messer 10

13、00m3 storage tank installatio2.2 施工方法:采用倒装法进行安装施工。2.2 Construction Methods: Installation From top to bottom下图为储槽外形图The following figure shows the Storage tank Dimensions四川省化工建设有限公司第九分公司Ninth sub-company of Sichuan Chemical Construction LTD 3. 编制依据及相关标准规范3. Basis and related standards3.1 大型焊接低压贮槽的设计及

14、制造API620-20093.1 "design and manufacture of large welded low pressure sump" API620-20093.2 承压设备无损检测JB4730-20053.2 "Pressure Equipment NDT" JB4730-20053.3 立式圆筒型钢制焊接储罐施工及验收规范GB50128-20053.3 "vertical cylindrical steel welded storage tanks construction and acceptance of" G

15、B50128-20053.4 现场组装立式圆筒平地钢质液化天然气储槽的设计与制造GB/T26978-20113.4 "Field assembly of vertical cylindrical flat steel LNG storage tank design and manufacture of" GB / T26978-20113.5 工业金属管道工程施工规范GB50235-20103.5 "Industrial metal pipe construction norms" GB50235-20103.6 现场设备、工艺管道焊接工程施工规范GB5

16、0236-20113.6 "field devices, process piping weld construction norms" GB50236-20113.7 低温储槽施工图及技术文件3.7 cryogenic storage tank construction drawings and technical documents4. 施工准备、施工程序及施工方案4. The construction preparation, construction procedures and construction scheme4.1 作业条件和技术准备4.1 Operati

17、ng conditions and technical preparation4.1.1 施工机具和材料准备:根据施工图纸和施工技术方案,准备安装用各种工、机具和材料,包括运输、吊装、起重、安装、施工用材料等;4.1.1 construction equipment and material preparation: According to the construction drawings and construction technology program, ready to install with a variety of workers, equipment and materi

18、als, including transportation, lifting, lifting, installation, construction materials and so on;设备及机具表Apparatus and equipment list序号NO设备名称Device Name规格型号Specifications Model单位unit数量quantity备注remarks 1汽车吊crane25T台1临时用2直流电焊机DC welding machineBX2-400-2/zx-400台4焊接3葫芦提升装置Lifting device含葫芦、扒杆、吊耳等套1罐体提升4焊条

19、烘干箱Electrode drying boxRDL4-200台1焊条烘干用5动力配电箱Power distribution box大号台240KVA6动力配电箱Power distribution box小号台47型材切割机Cutting Machine400台18兆欧表Insulation monitor台19真空泵Vacuum pump台1底板真空10平板真空盒Flat vacuum box081米个1底板真空11角型真空盒Angle vacuum box08-1米个1大脚缝真空12角磨机Angle Grinder100台10台13直型钢板吊卡Hoisting Equipment of

20、Steel 3T个4钢板吊装4.1.2 组织准备:施工组织除人员准备外,还应根据施工方案在安装施工前检查施工现场是否满足安装施工条件。4.1.2 organize preparation: In addition to the construction organization personnel preparation, the construction program should be based on the installation and construction before the construction site to check whether the installat

21、ion and construction conditions.1、施工人员组织1, construction workers organization组建1000m3 储槽工程项目部:organize 1000m3 storage tank project department项目经理:黄栋良施工经理:刘中清检验员:冷永成安全员:刘中清(兼)Project Manager: Dongliang HuangConstruction Manager: Zhongqing LiuInspector: Yongcheng LenSecurity Officer: Zhongqing Liu (con

22、currently)其余作业人员根据工程需要委派,特种作业人员进场时需持证上岗。为保证施工质量和施工进度,本工程施工人员按照施工进度要分步进场,其中部分管理人员为兼职。All other operations personnel according to the engineering need to delegate, special operations personnel approach need certificates. In order to ensure the construction quality and progress of the construction, the

23、 construction personnel in accordance with the construction schedule to step by step approach, in which part of the management staff for part-time.项目经理: 1人施工经理: 1人质检员(兼): 1人材料员(兼): 1人安全员(兼): 1人冷 作 工: 2人焊 工: 4人电 工: 1人钳 工: 1人油 漆 工: 1人保 温 工: 2人普 工: 5人合 计: 18人Project Manager: 1Construction Manager: 1Ins

24、pector (and): 1Materials, staff (and): 1Security Officer (Chief): 1Cold as workers: 2WELDER: 4 peopleElectrician: 1Pliers workers: 1Paint work: 1Bao Wen workers: 2General workers: 5Total: 182、施工材料组织2, the construction material organization工程主材: 厂家提供。工程辅材: 按需采购。Engineering Main Material: provided by

25、the manufacturer.Engineering auxiliary materials: demand procurement.4.1.3 技术准备:熟悉现场施工图纸和有关资料,掌握相关技术要求。安装施工前必须对所有参加安装的人员进行技术交底,使其熟悉施工方案,确保方案能够正确、顺利和安全的实施。4.1.3 technical preparations: Familiar with the construction drawings and site information, acquire the relevant technical requirements. All parti

26、cipants must install personnel technical tests before installation and construction, to familiarize them with the construction program, to ensure that the program correctly, smooth and safe implementation.1)施工现场要求1) the requirements of the construction site为保证设备施工的正常进行,安装队进场前,所有现场厂房、土建基础等基本设施必须施工完毕,

27、主要设备已基本到达现场,工程能够无间断的进行。现场吊装位置要足够,路面情况符合吊装需要。建设单位除保证水电气三通,尚需提供预装、储存等必要场地。因为工程施工时间紧张,为保证工作时间紧凑,安装队需要连续加班工作,建设单位应提供人员进出、环境设施等方便。In order to ensure the normal construction equipment, the installation team approach, all on-site plant, construction and other basic infrastructure construction must be compl

28、eted, the main equipment has been basically arrived at the scene, the project can be carried out without interruption. Lifting site location should be enough, the road, subject to the lifting needs. In addition to water, electricity and construction units to ensure that the three-way, still need to

29、provide the necessary space pre-installed storage.Because the construction time constraints, to ensure that working time is compact, continuous installation team needs to work overtime, the construction unit shall provide personnel access, environmental facilities and so convenient.2)基础检查清理2) the ba

30、sis of cleaning up检查所有设备和场地、基础设施基本尺寸和施工质量,重点检查贮槽基础标高、表面水平度及定位尺寸并清理干净。基础查对验收应分两步走,责任要明确。设备基础的尺寸和位置的质量要求应符合相关的土建标准。第一步建设单位与土建施工单位以施工图为准,对各个单体设备基础进行验收。第二步建设单位与安装单位以设备供货单位的基础图为准,逐个基础进行仔细查对,不符合要求坚决返修。基础验收资料应齐全,应有施工设计单位设计的基础设计蓝图、砼试块试验报告、基础竣工移交单,包括标高误差、中心偏差、坐标位置等。水平标高基准点,以设计图为准。Check all equipment and venu

31、es, infrastructure, basic dimensions and construction quality, focus on examination of the tank foundation level, size and positioning surface levelness and clean. Based check acceptance should take two steps, the responsibility must be clear. Quality requirements of equipment based on the size and

32、location should be consistent with the relevant civil standards. The first step in the construction unit and construction unit to the civil construction plans prevail, for each device based monomer acceptance. The second step in the construction unit and install unit foundation drawing equipment sup

33、ply units prevail, scrutinized one by one basis, and resolutely not meet the requirements for repair. Basic acceptance documents should be complete, should be the basis of the blueprint construction design unit design, concrete test block test report, the completion of the transfer basis, which incl

34、ude elevation error, center deviation, coordinate location. Level elevation reference point to design prevail.3)设备开箱清点3) inventory of equipment out of the box按照设备安装次序对现场设备进行开箱清点,检查质量,核实数量,并作好记录,将存在问题和缺件情况提交建设单位和设备供货单位。开箱清点的依据是以设备供货单位编制的发货清单和装箱清单为准,清点时要求三方人员参加:设备供货单位、建设单位、施工单位。开箱前应确认箱号和箱数,并作好记录。应检查箱体



37、档案。In accordance with the installation sequence of field devices out of the box inventory, quality checks, verify the quantity, and make records, there will be problems and lack of parts and equipment submitted by the construction unit suppliers.Unpacking the inventory is based on the packing list a

38、nd shipping list prepared by the equipment suppliers of the subject requires personnel to participate in the tripartite when inventory: equipment supply units, construction units, construction units.It should confirm the box number and box number in front of the box, and make records. Check the box

39、and packing, the box is in good condition, If it is damaged temporarily out of the box, identify the reason for treatment. Three confirmed after checking out of the box to the cabinet intact. Inspection, piece by piece, by serial number packing list will be counted, the number of physical random dra

40、wing check; check whether the information is complete packing material material certificate assessment project is complete, and confirm.The main component manufacturing within the pressure tank (cylinder, floor, roof, opening reinforcement plate, etc.) on the material should be labeled, and inspecto

41、rs seal. Material appearance quality should be consistent with the corresponding material standards and manufacturing standards. Inventory process to do a good job records, such as device name, model, and specifications and other projects, as well as equipment missing, tripartite signature recogniti

42、on, be accountable, completion data to meet the requirements.Count the number of process should also be checked for quality inspection should be completed another major component quality inspection records based on their requirements for equipment, machinery, instruments, etc., check the contents in

43、 general are:(1) Dimensions Meets drawings, technical documents or builts size requirements.(2) whether the lesion, especially during transportation damage.(3) to see whether the metal corrosion, cracks, weld meets the requirements of the drawings and the relevant standard specifications (whether pr

44、e-bending, chamfering, etc.); plate surface is subjected to surface treatment, painting and the like.(4) valves, etc. Check with the design drawings.(5) standard parts (flanges, bolts, nuts, pipe fittings, etc.) to check whether the number matches the criteria, sampling each batch of one to two, che

45、ck if it matches with the standard size.    Inventory of equipment, machinery, standard parts and other prefabricated parts, etc., to be supplied by the product code number or classification stacked for small pieces of electrical and instrument control elements to storage vault.

46、Inventory equipment defects found, missing parts, etc. should be timely visa application procedures, notify the relevant units to deal with. Equipment and materials inventory check visa information should be promptly recorded revenues construction archives.4.2 储罐预制及预拼接4.2 Tank prefabricated and pre

47、splicing 1)清理施工现场,合理利用施工场地,布置要紧凑合理,焊机就近放置,最好放在焊接组装平台和贮槽基础间适当位置,避免焊接电缆太长,或者摆放在干燥通风的房间里,若没有合适的房间,放在露天时则需设置防雨防尘棚;阀门、管件、安装用工具等小东西放在就近干燥通风的贮藏室,还需准备一间小屋,作为暗室。2)槽体组装场地应平整、面积比较大。贮槽四周应有5米宽的场地供堆放筒体。本贮槽采用倒装顺序安装。1) clean up the construction site, the rational use of the construction site, arranged to be reasona

48、bly compact welder nearest place, preferably on the basis of a storage tank and welding assembly platform between the appropriate location, to avoid welding cable is too long, or placed in dry and ventilated room where, if there is no suitable room, you need to set the time on the open-air shed rain

49、 and dust; valves, fittings, installation tools and other small things on the nearest dry and ventilated storage compartment, need to prepare a hut as a darkroom.2) tank assembly site should be flat, relatively large area. Sump four weeks should be 5 meters wide space for stacking the barrel. The su

50、mp flip the order of installation.4.3 低温储槽的施工程序:4.3 cryogenic storage tank construction program:储槽施工基本程序如下,部分施工程序可能根据最终图纸进行调整。The basic procedure is as follows chart, part of the construction program may be adjusted according to the final drawings.外筒底板- -内筒顶盖-外筒筒体-外筒顶盖-同时安装筒体-绝热层-内筒底板-附属部件The outer

51、cylinder bottom - - Inside the barrel cover - in cylinder barrel - the outer cylinder cap - installed cylinder - Heat insulation spacer layer - Inner cylinder bottom plate - Accessory parts4.3.1 储罐壁板(包括抗压圈)预制4.3.1 tank wall (including compression ring) Prefabricated内外罐壁板采用总包方提供的板料,检查直角度、直线度,如发现直角度和直

52、线度偏差,采用切割方法修正。注:在切割过程中如果发现材料有夹层、材料表面有严重锈蚀等缺陷,应停止使用该材料,并及时向总包方书面报告。Inner and outer tank wall using the total package provided by sheet check straight angle, straightness, straight angle and found straightness deviation, using the cutting method amendment. NOTE: If you find that in the process of cutt

53、ing the sandwich material, the surface of serious corrosion and other defects, should stop using the material, and timely written report to the total package.贮槽外槽由底板、筒体、顶盖、平台梯子栏杆等部分组成。底板由许多钢板拼焊而成,它与筒体间由双面角焊缝连接,此处残余应力较大,焊接下来后产生的收缩力较大,加上底板上拼缝多而长,焊接残余应力复杂,为了使底板焊后变形情况符合图纸要求,即局部凹凸变形不超过变形长度的2%,只允许中心凸起,且最大

54、不超过图纸允许值,为减少组焊后的校平工作量,必须采用适当的装配焊接顺序,正确的顺序是使筒体与底板间的环向角焊缝的收缩不牵连到底板的主体,使之能比较自由的收缩,根据这个原则,将底板分为两个部分,一部分是和筒体直接连接的边缘板,第二部分是不与筒体连接的中间板。组装前先清理基础表面灰尘、杂物等,可用水冲洗干净,然后让其风干。底板示意图及焊缝情况见图纸。The tank outside the tank comprises a bottom plate, cylinder cover, ladder platform railings and other parts. The bottom plate

55、 is made of many steel plates welded together, and its cylinder body by a double fillet weld connection, the residual stress is larger and the shrinkage force generated after welding down greatly, and floor seam and long welding. The residual stress is complex, in order to make the plate after weldi

56、ng deformation meet the requirements of the drawings, namely the local convex deformation is not more than 2% of the length of deformation, only allow the center bulge, and the maximum does not exceed the allowable value for drawing, reducing the workload of leveling group after welding, must use appropriate assembly welding sequence, the correct order is to make the cylinder body and the bottom plate between the circumferential fillet weld shrinkage not implicated in the end plate main body, so as to compare the free shrinkage,


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