已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、大家说英语附加对话1 You are fired. 你被解雇了!A: Daddy, can I have more cakes and ice cream? 爸爸,我想吃蛋糕和冰激凌!B :No, no more sweets for you today. 今天不能再吃了!A: You are fired! 你被解雇了!B: What? 什么?A: I said- You are fired! 我说-你被解雇了!B: Ha ha ha, you cant fire me, Im your father.哈哈哈,你不能解雇我,我是你的父亲。A: Yes, I can. You are fired

2、. But if you give me ice cream,you can keep your job.我可以的。你被解雇了。但如果你让我吃冰淇淋,你可以保住你的职位。B :Wow ,you sure a tough boss, honey!哇,你真是个严厉的老板。大家说英语附加对话2He has a fever 他发烧了A:Mum, Whats wrong with Eric? Eric 怎么了?B: He has a fever.他发烧了。A: Why is his face so red?他的脸为什么那么红呢?B: Because he has a fever.因为他发烧了。A: So

3、, he doesnt have to go to school today?所以,他今天不用上学了吗?B:No, he has a fever. He needs to stay home and sleep.不,他今天发烧了。他需要在家里A: Well, then, I want a fever, too.大家说英语附加对话3 You are very generous! 你太大方了!A: Would you like some of my sandwiches? 你想要我的三明治吗?B: Sure. You are very generous. 好啊,你太大方了!A: You can h

4、ave my potato chips, too. 你也可以吃我的薯片!B: Really? You are very generous! 真的呀?你太大方了!A: And do you want my cookie? 你想吃点我的饼干吗?B: Oh, yes. You are very generous! 好啊!你太大方了!A: So, can I have your pizza? 那我能吃点你的比萨吗?B: No way! 不行!A: Well, you are not very generous! 啊噢,你也太不大方了!对话4:角色扮演:Role- play I cant make it

5、! 我做不到啊!A: Hey, can you come to my party tomorrow? 你好,你能到我的派对来吗?B: Sorry, I cant make it.对不起,我来不了。A: But we are going to play a lot of games! 但是我们要玩儿好多游戏呢!B: I know, but I cant make it. 我知道了,但是我还是来不了!A: Are you sure? 你确定吗?B: Were going to have cake and ice cream! 那我们要吃蛋糕和冰棋淋。 A: Cake and ice-cream?

6、蛋糕和冰棋淋?B: Maybe I can make it! 也许我能来了! 大家说附加对话5 Ill call back. 我再给你打电话吧。A-Hello. 你好。(电话中)B-Good morning Sophie. 早上好,索菲。-What are you doing? 你干什么呢?A-Im busy. Ill call you back. 我忙着呢,我再打给你吧。B-What are you going to do today? 你今天打算干什么啊?A-I cant talk now. Ill call you back.我现在不能说话,我再打给你吧。B-Do you want to

7、 have breakfast with me? 你想跟我一起吃早餐吗?A-Not now, Ill call you back.现在不行。我再给你电话吧。B- Why cant you talk now? 为什么现在不能说话啊?A- Im trying to sleep. 我都快睡觉了!B- Oh, OK. Call me back. 噢,好吧。那你再给我打过来吧。大家说附加对话6 Im sorry. 对不起A- Honey, you ate all the pizza. 亲爱的,你把比萨饼都吃了!B- Im sorry, I was hungry. 对不起,我饿了。A- And you d

8、rank all the milk. 你把牛奶也都喝了。B- I know, Im sorry. 我知道,对不起。A- You ate all the cookies, too. 你把饼干也都吃了。B- Im sorry. Wait, where are you going? 对不起,等等,你要去哪儿?A- Im going out to eat. Theres nothing to eat here.我要出去吃东西。这儿啥儿吃的都没有了。B- Where should we go? 我们去哪儿吃呢?A- Im sorry. Youre not going. 对不起,你就不用去了。B- Oh.

9、 噢,那好吧。大家说附加对话7 Is something wrong? 怎么了?A: Hi, Peggy! 你好,佩吉B: Hi. 你好A: Is something wrong? 怎么了?B: No, Im OK. 没事,我还行。A: But you look sad. Is something wrong? 但是你看起来很难过,怎么了?B: Im fine. 我挺好。A: But youre crying. Is something wrong? 可是你都哭了。怎么了?B: Yes, something is wrong. 是啊。是有点儿事。A: What is it? 怎么了?B: I

10、failed my maths test. I lost my purse. And now, my cell phone doesnt work.我数学考试没及格,还把钱包丢了。现在,我的手机又不好使了。A: Wow, a lot of things are wrong. 哇,这么多事发生啊!大家说附加对话8 Tell me the truth 跟我说实话A:Oh, no, my favorite vase is broken. Eric, How did this happen? 我最喜爱的花瓶打碎了,怎么搞的?B: The cat broke it. 猫打碎的。A: Tell me th

11、e truth. 跟我说实话。B: The wind blew it over. 风吹的。A: Tell me the truth. 跟我说实话。B: Lulu broke it. 路路打碎的。A: But your sister at Grandmas house all day. Eric, tell me the truth. 但是你小妹妹今天在奶奶家呆了一天啊。B:OK, OK, I broke it. I played baseball in the house today. And thats the truth. 好吧,好吧。是我打碎的。我今天在家里玩儿了一天的棒球,这就是事实。

12、大家说附加对话 9Let me explain. 让我来解释A: Dont you like me, Simon?你不喜欢我吗,西门? B: I do, Sophie. 我喜欢你呀,索菲。A: But I saw you with another girl.但是我看见你跟另外一个女孩儿在一起。B: Let me explain. 让我来解释。A: You ate dinner with her. 你还跟她一起吃晚饭。B: Let me explain. 让我来解释。A: And then you went to the movies with her. 然后你还跟她去看电影!B: Let me

13、 explain. 让我来解释。A: Is she your girlfriend? 她是你女朋友?B: No, let me explain! she is my sister.不,让我来解释!她是我妹妹。A: Really? 真的吗?B: Yes, my younger sister. 是啊。是我妹妹。A: Oh, that explains it. 恩,这还讲得通。大家说附加对话 10Whats your favourite holiday? 你最喜欢什么节日?A: Clark, whats your favourite holiday? 克拉克,你最喜欢什么节日?B: Christma

14、s! 圣诞节!A: Whats your favourite holiday, Peggy? 佩吉,你最喜欢什么节日?C: Easter. 复活节。B: So, Ruby, whats your favourite holiday? 那么,鲁比,你最喜欢什么节日?A: My birthday. 我的生日。C: Thats not a holiday.那也不是个节日啊!A: Yes, it is! 是啊!A: My birthday is February 14, Valentines Day! 我的生日在2月14日,情人节!B&C: Oh! 噢。大家说附加对话 11I love hol

15、idays! 我喜爱节日!A: Merry Christmas! Eric! Lets open the Christmas presents! 圣诞快乐!埃里克!让我们打开圣诞礼物吧!B: OK, I love holidays! 好吧,我喜欢节日!A: After that, well eat turkey and lots of other delicious food. Then, well make Christmas cookies! 之后,我们要吃火鸡还有其他好多好多好吃的!然后,我们还要做圣诞小饼干!B: Great, I love holidays!太好了!我喜爱节日!A:

16、I know, we all love holidays, dear! 我知道,我们都喜欢节日,亲爱的!B: But I hate when holidays are over. 但是过完节我就不喜欢了!大家说附加对话 12 Have a good time 玩得开心!A: Im going out to eat. 我要出去吃饭。B: Have a good time. 玩得开心。A: And then Im going to the movies. 然后我要去看电影。B: Have a good time! 玩得开心!A: And then Im going to have some ice

17、cream! 然后我要去吃冰淇淋!B: Have a good time! 玩得开心!A: Dont you want to come with me? 你不想跟我一起玩儿吗?B: Me? 我?A: Yes, well have a good time. 是啊,我们会玩儿得很开心!B: OK. 好的。大家说附加对话 13Its tradition!那是传统!A: Daddy, why do we color eggs on Easter?爸爸,我们为什么要在复活节画彩蛋啊?B: Its tradition. 那是个传统。A: Then why do we put a tree in the h

18、ouse at Christmas time? 那么我们为什么在圣诞节把树放在屋子里啊?B: Its tradition. 那是传统!A: And why do people give red envelopes at Chinese New Year? 为什么人们在新年给红包啊?B: Its tradition. 那时传统!A: OK. Hey, can I go to bed at 10:00 instead of 8:00 tonight? 好的。嘿,那么我可不可以今天晚上10点睡觉而不是8点睡觉?B: No, its not tradition. 不,那不是传统!大家说附加对话14 I

19、ts sunny 今天阳光太足。A: You should wear your sun glasses. Its sunny today. 你应该把你的太阳镜戴上。今天阳光太足。 B: I dont like wearing sun glasses. 我不喜欢带太阳镜。A: But its sunny today. How about wearing sunscreen? 但是今天阳光太足。带上些防晒油怎样?B: No, I dont like wear sunscreen, either. 不,我也不喜欢防晒油。A: Well, dont just stand outside without

20、 sun glasses or sunscreen. Its sunny today.哦。如果你不戴太阳镜也不带防晒油不要站在外边,今天阳光太足了。B: OK. Then, Ill go inside. 好吧。那么我还是呆在屋里吧。大家说附加对话15 Which animal do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个动物?A: LuLu, which animal do you like best?陆陆,你最喜欢哪个动物?B: I like lions. Which animal do you like best, Eric? 我最喜欢狮子。Eric, 你最喜欢哪个动物?C: I li

21、ke kangaroos. Ruby, which animal do you like best?我喜欢袋鼠。Ruby, 你最喜欢哪个动物?A: I like my baby brother. 我喜欢我的小弟弟。B: What? Your brother is not an animal. 什么?你的小弟弟也不是动物啊。A: Well, he eats like one. 可是他吃东西的时候就像个小动物!大家说附加对话16 Thats dangerous!A: Hey, there! Want to go for a ride on my motorcycle? 你好啊。我带你骑一段摩托?B

22、: No, thank you. Thats dangerous! 不,谢谢。那太危险了!A: Oh, well, do you want to go surfing with me? 哦。那么,你想跟我去冲浪吗?B: No, thats dangerous, too. Listen, I know you like me, 不,那太危险了。听着,我知道你喜欢我。A: You do? 你知道?B: Yes, just tell me you like me. 是的。你就告诉我喜欢我好了!A: No way! Thats dangerous! 不行,那太危险了!大家说附加对话17 They ar

23、e really cute! 他们真的好可爱! A: I found some old pictures of our kids. They are really cute. 我找到了我们孩子的老照片!他们真的好可爱!B: Yes, they are. 是啊,他们是很可爱!A: They have such sweet smiles. They are really cute. 他们还有很甜的笑容呢!B: Let me see those pictures. 让我看看那些照片吧!A: Here you go. 给你!B: Dear, these are the neighbors childr

24、en. 亲爱的,这是邻居家的孩子!A: Oh, well, they are really cute. 哦,好啊,他们真的好可爱啊! 大家说附加对话18 Congratulations! 祝贺你!A: My football team won the game! 我们足球队赢了这场比赛!B: Congratulations! 祝贺你! A: I played really well. 我踢得很好!B: Congratulations! 祝贺你!A: I did a great job! The coach said so. 我表现得很好!教练也这么说。B: Congratulations! 祝

25、贺你!A: Thanks. 谢谢!B: I had a good day, too. I got a 100 on my maths test. 我这一天过得也很好。我数学考试得了100分!A: Wow, congratulations! 哇,祝贺你! 大家说附加对话19 You did it! 你做到了!A: Mom, I got a 100 on my test. 妈妈,我考试考了100分。B: You did it! 你做到了!A: I had the best grade in the class. 我是班里考的最好的!B: Yay! You did it! 太好了!你做到了!A: M

26、y teacher was very happy. 我老师很高兴!B: You did it! 你做到了!A: No, mum, we did it! 不,妈妈,是我们做到了!B: What? 什么?A: You helped me study! We did it together! 你帮我学习!我们一起做到的啊!大家说附加对话20Its graduation day!毕业了!Im proud of you!我以你为荣!Wow, I cant believe this special day is finally here!我简直不敢这特殊的日子终于到来了!Im proud of you!我

27、以你为荣!Its so wonderful! I work so hard and now I am graduating!太棒了,我努力工作现在就要毕业了。Im proud of you!我以你为荣!Thank you!谢谢!Hey, wait! Im proud of you too! Youre also graduating!嘿,等等,我也以你为荣,你也毕业了!大家说附加对话21Time to go to school,Eric.该上学了,eric.Ok, Im ready!好的,这就来。Why are you wearing shorts?你为什么穿短裤?Because its ho

28、t today!因为今天很热!Why are you wearing Tshirt?你为什么穿衬衣?Because its hot today!因为今天很热。Why are you wearing sandals?为什么穿拖鞋?Well, its a hot today! Why do you ask?今天很热,你为什么要问?Because Im your mother! And you cant wear those clothes to school!因为我是你妈妈,你不许穿这套上学。Oh, but mom. Its hot today !哦但是妈妈今天很热!大家说附加对话22Why do

29、 you look so young?为什么你看起来如此年轻?Because I exercise an hour a day!因为我每天运动一小时。Why are you so slim?为什么你看起来很苗条?Because I exercise an hour a day!因为我每天运动一小时!Why do you have so much energy?为什么你如此有能量?Because I exercise an hour a day!因为我每天运动一小时。Wow, maybe I should exercise an hour a day ,too!也许我也应该每天运动一小时!大家说

30、附加对话23:Be Patient! 要有耐心!A: Oh, Ill never do well in Math! 噢。我数学再也考不好了!B: Why do you say that? 你为什么这么说呢?A: I keep getting bad grades. 我总是成绩不好!B: Youll do better, be patient! 你会考好的,耐心点儿!A: No, I wont. 不,不会考好了!B: Yes, you will. Study hard. Be patient! 你会的。好好学习。耐心点儿!A: What are you doing? 你干什么呢?B: Looki

31、ng for my math book. I cant find it. 找我的数学书呢, 我找不着书了!A: Yes, you can. Just be patient! 你能找到的。耐心点儿!大家说附加对话24:You are sweet! 你太好了!A: Hi, grandma! I brought you a card! 你好,奶奶!我给你带了一张卡片!B: Oh, thank you. Youre sweet! 噢,谢谢!你太好了!A: I also brought you a flower. 我还给你带来了一朵花!B: Its beautiful! Youre sweet! 好漂亮

32、啊!你太好了!A: And heres some candy, too. 还有糖!B: Wow, you are sweet! You are so nice to bring me gifts! 你太好了!你能给我带礼物太好了!A: Grandma, did you forget something? 奶奶,你是不是把什么事给忘了?B: What? Dear? 什么?亲爱的?A: Today is your birthday! 今天是你的生日啊!大家说附加对话25Clark helped me with my homework today! Clark今天帮我写作业了。 What a nic

33、e guy!真是个好男人。He let me borrow his umbrella ,too他还把雨伞借给了我。What a nice guy!真是个好男人。Then he bought lunch for me!他还给我买午餐!Wow! What a nice guy!真是个好男人。But Im going to buy him lunch tomorrow.但明天我也为他买午餐!What a nice girl!真是个好姑娘。大家说附加对话26Thanks for introducing me to your sister! She seems nice。谢谢你把你姐姐介绍给我,她看起来

34、非常的好。She is nice.we get along really well.她是非常的好,我们相处很融洽。Whats her favorite hobby?她有什么爱好吗?She loves karaoke just like me .we get along really well.她和我一样喜欢唱歌,我们相处很融洽。I like karaoke, too.我也喜欢唱歌。Yes, I know.是的,我知道。You know. we get along really well too.你知道的,我也相处的也很融洽。Yes, we do.we get along really well

35、.是的,我们相处的也很融洽。大家说附加对话27Do you like the blue shirt or the green shirt? Which is better?你认为蓝衬衫和绿衬衫哪一个比较好?The green one.绿的。How about these shirts? Which is betterthe long one or the short one?这些衬衫怎么样?长的和短的哪一个比较好?The short one .短的。Look at these hats. Which is better?看这些帽子,哪一个比较好?The black hat is better.

36、黑色的比较好。Now can I ask you a question?现在我可以问你个问题吗?Sure, which is betterpizza or hamburgers?当然,比萨还是汉堡?What? No more shopping for me! I want something to eat.什么?不要再和我谈购物了,我想吃点东西!大家说附加对话28Do you want to go shopping downtown or at the mall?你想去市区还是商场购物?Whats the difference?有什么区别吗?I dont know.我不知道。Just choo

37、se one!选择一个。But whats the difference?但是有什么区别吗?Come on ! just decide.快点,决定一下。But I want to know ,whats the difference?但我想知道有什么区别吗?I can spend more money at the mall。在商场我可以花更多的钱。Then thats go downtown那还是去市区吧。大家说附加对话29Hey, ruby. Can I use your computer? Ruby ,我可以借用一下你的电脑吗?No, you might break it.不,你可能会把

38、他弄坏!Come on. Please. I need it .can I use your computer?拜托了,我需要它,我可以借用一下你的电脑吗?Last time you used my computer. You also broke it !上次,你用我的电脑已经把它弄坏了。Ill be careful this time!please! can I use your computer ?这次我会小心的,拜托 ,我可以用一下你的电脑吗。Ok,ok .you can use it .but wheres your computer?好吧,好吧,借你吧,但你的电脑呢。I broke

39、 it .我的坏了。What?!什么?大家说附加对话30I cant use my cell phone. My battery is dead. Can I use yours, Clark?我的手机不能用了,电池没电了,能借用一下你的吗clark?No, my battery is dead。不,我的电池也没电了。Can I borrow your cell phone , ruby ?我能借用一下你的手机吗ruby?Ok , wait ,oh no. my battery is dead too. 好的,等等,不,我的电池也没电了。Its ok. Ill just send an ema

40、il from your computer. 好吧,我可以用你的电脑发个邮件吗?Sorry ,you cant 对不起,不行。Why?为什么?My computers battery is dead too.我的电脑电池也没电了。大家说附加对话31Hi, sophie .did you get my e-mail?咳sophie,你收到我的电子邮件了吗?Hi, simon! How are you? 咳simon!你好吗?Fine . did you get my e-mail?很好。你收到我的电子邮件了吗?I dont know.我不知道。Come on ,tell me ! did you

41、 get my e-mail?拜托,告诉我,你收到我的电子邮件了吗?Yes, I got your e-mail.是的,我收到了你的电子邮件。So?what is your answer? Will be my girlfriend?那么,你的回答是什么?可以作我女朋友吗?Well, did you get my e-mail? 你收到我的电子邮件了吗?You send me an email?你也发电子邮件给我了?Yes ,hey what are you going ?是的,喂,你去哪?I have to go check my email我去查收我的电子邮件。大家说附加对话3A: Eri

42、c, come help me wash the dishes! Eric, 过来帮我洗碟子!B: Not now. Im on line. 现在不行,我在线呢。A: Eric, I need your help. Come here. Eric, 我需要你帮忙。过来。B: Mum, Im on line. 妈妈,我在线呢。A: Eric, now, I need your help. Eric, 我说现在,我需要你的帮助。B: But Im on line. 但是我在线呢。A: If you dont come to wash the dishes now, no computer for

43、a month! 如果你现在不洗碟子的话,一个月都不许玩儿电脑!B: OK, Im off line. 好吧,我这就下线了!大家说附加对话33Mom, can we get a dog?妈妈,我们可以养只狗吗?No, you wont take care of it.不行,你不会照顾它。Yes, I will! I like taking care of animals.不,我能行,我喜欢照顾动物。Sorry, dear. We cant get a dog.抱歉,亲爱的,我们不能饲养狗。How about a cat? I like taking care of animals.那养猫怎么样

44、?我喜欢照顾动物。No , we cant get a cat.不行,我们不能养猫。Can we get a rabbit? I like taking care of animals.可以养兔子吗?我喜欢照顾动物。No.不行。Please ,mom!拜托了,妈妈!Ok, ok !but you will take care of it. I dont like taking care of animals!好吧,好吧,只是你照顾它,我可不喜欢照顾小动物。大家说附加对话34Lulu, I have a treat for you! Lulu,我有样好东西给你!Hi , grandma!你好,奶

45、奶。Come here, I have a treat for you.过来,我有样好东西给你。Really?真的吗?Yes! I have a treat for you!是的,我有样好东西给你。Where is it ?在哪呢?Oh, no, I cant find it .哦,不,我找不到了。Thats ok! I have a treat for you.好吧,我有样好东西给你。You do ? what is it ?你?是什么?A hug!一个拥抱!大家说附加对话35Say something to the camera.对摄影机说几句话。I dont know what to s

46、ay我不知道说什么Well, just say something to the camera.嗯,就说几句话。Like what?比如说?I dont know! Just say something to the camera!我不知道,对着摄影机就说几句话。But I dont want to !here, give me the camera.但我不想。现在把摄影机给我。Ok.好吧。Now you say something to the camera.现在你对着摄影机说几句话。I dont know what to say.我不知道说什么。大家说附加对话36Lets take a p

47、icture together.我们一起照张像吧。What should I wear?我穿什么好?Anything is fine !穿什么都可以。Lets take a picture together.我们一起照张像吧。But where should we go?可是我们去哪照?Anywhere is fine!去哪都行。lets take a picture together.让我们一起照张像吧。Should I stand up or sit down?我应该站着还是坐着?Oh, forget it !哦算了吧。Hey, where are you going? arent we

48、taking a picture together?嘿,你去哪?我们不一起照像了吗?大家说附加对话37Clark likes me! Clark喜欢我!He does?是吗?Tell me the details.告诉我细节。He wants me to be his girlfriend!他想让我做他的女朋友。Really?真的吗?Tell me the details.告诉我细节。We went out on a date last night.昨晚我们去约会了。Wow!嗷!Tell me the details.告诉我细节。Hey, did you hear that Timmy ask

49、ed me out?咳,你听说timmy 要邀请我出去吗?No way! Tell me the details.不可以,告诉我细节。大家说附加对话38Do you have a lot of homework?你有很多功课吗?I dont think so.我不这么认为。Are you sure?你确定吗?Do you have a lot of homework?你有很多功课吗?No, not a lot .不,不是很多。Then can you help me with my homework?那么你能帮我写作业吗?What kind of homework?什么类型的作业?My mat

50、h homework. I dont understand it at all !我的数学作业,我一点也不理解。Math! Oh, sorry ,lulu. I just remembered. I do have a lot of homework.数学!哦,lulu,我刚想起来,我也有很多作业。大家说附加对话39Can I borrow a pencil, peggy?peggy,我可以借支铅笔吗?Its time to start the test.快考试了。I know ,can I borrow a pencil ?我知道,我可以借支铅笔吗?Why dont you have a p

51、encil?你为什么没有铅笔I forgot my pencil.please, can I borrow a pencil?我忘带铅笔了,拜托,我能借支铅笔吗?Ok, here you go.好吧,给你。But this pencil is broken!但是这支铅笔坏了。Sorry, would you like to borrow a pen?对不起,借你支钢笔如何?大家说附加对话40Oh, no!哦,不。Whats wrong?怎么了?I just remembered something, I have a test today.我刚刚想起来我今天有个考试。Really? Me ,t

52、oo. I have a test today, too.真的吗,我也是,我今天也有个考试。Im so nervous. I dont like test.我很紧张,我不喜欢考试。Me, either. I didnt study.我也是,我还没有复习。Me , either. What am I going to do ? I have a test today.我也是,我该怎么办呢?我今天有个考试。We can study on the bus.我们可以在车上复习。Good idea.好主意。Thanks, ruby.谢谢ruby大家说附加对话41Which lesson are we o

53、n today?我们今天上第几课?I think we are on lesson three.我想应该是第三课。No, we already did lesson threee.不,我们已经学完第三课了。Oh, then which lesson are we on today? Lesson four?哦,那我们今天讲第几课?第四课吗?No, we did lesson four yesterday.不,我们昨天讲的第四课。Ok, then which lesson are we are today?Hmm, maybe lesson five .哦,那我们今天讲第几课?可能是第五课。I

54、dont know. Lets ask our teacher. Miss lanning? Which lesson are we on today?我不知道,让我人问问老师吧。Lanning老师,我们今天讲第几课?大家说附加对话42I got a 100 in English class!我英语得了100分!Im so happy for you!我真替你高兴!I got a 100 in Math class!我数学得了100分Im so happy for you!我真替你高兴。I got a 100 in science class!我自然课得了100分Im so happy for

55、 you!我真替你高兴!How did you do on your report card?你的成绩单如何?I got 100 in all my classes,too!我所有的科都是100分。Im so happy for you!我真替你高兴!大家说附加对话43I saw The Amazing Face last night!我昨晚看The Amazing Face这个节目了。I love that show!我喜欢这个节目。Its so exciting!太激动人心了。I know, I love that show!我知道,我喜欢那个节目。And all the actors are so funny!而且所有的演员都很滑稽I agree. I love that show.我同意,我喜欢那个节


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