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1、New Horizon College English TestBand One (A)2006/1Part I Listening Comprehension (25 Points)Section ADirections: In this section, you ll hear five short conversations. After each conversation, aquestion will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be read only once. Listen c

2、arefully and choose the best answer to each question.1.A. 8:45.B. 8:10.C. 8:15.D. 8:24.2.A. A policeman.B. An actor.C. A taxi-driver.D. A door-keeper.3.A. To go on driving.B. To have a look at the sight.C. To park their car.D. To stop for a rest.4. A. She may need to take another course.B. The math

3、course is too short.C. The graduation date has been changed.D. She should have gotten a better score.5.A. It s cooler.B. It s warmer.C. It s hot.D. It s like that of his hometown.Section BDirections: In this section, you ll hear a long conversation and a passage. The conversation andpassage will be

4、read twice. At t he end of them, you ll hear some questions. Listencarefully and choose the best answer to each question.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following conversation:6.A. To go to a baseball game.B. To go to a soccer game.C. To stay at home.D. To go sightseeing.17.A. To invite Kate and

5、Patrick to a game.B. To attend Bill s wedding.C. To see his mother.D. He s come on business.8.A. He s taller than Patrick.B. He s as tall as Patrick.C. He s shorter than PatrickD. He s a little taller than Kate.9. A. He s nice and humorous, but a little talkative.B. He s nice and humorous, but has a

6、 short temper.C. He s nice and quiet, but has a good sense of humor.D. He s nice and quiet, but is lacking in humor.10.A. Going to Billddingswe.B. Going to Ron s place.C. Seeing Ron s mother.D. Inviting Ron to the game.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:11.A. At a bus stop.B. At a

7、 crossroads.C. At the side of the road.D. At the library.12. A. To help him examine his car.B. To help push his car to the roadside.C. To tell him where the library is.D. To bring him to the nearest garage.13. A. His car was in a bad condition.B. The young man couldn t help him.C. He found the engin

8、e was at the back of the car.D. The young man didn t see the engine at all.14. A. It was a foreign car.B. There were not proper tools.C. Only a professional could repair the car.D. He did not know anything about cars.15. A. They worked in the library.B. They lived near the library.C. She wanted to b

9、orrow a book about cars for her boyfriend.D. She did not know how to get to the library.Section CDirections: There is a passage with ten blanks in this section. You ll hear the passage read tListen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you have heard.2People have different ideas about what exac

10、tly is being on time and being late. These ideasalso (1)from time to time and from country to country. For example, in the United States,it is very important to be on time for almost all (2) _. The only time it is (3) _acceptable to be late is when you go to a friend s party. A person usually tries

11、to arrive abou(4) _ after the (5) _ time, so that the host would have a little extra time toprepare for the guests. This is called being“ fashionably late.” Any time late than thaconsidered (6) _, because it keeps the host and other guests waiting.Being on time goes both ways. One should also not ar

12、rive (7) _ _ for a friend s party,because it would (8 ) _ the host. However, when going to a doctor s appointment, it isusually good to arrive earlier than the appointment because there are usually some (9) _that need to be filled out by the (10) _.Part II. Reading Comprehension (21 points)Direction

13、s: Read the following passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.Text 1For years, it's been assumed that the inside environment ( 环境 ) limits the variety of plants that people are subjected to. Lately, however, plants that are usually only grown outdoors have found their way into in

14、side spaces. There are a few simple reasons why this is.The modern inside environment can be a good place for a wide variety of outdoor plants.Plants that ordinarily cannot grow in colder outdoor weather can be protected by the inside spaces, where temperatures are easily controlled. Plants that use

15、d to be found only outside, such as trees, have become more and more popular as decorations inside houses. Orchids (兰花 ), which were once only found in hot places, have begun to grow well in inside places. A large number of smaller plants have also found their way into homes.One reason that the mode

16、rn home has made exotic ( 引进的 ) outdoor plants more practicalis the modern use of windows. In the past windows were used less often in buildings than theyare today. It is partly because of the ability of large windows to admit a large quantity of lightfrom the sun and to keep the heat in at the same

17、 time, that many outdoor plants have been able tomake their move inside.It is true that most of the plants that have been successful in moving inside have been small.3Some of the best suited varieties are the vines ( 藤本植物 ). Many vines that grow in natural locations make excellent decorations where

18、other plants prove difficult to grow. Although some trees can be grown inside, it is not likely the larger varieties can be used. Unfortunately, most homes just don't have the space to grow a monkey tree.16. The passage is mainly concerned with _.A) the ability of large windowsB) the difficulty

19、of moving monkey trees into homesC) growing plants inside housesD) the best suited trees17. It is implied or suggested in the passage that _.A) the inside environment can protect plants betterB) people like to use plants as decorations in their housesC) people move plants into their houses to save t

20、hemD) the uses of windows in the past were not practical18. People used to believe that _.A) the plants that could grow inside were limitedB) the plants that could grow inside were from hot placesC) the temperature in the inside environment could be controlledD) the larger plants grew better inside.

21、19. One function of modern windows is _. A) to allow fresh air inC) to provide heat and lightB) to grow plants and trees insideD) to control the temperature20. It is not likely that large plants will move inside because _.A) the weather is not suitableB) they cannot be movedC) they cannot be control

22、ledD) there is not enough spaceText 2The AIDS virus is carried in a person's body fluids (体液 ). The virus can be passed duringsex withan infected partner or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous (静脉注射的 )4drugs. It also can be passed in blood or fluidsmade from blood or from a pregnant

23、( 怀孕的 )woman with AIDS to her developing baby.Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease. You cannot get it by drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. Officials say no one has caught AIDS by liv

24、ing with, caring for or touching an AIDS patient.There are several warning signs of being infected with AIDS. They include always feelingtired, unexplained ( 无法解释的 ) weight loss and uncontrolled expulsion (排泄 ) of body wastes.Other warning signs are the appearance of white areas on the mouth, dark r

25、ed areas of skin that do not go away and a higher than normal body temperature.However, just because you have one or more of these conditions does not mean you have AIDS. Always go to a doctor or health center for a complete examination. The doctor may give you an AIDS blood test.When a virus enters

26、 the body, the body's defenses against disease produce antibodies (抗体 ) to fight the virus. The test shows if the body has produced antibodies to the AIDS virus. Resultsof the test are known after a few hours. The test tells only if your body has produced AIDS antibodies. It cannot tell if you h

27、ave AIDS or if you will ever get the disease. In December (1988), the United States government approved ( 批准 ) a simpler and faster AIDS blood test. The newer test can confirm ( 证实 ) the presence (出现 ) of the AIDS antibodies in about five minutes.21. The AIDS virus can spread _.A) only from a man to

28、 womanB) among those who use drug instrumentsC) by shaking hands with someone who has the virusD) by touching an AIDS patient22. It is wrongly thought that _.A) the AIDS virus can be passed during sexB) the AIDS virus can spread from an expecting mother to her babyC) the AIDS virus can be passed by

29、touching infected bloodD) one can get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease523. The warning signs of being infected with AIDS include _.A) weight lossB) too much expulsion of body wastesC) the appearance of red areas of skinD) a body temperature higher than a normal on

30、e24. _ can show if one has AIDS.A) Whether one has a defense method against AIDSB) Whether one has unexplained weight lossC) Whether the AIDS antibodies are produced in the bodyD) The doctor's complete examination25. An AIDS blood test shows _.A) whether the defense method is damaged or notB) wh

31、ether one has AIDSC) one has a higher than normal body temperatureD) whether antibodies are produced in the bodyText 3In the United States a university professor is given a few months of freedom from his duties about every seventh year for travel or advanced study . This period of freedom from teach

32、ing is called a "study or research leave". Its purpose is to give the professor experiences which will make him a wiser person and a better teacher when he returns to his university.Few study leaves are interesting enough to be described in national newspapers and magazines. Recently, howe

33、ver, there was an exception. The public learned how Dr. John R. Coleman, president of Haverford College, had spent his study leave.At the age of 51, Dr. Coleman was determined to escape from university life for a few months and to get a variety of experiences in the world of work. He especially want

34、ed to learn about people. People who do hard physical labor were especially interesting to him."I wanted to get away from the worldof words and political matters and parties thethings a president does," Dr. Colemanlater explained to news writers.“ As a college presidentyou begin to take yo

35、urself very seriously and to thinkyou have power you don't. You forget6things about people. I wanted to relearn things I'd forgotten.”Telling no one of his plans, Dr. Coleman started his study leave on a farm in Canada,hundreds of miles from his college. Getting up at 4:30 each morning, work

36、ing thirteen hours a day in fields, he prepared himself physically for his next job, digging ditches in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, the college president washed dishes in a Boston restaurant. During the last ten days of his leave, he worked as a garbage collector.26. The first paragraph is mainly

37、about _.A) why a professor should be free from his duties every seventh yearB) how professors spend their study leaveC) what a study leave is and its purposeD) how a study leave makes a professor a wiser person and a better teacher27. A study leave is a period of freedom from duties allowed to a uni

38、versity teacher who has taught _ since his last leave.A) for six yearsB) for seven yearsC) for a termD) for a university year28. People learned about Dr. Coleman's unusual experiences from _.A) his colleaguesB) the boss of a Boston restaurantC) the Canadian newspapers and magazinesD) the U.S. ne

39、wspapers and magazines29. Dr. Coleman carried out his study leave in an unusual way because _.A) he hates his university life, especially his job as a presidentB) he wanted to learn about people, especially people who do hard physical laborC) he wanted to make himself known to the publicD) he wanted

40、 to write articles about people and have them printed in newspapers and magazinesPart III. V ocabulary and Structure (25 points)Directions: Choose the best one to complete each sentence.30. Few of the students understand why language is _ to human beings.A) awareB) uniqueC) absoluteD) continual731.T

41、he method he used turned out to be _ in improving the students' English.A) effectiveB) ableC) capableD) explicit32.They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _ answer as to who killed it.A) positiveB) seniorC) virtualD) vital33.What a _ smell! Open the window and air the room.A) disgus

42、tingB) pleasingC) powerfulD) disturbing34.She was putting on her jeans _ me to hand her the sweater.A) while askedB) askedC) askingD) while asking35.Our neighbor said that if we made more noise he would _ us to the police.A) inform ofB) complain aboutC) report toD) care for36. Nobody knows _ how man

43、y people are to be blame for the coal-mine accident, so the government is trying to find out the whole truth about the accident.A) inwardlyB) honestlyC) cleverlyD) precisely37. People working in the government should not _ business affairs that might change their political judgment.A) engage inB) ho

44、pe forC) choose betweenD) pick on38.He was a good worker who was _ to his family as well as to his work.A) consistentB) committedC) contentD) engaged39.We also use other forms of communication _ we may be aware or unaware.A) to whichB) of whichC) whichD) that40._ I admit that the problems are diffic

45、ult, I don't agree that they can't be solved.A) For fear thatB) BecauseC) WhileD) Until41.The little girl could not _ her curiosity to see what was in the box.A) holdB) keepC) takeD) restrain42. Most people have no real idea how to change to healthy food, and Maureen was no_.8A) foundationB)

46、 possibilityC) exceptionD) ignorance43.He always knew what time it was, as if by _.A) instinctB) imaginationC) reactionD) reality44.Young children have a limited attention _ and can't focus on one activity for verylong.A) rangeB) spanC) reachD) spread45.At the end of game, the whole crowd _ thei

47、r feet and cheered wildly.A) emerged fromB) rose fromC) got toD) stood up46.It was in China _ Dr. Bethune gave his life to the cause of the revolution.A) thatB) whereC) in whichD) at which47. Going out in a hurry, _.A) Floyd's keys were left on the tableB) Floyd left his keys on the tableC) Floy

48、d have left his keys on the tableD) the keys were left on the table by Floyd48. The heating system here has an _ temperature control.A) aggressiveB) intentionalC) accidentalD) automatic49.The policeman went from house to house, _ whether anyone had seen the lost boy.A) inquiringB) interruptingC) inf

49、ormingD) introduction50.The strike was not a success because of the workers' leader who _ the managers.A) sold out toB) sold outC) sold offD) sold up51.The coming of the railways in the 1830s _ our society and economic life.A) transformedB) transportedC) transferredD) translated52. In preparing

50、scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student should _ his results in logical order and clear language.A) perceiveB) protestC) raiseD) present953.They are teachers and don't realize _ to start and run a company.A) what it takesB) what takes itC) what they takeD) what takes them54.With

51、the job _, he went to see a film with his colleagues.A) doneB) doingC) to doD) doPaper TwoPart IV . Cloze ( 5 Points)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the missing words.All of us have experienced this sudden _1_of anew idea, but it is earliest to examine it inthe great creative_2_, many of whom ex

52、perienced it inan _3_form and have written itdown in theirlife stories andletters. One can _4_examples from genius in any field, fromreligion, _5_, and literature to art and music, even in mathematics, science, and technicalinvention, although these are often thought to depend only on _6_and experiment. All truly_7_activities depend in some_8_on these signals from the unconscious, and the morehighly _9_the person, the


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