1、1GROUP AND PERSONAL INFLUENCE2OverviewYou have toown at leastten directoriesto be a memberof our group!Individual Lifestyles, Behaviors, Purchases, and ConsumptionLow Degree of InfluenceHigh Degree of InfluencePersonal and Group Influence on Individuals4Reference GroupsWe work very well together! Iw
2、ill check the EncyclopaediaBritannica while you look throughthe Statistical Abstracts of theUnited States!5Types of Reference Groups6Types of Group Influence7How Reference Groups Influence Individuals8How Reference Groups Influence Individuals: SocializationSocialization: permits an individual to kn
3、ow what behavior is likely to result in stability both for the individual and for the groupManual may tell people how to dress in the workplaceInformal groups may tell them what is acceptable and the norm in that particular environment9How Reference Groups Influence Individuals: Self-ConceptSelf-con
4、cept: people protect and modify their self-concept in their interactions with group members People can maintain self-concept by conforming to learned rolesTestimonial advertising is effective when the self projected in the ad is consistent with the idealized self of the target consumer10How Referenc
5、e Groups Influence Individuals: Social ComparisonSocial comparison: individuals often assess themselves by comparing themselves to othersConsumers often use reference groups as benchmarks to measure their own behaviors, opinions, abilities, and possessionsAdvertising or television can be sources of
6、social comparison 11How Reference Groups Influence Individuals: ConformityConformity: a change in beliefs or actions based on real or perceived group pressuresCompliance: when an individual conforms to the wishes of the group without accepting all its beliefs or behaviorsAcceptance: when an individu
7、al actually changes his or her beliefs and values to those of the group12Strength of InfluenceSTRENGTHOFREFERENCEGROUP INFLUENCEPRODUCTCHARACTERISTICS public vs. private use significance of the product to the group degree of complexityCONSUMERCHARACTERISTICS desire to belong need for social acceptan
8、ceGROUPCHARACTERISTICS cohesiveness size expertise on topics13Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Purchase DecisionsProducttypePlace of consumptionPrivatePublicNecessityMattressWater heaterToilet paperDeodorantComputerClothingWatchesAutomobileShoesLaptopLuxuryBody massagerElectric blanket
9、SpaStereo equipmentPhotographyJewelrySports carInfluence on brand choiceProduct usageinfluenceLowHighHighLow14Pushing Normative Influence on Consumers15Special Sources of Influence16Special Sources of Influence17Word of MouthVons features excellentdeals on toilet paper, butLucky has better dealson vinegar!18Functional BenefitsHedonic Benefits
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