



1、精选练习 情态动词1You_read that article if you dont want to Ahavent Bcant C. mustnt Dneednt2I_get this done immediately or it will be too late A. must Bcan Cmay Dmight3The house is dark;the Browns_ to bed Amay go Bshould go Cshould have gone D. must have gone4“That car must have cost a 1ot of money.” “Oh,no

2、,_.” Ait mustnt Bit hasnt Cit doesnt Dit didnt5. I _asleep in the corner,for 1 remember nothing of what happened during the night Amight fall B. must fall Cmust have fallen D. can have fallen6Im feeling sickI_so much chocolate Aneednt have eaten B. couldnt have eaten Cmustnt have eaten Dshouldnt hav

3、e eaten7. My wallet is nowhere to be foundI_when 1 was on the bus Amust have dropped it Bmust drop it C. should have dropped it Dought to have dropped it8MrGreen_my letter,otherwise he would have replied before now Amust have received Bmust have failed to receive Cmust receive D. must fail to receiv

4、e9. You could have done much better yesterdayWhy_? Adidnt you Bcouldnt you C. hadnt you Dshouldnt you10They have done things they ought_ Anot to do B. not to be done Cnot to have done Dnot having done11. You had better_a doctor as soon as possible Aseen Bsaw Csee Dseeing12I believe he_an accidentoth

5、erwise he would have arrived on time Awould have had B. could have had Cshould have had Dmust have had13Something must have happened on their way hereOr they_by now Ashould have arrived Bshould arrive Cwould have arrived Dwould arrive14. “Are you coming to Jeffs party?” “Im not sure. I _ go to the c

6、oncert instead.” Amust B. would Cshould Dmight15“Will you stay for lunch?” “Sorry_My brother is coming to see me” AI mustnt B. I cant CI neednt DI wont16“I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter” “It _true because there was little snow there.” Amay not be Bwont be Ccouldnt be Dmustnt be

7、17“Shall we go skating or stay at home?” “Which _do yourself?” Ado you rather B. would you rather Cwill you rather Dshould you rather18I was really anxious about youYou_home without a word Amustnt leave Bshouldnt have left C couldnt have left Dneednt leave19Someone is coming hereWho_it be? Awill B.

8、shall Cmust Dcan20May I stop here? No,you_ Amustnt B. might not Cneednt Dwont15DADDC 610DABAC 1115CDADB 1620CBBDA练习解析 1本句意为:如果你不想,你读那篇文章。A表示“没有读”,B表示“不能读”,C表示“一定不能读”,显然都不符合句意。选D,意为“不必读”。 2本句意为:我把这件事立即做完,否则就太晚了。B表示“能”,C表示“可以”,D表示“也许”,意思都不对。选A,表示“我必须把这件事立即做完,否则就太晚了”。 3本句意为:房间是黑的,布朗一家(定冠词the+姓氏的复数,表示一家

9、人)肯定已经睡觉了。go to bed(上床睡觉)这个动作应该在说话前就发生了,是对过去发生的动作表示推测,用must+have done,应该选D。 4must have done表示对过去的事情的肯定推测。本句意为: “那辆车肯定花了不少钱。”“不,。”按照意思推理应该是“没有花很多钱”,应该用过去时态。it didnt cost a lot of money,省略相同的部分应该为it didnt。选D。 5从for引导的原因状语从句判断,“我一点都记不得那天晚上发生的事了”前面的主句应该是“我肯定是在角落里睡着了”。对过去发生动作的肯定推测,用must have done,选C。 6本句

10、意为:“我感到恶心”。“我不该吃这么多巧克力”。表示不该做某事但却做了,应该用shouldnt have done。选D。 7本句意为:我的钱包到处都找不到。肯定是在车上的时候,我把它弄掉了。对过去情况的肯定推测,用must have done,所以选A。 8本句意为:格林先生我的信,否则他应该已经回信了。据此可以判断,格林先生没有收到我的信,排除A,C。这里是对过去有没有收到信进行推测,应该用must have done所以选B。fail to do表示“做某事不成功”。 9could have done表示过去能够,但却没有做到。本句意为:你昨天本来能做得更好。为什么没有做到呢?如果用完整

11、的句子是:Why didnt you do much better yesterday?省略形式为Why didnt you?选A。 10本句意为:他们做了他们不应该做的事。表示不该做而做了,应该用shouldnt have done或ought not to have done,选C。 11had better do表示“最好做某事”,选C。 12本句意为:我觉着他肯定是出事了,否则他会准时到的。对过去发生的情况进行推测,用must have done。选D。 13本句意为:他们在路上肯定出什么事了。否则他们现在应该到了。表示应该发生而没有发生,用should have done。选A。 1

12、4本句意为:“你来参加杰夫的晚会吗?”“我不能确定。我去听音乐会。”既然是Im not sure(我不能确定)那么后面应该是“我也许会去干什么”。“也许”应该用might。这里,might不是may的过去式,只是表示更不太可能发生的事。选D。 15根据语境“我的哥哥要来看我”说明“不是我不愿意,而是我不能那样做”。再者,当will用于第二人称提问的问句中,表达的是一种请求,其肯定回答可用surecertainlyId be glad to等;否定回答常是I'm sorry I cantId like to,but等。选B。 16根据句意,这是对“过去不可能去滑雪”的推测,应该用couldnt,表示否定推测“不可能”。选C。 17would rather do表示宁愿”,


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