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1、1、巧记动词不定式根本用法口诀 不定式有标记, to 与动原连一起。 没有人称数变化, 动词特点它具备 主宾定补表状语, 唯独作谓不可以 not 加上不定式, 否认结构要牢记。 疑问词与不定式,构成短语有意义。 据,not to dowhat / how/ when/ where. to do仔细推敲多思考,准确判断有依2、巧记接不定式做宾语的动词我和我的爸爸妈妈 W H W D E P P M M A三个希望两容许 ( hope, wish, want, agree, promise ) 一个要求莫拒绝( demand, refuse ) 设法学会做决定 ( manage, learn, d

2、ecid )e 不要假装在选 择 ( pretend, choose ) 3、巧记接疑问词加 to do 做宾语的常见动词 学会 忘记是有难处 ( learn, forget ) 想知道就别来劝阻 ( wonder, know, advise ) 展 开讨论教人对付 ( show, discuss, teac )h 弄清楚才决定告诉 ( find out, decide, tell) 4、巧记既可以跟动名词也可以跟不定式的动词 一旦开始莫懊悔 ( begin, start, regre )t 爱憎清楚要切记 ( like, love, hate, remember, forge )t 继续努力

3、有 打算 ( continue, try, mean ) 三个需要由你选 ( need, want, require, prefe )r 5 、 巧记后接省略 to 的不定式 五看 ( see, watch, look at, notice ) 二听 ( listen to, hear) 一感 ( feel)三让 ( let, make, have ) 一个 help 两均可6、巧记少数后面只能用动名词做宾语的动词 喜欢考虑不可免 ( enjoy, consider, escape, avoi ) d 停止放弃太冒险 ( stop, give up, risk ) 介意想象莫推 延 ( min

4、d, imagine, delay, put off ) 要求完成是期望 ( require, finish, look forward to ) 建议继续勤练习 ( suggest, go on, practis )e 不禁原谅要坚持 ( can't help, excuse, insist on ) 继续注意使成功 ( keep on, mind, succeed in )123456789101213非谓语动词作宾语I don't allow _ in my drawing room. I don't allow my family_ at all.A. smok

5、ing ;to smoke B. to smoke ; smokingC. to smoke ; to smoke D. smoking ; smokingYour clothes need _ .A. washed B. to be washedC. to wash D. being washingThis bike is not worthy _ .A. to be repaired B. of repairingC. to repair D. repairing_ provides us with essential nutrients, while provides us with o

6、xygen.A. To eat ; breathing B. Eating ;to breathe C. Eating ; breathing D. Eaten ; breathedRebecca was unhappy for _ the first chance to go abroad.A. not having been given B. not having givenC. not giving D. having been given_ is better to love thanA. That ; to be lovedC. It ; be lovedI've got t

7、he loaf ;B. That ; be loveD. It ; to be loved now I'm looking for a bread knifeA. cutting it by B. cutting it with D. to cut it byC. to cut it withA. not be seenB. to not have been seenI'm glad _ by him yesterday.C. not to have been seen D. not to have seen-What do you think about English? -

8、It's a difficult language.A. speaking B. to be spoken C. to speak D. spokenHe would rather stay at home than_ out with you.A. go B. to goC. going D. goes 11 I'm consideringyour offer.A. to have accepted B. being acceptedC. accepting D. to accept -What's made Ruth so upset?- three tickets

9、 to the folk music concert.A. Lost B. LosingC. Because of losing D. Since she lostBefore _ to the college, he had to go through an examination.A. admitting B. to admitC. being admitted D. having been admitting 14 She pretended me when Ipassed by.A. not to see B. not seeingThe story was so funny that

10、 we .C. to not see D. having not seen 15161718192021222324252627282930A. couldn't help laughB. can't but laughC. couldn't help laughing D. couldn't help but to laugh Don't forgetthis book toJohn when you see him.A. to return B. returningC. return D. to returning -It's getting

11、 very late. Maybe we shouldn't go.- No, let's go. Getting there late is better than_ at all.A. we don't arrive B. to arrive notC. not to arriveD. not arrivingOnly one of these books is _ .A. worth to readB. worth being readC. worth of reading D. worth reading We are both looking forward

12、tonextweek.A. going on vacation B. go on vacationC. be going on vacation D. have gone on vacation Remember _ the newspaper when you have finished it.A. putting back B. having put backC. to put back D. will put backHe had no difficulty _t_h_e problems.A. working out B. having worked outC. to have wor

13、ked D. to work outoutThe sentence wants once more.A. to explainB. explainingC. being explained D. to be explained itArticles used by patients must be disinfected before others.A. using B. being used byC. used by D. being usingI regretted that to her.A. having said B. to have saidC. to sayD. /Our mon

14、itor suggested a discussion of the subject.A. to have B. should haveC. haveD. havingI can't understand at her.A. you laugh B. you to laughC. why laugh D. your laughingIn order to reach the top of the hill in six hours, they try .A. to climb the mountain hardly B. hard to climb the mountain C. to

15、 climb hardly the mountain D. to climb the mountain hard I happened the article when he asked me about it.A. having read B. to have read C. to be read D. reading He is said to London already.A. having sentB. to be sendingC. to have been sent D. being sent The little boy insisted onwith a cake.A. bei

16、ng served B. to be servedC. serving D. serveMr. Crossett seemed the visitor somewhere before.A. meeting B. to have metC. to be meeting D. to meetHe asked who was the man on.A. to be operating B. operatingC. to operate D. being operated I apologize formy promise.A. not having kept B. being keptC. not

17、 to have kept D. having not kept He doesn't like in public.A. praising B. to be praisedC. to praise D. praisedThe doctor was careful _ the patient the truth.A. not having told B. not to tellC. to not tellD. not tellingWill you me out this problem myself?A. forbid ; to work B. allow ; workC. let;

18、 workD. permit ; working-What do you think of this school?-It is a very good .A. studying schoolB. school for children to studyC. school to study in D. school to studyHe loves parties. He is always the first and the last A. of coming ; of leaving B. comes ; leavesC. to come ; to leaveD. coming ; lea

19、vingBefore liberation he had no chance .A. of going to the schoolB. to go to schoolC. to go to the schoolD. going to schoolYou'd better her the bad news now.A. don't tell B. not tell31323334353637383940C. won't tell D. not to tell1. I like very much, but I don t like ' thismorning.A.

20、 swimming, swimming B. to swim, to swimC. swimming, to swim D. to swim, swimming2. Little Jim should love to the theatre this evening.A. to be taken B. to takeC. being takenD. taking3. Remember thnee wspaperr when you have finished it.A. putting back B. having put backC. to put backD. will put backa

21、_n dl ooked for4. Henrya lways forgets things he has done. Yesterdayh e forgot _it everywhere.A. to post the letter B. to have the letter postedC. to have posted the letter D. having posted the letter5. My brother regretted a lecture given by Professor Liu.A. missingB. to missC. missed D. being miss

22、ed6. I regret you that we are unable to offer you a job.A. informing B. having informed C. to inform D.to informing7. I felt tired with walking, so I stopped a break for an hour.A. having B. to have C. takingD. to taking8. - “ What can we do to help Li Hai. - “ All we can do is to try that he ought

23、to study more.A. making him to realize B. making him realizeC. to make him realize D. to make him to realize9. The grass has grown so tall that it needs .A. to cut B. to be cut itC. cutting D. being cut10. You didn ' t need him the news; it just made him sad.A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. that

24、 you would tell11. These young trees require carefully.A. looking after B. to look afterC. to be looked atD. looking for12. The sentence wants once more.A.to explain B. explaining C. being explained D.to be explained it13. He hasn ' t got used in the countryside yet.A. live B. to liveC. to livin

25、g D. living14. A very well-known person in this house.A. is used to liveC. is used to livingB. used to liveD. used to living15. The clock was beginning twelve and everybody held their breath.A. strike B. to strikeC. strikingD. struck16. I begin the meaning, which begins .A. understanding, to be clea

26、rB. to understand, to be clearC. understanding, being clearD. to understand, being clear17. The police forbid here.A. park B. parking C. to park D. to be parked18. The heavy rain forbade me to school.A. from my comingB. to comeC. come D. my coming19. Tom ' s parents do not allow Tom swimming.A.

27、going B. to go C. go D. goes20. Sorry, we don t ' allow in the lecture room.A. to smoke B. smoke C. smoking D. to smoking21. Visitors are not permitted the park after dark, because of the lack oflighting.A. to enter B. entering C. to enter in D. entering in22. They don ' t permit noise her.A

28、. to make B. makeC. making D. made23. Missing the train means for an hour.A. to waitB. to be waited C. being waitedD. waiting24. I meant you, but I was so busy.A. to call on B. calling onC. to call at D. calling at25. I would appreciate back this afternoon.A. you to callB. you call C. your calling D

29、.you ' re calling26. She enjoys light music.A. to hearB. hearing C. listening toD. to listen to27. You can keep the book until you .A. have finished readingB. finish to readC. will finish readingD. have finished to read28. Ali said that she wouldn t m ' ind alone at home.A. left B. being lef

30、t C. to be left D. leaving29. If you keep English, you can learn English well.A. practising speak B. practising speakingC. practising to speakD. to practise spoken30. Our monitor suggested a discussion of the subject.A. to have B. should have C. have D. having31. We are considering a new plan.A. mak

31、ing B. being made C. to makeD. to have made32. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed .A. catching B. to be caught C. being caughtD. to catch33. Can you imagine yourself on a desert island?A. staying B. stay C. have stayed D. being stayed34. We can understand why he avoids to us.A. to speakB. speech C. having spoken D. speaking35. Please excuse my in without .A. come, askingC. to come, being askedB. coming, askingD. coming, being asked36. Why have they delayed the new school?A. openingB


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