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1、NarrationNarration记叙文记叙文What is narration? Narration is the type of writing that tells a event or a series of events. such as: real stories imaginary stories biographies new items narrative poemsbasic structure in sequence of time 顺叙顺叙 flashback 倒叙倒叙 narration interspersed with flashbacks 插叙插叙 narra

2、tion interspersed with comments 夹叙夹议夹叙夹议elementt六要素六要素timeplacecharactereventcauseoutcome there are five aspects which should be considered by the writer: 1.context 2.selection of details 3.organization 4.point of view 5.purposecontext what happened, when and where it happened who took part in it. 注

3、意时态point of view first person(using“I”) third person(“he”“she”“it”“theycan be used)how to write narrtive? draw a rodution(when、who、what、where)2.body first major event second part of the story thired part. Climax,the high piont3.conclusionwhat details are included? emotions,thoughts,actions. sight sound smell taste touchfigurative language similes metaphor


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