



1、学习必备欢迎下载20XX 年高考英语必背短语与高中英语基础知识考点1.一周两次twice aweek 2.两倍那么多 :twice as many as ,twicebigger than ,twicethesize/length/width of3.一、两天a day or two ,one or two days 4. 再两周时间 anther two weeks ,two more weeks5.many a student has a book 6.总而言之 in a word 7.有能力做某事情be able to do sth.,becapable of doing8.怎么样 wh

2、at aboutdoing /how about doing 9.当即将要做某事情be about to do sthwhen10.尤其是 , 最重要的是above all.11. 缺席 , 不在 be absent from.12. 全神贯注于某事情beabsorbed in doing sth.13.主观接受 :accept客观接受 (接受有形 ,有实物的东西 ) receive 14.有权利做某事情haveaccess to sth.15.意外的 by accident=by chance.16. 交通事故 the traffic accident.17. 根据 according to

3、18.考虑take sth. into account.19.因为 ,由于on account of=because of 后面跟名词 ,不跟句子20.指责某人某事情accuse sb of sth指控某人某事情charge sb with sth 钦佩某人某事情admire sb for sth责备某人某事情scold sb for sth,blame sb for sth , sb be to blame for sth21.be used to do sth.被用来做某事情used to do过去常常做某事情be/get used to doing sth习惯于做某事情22.达到目标穿过

4、 ,和 on 有关 ,指从上面,上方穿过 , through穿过和in 有关 ,从里面 ,内部穿过 walk across the street/bridge , walk through the forests.24. 担当 ,充当 act as , 执行 act on 25.采取行动 take action /take measures to do sth26.在某方面积极be active in积极参加 to适应 ,adopt sth/sb领养某人 ,采纳某事情 .28.总计达add up to=in all=come to , 增加 ,增添美景 /难度 add to thebeauty

5、/difficulty把加到上add to .29.除了以外(还有 ) in additionto=apart from=besides (看见also,else,other 选besides).30.足够的 ,适当的 adequate.31.承认做某事情 admit doing sth , 否认做某事情 deny doing sth32.允许入内 ,被录取进入学校 be admitted into/to school.33. 预先 ,提前 in advance , ahead of time34.利用为不可数名词36.给某人忠告give sb advice on sth ,听取某人的忠告动词

6、 ,影响effect 名词 ,影响对有重大影响have a big effect on afford 动词 ,买得起 ,常跟在 can,could,be able to后面有足够的金钱做某事情害怕做某事情; be afraid to do sth不敢做某事情39.after all毕竟 ,终究40.in the morning; on Sunday mornings.41. 以某人的年龄来说forones age42.答应做某事情agree to do sth ,同意某人的观点agree with sb/what sb said( 气候 ,食物 )的适学习必备欢迎下载合agree with t

7、he climate对意见一致形容词,活着的,做表语,sb be alive某人是活着的,a man alive活着的 .catch sb alive活捉某人living形容词,活着的,做定语,the livingpeople活着的人,live形容词 ,现场的broadcast live 现场直播lively形容的 ,充满活力的 ,灵敏的44.for all尽管, first of all首先 , above all 尤其重要的是, in all总共 , after allall over the world世界各地区, not at all 一点也不 .45.允许某人做某事情doing st

8、h ,allow/permitsb doing sth , sb be allowed/permittedtodo sth.46. 几乎不nearly=hardly=scarcely毕竟 ,终究allow/permitalmost not=not47.The man lives alone , but he doesnt feel lonely.48. 和相处很好 ,进展很好 get along/on well with sb/sth49.颂读课文 read aloud the text ,说出声音来speak aloud 吵闹的 ,喧哗的 loudly.50. 除以外别无选择have no

9、choice but to do sth.51. 老是做某事情be always doing sth.52. 对惊讶 be amazed at ,be surprised at,be astonished at 对满意 be pleased with , be happy with , be satisfied with对愤怒 be angryabout/at sth,be angry with sb for sth 对严厉be strict with sb in sth , be hard on sb对担心 be worriedabout ,be anxious about 对感到惭愧be

10、shamed of sth, be shy of sth 渴望做某事情 be eager to dosth ,be anxious to do sth 渴望得到某物long for sth , hope for sth , be dying for sth , be anxious forsth53.修饰不可数名词: a large amount of , a great deal of , a large sum of,a little , little修饰可数名词:a great number of , few , a few , several 两者皆可修饰 :a lot of,lots

11、 of,plenty of ,the number of (的数量 )54.每年的 ,年刊 annual55.一个接一个one after another.56.接电话 answer the call , 回信 .answer the letter/reply to the letter/write to sb对负责 answer for =be responsible for57.任何的一家书店any bookstore58.anyway无论怎么样anyhow情向某人道歉apologize to sb不管怎么说.59.为某事for sth .60. 吸引 appeal to sb = att

12、ract sb =sth catch ones eye61.appear to do sth , appear to be doing sth ,appear to have done sthIt seems/seemed that There seems/seemed to be 62.从外表判断judgefrom/by one s appearance63.向某人申请 apply to sb for sth,把应用于 /涂在上 apply to64.欣赏 /感激做某事情appreciate doing sth , 如果我会不胜感激I would appreciate it if 65.和某

13、人就某事情争吵argue with sb about sth 66.look around环顾 , show sb around 带领某人参观67.安排某人做某事情arrange for sb to do sth68.arrive at +小地点 (airport) , arrive in + 大地点(Shanghai),学习必备欢迎下载arrive home, arrive late 69. 一件工艺品a work of art 70. 假花 artificial flower ,假牙 false teeth71.as he is a teacher =teacher as he is, a

14、s he is young=young as he is (as 解释为虽然 =though)as he grows up 随着年龄的长大, as we all know众所周知as+形容词 +as 和一样,not so+ 形容词 +as 和不一样as far as I know 就我所知 ,as long as 只要 as well as 也 .72.ask after sb 问候某人 , ask for sb 请求某人 ,ask for help 请求帮忙 .73.fallasleep 入睡, go to bed 上床睡觉, go to sleep 入眠, feelsleepy 感觉瞌睡的

15、74.把和联想在一起be associated with sth75. 我向你保证I assure you that , assure sbof sth向某人保证76.心脏病heart attack77.企图做某事情make an attempt to do sth78.出席典礼attend theceremony,上学 attend school79.注意一大 /小批听 /观众 ,500 个观众an audience of five hundred.81.可取得的 ,可采用的平均的:onaveragenormal正常的,通常指精神, 体温正常:normaltemperatureordinar

16、y普通的,指地位普通ordinarypeople , ordinary medicineusual 惯例的 ,通常的as usual, the usual time ,at the usual placeregular 有规律的regular customercommon 普遍的 ,大家所共同拥有的common sense ,common illness83.试图避免做某事情try to avoid doing sth.84.意识到 动词 :授予,给予报酬 , 名词 :奖品award sb sth=award sth to sbreward n./v. 报答 ,奖赏reward sb with

17、 sth for sth.86.凡是指婴儿和电话用语中都用it87.回顾历史look back into history.88. 对是有害的be bad for /be harmful to /do harm to89.非常需要need/want/require sth badly.90. 保持生态平衡keep the balance of nature91.禁止某人做某事情 ban sb from doing sth=forbid sb to do sth.92. 以为基础 base on, 忙于做某事情be busy in doing sth , 被覆盖 be covered with93

18、. 在海滩上 on the beach , 在农场里 in the farm , 在操场at the playground. 在田野里 in the fields , 94. 不能忍受某人做某事情 cant bear/stand doing sth , 不能理解某事情 cant understand doing sth.95. 牢记 bear/keep sth in mind 动动脑筋 use ones brains96.beat sb by 3:1 以 3:1 击败某人 , the heart beat 心脏跳动, beat times 打拍子97.not but 不是而是not becau

19、se but because 不是因为而是因为98.还要很长时间It will be a long time before +句子 (用一般现在时)不久就It wont be a long time before+句子(用一般现在时)自从以来It is/has been 5 years since+句子 (用过去时)99.由开始begin with ,在一开始at the beginning of100.behaviour n. 行为 ,举止, habitn.个人习惯, manners n.礼貌, customs n.风俗习惯101.落后 ,落伍fall behind, 落后于时代the id

20、ea学习必备欢迎下载后用 that 引导同位语从句 .103.信不信由你 believe it or not , 坦率地说 frankly speaking=to be frank104.属于 belong to ( 无进行时 ,无被动 ) The book belongs to me.105. 受益 ,获益于 benefit from / benefit sb a lot106.最好做某事情 had better do sth / had better not do sth. It is better to do sth / It is better not to do sth107.not

21、 a bit=not at all一点也不, not a little=very 非常 .108.一只眼失明be blind in one eye109.对厌烦从某人那里借进某物,lend sth to sb 向某人借出某物 buy sth from sb 向某人买某物 , buy sth for sb 为某人买了某物 111.bread and butter, when and where , knife and fork , law and order,each man and (each) woman , every boy and (every)girl以上词组做主语,谓语动词用单数1

22、12.违反法律 break the law , 闯入 break into , (战争 ,火灾的 )爆发 break out 机器坏了 ,精神垮了 break down113.屏住呼吸 catch /hold ones breath , 上气不接下气 out of breath.114.河上的桥 the bridge over the river ,桌上的书 the book on the desk. 115.bring sb up 抚养某人 =raise sb, sb grow up 某人长大成人116.突然大笑burst into laughter=burst out laughing ,

23、突然大哭burst into tears=burst out crying117.do business 做生意 , be on business在出差 .118.忙于做某事情 be busy in doing sth=be busy with sth119.按小时得到工资需要 , call on 号召 ,呼吁 , call off 取消 , call on sb=call at sp 拜访 . 121.保持镇静 remain calm , 冷静下来 calm down122.cant help doing sth情不自禁去做某事情, cant help but do sth 只能去做某事情c

24、ant help (to) do sth不能去做某事情123.care for =take care of 照顾 ,喜欢 ,careful= look out继续做某事情, cant too太也不过分care about 关心 ,在乎 . 124. 职业 ,生涯 career125.小心 be, carry out 执行 , carry sth with sb 随身携带某物carrythe news on the paper在报纸上刊登消息 , 127.in case 以防万一 +句子 (用 should+ 动词原型 ), in case of +n . 以防万一,遇到的时候 in that

25、case如果那样的话 , in no case 决不 .128.抓住某人的手臂 catch sb by the arm , 打在某人的脸上 beat sb in the face打在某人的鼻子上hit sb on the nose , 牵某人的手take sb by the hand129.catch the train 赶上火车, catch up with sb 追上 ,赶上某人 , catch a cold 感冒catch sb doing sth 抓住某人正在做某事情 , be caught in the rain 淋雨 ,be caught in the traffic jam 遇到

26、交通阻塞130.cause and effect 因果关系 , 的原因 the cause of ,the reason for 使某人做某事情 cause sb sth=cause sbto do sth131.Chances are that 很可能 There is no possibility of doing sth 做某事情没有可能性132.in charge of 掌管 , in the charge of sb 由某人掌管 133.骗某人东西 cheat sb (out) of sth, 偷某人东西 steal sthfrom sb 抢劫某人东西rob sb of sth.13

27、4. 考试作弊登记入住 ,上机学习必备欢迎下载check out 结帐离开 ,出境136.使某人振作精神 cheer sb up.137.儿童节 childrens day有 day 无 the.138.可供选择的五对five pairs to choose from/five pairs to be chosen.139. 在圣诞节 at Christmas在圣诞前夕 on Chrismas Day s Eve.140.自称是,声称是claim to be sth 。141.天气放晴, 疑团解开 clear up把 .弄清楚 make sth clear=make it clear todo

28、/that142.靠近 be close to sth 让门关着 with the door closed让门开着 with the door open.143.布料 cloth 衣服 clothes衣物 clothing144. 案子的线索the clue to the case练习的答案 the key to the exercise. 问题的解决方法the solution to the problem门的钥匙 the key to the door 电影院的入口the entrance to thecinema.145.集邮collect stamps 筹款 collect/raise

29、 money 。 146.把 A 和 B 相结合 combine A with B把A和B做比较 compare A with B.把A比作Bcompare Ato B 。 147. 向某人抱怨complain to sb about/ofsth.148.Howcome?=Why?苏醒 come to(oneself)偶遇 come across=run into=meet with=meet by chance.149.对 .作出评论make comments onsth150.通过 .与某人交流 communicate with sb by sth.151. 由 .组成 be compos

30、ed of= be made upof= consist of152.得出结论arrive at/come to the conclusion.153. 只要 on condition that=as long as154.对 .有信心have confidence in=be confident of.155. 向某人祝贺某事 congratulate sb on sth156.把 .看作consider sb to be=consider sb as考虑做某事consider doing sth157.和某人接触contact sb=make contact with sb.158. 某人

31、方便的话It is convenient to sb to dosth159.生活费the cost of living不惜一切代价at all costs 什么使某人付出什么代价sht cost sbsth某人付钱买什么sb pay money/time to do sth花费某人去It takes sb some money/time to dosth160.在 .过程中in/duringthe course of.161. 书的封面the cover of the course of 桌子的表面the surface of the desk162.挤满be crowded with 。

32、163.做某事毫无用处It s no use doing sth=It s not useful to do164.对感到好奇 be curious about。 165.削减 /砍伐 cut down 割去 /断绝 cut off 插嘴 cut in=interrupt 。 166.damage(修饰 sth,损坏,毁坏) wound( 修饰 sb 刀伤 ,抢伤 )destroy( 修饰 sth 破坏 ,.消灭 ) injured( 修饰 sb 指事故受伤 )hurt(修饰 sb 指心灵情感受伤)167.看见the other day/ago用过去时168.dead 形容词,死的 the d

33、ead man 已死去的人deadly形容词,致命的the deadly weapon致命武器dying形容词,垂死的the dying man快要死的人death 名词,死亡come to death濒临死亡169.deal with sb/sth (How) do with sth (What) 。 170.做出决定 make a decision=make up one s mind to do sth学习必备欢迎下载=decide to do sth 。 171.满足需求meet ones needs/demands。 172.依靠 depend on 173.冲洗底片 develop

34、 the film174.the developed country 发达国家the developing country发展中国家the excited boy 兴奋的男孩the fallenleaves 落叶theretired worker退休工人。175。随着的发展withthedevelopment of176.致力于devote oneself/time to doing sth。 177.死于疾病die ofa disease 死于刀伤diefrom wound178.A 和 B 在方面不同 differA from B in/A is differentfromB in 有所差别make adifference179.觉得做某


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