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1、八年级英语下册短语Unit 1Section A1. talk about2. health problems3. give advice4. have a cold/colds5. have a cough6. have a fever7. have a stomachache8. have a headache9. have a toothache10. have a sore back/leg11. have a sore throat/throats12. have a heart problem13. too much14. drink enough water15. cut one

2、self16. lie down and rest17. drink some hot tea with honey18. see a dentist19. go to a doctor20. go to the hospital21. get an X-ray22. take ones temperature23. put some medicine on it.24. feel hot25. move ones neck26. sound like27. on the weekend28. play computer games29. all weekend30. take breaks3

3、1. away from32. in the same way33. without moving34. come from35. on the side of the street36. next to37. shout for help38. without thinking twice39. get off40. act quickly41. wait for42. the next bus43. to ones surprise44. agree to do sth45. move the man on the bus46. thanks to47. save the man48. i

4、n time49. help others50. dont want any trouble51. think about oneself52. think about saving a life53. hit an old man54. right away55. get the man onto the bus56. do the right thing57. get into trouble58. why not59. next time60. eat so much61. play basketball62. add ones own advice63. use some alcoho

5、l to clean the wound64. get some sleep65. get/take some medicine66. have a good rest67. fall down68. go home and restSection B69. put a bandage in it70. run it under water71. rest for a few days72. clean ones face73. put ones head back74. put on a clean T-shirt75. feel sick76. cut ones knee77. have

6、a nosebleed78. hurt ones back or arm79. get hit on the head80. tell sb to rest81. come to ones office82. come in83. hurt oneself84. have problems breathing85. get hit by a ball86. get sunburned87. cut oneself88. in a certain order89. an American man90. be interested in91. mountain climbing92. be use

7、d to doing sth93. take risks94. one of95. do dangerous sports96. many times97. lose ones life98. because of99. find oneself in a dangerous situation100. on that day101. by oneself102. in the mountains103. free his arm104. Sth. run out105. Sb. run out of sth.106. have to 107. do something to save one

8、s own life108. be ready to 109. cut off110. half ones right arm111. with his left arm112. so that113. lose too much blood114. write a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place115. be in a difficult situation116. seem to do 117. get out of118. make a decision/decisions119. be in control of ones lif

9、e120. sothat121. keep on doing 122. the same spirit as Aron123. mean life or death124. have a serious accident125. go mountain climbing126. dont mind taking risks127. give up128. sleep well at night129. drink a glass of milk130. do sports an hour before bedtime131. hurt oneself doing sth(playing soc

10、cer)Unit 2Section A132. hope to work outside133. clean up( the city parks)134. visit the sick kids135. in the hospital136. cheer (them) up137. give out.( food)138. at the food bank139. a group of students140. come up with141. put off142. make some notices143. call up144. make a plan145. make some pl

11、ans/signs146. come up with147. help out with148. read the newspapers to the old people149. used to do sth150. care for151. one day152. give up153. get his future dream job154. get such a strong feeling of satisfaction155. the look of joy on their owners faces156. a book lover157. by oneself158. at a

12、ge of.( four)159. decide to160. try out( for a volunteer/job)161. in their eyes162. goon a different jouney163. come true164. at the same time165. like to do166. want to do167. how to care for 168. help (to) do 169. learn to do170. homeless people171. put up172. hand out173. be busy with174. at leas

13、t175. be worried about176. make lots of money177. in ones free time178. think about179. for fun180. for relaxation181. be less lucky than us182. volunteer ones time183. a good way to do184. spend ones free time185. for example186. raise money187. stop doing 188. move to someplace189. another country

14、190. tell sb (not) to do191. be lonely192. travel aloneSection B193. run out of194. take after195. be similar to196. fix up=repair197. give away198. broken bicycle parts199. would like to do200. thank you for201. sendto202. be sure203. set up204. disabled people205. make a big difference to( my life

15、)206. be like207. be blind or deaf208. use my arms or legs well209. normal things210. be difficult for sb211. a friend of mine212. help sb out213. a special trained dog214. be excited about215. be able to do216. be unable to do217. because of218. give sb(him) orders219. at once220. a fantastic dog22

16、1. a photo of him222. change ones life223. have many difficulties in224. in an old peoples home225. in an after-school program226. ones interests and hobbies227. be free to do 228. be interested in 229. want to volunteer as230. be good at231. be strong in232. in ones free timeUnit 3Section A233. ask

17、 for permission234. do the dishes235. take out the rubbish236. fold ones/the clothes237. sweep the floor238. make ones/the bed239. clean the living room240. go out for dinner241. go to the movies242. stay out late243. get a ride244. have a basketball game245. help out with246. at least247. finish do

18、ing 248. be enough for sb249. see this mess250. be angry with sb251. come home from school252. throw down253. sit down 254. in front of the TV255. come over256. take the dog for a walk257. watch one show258. all the time259. work all day260. do housework all evening261. be as tired as sb262. say not

19、hing263. walk away264. neither do I265. the next day266. in surprise267. share the housework268. have a clean and comfortable home269. say sorry to sb270. neither of sb271. as soon as272. something to drink273. hang out with sb274. pass sb sth=pass sth to sb275. No problem276. lend sb sth=lend sth t

20、o sb277. try not to do278. get sth wet279. help sb with sth280. bring a tentSection B281. buy some drinks and snacks282. borrow sb sth=borrow sth from sb283. invite sb to do/someplace284. go to the store285. use ones CD player286. have a test287. mean doing288. look through289. a piece of290. withou

21、t reading every word291. a little more carefully292. have enough stress from school293. have time to do294. a waste of (ones time)295. spend time on schoolwork296. in order to do sth297. Its not enough to do298. get good grades299. get into a good university300. Theres no need for sb to do301. provi

22、de sth for sb302. dont mind doing 303. depend on304. too much305. develop ones(childrens) independence306. look after307. understand the idea of fairness308. have no idea309. take care of310. as a result311. fall ill312. the earlierthe better313. agree withUnit 4Section A314. have to study too much3

23、15. dont get enough sleep316. have free time to do317. allow sb to do 318. hang out with sb319. too much homework320. too many after-school classes321. get into a fight with sb322. study until midnight323. go to sleep324. write sb a letter325. call sb up326. so that327. take him to the ball game328.

24、 wait that long329. surprise sb330. be good at331. talkon the phone332. look sad333. some of334. give sth back to sb335. be angry with sb336. a big deal337. work out338. on the phone339. look through340. get on (well) with sb341. get along (well)with sb342. be like343. a big,black cloud hanging over

25、 our home344. elder brother345. refuse to do346. feel lonely and nervous347. offer to do348. so that349. communicate with sb350. dont mind sb(him) doing 351. in future352. make sb angry353. copy ones(others) homework354. make some more friends355. let sb do 356. talk about/with/to357. more popular t

26、han358. leave sth someplace359. be afraid of sth/doing360. in front of361. notany more362. trust sbSection B363. play/do sports364. talk to parents or other family members365. spend time alone366. give opinion about sth367. give sb a lot of pressure about school368. have s fight with sb369. compete

27、with sb370. may be371. free time activities372. do homework373. have after-class lessons(math)374. go to music lessons(piano)375. go shopping376. play sports or exercise377. the common problem378. for the first time379. worry about380. on weekends381. take so many after-school classes382. compete an

28、d win383. only happen in China384. the Taylors385. a typical American family386. basketball practice387. football training388. cut out 389. a few 390. childrens future391. want sb to be successful392. notuntil393. get home394. have a quick dinner395. Its time for396. such stress397. continue until t

29、he kids get older398. sendto399. compare sb with sb400. push sb so hard401. too much pressure402. be good for403. childs development404. cause a lot of stress for children405. have time to do406. think for oneself407. keep on happening=continue408. physical exercise and practice of skills=training40

30、9. usual or common=typical410. try to be the best or the first to finish something411. =compete412. help sb (to) do 413. start doing 414. agree with sb415. in ones opinion416. do chores417. save more money418. buy sth for sb419. eat more fruit or vegetables420. be healthy421. speak to sb422. a few m

31、ore days423. say sorry to sb424. study for my exams425. something quiet426. tell sb to do427. turn down the TVUnit 5Section A428. tell a story429. at the time of (the rainstorm)430. in the library431. on the street432. at the bus stop433. play basketball434. go to work435. wait for the bus436. sotha

32、t437. see sb/sth doing438. go off439. get up late440. take a hot shower441. have a shower442. begin to do443. rain heavily444. miss the bus445. pick up446. at that time447. so many times448. help with449. the rainy rain450. after the storm451. strong winds452. black clouds453. with no light outside4

33、54. feel like455. the news on TV456. in the area457. in the neighborhood458. pieces of wood459. make sure460. make dinner461. beat heavily against sth (the windows)462. try to do463. play a card game464. have fun with465. at first466. fall asleep467. die down468. wake up469. break sth. apart470. in

34、a mess471. fallen trees472. broken windows473. clean up474. each other475. in times of difficulty476. take photos477. buy a drink478. play the piano479. leave the house480. turn on( the radio)481. take the car to the car wash482. listen to the radio483. talk about484. a car accident485. right away48

35、6. have a look487. get to 488. the place of the accident489. in bad shape490. hit a tree491. because of492. the heavy snow493. how about?494. wash ones clothes495. watch TVSection B496. think of497. be late for498. miss the event499. (by) the side of( the road)500. get to the bus stop501. wait for s

36、b to do502. walk by503. make ones way to someplace504. be helpful for sb to do 505. a good idea506. the whole text507. in history508. for example509. over 50510. at that time511. be completely surprised512. in silence513. more recently514. at first515. take down516. sth have meaning to sb517. look o

37、ut the window518. be scared519. think clearly520. sothat521. tell the truth522. not everyone523. get/be killed524. the rest of525. without doing526. sth mean something to sb527. be surprised to do sth.528. have trouble doing529. the opening ceremony of530. hold the Olympic Games531. be important to

38、sb532. a strange light533. in the sky534. point sb out to sb535. believe sb536. as well537. in the sixth grade538. join the piano competition539. three times a week540. play the song without any mistakes541. call out the winner542. my heart beat so quickly543. stop breathing544. the happiest day of

39、my lifeUnit 6Section A545. Journey to the West546. Yu Gong Moves a Mountain547. Hou Yi Shoots the Suns548. Nu Wa Repairs the Sky549. try to do550. all the earth and stone from the mountains551. work on doing sth/sth552. as soon as553. finish doing554. continue doing555. continue to do556. be moved55

40、7. sothat558. take sth away559. think about560. send sb to do561. remind sb562. make it563. a good way to do564. solve ones problem565. a little bit silly566. seem possible567. work hard568. keep doing569. give up doing570. agree with sb571. instead of doing572. have different opinions573. neither o

41、f sb574. many sides to a story575. many ways to understand it576. the main character577. be able to578. most of579. for the first time580. in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West581. once upon (a time)582. one day583. break open584. give birth to sb585. makeadj.586. keep it in his ear587

42、. at other time588. make 72 changes to his shape and size589. turn sb into sth/sb590. come out 591. more than592. become interested in593. keep fighting594. the weak595. come from596. a long time597. walk to the other side598. hide his tail599. make sb do600. make a dress 601. fall in love with602.

43、fit the shoe603. couldnt stop doing604. get married605. open up606. be born607. think of608. all over the wordSection B609. sound stupid610. try to do611. make special clothes612. be born613. a fairy tale614. an old, traditional story615. kind of616. something else617. near a forest618. leave the ch

44、ildren to die in the forest619. make a plan620. save sb/oneself621. hear sb doing 622. planning to do623. have a plan624. in the moonlight625. go to sleep626. get wood627. get to the forest628. dropping white stones along the way629. be lost630. come back631. wake up632. go out to look at the moon63

45、3. drop some bread634. on the ground635. Never mind!636. keep walking637. find our way out638. lead us to that wonderful house 639. be made of 640. be brave enough to eat my house641. the nest day642. because of643. the shining bright644. pieces of bread645. come from646. sothat647. love buying and

46、looking at clothes648. give them silk and gold=give silk and gold to them649. keep sth for oneself650. put on the clothes651. walk around the city in his new clothes652. isnt wearing any clothesUnit 7Section A653. about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size654. 1,025 meters deep655. 6,671 kilometers l

47、ong656. 8,844.43 meters high657. any other (mountain)658. in the world659. of all the salt lakes660. the Yangtze River661. the Yellow River662. the biggest population663. the population of the US.664. have a much longer history665. as big as666. the biggest country in Asia667. one of the oldest coun

48、tries668. the longest wall669. the main reason670. protect China671. as you can see672. as far as I know673. man-made objects674. the southwestern part of China675. thick clouds676. great snow677. even more serious678. freezing weather conditions679. heavy storms680. take in (air)681. reach the top6

49、82. risk ones life683. challenge oneself 684. in the face of(difficulties)685. the spirit of sb686. give up doing687. achieve ones dream688. the force(s) of (nature)689. the Amazon RiverSection B690. 350 cm tall691. 5,000 kilos692. 10 kilos of food693. many times694. 200 cm taller/shorter695. weigh

50、much more/less696. eat much more/less697. eat many times more698. at birth699. live up to700. the other( panda keepers)701. the baby pandas breakfast702. run over703. fall over704. take care of705. be special to sb706. die from( illness)707. live very long708. spenddoing709. more than 12 hours710. 1

51、0 kilos of bamboo711. a lot more bamboo forests712. start to do713. cut down714. another 200715. send sb to someplace716. send sb to do717. other endangered animals718. one way to do719. one way of doing720. help save pandas721. the Chinese government722. plant more bamboo trees723. live in724. in t

52、he future725. be awake726. prepare sth for sb727. live for a short time728. because of illness729. fewer and fewer( panders)730. how to save them731. make more homes for the pandas732. for meat, fat and oil733. live in the sea734. stop putting rubbish into the sea735. jump high out of the water736.

53、rules on the whale protection737. water pollution738. make thing like candles and soap739. look like740. have to be protected741. one interesting fact742. another interesting fact743. some kinds of whales744. be in danger745. protect sb from746. the top of a mountain747. a litter less crowded748. a

54、litter strongerUnit 8Section A749. hear of750. think of751. be like752. go out to sea753. an island full of treasures754. live in the United Kingdom755. finish doing756. grow up757. put down758. on page 25759. at least760. the back of the book761. look interesting762. hurry up763. be due 764. in two weeks765. wait for766. make a sm


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