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1、第二语言教学中的非语言交际研究 学校代号 10524 学 号10524818分 类 号密 级硕士学位论文第二语言教学中的非语言交际研究学位申请人姓名谢勋琪 培 养 单 位 中南民族大学外语学院导师姓名及职称张立玉 教授学 科 专 业外国语言学及应用语言学 研 究 方 向 应用语言学论文提交日 期 2012 年 9 月 学校代号:10524 学 号:10524818 密 级: 中 南民族 大学 硕士学 位论 文第 二语言 教学 中的非 语言 交际研 究学位申请人姓名: 谢勋琪 导师姓名及职称: 张立玉 教授 培养单 位: 中南民族大学外语学院专业名 称: 外国语言学及应用语言学论文提交日 期:

2、2012 年 9 月论文答辩日 期: 2013 年 1 月 20 日答辩委员会主席: 贾 勤 教授The Study of Nonverbal Communicationin EFL Teaching A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts inLinguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages on Applied Linguisticsby Xie XunqiPostgraduat

3、e Program College of Foreign Languages South-Central University for NationalitiesSupervisor:Academic Title:Signature_ Approved Jan., 2013中 南 民族 大 学 学 位 论文 原 创性 声 明 本 人 郑 重 声 明 : 所 呈 交 的 论 文 是 本 人 在 导 师 的 指 导 下 独 立 进 行 研 究 所 取 得的研 究 成 果 。 除 了 文 中 特 别 加 以 标 注 引 用 的 内 容 外 , 本 论 文 不 包 含 任 何 其 他 个 人 或集 体

4、 已 经 发 表 或 撰 写 的 成 果 作 品 。 对 本 文 的 研 究 做 出 重 要 贡 献 的 个 人 和 集 体 , 均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名:日期:年 月 日 学 位 论文 版 权使 用 授权 书 本 学 位 论 文 作 者 完 全 了 解 学 校 有 关 保 留 、 使 用 学 位 论 文 的 规 定 , 同 意 学 校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版 , 允许论文被查阅和借阅。本 人 授 权 中 南 民 族 大 学 可 以 将 本 学 位 论 文 的 全 部 或 部 分 内 容 编 入 有 关 数 据 库

5、进 行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 本学位论文属于 1、 保密 ,在_ 年解密后适用本授权书。 2、 不保密 。 (请在以上相应方框内打“” )作者签名: 日期:年 月 日 导师签名: 日期:年 月 日 中南民族大学硕士学位论文AcknowledgementsUpon the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to all those who gave me help, advice and support to my writing wor

6、kI am mostly grateful to my supervisor, Professor Zhang Liyu, who sacrificed much valuable time in patient guiding, directing and correcting me in choosing the title, writing the thesis, and improving it. The thesis was assisted greatly by her constructive comments for its structure and transformati

7、on. Without her patient guidance and long-time support, this thesis would not even get off the groundI would also express my thanks to all the teachers of English School, who brainstormed me at the preliminary stage and from whom I got much constructive suggestion to this thesisI am also grateful to

8、 my colleagues for their generosity, cooperation and sincerity because during their cooperative classes, I got the first-hand materials by interviewing themThe same thanks go to my students who participated in the study and fill the questionnaire, which provided me the first-hand materials and ensur

9、ed the authenticity of the dataNo amount of thanks will be adequate for my friends and classmates without whose spiritual support, detailed discussion, encouragement and valuable suggestion, the thesis would have remained incompletionLast but not least, big thanks go to my husband and daughter who h

10、ave sharedmy worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually completing this thesis I The Study of Nonverbal Communication in EFL TeachingAbstractThere are two forms in interpersonal communication: the language communication and nonverbal communication. Coordinated with each

11、 other, the two kinds of means make the human communication system completed. David Avercrombie said that we use pronunciation organ to talk, but we use whole body to make conversations Jia Yuxin, 1997. Nonverbal communication usually has six functions: complementing, repeating, substituting, contra

12、dicting, accenting, and regulating. In actual communication, verbal and nonverbal information influence each other and work together Although we use more language communication in intercultural communication, the important role that the nonverbal communication plays is far more than that of the lang

13、uage communication. Many western linguists and scholars have conducted detailed studies on nonverbal communication. The results of the studies show that only 35% of messages are transmitted by language communication and 65% of information is delivered by nonverbal communication. Some scholars even t

14、hink that in the communication between people with different cultures, about 85% of communication is finished by nonverbal means. Thus, nonverbal communication plays an extremely important role in human communication However, in recent years, majority of scholars focus mainly on language communicati

15、on research and ignore the nonverbal communication, and the research on nonverbal communication in college English classroom is even lessCollege English class is a place for teacher and students to make full communication and the teacher-students communication goes throughout the whole teaching. Som

16、e researchers have pointed out that: 82% of information of classroom teaching is transmitted by means of teachers' nonverbal behaviors, such as facial expressions, behaviors; only 18% of the information is carried through the language behavior Grant and Hennings, 1971. Teachers each word, moveme

17、nt, dressing, making-up, facial expression, mood, even an eye expression or standing position, is nothing but a means of transinformation to all students, and also affects the teaching effect and students attitude toward the course and the teacher II 中南民族大学硕士学位论文More and more teachers come to realiz

18、e that compared with language communication, nonverbal communication is a more effective communication meansIn English class, teacher's nonverbal behavior has the auxiliary function, reinforcing function and infectious effect on students, and can even substitute sound language to convey informat

19、ion. It is very useful for English teachers to apply nonverbal communicative means appropriately to English class, which is beneficial to establish good relationship between teachers and students and improve the classroom teaching efficiencyBased on a questionnaire within 100 college students and a

20、discussion and interview with 10 teachers who teach College English, the author collects relevant materials, and analyzes the present situation, types, functions and other aspects of nonverbal communication used in classroom by college English teachers and students, and then discusses the relationsh

21、ip between nonverbal communication and EFL classroom teaching efficiency, so as to provide some help for domestic EFL classroom teachingGuided by Krashens Affective Filter Hypothesis and Cross-cultural Communicative Theory and based on the data of the questionnaire, this thesis is to discuss systema

22、tically about the functions, features and current status of nonverbal communication in EFL class from the perspective of body language, paralanguage, object language and environmental language, the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication in language classroom, as well as how to impro

23、ve teachers nonverbal behaviors to make their class more effective Keywords: nonverbal communication; EFL classroom teaching; EFL teachers communicative capabilityIII The Study of Nonverbal Communication in EFL Teaching摘 要 人际间的交流有两 种形式: 语言交际和非言语交际, 两种手段相结合组成了人类完整的交流系统。David Avercrombie 说: “ 我们用发音器官说

24、话, 但我们用整个身体交谈 ” (贾玉新,1997) 。 非言语交际一般有六种功能: 补充功能、 重复功能、替 代 功 能 、 否 定 功 能 、 强 调 功 能 和 调 节 功 能 。 可 见 , 在 实 际 交 际 过 程 中 , 言 语 和非言语的信息相互影响,共同作用。 尽 管 我 们 在 交 际 中 使 用 的 语 言 交 际 较 多 , 但 是 非 语 言 交 际 所 起 到 的 作 用 却远远 超 过 了 语 言 交 际 。 西 方 许 多 语 言 学 家 和 学 者 对 非 语 言 交 际 进 行 了 细 致 的 研 究 。研 究 结 果 表 明 语 言 交 际 所 传 达 的

25、 信 息 仅 占 35% , 而 非 语 言 交 际 所 传 达 的 信 息 高 达65% 。有些学者认为在不同文化之间人们进行的全部交际中,约 85%的沟通是靠非语言手段来进行的 。 由此可见, 非语言交际在人类交际中 发挥着极其重要的 作用。 然 而 , 近 年 来 大 量 的 学 者 把 注 意 力 主 要 放 在 语 言 交 际 研 究 上 而 忽 略 了 非 言语交际。 对大学英语课堂的非语言交际研究就更少了。 大学英语课堂是教师与学生充分交流的地方, 师生交流贯穿了整个教学活动。有研究指出: 课堂教学活动中 82% 的信息是通过教师的表情、 举止等非言语行为达到的,而只有18%的信

26、息是通过语言行为达到的 (Grant & Hennings, 1971 ) 。教师的一言一行、 衣着装扮、 表情语气, 乃至一个 眼神站姿无不向学生传递着信息, 也影响着教学效果和学生对该课程和该教师的态度。 越来越多的教师认识到:和语言交际相比,非语言交际是更有效的交际手段。课 堂 上 教 师 的 非 言 语 行 为 对 学 生 有 辅 助 、 强 化 和 感 染 作 用 , 甚 至 可 以 代 替 有 声 语言来传递信息。 大学英语课堂上合理使用非语言交际手段, 有助于沟通师生感情, 建立良好的师生关系,提高课堂教学效率。本文作者在对100 名大学生进行了问卷调查和 10 名大学教

27、师访谈的基础上, 收 集 整 理 相 关 资 料 , 对 大 学 英 语 课 堂 上 教 师 和 学 生 的 非 语 言 交 际 的 现 状 、 类 型 、功能等方面进行详尽的理论分析,进而探讨非言语交际与 EFL 课堂 教学效果的关系,以期对国内高校 EFL 课堂教学有所帮助。 在 分析 问 卷 所 得 数 据 的 基 础 上 , 本 文 将 以 情 感 过 滤 假 说 和 跨 文 化 交 际 理 论 为IV 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 依据,从 身 势 语 、 副 语 言 、 客 体 语 和 环 境 语 四 个 方 面 系 统 地 论述 教 师 的 非 语 言 交际行为 在EFL 课堂中的

28、作用、EFL 课堂中教师的非语言交际的 现状和特点 、 言语交际和非言语交际的关系、以及教师如何利用非言语交际提高 EFL 课堂教学效果。关键词:非言语交际;EFL 课堂教学;英语 教 师的非言语交际能力 V The Study of Nonverbal Communication in EFL TeachingList of figuresFigure 1: Current situation of teachers facial expression in classroom.32 Figure 2: Teachers eye-contact frequency with students

29、36 Figure 3: Students wish for teachers gestures38 Figure4: Students acceptance to teachers touching behavior41 Figure 5: Students demand for teachers nonverbal sound.44 Figure 6: Students focus on teachers nonverbal behaviors . 46 Figure 7: Students demand for teachers dress.47 Figure 8: Expected d

30、istance between teacher and students.52 Figure 9: Teachers position in classroom .53 Figure 10: Students desired seating arrangement.55 Figure 11: Interference of noise to students. 56VI 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 List of TablesTable 1: Personal Information of the Interviewed Teachers 24 Table 2: Facial Expressio

31、n that Students Wish Teacher to Have.32 Table 3: Students Feedback to the Traditional Seating Arrangement.54VII The Study of Nonverbal Communication in EFL TeachingContentsAcknowledgements. I Abstract II 摘 要. IV List of figures VI List of Tables VII Contents VIII Chapter 1 Introduction. 1 1.1 Backgr

32、ound of the Research. 1 1.2 Significance of the Research 2 1.3 Objectives of the Research 4 1.4 Structure of the Thesis. 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review6 2.1 Definition of Nonverbal Communication6 2.2 Distinguishing Features of Nonverbal Communication. 7 2.2.1 Complex form. 7 2.2.2 Dependant on contex

33、t. 8 2.2.3 Sensitive to culture8 2.2.4 Uncertain and Obscure Meaning9 2.2.5 Difficult to Judge the Reliability9 2.3 Functions of Nonverbal Communication9 2.2.1 Complementing10 2.2.2 Repeating 10 2.2.3 Accenting 10 2.2.4 Regulating10 2.2.5 Substituting. 11 2.2.6 Contradicting. 11 2.2.7 Classification

34、 of Nonverbal Communication12VIII 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 2.4 Previous Researches on Nonverbal Communication 14 2.4.1 Research Abroad. 15 2.4.2 Research Home 19 Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework. 21 3.1 Krashens Affective Filter Hypothesis21 3.2 Cross-cultural Communicative Theory 22 Chapter 4 Methodology 24 4.1

35、 Research subject24 4.2 Research Questions 25 4.3 Instrument 25 4.3.1 Classroom Observation25 4.3.2 Questionnaire and Interview. 26 4.4 Data Collection. 26 Chapter 5 Results and Discussions. 28 5.1 Body language28 5.1.1 Definition of Body Language28 5.1.2 Functions of Body Language 29 5.1.3 Features

36、 of Body Language in EFL Class. 29 5.1.4 Main Forms and Functions of Body Language31 5.2 Paralanguage42 5.2.1 Pause and Silence42 5.2.2 Nonverbal Sound 43 5.2.3 Turn-taking 45 5.3 Object Language46 5.3.1 Clothing and Dressing. 47 5.3.2 Hair 48 5.3.3 Covering up Body Odor. 49 5.3.4 Teaching Media and

37、 Teaching Aids50 5.4 Environmental language50 5.4.1 Proxemics51IX The Study of Nonverbal Communication in EFL Teaching 5.4.2 Seating arrangement. 54 5.4.3 Other Elements 56 5.5 The Relation between Nonverbal communication, Verbal Communication, and EFL Teaching. 57 5.6 Principles to Use Nonverbal Co

38、mmunication in EFL Teaching58 Chapter 6 Conclusion 59 6.1 Summary of Findings 59 6.2 Limitation of the Study. 61 6.3 Implications for Language Teaching. 61 6.4 Suggestions to Cultivate Students Nonverbal Communication Competence62 6.4.1 Pre-class Phase 63 6.4.2 In Class Phase63 6.4.3 Post-class Phas

39、e64 References 65 Appendix I69 Appendix II Questions for the Interview 70 Published Papers during the Study of M.A. 71 Published Papers during the Study of M.A. 71X 中南民族大学硕士学位论文Chapter 1 IntroductionIn recent years, people have focused on the study of verbal communication in terms of oral language a

40、nd written language, ignoring the nonverbal communicationHowever, many researches have proved the significance of nonverbal communication in peoples daily life and English teaching. It is found that large quantity of information is transferred by the change of pitch, facial expressions, body languag

41、e, eye contact, postures, gestures, and even a persons dress in emotional communication and attitude communication. In formal face-to-face communication, only about 35% of information is transferred by language and the rest is all expressed by nonverbal means Sam ovaretal,1981:155). Nonverbal commun

42、ication is a very important communication means, which can help communication, enlarge exchanging scope, express or hide feelings, and enrich language. Therefore, it is necessary and important to study the nonverbal communication in class to improve the efficiency of teaching 1.1 Background of the R

43、esearchIn EFL class, nonverbal communication plays the role of promoting communication between teachers and students, feedback the information in classroom teaching, and controlling students classroom behaviors. All of teachers behaviors, dress, pitch, or body language will affect the classroom teac

44、hingFor the study of nonverbal communication, foreign scholars started earlier and they got satisfying results. Hall 1959 made a systematic and meticulous research on nonverbal communicative means. From the psychological point, Child 1981 analyzed nonverbal communication and wrote books, discussing

45、the relationship between nonverbal communication and teaching. Then, many other scholars and educators followed them and had some researches on nonverbal communication. People studied nonverbal communication from all aspects, and nonverbal communication has drawn the western academics attention. The

46、se foreign scholars and educators made investigations and collected statistics, and provided us with theories and abundant data, and paved the pay for other researchersInfluenced by abroad studies, some Chinese scholars and educators come to be1 The Study of Nonverbal Communication in EFL Teaching a

47、ware of the significance of nonverbal communication, especially the importance of nonverbal communication in teaching. The representatives are Chen Yuan 1983, Yang Quanliang 1990, Yang Ping 1994, Huwenzhong 1999, Bi Jiwan 2009 and other linguists and teachers As is known to all, teaching in many col

48、leges is greatly influenced by traditional teaching concepts, and the teaching objective is not correct. Many teachers just explain the language points in the textbook, focus on students score. Such phenomenon is serious in the class of English as foreign language abbreviated as EFL, in which teache

49、rs only read the paragraphs, explain some difficult sentences and vocabulary, teach some principles of grammar, neglecting the communication with their studentsAt present, the main goal and the task of the foreign language teaching in China is to cultivate the students' intercultural communicati

50、ve ability, which includes two parts: verbal communicative competence and nonverbal communicative competence. The traditional EFL teaching usually focuses on language itself and ignores the systematic information in nonverbal communication, which hinders the barrier-free intercultural communicationC

51、ollege English Teaching Syllabus 1999 also clearly stipulates the college English teaching purpose as: cultivating students' strong reading ability and certain listening and reading, and the writing ability, so that they can communicate to improve cultural literacy. The change in teaching concep

52、tion caused the change in teaching method and teaching manner. Teachers should not only impart pure language knowledge but also develop the students' communicative ability. Unluckily, many EFL teachers do not fully realize the importance of nonverbal communication yet; neither do they give much attention to their nonverbal behaviors in classAccording to the actual situation, EFL teachers should combine nonverbal communication with verbal communication in teaching, and also consciously apply nonverbal com


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