已阅读5页,还剩45页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第三章涉外商务信函的翻译 一一 商务信函的商务信函的1212种要素种要素 信头(信头(letterheadletterhead) 案号案号 (reference)(reference) 日期日期 (date)(date) 封内地址封内地址 (inside address(inside address 注意项注意项 (attention line)(attention line) 称呼称呼 (salutation)(salutation) 事由栏事由栏 (subject)(subject) 信的正文信的正文 (body of letter)(body of letter) 信尾敬语信尾敬语 (c

2、omplimentary close)(complimentary close) 签名签名 (signature)(signature) 缩写名、附件及分送标志部分缩写名、附件及分送标志部分 (IEC: initials, enclosures and carbon copies blockIEC: initials, enclosures and carbon copies block) 附言附言 (postscript)(postscript)商务信函实例商务信函实例1 1Kee & Co., Ltd Kee & Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street 34 R

3、egent Street London, UK Inside Address London, UK Inside Address 收信人地址收信人地址 Dear SirsDear Sirs,SalutationSalutation称呼称呼 We have obtained your name and address We have obtained your name and address from Dee & Co. Ltd, and we are writing tofrom Dee & Co. Ltd, and we are writing toenquire whet

4、her you would be willing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, we are interested many years. At present, we are interested

5、in extending our range and would in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are competitive we If your prices are competitive we would expect to place volume orders on would expect to place volume orders on yo

6、u. you. We look forward to your early reply. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully, Complimentary CloseComplimentary Close客套结束语客套结束语 Tony Smith Tony Smith Signature BlockSignature Block签名栏签名栏 Enc: invoice for consulting Enc: invoice for consulting services services

7、Enclosure NotationEnclosure Notation 1 1 商务信函的文体特点商务信函的文体特点1 11 1 词汇使用特点词汇使用特点1 11 11 1 用词规范正式用词规范正式 (1 1)商务英语信函经常以意义相同或相近)商务英语信函经常以意义相同或相近的书面词语代替基本词汇和口语词汇,如的书面词语代替基本词汇和口语词汇,如以以informinform或或adviseadvise代替代替telltell,以,以duplicateduplicate代替代替copycopy,以,以dispatchdispatch代替代替sendsend,以,以otherwiseotherw

8、ise代替代替oror;以介词短语代替简单的;以介词短语代替简单的介词,如以介词,如以as foras for,in respect toin respect to,in in connection withconnection with和和with regarding towith regarding to等等代替代替aboutabout等。等。 例如:例如: We are pleased to advise We are pleased to advise you that your order NO.105 has you that your order NO.105 has been

9、been dispatcheddispatched in accordance in accordance with your instruction.with your instruction. 我们很高兴地通知你们:第我们很高兴地通知你们:第105105号订单货物已遵照你方指示运出。号订单货物已遵照你方指示运出。 1 11 11 1 用词规范正式用词规范正式We will meet you half way by We will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% offering a discount of 5% in view

10、in view ofof our long pleasant relations. our long pleasant relations. 鉴于我们之间长期愉快的业务关系,鉴于我们之间长期愉快的业务关系,本公司将酌情考虑给予本公司将酌情考虑给予5%5%的折扣。的折扣。 2 2)商务信函中还经常使用)商务信函中还经常使用here/there +here/there +介词构成的复合词,如介词构成的复合词,如:hereafter(:hereafter(此后此后) ) hereby ( hereby (因此;特此因此;特此) ) , hereunder ( hereunder (在下面在下面) )

11、 , hereto ( hereto (至此为止至此为止, , 至此至此 ) ),hereinafter (hereinafter (以下以下, , 在下文中在下文中 ) ),herewith (herewith (因此,附此因此,附此) ) ,thereafter (thereafter (其后其后, , 从那时以后从那时以后) ) therein (therein (在那里,在其中在那里,在其中 ) ), therefrom ( therefrom (由此由此, , 从此从此) ) hereof (hereof (于此于此, , 关于此点关于此点) )例如:例如: All offers a

12、nd sales are All offers and sales are subject to the terms and subject to the terms and conditions printed on the conditions printed on the reverse side reverse side hereof.hereof. 所有报盘和销售均应遵守本报价所有报盘和销售均应遵守本报价单背面所印的条款。单背面所印的条款。In such a case, Seller is bound to In such a case, Seller is bound to rei

13、mburse Buyer for any loss or reimburse Buyer for any loss or damage sustained damage sustained therefromtherefrom. . 在次情况下,卖方负责偿还买方在次情况下,卖方负责偿还买方由此所遭受的损失。由此所遭受的损失。1 11 12 2 表意准确、专业性强表意准确、专业性强 商务信函用词表意准确、专业性强,商务信函用词表意准确、专业性强,主要表现在使用大量的专业术语、行话、主要表现在使用大量的专业术语、行话、外来词、缩略语以及一般词语在商务英语外来词、缩略语以及一般词语在商务英语语境中的

14、特殊用法。语境中的特殊用法。 (1 1)专业术语类:)专业术语类:Trimming charges Trimming charges 平仓费平仓费 insurance policy insurance policy 保险单保险单 coverage coverage 保险项目保险项目 establishment establishment 开证开证 counter-suggestion counter-suggestion 反还盘反还盘 surcharges surcharges 附加费附加费 pro forma invoice pro forma invoice 形式发票形式发票 premiu

15、m premium 保险费保险费 clearance sale clearance sale 清仓削价销售清仓削价销售 underwriter underwriter 保险人保险人 L/C L/C 信用证信用证 CIF CIF 到岸价格到岸价格 FOB FOB 离岸价格离岸价格 bid bid 递盘递盘 C.B.D. C.B.D. 付现提货付现提货 counter-offer counter-offer还盘还盘 irrevocable letter of credit irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤消信用证不可撤消信用证1 11 12 2 表意准确、专业性强表

16、意准确、专业性强 We shall cover We shall cover TPNDTPND on your on your order.order. 我们将为你方的货物投保我们将为你方的货物投保盗窃和提货不着险盗窃和提货不着险。It would be appreciated if you It would be appreciated if you would let us know by returning would let us know by returning your lowest possible price for the your lowest possible pric

17、e for the following goods on following goods on FOB LondonFOB London. . 请报下列商品伦敦请报下列商品伦敦船上交货船上交货之最低价。之最低价。(2 2)外来词类:)外来词类: 拉丁语的拉丁语的status quostatus quo(现状),意大利语的(现状),意大利语的del crederedel credere(保付货价的),汉语中的(保付货价的),汉语中的litchilitchi(荔枝),荔枝),tungoiltungoil(桐油),(桐油),mangomango(芒果)等(芒果)等。(3 3)行话:长期的函电交往使人

18、们在使用术语)行话:长期的函电交往使人们在使用术语上形成共识,本来意义差异很大的词汇在特定上形成共识,本来意义差异很大的词汇在特定的语境中所表达的内涵和外延却非常相似。的语境中所表达的内涵和外延却非常相似。Offer, quotationOffer, quotation表示表示“报价,发盘报价,发盘”Pamphlet, brochure, booklet, sales Pamphlet, brochure, booklet, sales literature literature 表示商家用于宣传介绍自己公司表示商家用于宣传介绍自己公司或产品的或产品的“说明材料说明材料”ShipmentShi

19、pment和和consignment consignment 表示表示“所发出的所发出的货物货物”Financial Financial standing/reputation/condition/positionstanding/reputation/condition/position用于表示公司的用于表示公司的“资信财务情况资信财务情况”Fulfill/complete/execute an orderFulfill/complete/execute an order用于表用于表示示“执行订单执行订单”A draft contractA draft contract或或a specime

20、n contract a specimen contract 表表示示“合同样本合同样本”1 11 12 2 表意准确、专业性强表意准确、专业性强(4 4)商务信函准确性主要体现在数量词的大量运)商务信函准确性主要体现在数量词的大量运用。商务用。商务 信函中的时间,价格,数量,金额,信函中的时间,价格,数量,金额,规格等问题贯穿商贸活动始终,数字的表达应言规格等问题贯穿商贸活动始终,数字的表达应言之确凿,避免摸棱两可。之确凿,避免摸棱两可。例如:例如:The vender shall deliver the The vender shall deliver the goods to the v

21、endee on and by June goods to the vendee on and by June 15.15. 卖方须于卖方须于6 6月月1515日或之前将货物交给买方。日或之前将货物交给买方。The market here for this product is The market here for this product is active, and the best price we can offer active, and the best price we can offer is US $150 is US $150 or overor over per lon

22、g ton. per long ton. 该产品在本地的销售看好,我方出价可达每长吨该产品在本地的销售看好,我方出价可达每长吨150150美元或以上。美元或以上。 1 11 13 3 用语朴素、淡于修饰用语朴素、淡于修饰 商贸信函的主要功能是传递信息,使收、发信函双方商贸信函的主要功能是传递信息,使收、发信函双方发生贸易往来、达成交易,因此除了必须使用专业术语等发生贸易往来、达成交易,因此除了必须使用专业术语等手段准确传达自己的信息意图外,还要求信函语言明白手段准确传达自己的信息意图外,还要求信函语言明白易懂,朴实平易。易懂,朴实平易。 Dear Sirs,Dear Sirs, Thank y

23、ou for your interest in Thank you for your interest in our fireworks.our fireworks. In reply to your enquiry of In reply to your enquiry of November 15, we are really sorry to November 15, we are really sorry to say that we cannot divulge any of say that we cannot divulge any of our sales informatio

24、n. We hope this our sales information. We hope this will not bring you too much will not bring you too much inconvenience. inconvenience. Yours truly, Yours truly, 敬启者:敬启者: 承蒙贵方对我们的烟花感兴趣,十分承蒙贵方对我们的烟花感兴趣,十分感谢。感谢。 兹复贵方兹复贵方1111月月1515日询价函,我们非常日询价函,我们非常抱歉地奉告,我们不泄露我方任何销售抱歉地奉告,我们不泄露我方任何销售情况。我们希望这不会给贵方带来很多情

25、况。我们希望这不会给贵方带来很多不便。不便。 敬上敬上1 12 2 语法使用特点语法使用特点1 12 21 1 句子类型句子类型 英语句子按使用目的可以分为四类:英语句子按使用目的可以分为四类: 陈述句(陈述句(Declarative SentencesDeclarative Sentences) 疑问句(疑问句(Interrogative SentencesInterrogative Sentences) 祈使句(祈使句(Imperative SentencesImperative Sentences) 感叹句(感叹句(Exclamatory SentencesExclamatory Sen

26、tences)(1 1)商务信函主要使用陈述句。)商务信函主要使用陈述句。例如:例如: Dear Sirs, Dear Sirs, We thank you for your promptness in We thank you for your promptness in delivering the coffee we ordered on delivering the coffee we ordered on 20th, July. The number of bags delivered 20th, July. The number of bags delivered by your

27、carrier this morning was, by your carrier this morning was, however, 160 whereas our order was for however, 160 whereas our order was for only 120.only 120. Unfortunately, our present needs are Unfortunately, our present needs are completely covered and as we cannot make completely covered and as we

28、 cannot make use of the 40 bags in excess of order, use of the 40 bags in excess of order, we have put them in our warehouse to be we have put them in our warehouse to be held for you until we receive your held for you until we receive your instructions. instructions. Yours Truly,Yours Truly, 敬启者:敬启

29、者: 收到我方收到我方7 7月月2020日订购的咖啡,并对日订购的咖啡,并对你方迅速交货表示感谢。但是,你方承运你方迅速交货表示感谢。但是,你方承运人上午交来人上午交来160160袋,而我们只订购袋,而我们只订购120120袋。袋。 遗憾的是,我方需求已满,无法接受遗憾的是,我方需求已满,无法接受你方多交的你方多交的4040袋。我们已将此货入库保存袋。我们已将此货入库保存,等候你方指示。,等候你方指示。 敬上敬上 (2 2)祈使句表示请求、劝告、命令等,用祈使句可避免)祈使句表示请求、劝告、命令等,用祈使句可避免生硬刻板,比陈述句更有礼貌。生硬刻板,比陈述句更有礼貌。 Please look

30、into the matter at Please look into the matter at once and let us have your definite once and let us have your definite reply by cable without any further reply by cable without any further delay.delay. 请立即调查此事,并尽快电告确切答复。请立即调查此事,并尽快电告确切答复。 (3 3)疑问句也可用来表达写信人的观点或向对方提议)疑问句也可用来表达写信人的观点或向对方提议,疑问句给对方留有更大的

31、余地,更有礼貌,它的使,疑问句给对方留有更大的余地,更有礼貌,它的使用频率比祈使句相对要多。用频率比祈使句相对要多。 Would you please send us a copy Would you please send us a copy of your catalogue?of your catalogue? 能否向我公司邮寄一份贵公司的产品目录?能否向我公司邮寄一份贵公司的产品目录?(4 4)感叹句虽然可以渲染气氛,增强语势,但与函电英)感叹句虽然可以渲染气氛,增强语势,但与函电英语讲求客观、严谨的文体不符,因此感叹句在函电英语讲求客观、严谨的文体不符,因此感叹句在函电英语中极少使用

32、。语中极少使用。1 12 22 2 句式结构句式结构从结构看,英文句子可以分成三种类型:从结构看,英文句子可以分成三种类型: 简单句(简单句(Simple SentencesSimple Sentences),并列句),并列句(Compound SentencesCompound Sentences),复合句(),复合句(Complex SentencesComplex Sentences), ,函电英语采用大量的函电英语采用大量的并列句和复合句。并列句和复合句。 (1 1)复合句与简单句结合,以复合句为主:)复合句与简单句结合,以复合句为主:为了保证考究的句式和严密的逻辑性,函电为了保证考究

33、的句式和严密的逻辑性,函电英语往往需要将连续的短句结合成一个独立英语往往需要将连续的短句结合成一个独立的主从复合句或并列句。的主从复合句或并列句。复合句复合句 The credit could cover 85% of the The credit could cover 85% of the local expenses if they are made under local expenses if they are made under the responsibility of the British the responsibility of the British Contract

34、or and within the limit of the Contractor and within the limit of the down payments paid on the Contract, down payments paid on the Contract, i.e., 15% as a maximum.i.e., 15% as a maximum. 此项贷款可支付当地费用的此项贷款可支付当地费用的85%85%。但此项费用。但此项费用必须是英国承包商直接负责支付的,并必须在合必须是英国承包商直接负责支付的,并必须在合同付款的幅度以内,即最高不得超过合同金额的同付款的幅度

35、以内,即最高不得超过合同金额的15%15%。 复合句结构复杂,表达完备周密;简单句则结复合句结构复杂,表达完备周密;简单句则结构简单,简洁明快。函电英语对严谨和简洁都有构简单,简洁明快。函电英语对严谨和简洁都有要求,目的在于追求准确严谨的语言风格,因此要求,目的在于追求准确严谨的语言风格,因此复合句的使用虽普遍,但不排斥简单句的使用。复合句的使用虽普遍,但不排斥简单句的使用。1 12 22 2 句式结构句式结构(2 2)常用并列结构)常用并列结构用用andand连接并列结构,使表达更精确。连接并列结构,使表达更精确。 Eg Eg:This contract is made by This co

36、ntract is made by andand between the two parties.between the two parties. 双方签定本合同。双方签定本合同。 用用oror引导的选择性并列结构,是内容更严谨全面引导的选择性并列结构,是内容更严谨全面。 Eg Eg:Any dispute arising from the Any dispute arising from the execution of, execution of, oror in connection with the in connection with the agreement, shall be

37、settled through agreement, shall be settled through friendly consultations between the two friendly consultations between the two parties.parties. 在本合同执行中引起的或与本合同有关的争在本合同执行中引起的或与本合同有关的争议应有双方通过友好协商解决。议应有双方通过友好协商解决。函电英语中常用的连用同义词还有:函电英语中常用的连用同义词还有: amendments to/or alterations of amendments to/or alter

38、ations of 修改修改 force and effect force and effect 效力效力 fulfill and provide fulfill and provide 履行履行 furnish and provide furnish and provide 提供提供 obligations and responsibilities obligations and responsibilities 义务义务 make and enter into make and enter into 达成达成1 12 22 2 句式结构句式结构(3 3)状语位置独特)状语位置独特商务函电中

39、,较长的状语经常出现在主谓语之间,商务函电中,较长的状语经常出现在主谓语之间,一般文体的主谓语间不放长状语。一般文体的主谓语间不放长状语。 Eg Eg:The contractor shall, The contractor shall, if called upon if called upon so to doso to do, enter into and execute the , enter into and execute the contract, to be prepared and contract, to be prepared and completed at the c

40、ost of the employer, completed at the cost of the employer, in the form annexed to these in the form annexed to these conditions with such modification as conditions with such modification as may be necessary.may be necessary. 在被邀签约时,承包人应同意签订并履行合同,在被邀签约时,承包人应同意签订并履行合同,该合同是由业主按照本合同条件所附格式拟定,该合同是由业主按照本

41、合同条件所附格式拟定,如有必要可对其进行修改。该合同的拟定和签订如有必要可对其进行修改。该合同的拟定和签订费用由业主承担。费用由业主承担。 商务函电的状语从句中,商务函电的状语从句中,if if,whenwhen,in casein case等等连词与从句的主体之间可放谓语,一般文体的连词与从句的主体之间可放谓语,一般文体的状语从句中则不可。状语从句中则不可。EgEg:If, If, after 30 days from the after 30 days from the commencement of such informal commencement of such informal

42、consultationsconsultations, the parties fail to , the parties fail to resolve amicably a contract dispute, resolve amicably a contract dispute, either party hereto may require that either party hereto may require that the dispute be submitted to the dispute be submitted to arbitration for resolution

43、.arbitration for resolution. 在非正式协商开始在非正式协商开始3030天后,如果双方仍不能天后,如果双方仍不能友好地解决合同争端,任何一方都可以要求将友好地解决合同争端,任何一方都可以要求将争端提交仲裁解决。争端提交仲裁解决。1 12 23 3 虚拟语气的运用虚拟语气的运用 英语中共有三种语气:陈述语气(the Indicative Mood),祈使语气(the Imperative Mood),虚拟语气(the Subjunctive Mood)。 虚拟语气可表主观愿望和假想虚拟的情况,并可使语气委婉,谓语有should,would,could,might加动词原

44、形构成。 Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Mr. Smith, Thanks for your promptness in sending Thanks for your promptness in sending us the credit information we requested. We us the credit information we requested. We are glad to report that all of your credit are glad to report that all of your credit references spok

45、e favorably of you as a references spoke favorably of you as a businessman.businessman. The new store which you are opening in The new store which you are opening in Broadway should eventually prosper, since Broadway should eventually prosper, since yours is a thriving community. But its yours is a

46、thriving community. But its location within 20 miles of New York forces location within 20 miles of New York forces you to compete with the larger stocks and you to compete with the larger stocks and lower prices of the metropolitan department lower prices of the metropolitan department stores, so r

47、eadily accessible to commute stores, so readily accessible to commute from Broadway and similar communications. from Broadway and similar communications. Because your resources do not indicate that Because your resources do not indicate that you can meet such competition by staring you can meet such

48、 competition by staring with a large indebtedness, we must refuse with a large indebtedness, we must refuse your credit application.your credit application. We could suggest, therefore, that you We could suggest, therefore, that you cut your order to half and pay cash for it. cut your order to half

49、and pay cash for it. This will entitle you to our 2 percent cash This will entitle you to our 2 percent cash discount, a saving which you may pass on to discount, a saving which you may pass on to your customers. By ordering frequently in your customers. By ordering frequently in small quantities, y

50、ou can best meet the small quantities, you can best meet the competition of the New York stores through competition of the New York stores through keeping up-to-date on a sound basis that keeping up-to-date on a sound basis that will entitle you to an excellent credit will entitle you to an excellen

51、t credit reputation.reputation. The enclosed duplicate of your order The enclosed duplicate of your order will assist you in making your selection. will assist you in making your selection. Just check the items you wish and sign the Just check the items you wish and sign the order. Your merchandise

52、will arrive C.O.D. order. Your merchandise will arrive C.O.D. within two days after our receipt of the within two days after our receipt of the order order in plenty of time for your opening in plenty of time for your opening sale. sale. Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours, 这封资信调查回复函使用了should, can, mus

53、t, would, will, may六个情态动词,准确表达了写信人的预测、能力、允诺等语气和态度,也表现出写信人的礼貌。其中共使用了11次情态动词,如此高的使用频率,说明情态动词在准确传达语气和写信人意图方面具有很重要的作用。2 2 商务信函的翻译要点商务信函的翻译要点 2 21 1 商务英语信函翻译的原则商务英语信函翻译的原则 2 22 2 商务英语信函翻译的注意事项商务英语信函翻译的注意事项2 21 1 商务英语信函翻译的原则商务英语信函翻译的原则准确规准确规范,功能对等范,功能对等 准确不仅指用词用句和语言结构上的准确,还包括对信函内容的准确把握;规范指译文必须符合本行业的专业规范(1

54、)要准确理解各种术语、外来词汇、套语和习惯表达的专业含义和固定译 法,尽量保留原文风格,译成符合汉语商务语言规范的术语或套语。 The duplicate The duplicate shipping shipping documentsdocuments including including bill of bill of loading, invoice, packing listloading, invoice, packing list and and inspection certificationinspection certification were were airmail

55、ed to you today.airmailed to you today. 包括包括提单、发票、装相单和检验证书提单、发票、装相单和检验证书在内在内的装运单证副本今日已航邮贵处。的装运单证副本今日已航邮贵处。 Please be informed thatPlease be informed that, on , on account of the fluctuations of account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges the quotation foreign exchanges the quotation is is subje

56、ct to change without previous subject to change without previous notice.notice. 兹告知贵方兹告知贵方,由于外汇的波动,报价随时由于外汇的波动,报价随时可能改变,不另行通知可能改变,不另行通知。 Full information as to prices, quality, Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative quantity available and other relative particu

57、lars particulars would be appreciatedwould be appreciated. . 请详告价格、质量、可供数量和其他有关情况请详告价格、质量、可供数量和其他有关情况We are looking forward toWe are looking forward to a favorable reply. a favorable reply. 静候贵方佳音。静候贵方佳音。Would you let us knowWould you let us know your terms of your terms of payment? payment? 能否告知贵方付

58、款条件?能否告知贵方付款条件?We should be grateful/pleasedWe should be grateful/pleased if you would if you would give us further details of Chinese leather give us further details of Chinese leather shoes. shoes. 如能告知中国皮鞋的详情,将不胜感激。如能告知中国皮鞋的详情,将不胜感激。Please inform usPlease inform us how soon you can make how soon

59、you can make delivery. delivery. 请告知何时能交货。请告知何时能交货。 商务英语信函翻译的原则商务英语信函翻译的原则准确规范,功能对等准确规范,功能对等(2 2)了解词汇的特定含义)了解词汇的特定含义Discharge Discharge 可做名词或动词,一般为可做名词或动词,一般为“卸货卸货”,但要分场合。但要分场合。Routine duties of the Joint Venture Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be Company are to be dischargeddisch

60、arged by the by the general manager appointed by the Board of general manager appointed by the Board of Directors.Directors. 董事会任命的总经理,负责董事会任命的总经理,负责履行履行合资公司的日合资公司的日常职权。常职权。Party A agrees that the expiration of this Party A agrees that the expiration of this license shall not license shall not dischargedischarge p


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