1、建议信HoW to Write a Ietter for advice说明建议的内容;提出具体建议的原因;指出采纳建议的益处。注意事项:语言要委婉、礼貌,顾及对方感受DireCti ons: For this part, you are allowed thirty minu tes to Write a letter.SuPPoSe you are Zhang Ying. Write a Ietter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to ViSit you duri ng the SUmmer holiday for a w
2、eek. You should Write at least 100 words accord ing to the SUggeSti ons give n below in Chin ese.1、表示欢迎。2、提出对度假安排的建议。3、祝愿Dear Xiao Wang,I am Very glad to know that you are soonI'm look ing forward to your arrival.表明建议的原语气亲切,符合说话叙述词和副词If you Can Stay in Beiji ng on Iy for a week,因I am afraid that
3、 you will have a tight SChedUIe人身份关系for ViSit ing a nu mber of PIaCeS of historic in terest.rd like to SUggeSt that you first ViSit some famous一目了然PlaCeS that you have the greatest in terest in, SuCh asthe , the Summer Place, the GreatWall; then you Can ViSit those PIaCeS you think lessthen 使文章结构紧凑i
4、mporta nt. I believe this kind of arra ngeme ntwill make you have enoUgh time to appreciate (欣赏)使自己的安排具有说服力What you really Want to see.Moreover if you really Want to be a goodtraveler, it is n ecessary for you to read some建议有理有据them With your own eyes. With more kno WIedgeabout these places, you wil
5、l have a betterUn dersta nding of Chin ese history and culture.I am eager to meet you soon in .WiSh you in adva nce a PIeaSa nt trip to .表达良好的祝愿,符合文体要求假如你叫孙军,是恩施高中的学生,要给市长写一封信,反映学校门前交 通拥挤现象,包括以下要点:参考词汇:穿行 thread one ' S Wa天桥 OVerPaSS范文1Dear Mayor,I ' m a StUdent of No.1 MiddIe School. Here I
6、 have SOmething to tell you.I ' m Iooking forward to your reply.Yo urs,SunJun范文2Dear Mayor,I ' m a StUdent of No.1 MtlIe School. Here I have SOmething to tell you. BOrderi ng a Primary school,/ LOCated n ext to a Primary school, my school In additi on, many pand their young ChiIdre n to thus
7、 making the traffic heavier./ thus Cal thus result ing in more SeriOUS traffic jams. There is nofaces the main road directly, WhiCh always has a traffic jam at the Peak time of the whole day. Additi on ally/ school and fetch them home, more SeriOUS traffic jams./denying that We StUde nts, threadi ng
8、 our Way through masses of cars, are exposed to great dan ger. Seeing these matters, n ever will I stop Urg ing our gover nment totake some measures. For the Sake of improvi ng the quality of traffic, it is Sig ni fica nt to build an overpass./ In order to release the StreSS of Maffisnpsobstr on gly
9、SUggeSt that releva nt authorities should take active/effective measures like buildi ng an overpass./ From my point of view,/As far as I' m conCerned,ln my opinicsome measures are SUPPOSed to be take n by gover nment as soon as POSSibIe SUCh as buildi ng an OVerPaSS to improve the con diti ons o
10、f the traffic./ Aimed athese problems, the gover nment should take some measures immediately, SUCh as build ing an OVerPaSS ahead of our school.I ' m looking forward to your reply.Yours,SUnJUn例1广州某电视台打算开办一个面向中学生观众的英语节目,新聘任了来自 英国的John作为节目编辑助理。现在,John就节目内容向广大中学生征求意 见。假如你是学生李华,建议开办广州全接触”(Attound GU
11、angzhou节目。请 根据以下节目设想给John写信:4 / 9Dear Joh n,I know you ' re going to Set UP an English Program for middle school StudSots.m Writi ng to SUggeSt acpjam AIround Guan gzhou.ThiS PrOgram will covertopics like the history, educati on, famouS SCe nic spots, food and famouS people of . It would be bett
12、er to broadcast it on Weeke nds so that We StUde nts Can have theCha nce to WatCh it.BeSides, you Can also in Vite some middle school StUde nts to get invo IVed in the program, WhiCh will SUreIy arouse other StUde nts' in terest in it. Not only will tPrOgram help StUde nts improve their En glish
13、, but also get them to know more about the CUItUre of so as to introduce to foreign ViSitors. I am SUre it will be well- received by the middle school StUde nts. I hope you Can take my SUggeSti on into con Siderati on.Si ncerely yours,Li HUa例2假设你是小明的好朋友李华,小明参加了一个英语演讲比赛,他对比 赛非常担心,向你求助,请你根据以下内容给他写一封建议
14、信。写作内容1.说明回信的意图;2.向小明提出建议;3.预祝小明比赛成 功。精华点评建议信的写作关键在于作者给出建议的语气委婉而中肯,使对方容易接受。很多考生习惯使用祈使句或者 You should的句型表示建议,这样比较生硬,因此 考生转换不同的句型使语言丰富,如范文中使用了 you should., you had better., remember to do等句型。在最后祝愿对方成功的时候,可以用简明扼要的句型, 女口 WiSh you good luck / WiSh you SUCCeSS / may you SUCCeed使文章长短句结合得 当。Dear Xiao ming,Yo
15、 urs,Li Hua例3假如你是李华,你刚收到了你的朋友王梅的电子邮件,她在邮件里向 你询问在高中如何学好英语。请你根据下列的内容给她写封回信。上课认真听讲,做好笔记,课后及时复习;词汇是基础,每天早上花半个小时的时间背诵单词,朗读课文;课外多与同学用英语交流,提高听力和口语能力;每天坚持写日记。注意:1词数120150词左右,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总 数;2内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。Dear Wang Mei,I ' m Very glad to have received yourmail. Now I' m Writing to give you som
16、eadvice On how to lear n En glish well in high school.I hope these SUggeSti OnS will be of USe to you. Remember: Where there is a will, there is a way. /The man who has made UP his mi nd to Win will n ever SayCC "I I戈,impossible .BeSt wishes!Yo urs,Li HUa例4你是我们学校一名很热心的学生,得知我们校要建设娱乐休闲中心,正在征求同学们的
17、意见,请你根据以下几个方面的提示给校长写一封120词左右的建议信。1. 娱乐休闲中心应该包括乒乓球室和羽毛球室。2. 最好在学生的课余时间开放。3. 尽量不要收费。4. Dear Mr. PreSide nt,Firstly, I ' d like to SUggeSt that there should betnniSe*oom as WeIl as a badm inton court. I thi nk it would do great good if you could build the Cen ter With an eye to those StUde nts who
18、are in terested in playi ng table-te nnis or badm inton. Secon dly, could the Cen ter ope n in our SPare time? If so, We will have eno Ugh time to make full USe of it. Thirdly, We will be more tha n happy if the Cen ter is free. AS We all know, not every StUde nt Can afford the extra expe nse.Thank
19、you for readi ng my letter. I hope you will con Sider my SUggeSti on s. If the Cen ter is built, it will greatly enhance StUde nt life here on campus.Yours Si ncerely,Li HUa倡议书写倡议书时,尽量使用具有鼓动性和感召力的语言,如名人名言、格言、 警句、以及对偶、排比等句式,以提高语言的表达效果。例如,在倡议书的结 尾使用下列句子就可起到很好的效果。“ PIeaSStart from now on! You n ever kn
20、ow What you Can do Un til you try!StrUCtUre:In troduction发出倡议的根据、原因和目的。Stateme nt of the problemhow SeriOUS is the problemSUmmary of the proposed solution-in brief, What solutio n do you propose?8 / 92. Body所倡议的具体内容和要求。What do you Wantdone?How should it be done?What things or people are n eeded?Whe
21、n? How much will it cost?3. Conclusion要表示倡议者的决心和希望ben efitsHow will the proposal help the PerS on read ing the Iettera call to acti onWhat do you Want the reader to do范文欣赏AS Chairma n of the En viro nmen tal PrOteCtiO n COmmittee, I have no reas on not to men tio n differe nt kinds of polluti ons We
22、 huma n beings are faced with. Among them, Water polluti on is one of the SeriOUS problems. It threate ns the SUrViVaI of huma n bein gs, pla nts and ani mals. It is Urge nt that some StrOng measures should be adopted to solve the problem.(In troducti on of the topic and himself/ threats / proposal)
23、SinCe We are depe ndent on water, We should be invo IVed in finding a solutio n to this problem. We advocate that Certa in measures should be take n as soon as POSSibIe eve n though it may take a decade or more to improve the Water quality, eve n though it may cost a lot of money to clea n the pollu
24、ted rivers. | In the first place, the gover nments in both developed coun tries and the develop ing coun tries should lay dow n rules and regulati ons in respect of the pollutio n problem. SeC on dly, factories in towns and CitieS must be forbidde n to drain WaSte IiqUidS in to rivers, lakes and Sea
25、S before they are totally treated and purified.(measures / difficulties )I am Certa in that remarkable results will be achieved in this respect. RiVerS WhiCh USed to be polluted by in dustrial WaSteS will be clea ned and fish WhiCh could not liveS act now to make Our world a betterthere a few years
26、ago WiIl be Seenaga in. Let place.(foreseeable results/ a call)例1由于废气、污水、白色垃圾等环境污染已危及到人类的健康与生存,为鼓励大家节能环保,你们学校将举办一次低碳行动”的环保活动,假设你是高三(6)班的一名学生,将要在这个活动中向全体师生发起低碳生活”的倡议,以下是倡议的内容:1.尽量绿色出行:采取步行或自行车方式;2.少喝一次瓶装水;3.尽量不 用一次性制品,如一次性木筷子和塑料袋;4.每周至少手洗衣服一次;5.每周少开手机、电视一天。写作内容1.活动背景;2.倡议目的;3.倡议内容。精华点评本文的难度在于如何合并信息点,
27、考生需要用三个句子覆盖五个 倡议。这时通过分析,可以发现,绿色出行是减少废气排放;减少使用瓶装水和 一次性物品是为了减少白色污染;手洗衣服和减少使用手机、电视机是节能,因 此考生可以把信息点按照这个逻辑分成三句,并且做出适当的补充,如to avoid White polluti On ,.it will be of great ben efit to SaV ing en ergy 等。考生可以使用不同的词组表达同一个概念,使文章语言更丰富,如表示建议, 考生既可以说 make a SUggeStiOn.,也可以用it is SUggeSted that.;又如 一次性 (物品)”勺表达,既可
28、以使用Unrecyclable也可以用disposable表达。总之一篇好 的作文,是非常有必要在词、短语、习惯表达、过渡词和句型等方面下功夫的。参考范文I am Li HUa from Class Six, Senior Three. We huma n beings are SeriOUSIy threate ned by the en Vir onmen tal pollUti on, SUCh as WaSte gases, dirty Water and White pollUti on. In order to en COUrage all of US to SaVe en erg
29、y and PrOteCt oUr en Vir onmen t, I am going to make the follow ing SUggeSti on s. It is SUggeSted that We ShoUld walk or take bikes if We go OUt. To avoid White pollUtion, We Can redUce the USe of bottled Water and Un recyclable items SUCh as disposable ChOPStiCkS and PIaStiC bags.10 Z 9What' S more, if We Can WaSh Clothby ourselves at least OnCe a Week as Well as turn Off Our TVS and mobile PhoneS for One day every week, it will be of great ben efit to SaV ing en ergy. I believe every one, as a member of this global village, should take resp on SibiIity to ta
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