1、Lesson 85Never too old to learn12Warming up1.Have you any hobbies? What are they? Why do you enjoy them?2.Do you think most people look forward to retirement? Why?/Why not?3.Do you agree with Mr. Page that “one is never too old to learn”? Why?22021-12-14 Knowledge is powerKnowledge changes destinyTh
2、e importance of knowledge32021-12-14Diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge, hard-working is the boat to the endless sea of learning My life is limited while knowledge is limitless 12/14/2021No end for learning42021-12-14No a secure job Continuous learning to nip in the bud (不断学习来(不断学习来防患
3、于未然)防患于未然) 52021-12-14 adult 1 2 3 4 young learn like the rising sun so bright The elderly learn as a burning candle lighting. 少而好学,如日出之阳; 壮而好学,如日中之光; 老而好学,如炳烛之明 adult learn as the noon sun shine adult62At forty, had no doubts;fifty , know your destiny;吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲, A man
4、 should be independent at the age of thirtysixty , pleasing to the ear; seventy , have whatever ones heart desires. At fifteen, willing to learn72何国光何国光in the elderly university from the age of 65A total of 7 courses in 20 years82Step 3天津外国语大学天津外国语大学“楼管楼管”师傅、师傅、59岁的张伟克岁的张伟克learn many different langu
5、ages by learn many different languages by himself himself ,write tips in Englishwrite tips in English,被网友们热被网友们热 赞赞 为为 “最最 牛牛 UncleZhang”(译文:最牛张叔)。(译文:最牛张叔)。张伟克在值班室制作了一张新的英语告示92Each Period of LifetimeEach period has its own learning tasks and characteristics 102021-12-14Young people need to learn an
6、d the old also need to learn. Only if climbing along the learning steps, our life will be full of fun.Life needs learning112021-12-14 Shi kuang, an ancient Chinese musician, said that it was never too old to learn. No matter young or old, the more knowledge you learn, the brighter your heart is.It i
7、s never too old to learnso everybodyshould grasp thelimited life timeto learn the truthuntil he or she dies12In ancient China, they study so hard132021-12-14Nowadays142021-12-14Even we are not young 152021-12-14Life is limited, while knowledge is infinite.Especially in modern times, the world has de
8、veloped so fast. And the speed of knowledge updating speeds up day by day. So if we want to keep up with the changing world, we must have the attitude and action of lifelong learning.Because162021-12-14In the 21st century, whatwe are compared is not learning, but the rate of learning. Lifelong learn
9、ing has been far from enough, Oh my God !So, we must learn172021-12-14We must learn To improve the ability of our jobsTo pursuit our career 182021-12-14We must learn To improve our technology and cultural skills to obtain wealth and to improve our mental state.192021-12-14We must learn To keep up wi
10、th the changing word to enjoy the fruit of world progress 202021-12-14We must learn To seek after the ideal To look for pleasureLouise Brown, 91, reading 25000 books in 60 yearsThey need pleasure in their late time212021-12-14In a word It is never too old to learn. The more knowledge you learn, the
11、brighter your heart is. In the world there are a lot of things waiting for us to learn! Come on, everybody!222021-12-14Questions to the text 1.Where do I receive a letter from? 2.What is the letter about? 3.What will all the pupils do? 4.What will we all remember Mr. Page for? 5.When is a farewell d
12、inner being held in hishonor? 6.What is the curious coincidence? 7.What will Mr. Page do after he has retired?232021-12-14 receive a letter from mark the occasion contribute towards sign ones name remember sb. for kindly encouragement go unwillingly to school a great many attend a farewell dinner in
13、 ones honor a curious coincidence a total of devote oneself to a entirely new hobby one is never too old to learn 收到收到的来信的来信纪念这个日子纪念这个日子为为捐款捐款签名签名因因记住记住亲切鼓励亲切鼓励不愿上学不愿上学许多、大量许多、大量参加告别宴会参加告别宴会为了纪念为了纪念奇妙的巧合奇妙的巧合总共总共致力于致力于一个全新的爱好一个全新的爱好人要活到老学到老人要活到老学到老242021-12-14New words 1.inform v. 告诉,通知告诉,通知 2.headm
14、aster n. 校长校长 3.contribute v. 捐助,援助捐助,援助 4.gift n. 礼物,赠品礼物,赠品 5.album n .签名簿,相册签名簿,相册 6.patience n. 耐心耐心 7.encouragement n.鼓励鼓励 8.farewell n. 告别告别252021-12-14New words 9.honour n. 敬意敬意 10.coincidence n. 巧合巧合 11. total n. 总数总数 12.devote v. 致力于致力于 13.gardending n. 园艺园艺 14.hobby n. 爱好,嗜好爱好,嗜好262021-12-
15、14 inform v. 告诉,通知 vt. 通知,告知inform sb. of sth. 把通知某人谁把这个通知给你的?Who informed you of this?inform sb that 通知有人通知他,每年他将多挣1000英镑。Someone informed him that he would receive an extra thousand pounds a year.tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb. that 告诉某人 vi. 告发,检举(与against/on连用) He used to inform against his classma
16、tes. Several people have informed on him.272 informed adj. 消息灵通的,见闻广博的 informative adj. 知识性的,给予知识的 informer n. 告密者 联想学过的名词? information a piece of information 282021-12-14 headmaster n. 校长 美:常指私立学校的校(head of school) 英:中、小学的校长 headmistress 女校长 head nurse 护士长 headman 酋长 headphone 耳机 headsman 侩子手 Heads
17、tone 基石 292021-12-14 contribute (1) vt. 捐助,援助他捐很多钱给慈善机构。 He contributed a lot of money to the charity .(2) vi.有贡献、有助于、成为原因之一contribute to 为 . 作贡献, 为 . 捐款或撰稿 一条公路的建设将有助于郊区的发展。The construction of a highway will contribute to the development of the suburbs. Dont contribute after the closing date. 请在截止日
18、期前投稿。 Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。contribution (1) 捐款(2)n.贡献Contributor捐赠人,投稿人302 gift (1) n. 礼物,赠品、捐赠(present 指礼物的一般性用语,gift 是稍正式的说法) a Christmas gift ; a birthday gift ; (2) 天赋、天资 a boy of many gift 多才多艺的少年 have a gift for music / painting 音乐天赋 a gift f
19、rom the God 上天的恩赐 gifted adj. 有天资的、有天赋的 a gifted musician312021-12-14 album n. 签名簿,相册、集邮册集邮册a stamp album相册a photograph album322 patience n. 耐心、忍耐、毅力反义词:impatience这种工作需要极大的耐心。This kind of work requires much patience .他耐心听我的投诉。He heard my complaints with patience. be out of patience with sth对.不能忍受、不耐
20、烦我无法忍受他了I am out of patience with him.332patient (1) adj. 有耐心的(反义词:impatient) be patient of sth ;be patient with sb 对有耐心你应该更有耐心对待其他人。You should be more patient with others . (2)n. 病人这家医院有很多病人。There are a lot of patients in this hospital. 342 encouragement n. 鼓励、促进、奖励 eg:He received a lot of encourag
21、ement from his teacher . encourage v. 鼓励、激励(discourage) eg:The good news encouraged him . encourage sb to do 鼓励(某人)做(今后怎么做) eg:The teacher encouraged me to study abroad . encourage sb in 鼓励 (某人)的 (目前正在做的事情) eg:All the family encouraged the boy in his efforts to become a doctor . 我的父母在我职业的选择上永远都鼓励我。我
22、的父母在我职业的选择上永远都鼓励我。 My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career. An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 idle 懒散的,空闲的,无用的352021-12-14farewell (1) 再见,再会(比goodbye正式) 永别了,武器!Farewell to arms !(2)n. 告别(做adj.使用) 送别的say farewell to=bid farewell to 向.告别他们在咖啡馆向我告别They said their farewells to
23、me at the cafe.a farewell party 欢送会362 honor (1) n. 敬意 show honor to sb向某人表使敬意。(2) n.名誉、名声、面子、体面获得这个奖项非常荣幸。It is a great honor to receive that prize . in honor of 为纪念、为庆祝今晚为庆祝新总统当选而招开宴会。There is a party tonight in honor of our new president .have the hour of doing 有做某事的荣幸我有荣幸与你跳舞?May I have the hono
24、r of dancing with you ?372 honor in honor of 为纪念 do the honors (口)(在宴会等) 尽地主之谊 guard of honour 仪仗队 in ones honour 为纪念某人,对某人表示尊重 honorable adj. (1) 可敬的、值得尊敬的 eg:The deceased was an honorable man . 死者 (2)光荣的、高贵的 eg:He comes of an honorable family . 他出身名门。 die an honorable death The Honorable 阁下382021-
25、12-14 coincidence n. 巧合、 (事件等)同时发生真是太巧了!What a coincidence!两个意外的巧合 the coincidence of two accidentscoincide v.同时发生、巧合 coincide with 符合, 与 . 一致I didnt go to meet him because his arrival coincided with an important conference .我不能去见他是因为他来时,我正好有个很重要的会议。392 total (1) n. 总数 the sum total 总计、全部、总额; a tota
26、l of 总计 (2) 全部的、总计的 (entire , whole) eg:Whats the total population of china ? (3) adj. 完全的、全然的 (complete) a total failure 彻底的失败 ; total silence 完全沉默 402021-12-14 devote v. 致力于devote sth to doing sth 完全致力于,全身心投入他毕生致力于促进世界和平。He devoted his life to promoting world peace .devote oneself + to 献身、热爱、专心她在少
27、年时代热衷于网球She devoted herself to tennis in her teens . devoted adj. 忠实的忠实的 、 挚爱的挚爱的a devoted friend忠实的朋友忠实的朋友 devotion n. 献身、挚爱献身、挚爱 the devotion of parents to their children父母对孩子的爱父母对孩子的爱412 gardening garden gardener422021-12-14Text explanation 1、I have just received a letter from my old school, info
28、rming me that my former headmaster, Mr. Stuart Page, will be retiring next week. informing me that :现在分词作状语 - 可以表示时间可以表示时间, 原原因因, 结果结果, 条件条件, 行行 为方式或伴随动作等为方式或伴随动作等 ,一般说来,这种结构的,一般说来,这种结构的逻辑主语就是句子的主语逻辑主语就是句子的主语 1. All night long he lay awake, thinking of the problem. 2. The six blind men stood there b
29、egging for a meal. 3. Her husband died ten years ago, leaving her with three children to look after. will be retiring 将来进行时预计、安排即将发生或势必发生的动作432021-12-14 1. _ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes. A. Suffered B. Suffering C. Having suffered
30、 D. Being suffered 2. Finding her car stolen, _. A. a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for everywhere D. she hurried to a policeman for help 3. He sent me an e-mail, _ to get further information. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope442021-12-14 4. Whi
31、le building a tunnel through the mountain, _. A. an underground lake was discovered B. there was an underground lake discovered C. a lake was discovered underground D. the workers discovered an underground lake 5. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl and took her away, _ into th
32、e woods. A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappeared C. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing452021-12-14 2、Pupils of the school, old and new, will be sending him a present to mark the occasion. pupil 学生、儿童 (美:常指小学生、其他主要用student ) (英:指中、小学生) 、瞳孔 old and new 作pupil的同位语,由并列连词连接的两个adj.作定语时要放
33、在所修饰的词后面 mark the occasion 纪念这个日子mark n. 标记;v. 做标记,给作记号/留痕迹;纪念 He marked all the foods which were forbidden with a red pencil. send sb. sth. 送某人 (send sth to sb)462021-12-14 3、All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmasters
34、 home. contribute towards/to sth. 为为捐款,提供给捐款,提供给 Before his death, he contributed a large sum of money to the church. all those who will do sth. 所有那些人都所有那些人都 All those who want to go on an excursion will sign their names. 想去郊游的人签名想去郊游的人签名 present 和和gift都表示都表示“礼物,赠品礼物,赠品”,但,但gift 相相对要正式些:对要正式些: She h
35、as just received a beautiful birthday present. He made a gift of $60,000 to his old school. 472021-12-14 4、We shall all remember Mr. Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school. 1)remember sb. for sth. 因为因为记住某人,记得记住某人,记得的的
36、 eg:We shall all remember her for her sweet smile. 2)be willing to do sth. 心甘情愿做某事心甘情愿做某事 482021-12-14 remember for 因记住 eg:I remember him for his naughty . remember as 记得 (人、物) 是 eg:I remember him as a naughty boy . remember doing 记得做过某事 eg:I remember having met her somewhere . remember to do 记得去做某事
37、 eg:I remembered to mail the letter . 492021-12-14 5、A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honour next Thursday. in ones honour = in honour of sb. 为向表示敬意,为纪念某人 eg:Many people attended the party in honour of the new manager. a great many +(pl.) 许多 will be attending 将参加
38、 a farewell dinner 告別宴会 ; 502021-12-14表示表示“许多许多”的词组的词组 1.a lot of“许多、大量”它可以修饰任何复数名词,相当于many和much lots of=a lot of 表示不确定的数量: 2.plenty of丰富;充足;大量(可修饰任何复数名词) He has plenty of humorous stories to tell.3.a great/good deal of大量的(只可修饰不可数名词) A great deal of work awaits me.许多工作等着我去做。4.a great/good many很多(只可修
39、饰复数可数名词) There are a good many people in the hall.大厅里有很多人。 5.a number of“一些”=some,如果要表示许多的意思,就要加上一个“强语势形容词”large(只可修饰复数可数名词) A large number of people have left.很多人都走了。 512021-12-14 6、It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement, Mr. Page will have been teaching for a total of forty
40、 years. Its is a curious coincidence that 纯属巧合,真是奇异的巧合 the day before 前一天;two days before 前两天 will have been doing 将来完成进行时 a total of 总共 The money she spent on the dinner party reached a total of $200. 522021-12-14 7、After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening. For him, this will be an
41、 entirely new hobby. he has retired(时态的灵活运用)用完成时表示事情的完成,即退休,同时表示对以后的影响,将要致力于园艺。 devote oneself to 致力于,献身于,专心于(to为介词,后跟名词或动名词) Mary devotes herself to helping the poor. As a boy, Jim devoted himself to tennis. entirely = completely 完完全全地 532021-12-14 8.But this does not matter, for, as he has often r
42、emarked, one is never too old to learn. matter v. 有(沒有)关系,常使用一般时态有(沒有)关系,常使用一般时态 eg:Does it matter ? 有什么关系?有什么关系? 542021-12-14 too .to do 太太而不能做某事而不能做某事 not too .to do never too to do不会太而不能做某事 Its never too late to mend the fold even after the sheep is lost . 亡羊补牢,犹未晚矣 eg:The problem was too complic
43、ated for us to solve . enough to 足够、可以 eg:It is easy enough for me to understand . as he has often remarked 正如他常说的那样 as 引导非限制定语从句 eg:As I soon learnt , he was English himself . 我立即意识到,他本人就是英国人。552021-12-14summary 1.letter-former headmaster-next week 2.pupils-old and new-present-to mark 3.those who-s
44、ign-album-will be sent 4.shall all remember-patience and-encouragement-gave us when 5.many former pupils-farewell dinner-his honour-next Thursday562021-12-14Grammar-将来进行时 结构:will+be+doing A)在将来某时候正在进行的动作; B)预计、安排即将发生或势必发生的动作。 一般将来时 : be going to + 动词原形 will +动词原形 将来进行时: will be + v. ing 将来完成进行时: wil
45、l have been + v. ing 572021-12-14 A)在将来某时候正在进行的动作)在将来某时候正在进行的动作: You can have a meeting in my office on Friday . I wont be using it. 星期五你可以在我的办公室开会。那会儿我不用它。 What will you be doing tomorrow morning? 明天上午你做什么? I cant go to the party tonight . Ill be seeing off a friend .今晚我不能参加聚会了。我要给一位朋友送行。582021-12-
46、14 B)预计、安排即将发生或势必发生的动作:)预计、安排即将发生或势必发生的动作: 在这里,将来进行时与一般将来时很接近, 但前者强调动作按计划、安排要发生;间或也表示委婉、客气, 而后者只表示动作会在未来时间发生。 We shall be meeting at the school gate .我们在校门口见面。 What shall we be doing next ? 我们干什么? If you dont do so , you will be facing great difficulties. 你如果不这样做就会面临很大的困难。592021-12-14 一般将来时与将来进行时的区别
47、,只不过是对将一般将来时与将来进行时的区别,只不过是对将来的预测,来的预测, 一个表示一个表示将来要做的事将来要做的事, 一个表示一个表示将来某个时点正在做的事。将来某个时点正在做的事。 Ill read a book tomorrow. 将来时 Ill be reading a book 10:00 tomorrow. 将来进行时 常用的时间状语: Soon, tomorrow, this evening, on Sunday, by this time, tomorrow, in two days, tomorrow evening By this time tomorrow, Ill be lying on the beach. 一将来进行时用来表示在将来的某一个时间正在进行的动作和按计划,安排,决定预料将要发生的事 602021-12-14Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given words: 1He_swimming in the river e
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