SAX44000020DNPF44DS TIG焊用ER316L不锈钢焊丝采购规程_第1页
SAX44000020DNPF44DS TIG焊用ER316L不锈钢焊丝采购规程_第2页
SAX44000020DNPF44DS TIG焊用ER316L不锈钢焊丝采购规程_第3页
SAX44000020DNPF44DS TIG焊用ER316L不锈钢焊丝采购规程_第4页
SAX44000020DNPF44DS TIG焊用ER316L不锈钢焊丝采购规程_第5页
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2、2. MARKING .513. DISPATCH NOTES.514. ACCEPTANCE VALIDITY PERIOD, CERTIFICATE .51. SCOPEThe scope of this specification is to define the procurement requirements and the performing conditions of the tests and the criteria to be satisfied for the procurement specification of austenitic stainless steel

3、 wire type ER 316L (Z3 CND 19-13-03) used for strength welds and buttering in accordance with RCC-M Code.Note: "Supplier" means the welding material supplier in this specification.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS RCC-M Code (Edition 2000&addendum June 2002) Section I Section III Section EN stan

4、dards, applicable editions in accordance with the A 1300 of RCC-M Code3. LOT DEFINITIONThe lots shall comply with the article S 2410 of RCC-M Code.4. WIRE CLASSIFICATIONThe wire shall meet the requirements of ER 316L and shall conform to the requirements of RCC-M Code S 2000 chapter, in particular S

5、 2915 data sheet.In addition, the wire shall conform to the requirements of this specification. 5. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTChemical analysis on each lot of wire, at the delivery conditions, shall be performed in accordance with S 2510 and MC 1350 of RCC-M Code.The determination of the ferrite co

6、ntent shall be calculated from known chemical composition in conjunction with Delong's diagram Fig. S 2500.2 of RCC-M Code.The results shall comply with the following requirements:C%S%P%Si%Mn%0.030max.0.020max.0.025max.0.60max.Ni%Cr%Co%Mo%N%0.06rmationNb+Ta%Ferrite DelongNb%information5

7、to 15%5 to 12%aimedinformation6. WELDING CONDITIONS Base metal of test plate shall be in accordance with S 2532 of RCC-M Code. Dimensions of test plate shall be in accordance with the S 2531 of RCC-M Code and shall be sufficient to perform all the required test. Examination of the test plate and wel

8、ding sequences shall be in accordance with S2533 of RCC-M Code. The test coupon shall be welded according to the following parameters:PARAMETERSProcessManual Tungsten inert gas arc welding withfiller metal (141)PositionFlat (PA)Preheating225 min.Interpass250 max.Current polarityDirect (-on electrode

9、)Amperage60-150 A-2.0 mmGasFlow rateARGON (99.997%)8 to 121/minute7. TESTS ON WELD METAL FOR STRENGTH WELDS AND BUTTERINGThe test specimens shall be prepared in accordance with S 2535 and S 2536 of RCC-M Code.Test specimens shall be removed by machining (sawing, milling.) so as not to affect the mec

10、hanical properties of the test specimen. Thermal cutting (flame-cutting, plasma cutting.) is not allowed.The sampling of test specimens shall be made in accordance with Figure 1 and Figure S2500.1 of the RCC-M Code.Corrosion tests specimens shall be removed in accordance with Chapter SI 600 of the R

11、CC-M Code. 8. CHEMICAL ANALYSISThe sample of the chemical analysis shall be taken in the extension of the cylindrical tensile test specimen or a fragment of this specimen.The chemical analysis of the weld deposited metal shall be performed in accordance with MC 1350 of RCC-M Code.The determination o

12、f the ferrite content shall be calculated from known chemical composition in conjunction with Delong's diagram Fig. S 2500.2 of RCC-M Code.The results shall meet the following requirements:C%S%P%Si%Mn%0.030max.0.020max.0.025max.0.60max.Ni%Cr%Co%Mo%N%0.06rmationinformationNb+Ta%Ferrite De

13、longNb%information5 to 15%5 to 12%aimedinformation9. MECHANICAL PROPERTIESThe following tests shall be carried out in accordance with RCC-M Code. Tensile tests shall be performed in accordance with chapters SI 120 and MC 1210, Impact tests shall be performed in accordance with chapters SI 310 and MC

14、 1220.The results of the tests shall be in compliance with the following requirements: PROPERTIESTensile strength at room temperature520MPa min.Yield strength (Rp0.2) at room temperature210MPa min.Elongation at room temperature30% minYield strength (Rp0.2)at 350140MPa min.Charily V-notch at room tem

15、perature (individual value of 3 specimens)60 J min. 10. INTERGRANLTLAR CORROSION TESTThree test samples shall be taken in accordance with Figure 1 of page 7/7. One reference specimen, Two test specimens shall undergo type B sensitization heat treatment in accordance with MC 1312.3 of RCC-M Code. One

16、 test specimen shall be subjected to the corrosion test.The test and the results shall be in accordance with Chapters MC 1310 and SI 600 of RCC-M Code.11. PACKAGINGThe spools shall be suitable packaged to ensure against damage during shipment and storage.Welding materials shall be delivered followin

17、g to the under mentioned requirements: coils or spools:with 52 mm internal diameter and 1Kg about in weight. Rods with 1000 mm length in boxes with 5 kg or10Kg about in weight.Note: The wire shall be free of grease as much as possible and free of defects which would be detrimental to the good uncoil

18、ing of the wire and the quality of the welding.12. MARKINGThe outside of each unit package shall be marked with a tag showing the following information: Marking of coils or spools Coils or spools shall have a tag fixed on the outside of at least one flange of the support In case of coil without supp

19、ort, a tag shall be attached to the filler metal at the inside end of the coil.This tag shall maintain the identification of the coil or spool being used until the total expenditure.12.2 Marking of the boxes one tag shall be affixed to the outside of each box each rod shall be identified by marking from cold or by another appropriate means. Required information


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