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1、 Technical Description / 技术协议Ballast Water Management System / 压载水处理系统压载水处理系统技术协议PROJECT : 项目: SHIPOWNER :船东:SHIPYARD :船厂:DESIGNER:设计方:PUMP CAPACITY :压载水泵:1000 m3/hr BWMS CAPACITY :压载水处理系统:1000 m3/hr DATE :日期:1. 系统组成 / System ComponentsTM压载水处理系统是一种采用机械过滤和紫外线(UV)消毒技术相结合的在线二级处理系统。自清洗过滤器通过拦截水中较大生物体起到预处

2、理作用,后续的紫外消毒系统对海水进行杀菌消毒,满足IMO D-2排放标准。The TM BWMS features two-stage process, applying efficient automatic filtration to remove larger organisms and sediments followed by powerful medium pressure UV unit to disinfect and inactivate smaller plankton, bacteria and pathogens, in compliance with IMO D-2

3、standard. 除不使用活性物质,也无任何有毒物质产生外,TM压载水处理系统所采用的中压紫外装置在船用行业有显而易见的优势。中压紫外消毒装置设计紧凑、占用空间小,从而使其适用于任何船只,尤其当安装空间有限时。The medium pressure UV device, adopted by TM BWMS, has significant advantage in marine application besides its physical nature in process. It calls for minimized footprint due to its compact des

4、ign, which makes it easy to fit into any vessel especially those with limited space available. 系统特性 / System Features:l 安全可靠、无需添加任何化学品 / No chemicals added or generatedl 无毒性副产物 / No toxic by-productl 设计紧凑、占地小 / Compact design and minimized footprintl 操作简单,自动运行 / Automatic & 100% Safe Operationl

5、方便维护、费用低 / Little Operation Attention Required & Minimum Maintenancel 无腐蚀问题 / No corrosion concernl 降低压载舱中的沉积物 / Sediment Removal on BallastingTM BWMS按订货时的系统供货要求,有散件供货和撬块供货两种方式。设备组成包括主要包括:(1)高压反冲自清洗过滤器;(2)中压紫外(UV)杀菌装置;(3)高压泵;(4)管路及阀门组件(5)系统支架(6)控制系统;521634Fig.1-1: -BWMS撬块安装3D模型TM压载水处理系统,采用高压反冲自清

6、洗过滤器(1)对压载水进行预处理,再用UV(紫外)杀菌装置(2)对海水进行杀菌消毒。处理设备(过滤器和紫外杀菌装置)连接到压载水管路系统中,使进入和排出的压载水在线得到有效的处理。The TM BWMS (filter and UV reactor) is integrated into ballast water system and so that proper treatment occurs inline automatically both at ballasting and de-ballasting. 压载时,海水经过滤器过滤和UV消毒处理。在排放时只经过UV消毒进行再次处理,确

7、保任何可能在压载舱内生长的生物在排放前得到完全杀灭。相关自动阀门的切换操作由PLC程序自动控制完成。Ballast water is treated going through the complete process (filter followed by UV reactor) at ballast water intake and re-treated at discharge through the UV reactor only (filter bypassed). The UV irradiation of ballast water again during de-ballast

8、ing ensures that any bacterial regrowth that may have occurred in the ballast tanks is fully disinfected before discharge. The switching of related automatic valves is controlled and completed by PLC automatically. Fig.1-2:压载(红色路线)Fig.1-3:排放(绿色路线)2. 技术规格 / Technical SpecificationModel :型号: Supply Vo

9、ltage :电压:440V/3P/60HzBallast pump capacity :压载水泵流量:1000m3/hr BWMS Treatment Capacity :压载水装置处理能力:1000m3/hr Power Consumption in Total :最大功率: 106kWPressure Loss :压损:0.2 0.3 bar Skid outline Dimension :支架外型尺寸:3052(L) x 1782(B) x 1895 (H) mm2.1 高压反冲自清洗过滤器 / High pressure Back flushing filter拦截水中大于50微米的

10、生物和沉积物降低压载舱中的沉积物过滤预处理目的改善紫外灯的透光度,从而提高UV装置的杀菌效率Fig.2-1. 过滤器滤网结构高压反冲自清洗过滤器安装在压载水泵出口之后,连续不间断过滤运行。采用差压控制高压反冲技术,对滤网进行自动反冲清洗,反冲洗时不影响过滤过程。The filter is designed to automatically back-flush itself at the end of each ballasting or de-ballasting operation, and when a timer is triggered or preset differential

11、pressure caused by solids built up on filter screen is reached. Fig 2-2. 过滤过程Fig 2-3. 高压反冲自清洗滤网过程反冲洗出水口水口76出水口进水口54321 Fig.2-4: 过滤器3D模型 Composed of / 组成: (1) 筒体 / filter body:316LSS50um细滤网(四层结构)/ fine screen:316LSS5mm粗滤网 / coarse screen:316LSS(2)清洗电机 / Cleaning motor(440V/3p/60Hz:1.1KW);(3)减速机 / Red

12、ucer;(4)接近开关 / Limit switch;(5)接线盒 / Junction box;(6)压差开关 / Differential pressure switch;(7)自动反冲排污机构 / Automatic drain valve设备特性:l 过滤面积大、运行可靠、结构简单;l 压差自动控制滤网清洗;l 反洗要求水量小;l 连续不间断过滤,高压反冲清洗滤网不影响过滤运行;l 高压反冲清洗滤网彻底,保证过滤器适应恶劣水质。过滤器规格: Model :型号: Flow rate :流量:1000m3/hr Filtration grade :过滤精度:50 micronHigh

13、pressure back flushing :高压反洗:8m3/hr Power consumption of flushing pump:高压反洗泵功耗:7.5 kWDesign pressure :设计压力:8 bar Max. working temperature :最大工作温度:55Dimension(mm) :尺寸: 740 x 2155 (H) mmFig.2-5: Outline drawing of self-cleaning filter_horizontal 2.2 UV装置压载水处理系统系统使用中压高强紫外光照射,可有效杀灭细菌、病毒、霉菌、真菌和其它生物体。中压紫外

14、灯在紫外光和可见光光谱范围中具有宽广而突出的线型光谱。其较高的辐射强度使紧凑型设计也能得到极佳的杀菌消毒效果。The medium pressure lamps that TM BWMS utilizes produce polychromatic UV output across the entire spectrum of germicidal curve. Thus the medium pressure UV device is powerful enough to handle extremely high flow rate with very small footprint to

15、 be required. Taking into account the Therefore, medium pressure UV is most suitable for ballast water treatment application, which has to face various and poor water quality challenges besides high flow rate request.321645 Fig. 2-6: 中压紫外杀菌装置3D模型Composed of / 组成: 1) 紫外反应腔体,SS316L材质;2) 中压紫外灯管带石英套管;3)

16、 紫外灯管自清洗装置;4) 紫外腔体中温度传感器;5) 紫外线强度传感器;6) 接线盒;7) 电子镇流器。Fig. 2-7: 中压紫外杀菌装置3D透视图设备特性:l 采用错流、管道式安装l 设计紧凑、占地小l 316L不锈钢紫外腔体设计l 中压紫外灯,广谱紫外输出l 石英灯管自清洗装置,确保在水质恶劣情况下也能取得持续和可靠的杀菌效果l 先进、可靠的紫外光强探测仪,自动控制灯管清洗l 安装方便,操作简单,自动运行l 方便维护、费用低UV Specification / UV规格: Model :型号:Capacity :处理能力:1000m3/hrDesign pressure :设计压力:8

17、 barOperational water temperature :运行水温:< 45 Protection degree :防护等级:IP54 Dimension(mm) :尺寸:1362(L) x 645 (B) x 1100 (H)mm Lamp Life Time :灯管使用寿命:5000Hr 8000HrLamp Supplier :灯管厂家:德国进口 Fig.2-8: Outline drawing of UV reactor 2.3 电气及控制系统 / Power Panel and Control Panel压载水处理系统采用 PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)控制系统,控制各

18、个设备元件及整个系统的自动运行。The entire TM BWMS is controlled by a PLC (programmable logic controller) control panel with in-touch screen mounted on it. The PLC system monitors and controls all components (filter, UV, automatic valves, if required) and keeps the UV unit running at optimal status. 4152367Fig. 2-9

19、: PLC控制柜3D模型主要包括:(1)箱体;(2)触摸屏;(3)系统铭牌;(4)电源指示;(5)运行及故障指示;(6)转换开关;(7)急停按钮;以及柜内PLC和控制元器件组成。自动仪表在线监测流量、压差、温度和紫外照射强度,输送信号到PLC系统进行控制和报警。并通过触摸屏人机界面完成系统控制、状态和参数显示以及相关操作,包括:ü 仪表检测数据的采集;ü 系统阀门的控制;ü 系统流量的调节;ü 压载/排放等系统运行;ü 参数及故障显示;ü 数据记录及历史数据的查询;ü 数据处理;ü 数据通讯;ü 远程操作

20、;ü GPS信号数据的传输;Fig.2-11: BWMS In-touch ScreenMonitored on touch screen about all conditions of ballast water treatment system including: 带触摸屏的控制面板显示压载水处理装置的所有情况,包括:- Automatic back-flushing of filter / 自动反洗过滤器- UV running status / UV运行状态- Logging status of system / 记录状态- Valve control / 阀门控制- Al

21、arm message / 报警信息: * Low flow rate alarm / 低流量报警* Temperature alarm for UV chamber / UV腔体温度报警* 远程综合报警Operational temperature / 运行温度 : 0 55 Electrical supply / 电源- Voltage / 电压: AC 440V - Phase / 相: 3 Phase - Frequency / 频率: 60Hz GPS signal input/ GPS信号输入:RS422 / NEMA0183Remote communication port/ 远

22、程通信接口:RJ45Remote communication protocol/远程通信协议:Modbus TCP/IPPower panel dimension / 动力柜尺寸:1300 (L) x 600 (B) x 2000 (H)mmMaterial /材质 : Epoxy coated / 环氧防腐Color / 颜色: 认可图纸确认 Protection / 防护等级:IP54Located in safety area (Engine room) / 位于安全区域 (机舱)3. 供货范围 / SCOPE OF SUPPLY NODESCRIPTIONShipyard船厂提供QTY

23、 数量Remark备注1 Filter Unit with high pressure pump过滤器(带高压反洗泵) 1 set 2 UV Unit UV装置 1 set 3 Power Panel 动力柜 1 set 4 Local Control Panel with HMI就地控制柜(带触摸屏) 1 set 5Flow Meter 流量计 1 set 6Motorized ON/OFF Butterfly Valve电动开关蝶阀 4 set (根据设计院图纸调整)7Flow Control Valve 流量控制阀 1 set 8Check Valve 止回阀 1 set 9Sampli

24、ng Valve 取样阀(316LSS) 1 set 10Sewage pump排污泵1 set11All Piping/Fitting/Flanges and Its Accessories within skid支架内管路/管件/法兰和附件 12All Power Interface Cable and Its Accessories within skid 支架内连接电缆和附件 13Skid mounted supply撬块供货 14Makers Standard Spare Parts 厂家标配备件 15Manuals 手册 16 All Piping/Fitting/Flanges

25、and Its Accessories outside skid支架外管路/管件/法兰和附件 17All Power Interface Cable and Its Accessories outside skid 支架外连接电缆和附件 18 All Installation Works 安装1 lot19Commissioning and Training 调试和培训 1 lot 4. 文件资料/ DOCUMENTS 4.1 资料清单见下表: 1Process Design工艺设计文件1.1Process Flow Diagram 工艺原理图 1.2Piping and Instrument

26、 Diagram (P&ID) 管道及仪表流程图(P&ID)1.3Utilities Consumption List公用工程消耗清单1.4Installation Guidence Manual安装指导手册1.5Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual操作维护手册1.6Spare Parts List备品备件清单1.7Special Tool List特殊工具清单1.8Scope of Supply List供货范围清单2Equipment Design设备设计文件2.1Skid Outline Drawing模块外型尺寸图2.2S

27、kid Installation Drawing模块安装图2.3Nameplate Drawing铭牌图2.4High Pressure Flushing Pump Outline Drawing & Performance Curve高压泵外型图和性能曲线2.5Sampling Valve Drawing取样口详图2.6Motorized Valve Drawing电动阀门详图2.7Magnetic Flowmeter Document电磁流量计资料3Electrical & Control Design电气/自控设计文件3.1System Control Logic Sch

28、ematic Diagram系统控制逻辑框图3.2Control System Struction Diagram控制系统结构图3.3PLC Panel Arrangement DiagramPLC柜布置图3.4Power Panel Arrangement Diagram动力柜布置图3.5Electrical Equipment and Instrument List电气设备及仪表清单3.6Cable Wiring Schematic Diagram电缆接线原理图3.7Cable List电缆清单4证书4.1Copy of CCS Type Approval CertificateCCS型式认可证书复印件4.2Copy of IMO Type Approval CertificateIMO格式型式认可证书复印件4.3CCS Product Insp


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