已阅读5页,还剩28页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 Michael口语讲义常见动词变形原型 过去时 过去分词Ask asked askedAm/is was been Are were been Buy bought boughtCome came comeDo did done Eat ate eatenFeel felt felt Fly flew flownGo went goneGive gave givenHear heard heardHave had hadSee saw seenSay said saidSpeak spoke spokenTake took takenTell told toldPlay played pla

2、yedMake made madeWatch watched watched六脉神诀发音在口语中占有举足轻重的地位,因为它直接影响的就是彼此之间的交流与理解,那么怎样才能练就好发音成为了很多同学们心中的疑问,其实只要掌握合适的方法练习,我们每一个人都可以将英语说得非常地道和标准,这个过程只需要3到4个月的时间。接下来我们一起来看一下这个方法。 我把练习发音的方法称为六脉神诀,大家只需背下来,平时多提醒自己练习就可以了。发音的方法是用来练习口型的,所以口型决定了发音的标准度。六脉神诀第一式:长元音拉三拍。(发音的同时,一边用手打三个拍子)/i:/ Please /:/ Talk/u:/ You例

3、一:Please have a seat.例二:I want to talk to you.六脉神诀第二式:短元音急促有力,收小腹。发音时,口腔与舌头要用力,并且尽量往喉咙靠,这样发出来的音就会很有外国人一样浑厚的感觉。/i/ Big Live Six Shit例一:Im just kidding.六脉神诀第三式:双元音前三后一有滑落。双元音顾名思义,由两个元音组成,所以发音时要让自己听见两个元音才对,所以发音时第一个元音发三拍,然后第二个元音发一拍,有滑落指的是口型在发完第一个元音后滑落到第二个元音的口型。发音时同样尽量往喉咙靠。/ei/ Today Haste waste例一:Today

4、is a great day.例二:Haste makes waste./ai/ I Like 例三:I like you.六脉神诀第四式:咬舌头。发音时,先伸出舌头,放于两齿之间,然后出气就可以了。/ Thanks Thing/ ð / Mother bother六脉神诀第五式:连读与失爆。连读规律:辅元相邻 (辅音与元音相邻) 。 此时读两个单词时,可以自然拼读在一块儿。例一:This is an old book.例二:Not at all.例三:Take it easy.失爆规律:辅辅相邻(爆破辅音与任意辅音相邻)失去爆破:不发音,但舌位已到(轻读己听)例一:Good mor

5、ning.例二:You should know what to do.六脉神诀第六式:重音前平后降。(重音音标以前的音读平调,其实就是中文音标的一声;重音音标以后的音读成降调,类似于中文音标里的四声。例一: /j'nik/ Unique例二: /repr'zent/ Represent以上就是练习发音的基本方法,只要大家多加练习,多领悟当中的话语,每个人都可以说一口标准的英语,语调的练习,大家可以在看电影的时候多注意模仿外国人说话的感觉,在这里,不是让大家去跟读,语速太快了,所以最好的是默读,加以时日,量变必定会带来质变,这也是我曾经在短时间内提高发音的过程。连读的补充(使用频

6、率不是很高):(1)“r/re+元音”型连读如果前一个词是以-r或者-re结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的r或re不但要发/r/,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。                     Thereis a football underit.           

7、0;         Thereare some books on the desk.(2)“辅音+半元音”型连读英语语音中的/j/和/w/是半元音,如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以半元音,特别是/j/开头,此时也要连读。                     Thankyou.  

8、0;                  Nice to meetyou.(3)“元音+元音”型连读如果前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连读到一起。                     Sh

9、e wants to studyEnglish.序号美音(K.K音标)英音(IPA音标)发音特点练嘴单词、 例句1ii:前元音“长衣音”please seat see mean2i“短衣音”kid six big live 3e“小开口45度音”let get check seven 4ææ“大开口90度音”back passion practice5中元音“短啊音”up lucky study money 6:“重读卷舌音”Word early bird learn7“轻读卷舌音”dinner after bother 8“短鹅音”Alone about tonight

10、advice9后元音“大嘴啊音”watch job stop problem 10r:“大嘴啊加卷舌音”are far hard smart 11:“中嘴长音”abroad talk law always 12r:“中嘴长加卷舌”born pour order sport13U“短乌音”push good look put 14uu:“长乌音”suit improve blue fruit 15eei双元音“咧嘴短衣音”haste waste pain gain16aai“大嘴阿姨音”try drive eye China 17i“中嘴长加短音”enjoy boy point noise18o

11、u“咧嘴长鹅短乌音”slow owe boat No19aUa“鬼哭狼嚎啊呜音”how about flower 20ri“长衣音加卷舌hear here year clear 21re“咧嘴加卷舌音”where air stair share 22Uru“长音乌加卷舌sure poor cure lure(诱惑)23pp爆破辅音practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。24bbI would like to buy a bike.我想买辆自行车。25ttI feel a little bit better today. 我今天感觉好点了。26ddA friend in need

12、 is a friend indeed.患难见真情!27kkTake care of yourself!多保重!28ggA good beginning makes a good ending.好的开端才会导致好的结果。29ff摩擦辅音上齿咬下嘴唇My favorite food is French fries.我最喜欢吃的食物是炸薯条。30vvYou have to arrive before five.你必须在五点前到达。31ssMay I ask you a question?我可以问你一个问题吗?32zzBusiness is business.公事公办。33Sheep34Its my

13、 pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。35“咬舌音”Calm down and take a deep breath.冷静下来,深吸一口气。36ððDont bother me.别烦我。37hh“喘气音”I havent decided yet.我还没有决定下来。38rr“卷舌音”I can tell right from wrong.我能明辨是非。39tt破擦辅音You should catch every chance to speak English.应该抓住每一个机会讲英语。40ddDont judge people by their appearances.不要以貌

14、取人。41mm鼻音“闭嘴鼻音”You have to make up your mind this munite.你得马上做决定。42nn“开口鼻音”Be positive! Dont be so negtive.积极点,别那么消极。43“驴叫音”Seeing is believing!眼见为实!44ll舌边辅音舌尖顶上齿龈(在元音前面)Id like to lose a little weight.我想减点肥。45ll舌尖顶上齿龈在元音后不离开All is well that ends well.结局好一切都好。46ww半元音“嘟嘴用力后拉音”Where there is a will, t

15、here is a way.有志者事竟成。47jj半元音“爷”Take your time.慢慢来。48trtr破擦辅音Have a good trip.旅途愉快。49drdrWhat would you like to drink?你想喝点什么?50tstsI just want to know the facts.我只想知道事实。51dzdzFriends.朋友。单词四步记忆法一:词缀二:发音刺激三:情景联想四:放入句子脱口而出解析:(1)词缀:所谓英文中的词缀就好比中文文字里面的偏旁。偏旁部首就可以帮助我们理解这个字的含义。例如中文“休”这个字。所以如果我们掌握单词的常用前缀,那么对单词


17、单词被单独放那儿背诵的话,我们是不会深刻理解它的意思。我们记得的是英文单词与中文的对应,在日常交流的时候还是不会灵活应用。那么将一个生单词放入一个句子中,相当于给自己创造了一个语境,这样我们会完全理解单词的含义,并且将这个句子脱口后,我们以后就可以灵活应用这个词汇了。我们可以自己给生词造句,当然也可以直接看例句。(例句太难了就自己造) 如何说一口流利的英文你是不是也遇到过这样的场面:与老外侃大山,说着说着突然就卡壳了,那句简单到就在嘴边的短语,怎么也蹦不出来,只好呵呵傻笑应付过去。以下这个宝典,总结了那些口语中总想不起怎么说的英文,以后聊天再也不会累人又雷人了。其实造成这样的原因有两个:第一:

18、对于基础词汇的口头熟练度不够。第二:对于基本句型的口头熟练度不够。首先我们来看下第一个造成我们说英语经常卡壳的原因,请大家大声并且以最快速的方式读出来。Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear t

19、he actors.请大家注意,这里的词汇并不是指的很高深的单词,而恰好是我们熟高中的词汇。但为什么这些再熟悉不过的基础单词在我们说的时候语速并没有很快?原因就在于我们对于这些词汇的口头熟练度不够,平时说得太少了。那么怎样去提高这些常用词汇的口头熟练度呢?第一:记单词的时候请大声读出来,熟悉单词发音的口型,每写一遍就读一遍,让嘴巴对单词产生一种肌肉记忆(后面会跟大家做详细讲解)。第二:流利地复述上课所讲的话题提高常用词汇的口头熟练度。通过以上两个方法就可以建立肌肉记忆,将来在交流的时候,不用思考一下就说出来了。接下来,我们一起来看一下,口语说得卡壳的第二大原因。这就是对于基础句型的口头熟练度不

20、够。大家请记住,我们说英语说得卡壳不是因为我们缺乏句型,而更多的是对这些句型的口头熟练度严重缺乏,如果写出来大家都认识,但就是说得时候要先想一会。接下来,请大家翻译这样一句话:“与其在外面吃饭相比,我更宁愿在家做。”此时我们很多同学就在想到底是用“prefer to do sth.还是用would rather do than do.” 其中一种正确的翻译是:“I would rather cook at home than eat out .” 童鞋们,这个句型是我们初中就学过的,可是我们在翻译的时候思考了很久,这就证明了一点,卡壳的原因不在于我们缺乏东西,而是缺乏口头练习。那么怎样才能在说

21、英语的时候不用思考,灵活地运用呢?方法是:将一门语言的核心句型不加思索,脱口而出。所谓不加思索,脱口而出,指的是不断背诵一个句子,直到用最快速的方式一下说出口,使其记在嘴巴上面,形成肌肉记忆,而不只是记在我们的大脑里。通过这种方法练习,就可以建立一种条件反射,下次只要我们用这个句型的时候,一下就蹦出来了。这就好比我们曾经脱口过的一些唐诗宋词,比如李白的 静夜思“床前明月光.”。我想这些词句,大家应该很多年没说了,但是我们随时都能脱口而出,这就是肌肉记忆。三最一口气历练不加思索,脱口而出一:最清晰二:最入情三:最快速一口气七遍最清晰:是为找准单词的发音口型,以便最快时不会有发音错误。最入情:是为

22、给自己创造到一个语言环境,并深刻理解英语句型。最快速:是为将英语句型完全熟练掌握在嘴上,形成条件反射(英文最快速标准是以中文最快速时间+0.5s)。一口气:最快速一口气脱口7遍是行成肌肉记忆的评判标准。脱口地道表达中:我最近有点忙。英 :I'm a little bit busy recently.中:今天我有很多事情要做。英 :I have a lot of stuff to do today.中:这个包里有很多东西。英:There is a lot of stuff in this bag.中:和几个老朋友叙旧真是太棒了。英 :It's really great to ca

23、tch up with a couple of old mates.中:说到游戏,不得不说他非常擅长这个。英 :Speaking of games,I have to say that he is a pro.中:我想通过雅思考试。英 :I wanna pass the Ielts Exam.中:我得努力学习。英 :I gotta study hard.中:我马上就要出国留学了。英 :I'm gonna study abroad. 脱口句型 (我经常看的)电视节目超级搞笑。The TV program (that I usually watch )is really fun.他就是一直

24、激励我的人。He is the one (who always cheers me up).这就是我们彼此相遇的地方。This is the place where we met each other.我永远忘不了我们一起工作/学习的日子。I will never forget the days when we studied together.    这就是我来这里的原因。This is the reason why I came here.我来这里的原因是因为我

25、想通过考试。The reason why I came here is that I want to(wanna) pass the exam. 脱口句型二中:她邀请我取参加派对,这让我很高兴。英:She invited me to the dinner,which makes me very happy.分析:英语中的“which”就如同中文的“这”,用来指代前面的事情。补充:Which 用法二:对上文内容的补充说明,去掉后不影响句子大意All the books which have pictures are well written.所有带有插图的书写得都很好。All the books

26、,which have pictures, are well written.所有的书写得都很好,它们都带有插图。中:我们需要的是练习。英:What we need is practice.中:真正吸引我的是那些当地特产。英:What really attract me are those local specialties.中:这就是我想要的。英:This is what I want.中:我相信你所说的。英:believe what you said.中:我最想做的就是环球旅游。英:What I want to do most is to travel around the world.中

27、:我相信我能通过考试。英:I believe that I can pass the exam.中:我听到一则新闻,明天要下雨。英:I heard a piece of news that it will rain tomorrow.中:他提出了个建议,我们明天去游泳英:He put forward a suggestion that we go swimming tomorrow.中:我们明天去爬山的建议听起来不错。英:The suggestion that we go climbing tomorrow sounds great.脱口句型三(虚拟语气)一:现在不可能的条件中:我要是你,我就

28、试一试。英:If I were you, I would have a try.中:要是他在这二儿,一切都不会有事了.英:if he were here, everything would be all right.将来不太可能的条件中:如果明天是周日,我就可以睡懒觉了。英:if it were Sunday tomorrow, I could sleep in.中:如果明年我有五百万,我就买辆车英:if I had 5 million tomorrow, I would buy a car.“were” 不管主语是单数或复数还是第几人称,在if从句里be动词都用were总结:现在和将来不太可

29、能的条件(从句动词were 或 did,主句动词would/could)备注:对于将来有可能的条件虚拟(条件从句中不管什么人称都用should do,可表示有偶然实现的可能性)。中:假如下雨,庄稼可能就有救了。英:If it should rain, the crops could be saved.二:Could have done sth 本能够做到某事(事实上没有)中:他本来能够通过考试的。英:He could have passed the exam.Should have done sth本应该做某事(事实上没有)中:我本应该昨天完成作业的。英:I should have finis

30、hed my homework yesterday.Must have done sth表示对过去的肯定推测中:地是湿的,昨天肯定下过雨。英:It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.三:过去不可能的条件中:要是昨天没下雨,我就去逛街了。英:I could have gone shopping if it hadn't rained yesterday.总结:过去不可能的条件(主句could have done,从句had not done)练习中:要是他学习再努力点,他本可以通过考试的。英:He could have p

31、assed the exam if he had studied harder.中:要不是你的帮助,我是不会成功的。英:I couldn't have succeeded if it hadn't been for your help.脱口句型四(非谓语动词)坐那儿的女孩是我妹。The girl sitting right there is my sister.同类练习:穿上白色的裙子,这个女孩变得十分耀眼。Dressing in the white skirt, the girl looks really eye-catching.网上买的衣服一般要比实体店便宜。The cl

32、othes bought online are usually way cheaper than those in physical stores. 被问到他是如何破门而入的,他一句话也没说。Asked how he broke into the room, he made no answer.去美国的计划已经改变了。The plan to go to America has been changed. 脱口句型五(with结构表伴随)有很多人坐在她旁边,她感到很害羞。With so many people sitting around her,she feels so shy.一:With

33、+ 伴随状态里的主语+ adj中:我喜欢开着窗户睡觉。英:I like to sleep with the window open.二:with+···+介词短语中:一名老师手里夹了本书走进了教室英:A teacher came into the classroom with a book under her arm.练习:中:她眼含泪水地看着我英:she looked at me with tears in her eyes.三:with+···+动词ing中:身边有很多孩子围着她,她感到很开心。英:She felt very ha

34、ppy with so many children sitting around her.四:with+···+动词ed中:信号已发出,火车开动了。英:with the signal given, the train departs.五:with+···+to do中:还有很多工作要做,今晚只得熬夜了英:with so much work to do, I have to stay up tonight脱口句型六(比较级)比较级他比我高很多He is much taller than me. 这个重要得多This is much mo

35、re important.中国人口比日本人口多。 误:The population of China is larger than Japan. 正:The population of China is larger than that of Japan.The more the moreThe harder you study,the bigger progress you'll make.The more exercise you do , the stronger you'll be.最高级It is the most +形容词+名词 that I have ever +

36、动词过去分词这是我所.的.中:她是我所见过最美丽的女孩。英:She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever met.there be 存在句型中:我的家乡有各种小吃英:There are various kinds of snacks in my hometown. 与have/has 区别Therebe 表示 “事物的存在”我家有辆跑车Have/has 表示 “归属与拥有”我有辆跑车有很多学生在操场上踢足球。There are many students playing on the ground.强调句正是.It is.that.例一正是因为

37、你的帮助,我才通过了考试。It was because of your help that I could pass the exam.例二正是在成都,我遇见了我爱的人。It was in Chengdu that I met the one I love.做主语的情况名词代词从句动词不定式动名词不定式做主语:表示一件还未开始做的事或目的。To learn English well needs a lot of efforts.动名词做主语:表示经验所谈或已知的事。Doing exercise every morning can strengthen your body.Listening t

38、o music can make me relaxed. 时态(1)have been doing现在完成进行时 (表示动作从过去一直持续到现在或将延续到将来)中:你学英语多长时间了?英:How long have you been learning English ?练习:中:我学英语有10年了。英:Ive been learning English for 10 years.(2)Had + done 过去完成时(表示动作发生在过去的过去)中:昨天在他父母回家之前,他已经做完作业了。英:He had finished his homework before his parents came

39、 home.中:我父母听说我通过了考试。英:My parents heard that I had passed the exam. 脱口短语 太.而不能Too.to.People nowadays are just too stressed out to relax. 就好像As ifShe treats me very well as if I were her daughter.看上去好像it seems that / looks like It seems that the food of that snack bar is pretty delicious.It looks like

40、 you like the food here very much!难怪No wonderShe was born in America, no wonder her oral English is pretty good !是否Whether.Whether it will rain or not is still unknown.不.直到.Not .untilYou never know what you can do until you have a try !一.就As soon asThey will tell you the truth as soon as you get the

41、re.至少at least There is no need to blame yourself , at least you have tried your best.和.相比compared withCompared with him, I am stronger.更糟糕的是what's worse能让某人做某事enable sb to do sth根据.according to.Mean doing (意味着)Missing this train means waiting for another hour. Mean to do(打算)I meant to give you t

42、his book today, but I forgot.我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘了。Didn't mean to do sth(不是故意)Sorry,I didn't mean to hurt you.Be used to (对.感到习惯)你习惯吃这里的东西吗?Are you used to the food here ?你会慢慢习惯的。 You will get used to it.Used to 我小时候周末经常看动画片I used to watch cartoons when I was a little kid .All I want to do is

43、(我最想做的.)All I wanna do is(to) pass the the exam.Id like to (我想要.)I would like to have dinner with you.speaking of / when it comes to (说到)When it comes to english, he is an expert.be familiar with (对.感到熟悉)I am very familiar with this book.look forward to (期望)I look forward to seeing you next month.fo

44、cus on (集中于.)Do not only focus on your weak points , but also your strong areas.stand for (代表.)Rose stands for love.want sb to do sthMy parents want me to find a good job in the near future.refer to (指的是.)USA refers to the united states of America.hardly/barely (很少.)I hardly go shopping at weekends.

45、Let alone (更不用说.)The baby cant even walk. Let alone run. Lead to(导致,引起 )Smoking will lead to cancer. 脱口常用Connectives(根据所给连词造句并脱口)(1)时间顺序最初At first随后Afterwards/then最后At last(2) 因果因:Because/Since/For/Thanks to果:So/Thus/So that(3) 转折But;Whereas;Yet;However(4) 递进Besides/Still/not only.but also(5) 列举For

46、example/For instance/Like/Such as;There is a saying(6) 条件If;Unless;As long as;In case that(7) 重申In other words;That is to say; As I have said; Again(8) 让步Even though/if;Although;No matter;Regardless of模板例句:只要As long as There won't be any regrets as long as you try your best !You will succeed as

47、long as you study hard.除非Unless She won't give you any pocket money unless you ask her.即使Even ifEven if everyone says you don't stand a chance, don't give up on your dreams!以便So thatYou should work harder so that you will have a better life !尽管AlthoughAlthough the path I chose is not tha

48、t smooth , I still believe it is the right path ! 无论No matter .No matter how difficult the problem is, we should study hard.以免In case thatYou need to save some money in case that there is an emergency need. Happiness is a journeyWe always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get marr

49、ied, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids arent old enough and well be more content when they are. After that were frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. we will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.We always tell ourselves that our life will be comp

50、lete when our spouse gets his or her act together. when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire. The truth is, theres no better time than right now. If not now, when? our life will always be filled with challenges. Its best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza. He said.”for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some o


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