



1、八年级下册Module6知识点教案1. among和between的区别。 Among 指的是在三个或三个以上事物之间;between指在两个事物之间。2. go to bed 意为“上床睡觉”,表示动作。 Be asleep 意为“睡着”,强调睡着的状态。注意:sleep是动词,意为“睡觉”;asleep是表语形容词,意为“睡着的”;sleepy是形容词,意为“瞌睡的”;3. be worried about 担心 = worry about;4. too to 意为“太而不能.”;可以和sothat引导的结果状语从句转换。(复习前次笔记)5. too,as well,either,also

2、之间的区别。(as well放句尾一般前不加逗号,而too前加逗号)6. look after = take care of =care for照顾,照看 注意:take good care of= look after well7. fight for& fight against & fight with1) fight for 表示为事业、自由、真理等而斗争。2) fight against 意为“为反对而斗争”3) fight with 接表示人、物、国家的名词,意为“同···争斗”8. 英语中有些动词的过去式和过去分词有-aught -o

3、ught形式:fight-fought-fought; buy-bought-bought;bring-brought-brought;think-thought-thought;catch-caught-caught;teach-taught-taught9. get lost 意为“迷路”,是一个非延续性动词短语。Be lost 是一个延续性动词短语,也就是可以和时间段连用。10. in ones opinion 11. except, but, besides, except for 之间的区别。(这几个词都是介词,后面跟名词,代词,动名词作宾语。) 1)except 和but表示从整体

4、中除去一部分,一般用来派出同类,常和all,every,no,not,any连用。二者后面都可以接名词,代词或动名词。 Eg,we all went but except him。 2)besides意为“除之外,还有”,表示并非真正排除,包含了besides后面的宾语在内。Eg,we all learn Chinese,maths besides English. 3)except for 意为“把某一点除外”,用于排除异类。 Eg,this is a good composition except for some spelling mistakes. 4)except when除了当时候

5、; 后面接的是句子。Eg,I usually go to school on foot except when it rains. 12. face to face 面对面; be faced with 面临;hand in hand手拉手;side by side 肩并肩;13. both& all 的区别。14. although & though 两个词都可用作连词,意为“虽然”,二者可以替换。如果句中用了although或though,就不能再用but,但是可以用yet或still。15. advise sb to do sth;16. plenty of 意为“许多,

6、大量”,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。1 / 617. win和beat的区别(复习上次讲义) 专项练习:1. Can you _my pet when I am away? A look at B look out C look after D look up2. He said _. A that he is a teacher B he was a teacher C was he a teacher3. The boy sits _Jim and Jack. A among B between C in D into4. I am _, so I want to sleep

7、. Maybe I will be _in ten minutes. A sleep; asleep B sleepy; sleepy C asleep; sleepy D sleepy; asleep5. When I was young, my grandfather told me that the sun _(rise) in the east. 6. _hamburgers are junk food, many children like them. A if B unless C because D although 7. If I find his phone number,

8、I _you. A tell B told C will tell D have told8. I know that _. A was he born in 2008 B he was born in 2008 C he is born in 2008 9. The film is wonderful _the end. A besides B except C except for D beside10. Just work hard, _your dream will come true. A but B and C or 11. Have you fought _your brothe

9、r again? A for B with C off D to 12. Yesterday we all went to the cinema _Tom because he was ill. A except B beside C besides D and 13. -do you know _the new mobile phone last week? -maybe 900yuan. Im not quite sure. A how much she paid for B how much will she pay for C how much did she pay for D ho

10、w much she will pay for 14. There are _men out of work now. A much B plenty of C few D little15. “Do you know _the Capital Museum?” “Next Friday.” A when will they visit B when they will visit C when they visited 16. Its difficult for me to decide which one to choose, because _of them are good. A ne

11、ither B both C either D each 17. -would you mind _my little sister while I am away? A looking for B looking at C looking after D looking forward to 18. Everyone except Tom and John _seen the film. A is B has C are D have19. She is proud of _ (her) for not giving up easily. 20. Alan is the _(win) of

12、the photo competition this year.21. -can you tell me _for the 60th China National Day(国庆节)? -A wonderful parade(阅兵仪式)。 A what was held B who was invited C how much money will be raised D how long it will last22. If people _cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _. A keep; to live in B will

13、keep; to live in C keep; to live D will keep; to live 23. _is watching TV. Turn it off, will you? A Nobody B Somebody C Anybody D Everybody 24. Here is my cat. Please _it while I am away. A look after B look up C look for D look at 25. -Have you finished your project yet? -not yet. The teacher said

14、it _tomorrow. A could be handed in B can be handed in C can hand in D could hand in 26. He asked me _me. A what the matter is B what the matter was C what is the matter D what was the matter 27. we couldnt find out _, so we handed it in to the teacher. A whose pen was it B whose pen it was C it was

15、whose pen D whose pen is it 28. I want to know how long _. A has he been back B has he come back C he has been back D he has come back 29. Do you know _? A what the news are B what is the news C what the news is D what are the news 30. I asked where _. A did he come from B he came from C he comes fr

16、om D does he come from 31. There are some trees on _sides of the street. A each B all C every D both 32. He said that there _an interesting movie this weekend. A would be B will be C would to be D be 33. Im not sure _her sister will come here or stay at home. A whether B when C what D where 34. My m

17、other told me _any more when it was late. A dont write B not write C not to write D didnt write 35. “Have you seen the film?” He asked me. He asked me _. A had I seen the film B if I have seen the film C whether I had seen the film 36. “Please close the window,” He said to me. He _me _the window. A

18、said to; to close B told to; closing C asked; to close D said to; please close37. He said, “Mother, the boy is very naughty.” He _very naughty. A said his mother that the boy was B said to his mother that the boy is C told his mother that the boy was D spoke to his mother that the boy was 将下列直接引语改为间接引语1.“Susan will fly to Paris next week,”He said.2. “I am not free at the m


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