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1、学习必备欢迎下载专题十四非谓语动词【重点难点梳理】专题十四非谓语动词重点难点梳理概说:动名词、现在分词、过去分词和动词不定式称为非谓语动词,顾名思义, 非谓语动词可担当除谓语外的任何成分。非谓语动词的功能序号功能动词不定式(todo)动名词(doi ng)分词现在分词(doing)过去分词(done)1主语表示具体的一 次动作,多用于 真实主语表示习惯性动作,多放在句首2宾语熟记跟动词不 定式作宾语的动 词熟记跟动名词作宾语的动词3表语说明主语的具 体内容,表意 向、打算、计划说明主语的具体内容表示主语的性质, 意为“令人 的”多修饰物;表 正在进行的动作表示主语的性 质,意为“感 到的”,多

2、 修饰人;表被动 或已完成的动作4宾熟记 vt. sb. to do与宾语构成主动与宾语构成被动补sth.此类用法的动词关系,表正在进行的动作关系,表已完成的动作5前置定语表示被修饰语的功能或作用与被修饰语构成主动关系或正在进行的动作与被修饰语构成被动关系或已元成的动作续表序号功能动词不定式(todo)动名词(doi ng)分词现在分词(doing)过去分词(done)6后置定语表将来发生的动作或表用途与被修饰语构成主动关系与被修饰语构成被动关系7状语与主句主语构 成主动关系,表 目的、结果、原 因等与主句主语构成 主动关系,表伴 随、时间、原 因、条件、方 式、结果等与主句主语构成 被动关系

3、,表伴 随、时间、原 因、条件、方 式、结果等非谓语动词的时态和语态主动形式被动形式动词不定式(to do)to doto be doneto be doing(与谓语动词同时发 生)to have don e(发生在谓语动词之 前)to have bee n donedoingdoing(与主句主语构 成主动关系)being donehavi ng don e(发生在谓语动词之 前)hav ing bee n done过去分词done(与主句主语构成被动关系)用法:非谓语动词的一般式表示与主句谓语动词同时或之后发生的动作;非谓语动 词的完成式表示在主句谓语动词之前发生的动作。如:(1) Do

4、i ng my homework, I heard a cry for help.(heard 与 doi ng 的动作同时进行)做 作业时,我听到了喊救命的声音。Havi ng do ne my homework, I went to bed.(do发生在谓语动词 we nt之前)做完作业 后,我就上床睡觉了。动词不定式和动名词作宾语的比较情况常用动词只接动词不定式作宾语的动词hope, want, offer, l ong, fail, expect, wish, ask, decide, prete nd, man age agree, afford, determ ine, promi

5、se, happe n只接动名词 作宾语的动 词或短语mind, miss, enjoy, imagine, practise, suggest, finish, escape, excuse, appreciate, admit, preve nt, keep, dislike, avoid, risk, resist, con sidercan' t help, feel like,succeed in, be fond of, object to, get down to, be en gaged in, in sist on, think of, be proud of, ta

6、ke pride in, set about, be tired of, look forward to, devote on eself to, be worth, be busy, pay atte nti on to, stick to, adapt to两 者 都 可 以意义基本相同beg in, start, like, love, hate, prefer, con ti nue 接动词不定式多指具体的动作;接动名词多指一般或习惯的行为)need, wa nt, require(接动名词用主动形式表示被动意义;右接动词不 定式则应用被动形式)意义相反I stop to do停止手中

7、的爭*去做另一件事) stop dcing(停止正在做齢 事)Jfotgel/ regret to dot 揩动作 i场 汞发 生 iviiifitJjcr/forget/g屮cl doiiagC扌&砧作已经发生:I go on lo ik"摆着毁另并一伴净1 go on (foingt播昔做同一件事意义不同f try to do(设法、努力去做)I try dtiingC 试着他)|f nieiin t dc<打尊徴*企国做) I menu doi ng<是* 总唏暑)f can't help (to) dot 不能帮拴做)1 can r help不住要

8、做J四、非谓语动词作宾语补足语的区别序号类另S常见动词与宾语的逻辑关系及时间概念例句1不定式ask, beg, expect, get, order, tell, want,wish,en courage主谓关系强调动作将发生或已经完成(1) I expect them to win the game.我期望他们赢得比赛。(2) I heard him call me several times.我听见他叫了我几遍。have, notice, see, watch, hear, feel, let, make2现在分词no tice, see, watch, hear, find, keep,

9、 have, feel(即:感官 动词和使役动词)主谓关系 强调动 作正在进行,尚未完 成I found her liste ning to the radio.我发现她在听收音机。3过去分词动宾关系 动作已 经完成,多强调状态We found the village greatly cha nged.我们发现这个村子发生 了很大的变化。五、现在分词和过去分词的用法对比分现在分词过去分词例句类项目意义表示主动意乂表示被动意义(1) I can hear him singing. 我冃能听 见他在唱歌。(2) I can hear the song sung in En glish.我听见这首歌

10、是用英语唱的。动作所表示的动作一般在进行中所表示的动作多已完成Chi na is a develop ing country while America is a developed one.中国是个发展中国家而美国是发 达国家。语义意为令人”意为感到”It is an exciting match, so we are excited.这是一场令人兴奋的比赛,所以我 们感到很兴奋。六、特别提示关于动 词不定式动词不定式作介词but的宾语时, 如前面有实义动词do(各种形 式),则动词不定式不带to;否则 不能省略to。(1) He did nothing all the morning bu

11、t watch TV.他整个上午除了看电视外无所事事。(2) He said nothing but to sleep.他什么 也没有说就去睡觉了。动词不定式作定语时,如果动词 不定式与所修饰的名词有逻辑 上的动宾关系,且动词不定式的 动词是不及物动词,记住别漏掉 介词。(1) I want a small room to live in. 我想要 住小房间。(2) I need a nice pen to write with. 我需 要一支笔写字。动词不定式作感官动词和部分使役动词(let, make)的宾补,动词 不定式不带to,但句子变成被动 语态时,要带to。(1) I saw hi

12、m go into the room. 我看见他 走进了房间。-(2) He was see n to go into the room. 有人看见他走进了房间。关于分词现在分词作宾补表示动作正在 进仃,动词不疋式作兵补表示动 作发生的全过程。(1) I saw them coming in. 我看见他们正 在进来。(2) I saw them come in.我看见他们进来 了。及物动词的过去分词(done)与现 在分词的一般被动式(being done)都有被动意义,前者表示动 作兀成,后者表示动作在进仃。 注意:不定式有表将来之意。(1) The problem discussed ye

13、sterday is importa nt to us.昨天讨论的问题对我们来说很重要。(2) The problem being discussed at preser is importa nt to us.目前正在讨论的冋题 对我们来说很重要。(3) The problem to be discussed tomorrow is important to us.明天将要讨论的问题 对我们来说很重要。分词的独立主格结构:如果分词 短语的逻辑主语与句子的主语 不一致,需用一个独立结构(即保 留分词的逻辑主语)或者由一个 with/without引导的介词短语表 达。(1) Time perm

14、itting, we' II do anothexercises.如果时间许可,我们将再做两道练习。(2) The key lost, I couldn' t enterbuildi ng.由于钥匙丢了,我不能进入办公大楼。关于动名词动名词作定语表所修饰词的用 途,而现在分词表动作或状态、 特征。(1) This is a sleep ing bag.这是睡袋。(2) He is sleeping.他正在睡觉。动名词的复合结构作宾语时,动(1) Do you mi nd my/me/Tom smok ing here?名词的逻辑主语可用宾格代词 或不带所有格。但作主语则不 行。

15、我/汤姆在这里吸烟,你会介意吗?(2) My/Tom ' s smoking here annoyed hii我/汤姆在这里吸烟使他很生气。动名词作主语还可用于Therebe no+动名词”结构和布告”形 式的省略结构中。(1) There is no knowing what he will dofn ext.不知道他下一步会做什么。No smoki ng.禁止吸烟。【梯度升级训练】梯度升级训练(见学生用书P269 P270)一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. turn(1) Turn to the left, and you ' II see the bus stop.(2)

16、 Turning to the left, you ' ll see the bus stop.2. tell(1) Having been told/Told many times, he still couldn' t understand the question.(2) Having told me the bad news, he went out of the room sadly.3. give(1) Nothing could make us give up the hope.(2) Crusoe made a can die to give light.4.

17、exam ine(1) I want to exam ine your bag.(2) Your eyes want examining/to be examined(3) I want my eyes to be exam in ed/exam ined this after noon.5. get(1) What ' s the way Smith thoughtgoftet eno ugh money to buy the new house?(2) I ' m thinkinggetting Tom to repair my bike.6. smoke(2) We do

18、n ' t allow anyctoes(1) We don ' t allomoking in the office because of the public health.moke in the office because of the public health.7. listen(1) My little brother enjoys nothing but listening to music.(2) My little brother does nothing all day but listen to music.(3) My little brother h

19、ad no choice but to listen to me.8. hear(1) The teacher raised his voice in order to make himself heard.(2) The teacher raised his voice in order to make his students hear what he said.(3) The childre n talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle to be heard.9. discuss(1) The problem is

20、worth discussing aga in.(2) The problem is worthy to be discussed aga in.(3) The problem is worthy of being discussed again.10. get, fail(1) It passes right through their bodies, only getting a little thicker and sweeter.(2) He worked harder only to fail again.11. ask(1) No one can stop us asking qu

21、esti ons.(2) We stopped to aska schoolboy the way to the teachers' office.12. face(1) Faced with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.(2) Nearly every great build ing in Beiji ng was built facing south.13. hold(1) The pare nts' meetingheld next Saturday is very important.(

22、2) The 29th Olympic Games held in Beiji ng was a great success.(3) The pare nts14. make' meeting held in our school now is importa nt. To make this cake, you need 2 eggs, 175g sugar and 175g flour.(2) Having made the cake, she got down to cooking some milk.(3) I lost my way in complete dark ness

23、 an d, to make matters worse, it bega n to rain.15. clea n(1) The room is so dirty that I canclea n'g help(2) I ' m too busy, so I can (to)'cltelaelphe room.(3) The room is too dirty. I cancieahetp but16. type(1) I knew I would be busy today, so I had my paper typed last ni ght.(2) I can

24、't go with you. I have some papeype.(3) Do you have any papers to be typed, Sir?17. settle(1) With many problems to settle, the preside nt will have a hard time.(2) With the problem settled, he had a good sleep last ni ght.(3) With the secretary settling the problem, he is read ing the n ewspape

25、r leisurely in the office.18. cheat(1) “I ever saw hirtmeat an old man of 500yuan, ” he said to the police.(2) He was seen to cheat an old man of 500ua n in the street yesterday.(3) Un luckily, the policema n saw him cheati ng an old man around the corner.19. The film was disappointing and all of us

26、 were very disappointed. (disappoint)20. At the beg inning of class, the no ise of desks being ope ned and closed(ope n and close) could be heard outside the classroom.语法填空A long time ago, there was a huge huge apple tree. A little boy came 1 (sing) and jump ing and lay un der it every day. He would

27、 climb to the tree top, eat the apples, and take a nap in the shade. He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.In the 2 (follow) years, the boy came and cut the branches 3 (build) a house, used the trunk on which he used to climb 4 (make) a boat and then never showed up for a long time.F

28、in ally, 5 (be) tired of travelli ng, the boy retur ned.“ Sorry, my boy, but I donhave anything for you anymore. No more apples for you.” the tree said.“I don 'teeth to bite. 6 (eat) apples no Ion ger appeals to me,” the boy replied. “ Nomore trunk for you to climb on. ” “lam too old 7 (climb) n

29、ow,” the boy said. “Ireally can' t give you anything.the only thing left is my dying roots,” the tree said with tedon' need much now, just a place 8 (rest). I ' rtired after 9 (travel) all these years, ” the boy replied.“Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. Come,c

30、ome, sit down with me and rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was gKsm ile)with tears.本文是一篇记叙文。老苹果树把它的一切无私地送给小男孩。然而,男孩注定要远行。多年以后,厌倦了旅行的男孩又回到了苹果树身边。然而 ,老苹果树只剩下 了树根供他倚靠。1. singing此处为came的伴随状语,且与主语为主动关系,故用singing。2. following此处为动名词following作定语,表示 在接下来几年”。3. to build 此处用动词不定式表目的。4. to make此处用动词不定式表目的。5

31、. having been此处为伴随状语,且与主句构成因果关系,故用having done结构。6. Eating此处用动名词形式主语。7. to climb too.to.:太,而不能8. to rest此处为动词不定式充当后置定语,表示一个可以休息的地方”。9. travelli ng 介词after后接动名词形式。10. smiling 此处为伴随状语,且与主语the boy构成主动关系,故用smiling三、单句改错1. Group activities will be organized after class to helping children develop team spi

32、rit.【答案】helping help2. The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras retur ning to our shop for quality problems.【答案】returning returned3. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only find it didn【答案】only后加to4. It ' s quite hot today. Do you feel lifeoj a swim?【答案】go going5. The


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