已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Module 10 Unit 1 There are fifty children in my class. 学案教师寄语:A good beginning is half done .良好的开端是成功的一半。一相信自己,我最棒!(自学单词)(1)学过的单词我会写!11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty(2)本课的单词我会读,还会写!30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 不同的 differen

2、t 教师提示:请你参考音标学习单词. 请你和录音机一起读单词 . 请你记住单词的拼写和它的汉语意思。(3)仔细观察,我发现? thirteen 13 thirty 30 fourteen 14 forty 40 fifteen 15 fifty 50 教师提示:请你说一说英文单词十几和几十的区别,怎样巧记呢? 二相信自己,我最棒!(自学句型及课文) 1. 目标语句 A: How many are there ? 在有多少? B: There are (数量) 有 教师提示:How many 是询问数量问多少的句子,后跟名词复数。 在本节课里我们要学会用How many 来询问多少;There

3、are 来回答对方的数量。2. 课文语句A:How many children are there in your class?B:There are fifty。A:How many boys?B: There are thirty boys. A: How many girls?.B: There are twenty girls.A: Was it different in your class In England ?B: Yes, it was. There are thirty children. fifteen boys and fifteen girls.教师提示:这篇课文讲的

4、是Sam 、 Amy 和爸爸之间的对话。爸爸询问他们在中国的班级里有多少个学生?多少个男生?多少个女孩?Sam 和 Amy 回答爸爸的问题,同时还说明在中国的班级与英国班级的不同,不同之处在于人数。请你听录音,熟读课文。请你记住课文的内容。请你来扮演爸爸向 Sam 和 Amy 提问。请你来扮演Sam 和 Amy回答爸爸的问题。课堂展示一、盲听,听录音说出听到的单词或句子。二、听录音跟读,记住你所听到的数字,在表格中填上适当的英文数字。 ClassBoysGirlsChildrenThe class in ChinaThe class in England三、听录音分组跟读,回答老师的问题。(苹

5、果、橘子组跟读问题(爸爸的话);桃和梨组跟读答语(Amy、Sam的话)用笔在书中画出答案(苹果、橘子组完成13题;桃和梨组完成45题;苹果、橘子、桃、梨四组共同完成7、8题,小组交流说一说。)苹果组 (1) How many children are there in Amy and Sams class in China?和 (2) How many boys are there in Amy and Sams class in China?橘子组 (3) How many girls are there in Amy and Sams class in China?桃子组 (4) How

6、many children were there in Amy and Sams class in England?和 (5) How many boys were there in Amy and Sams class in England?梨子组 (6) How many girls were there in Amy and Sams class in England?共 同 (7)was it different in Amy and Sams class In England?完 成 (8)What was different? 四、听录音,逐人逐句跟读。小组分角色表演课文,比一比哪

7、一组表演的最好!五、听录音,你在这堂课学到了什么?写在纸上,说一说。练一练 仔细观察A、B两所学校采摘水果的统计表,在横线上填写适当的英文数字、水果名称或学校代号。applespearspeachesSchool A503020School B3020101.How many apples are there at School A? There are 2.How many pears are there at School B? There are 3.How many are there at School A? There are thirty.4.How many are there

8、 at School B? There are thirty.5.How many peaches are there at School ? There are twenty.6.How many peaches are there at School ? There are ten. 教案设计1、 师生互问好。T:How are you ?S: Im fine thank you?T:We learn module 10 unit 1 There are fifty children in my class.2、 说韵句。T: Stand up .lets chant. S: I clap

9、 11, you clap 11. 11、11、113、 主句型教学(数一数)(1)T:教师在黑板上贴上准备好的树问:How many trees are there on my blackboard? Lets count together.S:数一数。指导学生用上There are four trees回答.(教师板书)T: Group One, apple is red and round. Do you like apples?S: Yes.T:  You&

10、#160;are Apple Group. OK? Here you are.S: Thank youT: Group Tow. Do you like oranges?S: Yes.T:  You are  Orange Group. OK? Here you are.S: Thank youT: Group Three. Do you like peaches?S

11、: Yes.T:  You are   Peach Group. OK? Here you are.S: Thank youT: Group four. Do you like pears?S: Yes.T:  You are   Pears Group. OK? Here you are.S: Thank you(教.师将树和一篮子水果送给各小组)教师在大屏幕上出示许多树,对

12、学生说:T: Look ! There are one. tow (教师数一数)twelve threes .Oh! no! I just remember how to answer, but I have forgotten how to question我只是记得怎样回答,但是我忘记了怎样提问 ?Who can help me.(用英语表达)S:How many trees are there on the screen? (引导学生说,师生互换角色)T:There are 12 trees.T:在我们不知道数量是多少时,常用哪个英语短语来提问?怎样回答?S:用“How many-?”来

13、问。用There are。来回答。T:Who want to be a little teacher?哪位小老师讲一讲用How many。提问该注意些什么?4、小组活动T:Please work in groups.让我们进行小组活动.小组长分工,请同学用句型说一说How many fruits are there on your trees ?你们手中的树上有多少个水果, How many fruits in the basket篮子里有多少个水果。(小组有问有答派代表表演。)教师边问边在黑板上板书数字。(小组评比) T:Who want to be a little teacher? We

14、 learn the new words.请小老师讲解单词。学生纠正。教师纠正。奖励学生。T:(兵教兵)各组长检测组员学会了吗?幻灯出现数字这些数字怎样巧记?twelve 12 twenty 20 thirteen 13 thirty 30 fourteen 14 forty 40 fifteen 15 fifty 50、T:这些单词是不同的 大屏幕出现单词、学习单词differentT:数字游戏。I clap 12, you clap 20. 12、12、1220、20、20They are different. They are different课文教学T:How many childr

15、en are there in you class in class?S: There are .T:How many boys?S:There are .T:How many grils?S:There are .T: How many children are there in Amy and Sams class ?一、盲听,说出听到的单词或句子。(学生自由说一说)Listen to the tape .Dont open you book and remember you have heard (听录音完成任务)听完后打开书检测一下你听到的。二、Listen to the tape a

16、gain and follow it. 听录音跟读,Do the exercises完成练习,小组长检查,教师巡视,各组派代表展示。在表格中填上适当的数字 ( 教师奖励 )ClassBoysGirlsChildrenThe class in ChinaThe class in England三、Listen to the tape again听录音分角色跟读。(苹果、橘子组跟读问题(爸爸的话)。桃和梨组跟读答语(Amy、Sam的话)回答问题、用笔在画出答案(苹果、橘子组完成13题;桃和梨组组完成45题;共同完成7、8题)(在幻灯上出现问题一起说一说)。(苹果、橘子组跟读问题(爸爸的话)。桃和梨

17、组跟读答语(Amy、Sam的话)回答问题、用笔画出答案(苹果、橘子完成13题;桃和梨完成45题;共同完成7、8题)(在幻灯上出现问题一起说一说)。(1) How many children are there in Amys class in China?(2) How many boys are there in Amys class in China?(3) How many girls are there in Amys class in China?(4) How many children were there in Amys class in England?(5) How many boys were there in Amys class in England?(6) How many girls were there in Amys class in England?(7)was it different in Amys class In England?(8)What was different?备注:学生用笔在书中画出答案,组内交流,说一说,同时看一下其他组的问题如果你不会请到其他组询问一下答案。请各组派人讲解,学生找错,教师奖励


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