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1、一 各单元Structure部分Page 13:While may mean “during the time that”, “although”, “whereas”, “as long as”1.1) While the other boys and girls were playing on the sports ground, she alone remained in the classroom reading. during the time that 当其他的男生、女生在操场上玩时,她自己呆在教室里读书(while为连词,意为“在某段时间内,当.时候”) 1.2) While t

2、here is life there is hope.As long as 只要有生命,就有希望1.3) While David loves his daughter, he is strict with her.Although 虽然戴维很爱他的女儿,但是他对她很严厉。1.5) I have no money to spend, while you have nothing to spend money on.Whereas我没有钱可花,而你却没有地方花钱(while表示对比、转折意思的变化,意为“然而,但是”)2. Model: He knows the commotion would f

3、righten the cobra into striking.2.2.1)frighten into, tell the truth The wicked man frightened the woman into telling the truth as to the whereabouts of her husband那个坏人恐吓那个妇女,让她说出她的丈夫在什么地方。 2.2)trick into, marry The girl tricked the young man into marrying her by claiming that she was pregnant她用假装怀孕的

4、来诱惑那个年轻人与他结婚。2.4) talk into, accept The negotiator finally talked the other party into accepting the terms his party offered 那个谈判者后来劝说另一个组织接受他的组织所提供的条款。Page 14:3. Model : The meeting was to be held the following week. I will count three hundred and not one of you is to move a muscle3.3.1) Guests mus

5、t be back in the hotel by twelve oclock. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve oclock. 客人们应该在12点之前回到旅馆 3.2) It is arranged that an investigation will be made next week. An investigation is to be made next week. 下周将开展一项调查。Page 39:2. Model : He did not fear new ideas, and he did not fear the fu

6、ture. He did not fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future.2.5) Cathy had hardly said a word since supper, and her husband had not said anything either. Cathy had hardly said a word since supper, nor had her husband 晚饭后凯西几乎一句话都没有说,她丈夫也是。2.6) Mr. Owen didnt know then what had happened, and he never

7、found out. Mr. Owen didnt know then what had happened, nor did he ever find out.奥文先生不知道那时候发生了什么,他也没有找出来发生什么。3. Model : Conflict keeps freedom alive. It is conflict that keeps freedom alive.3.3)Miss White found the child lying dead on the beach. It was on the beach that Miss White found the child lyi

8、ng dead.怀特小姐是在沙滩上发现这个死了的孩子 3.4)We could not cross the river because the water had risen. It was because the water had risen that we could not cross the river.是因为水上涨了,我们才不能过河。3.6) Mrs. Williams didnt know anything about it until I told her. It was not until I told her that Mrs. Williams knew anything

9、 about.直到我告诉她,威廉斯夫人对它了解了一些。Page 62:1.1) His surprise (surprise)recovery delighted every one of us.他令人吃惊的康复了,这使我们每个人都很高兴。1.2) When I entered the room, I noticed a surprised (surprise) look come over her face.我走进屋子时,看到她脸上留露出吃惊的表情。1.3) The excited (excite) crowd rushed into the mayors office and intere

10、sted(interest) passer-by soon gathered around the building.激动的人群冲进市长的办公室,感兴趣的行人很快的在大楼周围围了起来。1.4) The frightened (frighten) children burst into tears.吓坏了的孩子们哭了起来1.5) Nearly half of the bored (bore) audience had left the meeting before the closing (close) address.几乎有一半讨厌了的听众在致大会闭幕式前就离开了1.6) The talks

11、were held behind closed(close) doors.谈话是在紧闭门后进行的。1.7) The schoolboys were frozen into complete silence as they saw the frightening(frighten) look on their masters face.男生们看到老师脸上可怕的表情后,立即安静了下来。1.8) To prepare for the interview, he had put on his best suit and polished his shoes, and now, as he entere

12、d the office, he wore a winning(win) smile on his face. 为了准备面试他穿上了最好的衣服,擦亮了鞋,在他走进办公室时脸上带着胜利的微笑。1.9) The film, though amusing (amuse), is not likely to engage the attention of a thinking (think) audience.尽管这部电影很逗乐,但是不可能吸引住善于思考的观众。1.10)Its no use thinking too much about ones lost(lose) youth.过多的回想已逝去的

13、青春年华是没有用的Page 63:2. Model : Jane, talented actress-Jane proved (to be) a talented actress.Tom, brave, battle-Tom proved (to be) very brave in battle.2.3) student, brighter than, first, appearThe student proved(to be)much brighter than he had first appeared.这个学生证明他比他最初看起来聪明得多2.4) experiences on the f

14、arm, turning point, writing careerHis experiences on the farm proved (to be)a turning point in writing career他在农场上的经历证明了是他写作事业的转折点。Page 64:4. Model : His study, judging by the crumbs on the carpet, was also his dining-room.4.3) Judging by the depressed look on his face, he might have failed in his E

15、nglish exam.4.4) Judging by the response of the audience, the performance must be a great success.Page89:1. Model : What the professor said made me feel at ease. I was made to feel at ease.1.1) They saw Joes father return after dark. Joes father was seen to return after dark. 有人看见乔的父亲天黑之后回家的1.2) I h

16、eard the wind roar through the trees. The wind was heared to roar through the trees. 风呼啸着穿过树林。1.3) I dont think the boss can make Tom take his orders. I don't think Tom can be made to take the boss' orders.我认为汤姆不会被迫接受老板的指示2. Model : I suggested taking the toy apart to see how it did work. I

17、suggested we take the toy apart to see how it did work.)2.2)2.3)2.1) The doctor advised Mike to stay in hospital until he was fully recovered. The doctor advised that Mike stay in hospital until he was fully recovered. 医生建议麦克在完全恢复之前都要在医院里2.2) Cathys father insisted on her taking a two-week re

18、st before going back to work. Cathys father insisted that she take a two-week rest before going back to work.凯西的父亲坚持让她休息两周之后再去工作2.3) The chairman of the Trade Union suggested setting up a special committee to look into the problem. The chairman of the Trade Union suggested that they set up a special

19、 committee to look into the problem. 商会的主席建议他们最好建立特殊委员会调查此事。2.4) The commander ordered our company to start the attack before dawn. The commander ordered that our company start the attack before dawn. 指挥员下令我们连队在天黑之前开始进攻 2.5) Knowing Jack to be dishonest, I demanded his telling me nothing but the tru

20、th. Knowing Jack to be dishonest, I demanded that he tell me nothing but the truth. 知道杰克不诚实,所以我要求他讲出真相。2.6) The dean of the philosophy department requested the visiting scholar to give a lecture on Sartre. The dean of the philosophy department requested that the visiting scholar give a lecture on Sa

21、rtre. 哲学系主任要求来访的学者做一个关于披萨的讲座Page149:1.1) Once a good beginning is made (a good beginning ,made), the work is half done. 一旦有个好的开始工作就完成一半了1.4) The stories you have just told us are both interesting and instructive.Once put down in black and white(put down in black and white), they will be very popular

22、.2. Model : used to have trouble, during the first few months of his residency, Dr. Nolen, getting back to sleep Dr. Nolen used to have trouble getting back to sleep during the first few months of his residency.2.4) In his class, to the teachers surprise, had little difficulty, most of the students,

23、 working out the hard maths problemsTo the teachers surprise, most of the students in his class had little difficulty working out the hard maths problems.2.5) Prof. Nolen wanted, did, have any trouble, you, finding the butterfly specimenDid you have any trouble finding the butterfly specimen Prof. N

24、olen wanted?Page200:1. Model : I employed someone to paint my house. I had my house painted. His watch was stolen.-He had his watch stolen. 1.1) Helen will ask someone to alter that dress to fit her. Helen will have that dress altered to fit her. 海伦要让人把那件裙子给改改 1.4) Three of his teeth were knocked ou

25、t in the fight. He had three of his teeth knocked out in the fight 他在那次打架中被人打掉了三颗牙。 2. Model : As students gain confidence in themselves, it is less likely that they will cheat. As students gain confidence in themselves, they are less likely to cheat.2.2.1)2.2)2.3) It is very likely that these old b

26、uildings will be knocked down in a year or two. These old buildings are very likely to be knocked down in a year or two. 在一两年之内这些老房子很有可能被拆掉。 2.2.4)2.5) It was even less likely that the old lady would survive the operation if she got any worse. The old lady was even less likely to survive the operati

27、on if she got any worse.如果她的情况恶化的话,这老妇人不可能活过这次手术了。3.Model 1: What was the purpose of the campaign?(catch, students who took tests for other students). The purpose of the campaign was to catch students who took tests forOther students.ffffffffModel 2: Their intent was to catch everyone, wasnt it?(not

28、, catch everyone, but rather, catch enough, to spread the word). No. Their intent was not catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word.3.3.1) What is the wish of the scientists ?(find new resources, for mankind) The wish of the scientists is to find new resources for mankind. 科学家们的愿望

29、是为人类发现新资源。3.2)What is her goal in life ?(work hard, for the happiness of all people in the world) Her goal in life is to work hard for the happiness of all people in the world. 她生活的目的就是努力为世界上所有人的幸福而工作。3.3) What was the object of your visit ?(consult your uncle, as to how I could learn English better

30、) The object of my visit was to consult your uncle as to how I could learn English better。我拜访的目的是请教叔叔你,我怎么才能把英语学得更好。3.4)What was Jeffersons purpose in making on-the-spot observations of the James River ?(find out, whether its South Branch was deep enough to be used by large boats) His purpose in mak

31、ing on-the-spot observations of the James River was to find out whether its South Branch was deep enough to be used by large boats.他在詹姆士河作现场调查的目的是为了查明它的南支流是不是不够深可以容纳大船。3.5) Your approach is to learn everything about something, isnt it ?(not, learn everything about something, but rather, learn someth

32、ing about everything) No.My approach is not to learn everything about something but rather to learn something about everything.不,我的方法不是要了解某件事物的所有方面,而是要了解所有事物的某个方面。 Page255:2.Model : The teacher should not drown students compositions in critical red ink. He should try to find one or two things which

33、have been done better than last time and comment favorably on them. Instead of drowning students compositions in critical red ink, the teacher should try to find one or two things which have been done better than last time and comment favorably on them. 2.2) Helen did not go straight home after scho

34、ol. She went to work as a waitress in a restaurant. Instead of going straight home after school. Helen went to work as a waitress in a restaurant. 放学后海伦没有直接回家,而是去餐馆打工当服务员。 2.6) The news did not disturb Cathy. It had a strangely calming effect on her mind. Instead of disturbing Cathy,the news had a s

35、trangely calming effect on her mind. 这个消息没有使凯西不安,却对她的精神有种奇怪的镇静作用。3.1) Our classroom is much bigger than theirs.3.2) This text is a little more difficult than the one we learned last week.3.3) Business prospects are slightly more encouraging now than they were six months ago.3.4) Sam would have got f

36、ar more constructive results if he had listened to the workers.3.5) The present system is considerably more efficient than the old one.3.6) The world output of crude oil that year was 25 percent higher than the previous year.2、 英译汉部分Page 16:IX.3) 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。 Johnny has outgrown the fear of

37、 staying at home alone. IX.6) 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。 While she felt like joining in the argument,Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.Page 42:IX.3) 他很可能会因视力不好而被拒绝入伍。 It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.Page 66:IX.5) 由于缺乏资金,他们正在设法吸引外资(attract foreign capita

38、l)。Being short of funds,they are trying to attract foreign capital. IX.7) 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。As far as hobbies are concerned,Jane and her sister have little in common. IX.8) 不言而喻,青年人的教育对于一个国家的未来是至关重要的。 It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.Page9

39、2:IX.7) 这学期我们都学习得不错,我真不明白为什么我们的英语老师单单表扬了班长一个人(single out)。I really don't see why our English teacher should single out our monitor for praise since we have all done quite well this term. IX.8) 我相信比较高级的(higher)动物是由比较低级的(lower)动物进化而来(develop from)的这一学说。I believe in the theory that the more higher

40、animals developed from the lower ones Page152:IX.1) 只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。As long as you keep trying,you will be able to resolve the difficult problem. IX.4) 汤姆起初认为,凭他的知识、技术和经验,一定能够找到一份称心如意的工作。At first Tom thought that with his knowledge,skill and experience,he was bound to find a satisfactory job. IX

41、.8) 你不必再去多想那些判断上的失误了。重要的是尽量避免再犯。You needn ' t dwell on your mistakes in judgement any more.What ' s important is to try your best to avoid repeating them。 Page204:IX.3) 成功在于勤奋(diligence),诺兰医生就是一个很好的例证。Success lies in diligence.Dr.Nolen is a case in point. IX.5) 有迹象表明,不少工厂正面临着十分困难的局面。There ar

42、e indications that numerous factories are faced with a very difficult situation. Page230:IX.3) 我挑出几条英语习语(idiom),考了一下我的同班同学。I picked out some English idiom and tried them on my classmatesIX.5) 这对我们来说是个很小的损失,不要大惊小怪。It is a very small loss,Don't make such a fuss over it .Page257:IX.4) 我们常常发现运用一个规律比

43、懂得它要难得多。We often find it much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it.IX.7) 我们班上有不少学生因为没有按时交作文而受到老师的当众批评。Quite a few students in our class were publicly criticized by the teacher for failing to hand in their compositions on time. Page135:46. If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on B and then wonder where to put them.A) purpose B) impulse C) display D) cue翻译 假如你喜欢植物,你都可能出于一时冲动买下来,之后又不知道该把它们置于何处。47. If you have to go through a smoke-filled area, youd better A with your head


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