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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?本单元重点短语kind of 有点,稍微want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 let sb dosth 让某人做某事 play with 与.一起 everyday 每天cut dow n砍倒get lost迷路 本单元日常用语归纳1. -Why do you like pan das? 你为什么喜欢熊猫? -Because they re very cute.因为它们非常可爱。2. -What animal do you like ? 你喜欢什么动物?-I like elepha nts.单兀语言知识精讲1.k ind

2、 of有点,稍微,用来修饰形容词。Why do you like pan das?-Because they are kind of interesting因.为它们有点儿有趣。辨析: kind of a kind ofall kinds ofkind of “有点,稍微”与 a little 同义The mon key is ki nd of smart. 这只猴子有点聪明。a ki nd of “一种.”This is a kind of pen. 这是一种钢笔all kinds of “各式各样的”I like all ki nds of flowers.我喜欢各式各样的花。考考你:用

3、kind of a kind ofall kinds of1.The pig is_ ani mal.2. We have_beautiful flowers in our school.3. Koala are_ eresting 和 interested 的用法区别interesting 用来表示“使人感兴趣的”,所修饰或说明的对象是物(sth)Panda is a ki nd of in teresti ng ani mal.The movie is very in terest ing.a kind of 一种want sth 想要某物like to do sth 喜

4、欢做某事have a look it .看.(be) made of 由.制成的be quiet 安静be in (great)danger 处于(极大)危险中.interested 用来表示对某事物的的兴趣。主语通常为人,通常与 in 连用,构成短语 be interested in .对感兴趣。He is in terested in math 他.对数学感兴趣。练一练:用 interesting 或 interested 完成1._ -Why are youin En glish?-Because it s_ .2.I have an_ book.3._ My mother is in

5、film.3. Let s see the pan das.此句为祈使句,let 为动词,意思是“让 ,使.”;Let s 是 let us 的缩写。Let 后加动词原形 通常句型为 let sb(not) do sth 让某人(不)做某事。Let s do our homework!Let s listen to the music.4. Why do you want to see them?Why “为什么”,特殊疑问词表示询问做某事的原因,需要用 because 引导的原因状语从句来回答 句型为“ Why+ 一般疑问句?Why do you like to see koala?Beca

6、use they are smart.wa nt 动词“想,想要”与would like 同义want .sth 想要某物want. to .do .sth 想要做某事want sb .to .do .sth 想要某人干某事Do you want to go to the zoo? 你想要去动物园吗?按要求完成下列句子(1) She likes playing basketball because its interesting?(对划线提问)_she like playi ng basketball?_(2)He loves Chi na because he is Chin ese._ h

7、e “love China?-5. frie ndly 友好的,和蔼可亲的frien d+ly =frie ndly形容词friendly 常用结构为:be frie ndly to sb对某人友好My classmates are frie ndly to me .用 friend,friends ,friendly 填空完成句子(1)Tony is kind of shy .He doesn tlike to make_.(2)I am new here,but every one here is_ to me.6.other 形容词,“其他的,另外的”后接名词的复数或单数形式皆可。Wha

8、t other an imals do you like ? 你还喜欢其他什么动物?I have ma ny other thi ngs to do 我还有许多其他的事情要做。otheradj.其他的,另外的后接名词的复数或单数形式皆可the other另一个特指两者中的另一个ano ther又一个,再一个泛指三者或三者以上中的另一个others另外的,其他的。别的人或事物泛指,用作代词,后不可接名词My sister has two skirts. One is yellow,_ is black.What_ an imals do you like ?-I like dogs,too.A.

9、other B.othersC.ano therD.the other7. play “玩,玩耍”Play with sb 与玩耍 play with sth 玩.(东西) Don tplay with snow .球类,棋类名词 play.soccerplay尹the亠西洋乐器名词 play.the. pianoI like play ing_basketball and I like play ing_violin ,too.A.a;a B.the;the C.the;/D./;the8. so 连词“因此,所以”adv, “那么,如此”So 用作连词时,连接两个句子,一般后面的句子是前面

10、句子的推论或结果。I work the whole day,so I feel very tired.我工作了一整天,因此感觉很累。En glish is not easy to learn,_ we must work harder.A.but B.or C.soD.a nd9. be in dan ger 处于危险中Many kinds of ani mals are_ great dan ger.A.on B.in C.atD. For10.Why don tyou do sth? “你为什么不做某事?” 用来提建议的句型。同义句还有 -Why not do sth ? Whydon t

11、you see the pan das?=Why not see the pan das?为什么不去看熊猫呢?Why don tyou play football?(写出同义句)Why_ play football?ll.Sleep 和 go to bed “睡觉”go to bed “上床睡觉”强调上床睡觉这一动作,但不一定睡着,其反义词为get upIt s time to go to bed.sleep 指睡觉,睡着的全过程。用于进行时中,表示正在睡觉。Please be quiet.The baby is sleep ing.请安静,婴儿正在睡觉。12.during the day 在

12、白天与 during the day 相对应的是 at night.(夜晚)13.relaxrelax “放松,休息”其第三人称单数为relaxes.He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day. relax ing 禾口 relaxed1)relaxi ng 意为“放松的”常用来修饰物或事情。2)relaxed 意为“使人放松的”常用来修饰人。It s a quiet a nd relaxi ng holiday 这.是一个安静且放松的假期。I m relaxed after the short rest. 经过短暂的休息后我变得轻松了14

13、.every day 与 everydayevery day 每天,常用于一般现在时,在句中做状语。He goes to school by bike every day .everyday 是形容词,意为“日常的”做定语。everyday life 日常生活 随堂练习:1.-I m very tired these days( 这些天) because of studying for English.-Why not_ music .It can make you_ .A. liste n to;relaxBiste n to ;to relax C.liste ning to;relaxD

14、.liste ning to ;relaxed2. Henry is good with every one in our class.He s always_ to all ofus. A.frie nd B.frie nds C,frie ndly3. We have five kinds of schoolbags.Do you like this one?-No,ca n you show me_.A.ano ther B.each other C.the other D.others4.Why do you like pan das?-Because they are very_.A

15、.cute B.bori ng C.scaryD.ugly5. -What do you thi nk of this book?-It s_interesting.A.ki nd ofB.ki nds ofC.a kind ofD.a kind6. -Why is John so_ to you ?-Because he wants me to help him.A.cleverB.beautiful C.smartD.frie ndly7. -Where_ the lions from?-South Africa.A.may B.are C.doD.ca n8-What does the

16、baby like to do ?-She likes_ her pare nts.A.to play with B.to play to C.play with D.play to 9.-What wrong with Jim?-He can tsleep_night so he can tget up_ the morning.A.i n;atB.at ;in C.in ;in D.at;at10.-This is Billsn the cute?-_ like him very much .A.Yes,he isn B.Yes,he is C.No,he isn D.No,he is11.-The song sounds beautiful.-_ it is very difficult to sing.A.Because B SoCAndD.But12.-How many elepha nts are there in the zoo?-There aren _ .A.a nyB.someC. one D.much13.-_ do you like milk?-Because they re very delicious.A.What B.How C.WhyD.Where14.-the dogs are very intere


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