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1、第1页/共29页Lead-in: Speaking第2页/共29页To cows, what is beauty?A place with green grass is a beauty.第3页/共29页 第4页/共29页第5页/共29页第6页/共29页 There is beauty everywhere; for us, we dont lack beauty but lack discovery. 第7页/共29页What do you think is beauty? 第8页/共29页There are so many standards of beauty, so beauty is

2、 quite different in the eye of different people.第9页/共29页 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder观看者第10页/共29页 “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Which of the following idiom is closest to its meaning? A. Beauty is only skin-deep. B. Birds of a feather flock together. C. The eyes of love are blind.1

3、. 金玉其外, 败絮其中.2. 物以类聚,人以群居.3. 情人眼里出西施.第11页/共29页Step2 Fast-readingRead and match the headings for paragraphs Para1 What is real beauty? Para2-5 Brief introduction of the beauty Para6 Different kinds of beauties第12页/共29页Step 3 Careful reading (P1) How does the writer explain Margaret Wolfes words “Beau

4、ty is in the eye of the beholder”?1)There was no consistent view on beauty. 2)Standards of beauty change across time and cultural groups.Physical Beauty(para.2/3/4)第13页/共29页(P2) Our ideas of beauty change with time:in the pastnowWomen used to wear corsets to achieve a body shape.Men would wear woole

5、n shawls across their shoulders.tattoos as an addition to costumes to show family relationship or to mark criminals.It is no longer considered healthyIt is not seen as attractive a form of body art第14页/共29页Now most of young women used to wear corsets to keep slim.第15页/共29页Woollen Shawl is very popul

6、ar with most of people.第16页/共29页wool(l)en blanketwool(l)en glove第17页/共29页tattoos第18页/共29页(P3) Culture influences our ideas of beauty: Example : in some countries: in other cultures: Young women follow slimming diets to loose extra kilos in preparation for their wedding day.Looking thin for a husband

7、-to-be is not what a man desires at all.In contemporary society, culture influences the standards of beauty greatly.第19页/共29页云南少数民族:以肥为美,以黑为贵。 In contemporary society, culture influences the standards of beauty greatly.第20页/共29页Inner Beauty(para.5)1.What is inner beauty? Can you give some examples?2

8、. Is inner beauty easy to judge? Why? No. everyone has different sorts of personality character,so judging it is more subjective.kindness, generosity Beauty is _.multi-dimensional第21页/共29页1. never changing (para. 1) 2. fat (para. 3) 3 responsibility or promise (para4) 4.disaapear or stop existing co

9、mpletely(para4) 5 a personal view or opinion (para. 5)6 go together with (para. 5) 7 a variety of (para. 5) 8.part of a situation (para. 6) Step4. Post reading Find words and phrases which mean the following from the text consistent overweight commitment die outsubjectiveaccompanya range of dimensio

10、n第22页/共29页Summary BeautyBeauty is in _the eye of the beholderReason: _opinions _individualvariedBeauty is _ Judging it is more _subjectivemulti-dimensional_ beauty1.2.3.timeculturesocietyfactorsPhysical_ beauty is _ to judgedifficultInnerBeauty第23页/共29页Artificial beauty第24页/共29页Voice your opinion1.

11、Artificial beauty and natural beauty, which kind of beauty do you like best? Why?2. As a student, how can you make the world and yourself become more beautiful?第25页/共29页Voice your opinionBeauty does not mean everything. Beauty of the heart, people everywhere. 。 Less is more. Beauty is like a rich stone, best plain set


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