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1、中考英语短语总结一由 be 构成的词组1be in/out/back回来 /在家 /外出 2be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着3be at home/work在家 /上班4be ill in bed卧病在床 5be in great need of很需要 6be in trouble处于困境中 7be free闲暇的,有空8be good at善于,善于于be goo/bad for对有好处be good/kind/friendly to 对 好9be surprised at 对 感 到 惊 讶10be careful of 当心,留意,认真be away from远离20be bus

2、y doing with忙于做 21) be different from与不同 22) be full of/be filled with布满 23be worth doing 值得做24be hungry/thirsty饿了 / 渴了 25be worried担忧26be glad to do sth.很兴奋做 27be able to do sth.能够做 28be afraid of to do sth. that唯恐29be born诞生可怕 不敢做,11be ready for为作好预备 12be interested in对感到举 13be satisfied with对感到中意

3、 14be angry with sb.生 某人 的气be angry with/at sb. for doing sth因某事生某人的气15be pleased with对感到兴奋 中意 16be famous for以而闻名17) be strict with sb对某人严格要求be strict with sb in sth某方面对某人严格18) be late for迟到19) be from来自,什么地方人30be aloowed to do sth.被答应做某事 31be covered with被掩盖 32be made of from由制成 33be made into被制成3

4、4) be sure of sth 对确定be sure to do 肯定会做某事35) be like像36 be mad at 生某人的气37) be popular with sb.受某人欢迎 38) be supposed to do 被要求干什么39) be short for的缩写二由 come、get、give 、go、look 、put 、set、take 、 turn 构成的词组come1) come back回来 2come down下来 3come in进入,进来4) come on快,走吧,跟我来,加油,快点5) come out 出来,出版,发表6come out o

5、f从出来 7come up上来get1) get up 起身2) get down 取下3) get in进入,收集,收割3get to到达4) get over 克 服 ( overcome) 5get on/off上/下车,船,飞机等 6get there到达那里7) get back返回8) get lost 迷路8) come from来自 9come about 发生10come to 到来11come over 过 来12) come up to 向走来 13) come ture 实现14) come up with想出9) get out of从出来 10) get toget

6、her 相聚,聚会11)get intotrouble陷入麻烦12) get on well with与相处 融洽 get along with sb.与.相处13) get ready for =be ready for为作好预备114) get rid of除掉,去除15) get out one way to do sth.特地做某事16) get in the way of 阻碍give1give away赠送 2give out颁发,分发 3give off发出(气味等) 4give back归仍,送回5 give up舍弃 6give in屈服 go1) go up 上去2) go

7、 down摔跤 ,跌倒3) go over过一遍,复习 / go over to朝走去4) go by 消逝时间5) go across穿过平面6) go away走开7) go round顺便去,绕道走8) go ahead先走,向前走,去吧,干吧9) go down/along沿着走look1look out of outside往外看 看外面 2look up a word in the dictionary查字典 3look up往上看,仰视4) look after照管,照看,照料5) look for查找6) look like看上去像7) look fine/well/tired

8、/worried看起来气色好 /健康 /疲惫 /担忧8) look out当心,当心put1) put on穿上 衣服 ,戴上 帽子 ,上演 戏剧 2) put up建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖3) put into使进入,输入4) put one's heart into全神贯注于17) get sb. into trouble 使某人陷入困境18) get away from 远离19) get married to sb.与结婚7) give sb. some advice 给某人提建议8) give a talk 作报告9) give lessons to sb. /give

9、sb a lesson 给某人上课 /教训10give sb. a good beating好好教训某人一11give sb. a hand 帮某人个忙12) give sb. a lift让某人搭便车10 go to school college上学 上高校 11)go to the hospital去医院看病 12) go to sleep 入睡13) go to bed 上床睡觉14) go to the lessons 去上课15) go for a walk去漫步16) go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping去钩鱼 /滑冰/游泳 /买东10) go

10、on doing连续 做11) the lights go out灯熄了9look onas把看作 10look around朝四周看 11look at看着12look down on藐视 13look over检查(身体等) 14look forward to希望 15look through 浏 览16) look the same 看起来一样6putinto把译成 7put away 把收捡起来 8put out 熄灭9put off推迟5putdown把放下10) put back 放回原处set1set up竖起,建起2) set off3) set out动身,动身动身4set

11、an example for为树立榜样take1) take one's advice听从某人劝说2) take out拿出,取出3) take place发生4) take one's place坐的座位,代替某人职务5) take the place of代替 6take a walk/rest漫步 /休息 7take it easy别紧急 8take sth.with sb.随身带着29) take sb. to a park/london for one's holidays带某人去公园 /伦敦度假10) take care of关怀,照料,保管take car

12、e=be care 当心,当心11) take a look a last look at看一看 最终看一眼 12take an exam参与考试13take away拿走 14take back收回,带回 15take hold of抓住16take off脱下 衣,帽,鞋等拿掉 17take an active part in积极 参与 活动 turn1) turn on开,旋开 电灯,收音机等2) turn off关上 电灯,收音机等 3turn in交出,上交18take photos拍照 19take some medicine服药 20take down拿下,记录21take up

13、 占据(时间,空间)22) take over 接受,接管23) take pride in为而骄傲24) take turns 轮番25) take a message for sb. 给某人稍口信26) take/have/show an interest in对感爱好6turn down把音量 调低 7turnover 把翻过来 8) turn left/right左/右转4) turninto变 成5) turn to翻到,转向have1) have to 不得不2) have a walk 散 步3) have a headache 头疼4) have a cold 感 冒5) ha

14、ve a fever 发烧keep1) keep away from远离2) keep a promise 遵守承诺3) keep from 阻 止4) keep fit 保持健康make1) make a decision 做个打算2) make a promise 许下承诺3) make a living谋生4) make a noise 吵闹,发牢骚5) make a face 做鬼脸6) make friends with sb.与某人交伴侣 7) make a mistake/mistakes 犯 错 8) make progress 取得进步6) have a rest 休息7)

15、have a look 看一看8) have a try 试一试9) have a bath/shower 洗澡10) have a good time 玩的兴奋5) keep up with跟上6) keep on 连续7) keep out/off使在外 /止步 8) keep quite 保持寂静9) make one s be铺d床11) make up one s mi下nd决心12) make tea 沏茶13) make up 组成14) make sure 确信,查明15) make fun of取笑16) make oneself at home 任凭17) make mon

16、ey 挣钱三由其他动词构成的词组a1. agree with sb. 同意某人的看法2. agree on sth同意某事3. arrive at/in到达某地34. ask for 要求5. ask for leave 请假6. after a while过了一会7. apologize to sb. for sth就某事向某人赔礼b1. because of 由于2. enjoy oneself 玩的爽快3. enter for报名参与f1. fall asleep 睡着,入睡2. fall behind落后3. fall down倒下,跌倒2. between aandb 与a3. be

17、gin with以什么开头4. gegin to do开头做某事b 之间4. fall into掉进里5. fall off从掉下来6. far away from远离.5. borrow sth from sb.向某人借某物6. by the way顺便说一下7. by the end of到底为止c1. call sb. up给某人打电话2. call for要求,需要,3. call on sb.拜望某人4. call at spl拜访某地5. care about 在乎,关注,关怀6. care for照料,关怀,喜爱7. catch up with赶上8. catch a cold

18、感冒9. change one s mind转变想法10. changeinto变成11. chat with sb.与某人谈天12. cheer up 使振作起来,使兴奋起来13. clean out 清除14. clean up 打扫洁净,整理整齐15. consideras把看作7. feed on 以为食8. feel like doing sth想要做某事9. fillwith用装满10. find out发觉,查明(真相)11. finish off吃完,喝完12. from now on从现在开头13. from then on从那时起14. from morning to ni

19、ght从早到晚15. for example例如16. fly a kite放风筝g1. get(见上)2. give(见上)3. go(见上)4. grow up长大5. grow into长成h1. hand in 上交2. hand out 分发16. consider doing考虑.做某事3.hand on 稍等;别挂电话;坚持17. communicate wiht sb.与某人沟通18. cut in line插队d1. dance to the music随着音乐跳舞2. deal with处理,应对3. depend on 依靠,依靠4. divide into把分成5. d

20、o some cleaning 打扫6. do well in在某方面表现的好7. dream of/about理想8. dress up 装扮9. dress oneself 给某人穿衣服10. drop in/by顺便来访e1.eat up 吃完k1. knock into撞上2. knock at/on敲门4. hang out 挂出,闲逛5. hang up 挂断电话6. happen to 碰巧7. hear of/about 听说8. hear from sb. 收到某人的来信9. help oneself to请任凭吃 /用10. hold on坚持;别挂电话11. hold o

21、ne s breath屏住呼吸12. hurry up快点13. hurry into匆忙进入i1. in fact事实上2. insist on坚持3. in all总共3. know about敲门4. know well熟识4l1. laugh at 嘲笑2. learn from向某人学习3. learn about明白4. learnby oneself 自学5. lend sth from sb.把某物借给某人6. leave a message 留口信7. leavefor 离开去8. lie down躺下9. listen to听10. live on靠为生m1. marry

22、sb. 与某人结婚2. mistakefor把误认为是.o1. of course 当然2. on foot步行3. on one s way to在某人去哪里的路上 p1. pay attention to留意,留意2. pay for付钱,支付3. pay back 偿仍4. pick up捡起,捡起, (开车)接人5. pick out挑出6. play sports做运动7. point at指向,瞄准8. point to指着,朝向9. point out指出10. prepare for sth.为某事做预备11. prevent sb. from doing sth阻挡某人做某事

23、12. protectfrom 爱护防止受的损害13. provide sb. with sth =provide sth for sb.为某人供应某物r1. receive a letter from sb.收到某人的来信2. regardas 把看作3. remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事4. reply to回答,答复5. return to sp. 返回某地6. return sth to把某物仍给7. ring up sb.给某人打电话8. run off跑掉,快速离开9. run out of用完,用完10. run after追逐u1.use up 用完s1. s

24、ave one s life挽救某人的生命2. save money 省钱,存钱3. save water 节省用水4. say hello to sb. 向某人问好5. say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别6. search for 搜寻7. seem like 看起来像8. sell out 卖光9. send away 开除,解雇10. send for 派人去请11. send up 发射12. set out 动身,着手13. set up 建立14. set off动身15. show sb. around 带领某人参观16. show up 显现,露面17. show

25、 off炫耀18. smile at sb. 朝某人微笑19. speak to/with sb.同某人说话20. stand up 起立21. start with以开头22. stay away from远离23. stay at home 待在家24. stay in bed 卧病在床25. stay/keep healthy 保持健康26. stay up 熬夜27. stop sb. from doing sth阻挡某人做某事28. succeed in doing sth 胜利地做某事t1. talk about谈论2. talk to/with sb.和某人交谈3. tell a

26、 joke讲笑话4. tell a story讲故事5. tell a lie/lies说谎6. think about考虑7. think of记得,想起,对持有看法8. think over认真考虑9. throw away扔掉10. try one s best to do尽某人最大的努力做某事11. try on试穿12. to one s surpri令se某人诧异的是5w1. wait for等候2. wait in line排队等候3. wake up醒来4. wake sb. up 叫某人起床5. worry about为而担忧6. work hard努力工作7. workou

27、t 算出8. with the help of/with one s h在elp某人的帮忙下9. with a smile面带微笑10. with one s own eye亲眼所见at1. atfirst起初,第一2. at once 立马3. at last 最终4. at the age of 在岁的时候5. at the end of 在之末介词短语6. at the beginning of在之初7. at the foot of在脚下8. at the same time 同时9. at noon/dark/night在中午 /黄昏 /夜里10. call at 拜访(某地)11.

28、 knock at敲(门、窗)612. laught at 嘲笑 13. look at看14. shoot at 朝射击14. carry on 连续(下去,开展)15. congratulation on庆贺16. pass on 传递15.shout at 对大声叫嚷17.put on 穿上,上演,增加体重,速度等16.throw at向仍去18.try on试穿by19.hold on不挂断(电话)1.by and by 不久about2.by the way顺便说一下1.come about 发生,产生3.by the end of到底为止2.hear about 听说in3.tal

29、k about谈话,谈到1.in all总共4.think about考虑,摸索2.in the middle of在之间5.look about环顾四周3. in public公众,公开的4. in order to为了5. in front of在前面6. in the sun 在阳光下7. in the end 最终,最终8. in surprise诧异地9. in turn依次6.worry about担忧,苦恼away1. drive away(把车)开走2. go away 走开3. get away 逃跑4. move away 搬开,移走5. take away 夺走,拿走10

30、. believe in信任,信任6.throw away扔掉11. call in召集,召来7.run away 逃走,逃脱12. drop in顺便走访8.put away 放好,存好13. give in屈服,让步14. join in参与,加入1.backcall/ring back回电话15. bring in引来,引进,吸取2.get back 回来,回家,返回16. come in进来3.go back 回去17. get in 上车18. hand in 上交,交给19. succeed in 在方面胜利20. be made in 在制造21. take pride in以骄

31、傲22. take part in参与,参与23. play a part in在起作用on1. on one s way t在o 去某地的路上2. on the other hand 另一方面3. on/at the weekend 在周末4. on the radio 通过收音机5. agree on 商定,达成共识6. call on拜望,拜访7. come on 赶快8. depend on 依靠,信任9. get on 上车10. go on 连续11. feed on 以为食12. live on以为主食,靠为生13. bring on使前进4. come back 回来5. pa

32、y back 偿仍(借款等) ,回报6. give back 归仍,退回down1. get down 下来,落下2. come down 落下来3. put down登记,镇压,扑灭4. take down 取下5. sit down坐下6. write dowm写下,登记7.turn dowm调低,调小1.fromcome from来自2. hear from收到的来信3. learn from向学习4. stopfrom 阻挡做5. be made from由制造6. tellfrom把区分开into71. dive into跳(水)入2. look into向里看,调查3. put i

33、nto把放进4. turn into变成5. divide into把分成6. translate into把翻译成7. knock into撞到某人身上8. break into闯入,破门而入for1. ask for 询问,需求2. care for喜爱,关怀3. look for查找4. search for查找,寻求8. put out 扑灭,熄灭9. pick out挑出,选出10. set out 动身,开头,着手11. start out 动身,动身,开头12. work out算出,解决13. helpout帮忙某人解决困难14. try out试验,尝试15. point o

34、ut指出16. sell out 卖完17. take out 取出,拿出18. come out 出来,(书等)出版,发行19. show out 领出去to5. stand for代表,象征6. call for提倡,号召,需要7. pay for付款1. addto2. get to 到达3. lissten to 听增 添,把加到8. wait for等待9. changefor用换10. send for 派人去叫 / 请of1. think of认为,想起,2. die of死于3. hear of 听说4. dream of 憧憬,理想5. make sure of 确定6. be made of 由制成7. be made up of 由组成4. agree to 同意5


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