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1、Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesStep 1 课前准备模块考点 自查自测1. 词汇分层级识记过关2. 语境活用填写过关3. 经典句式背诵仿写过关4. 类词巧积累事半功倍(一) 分门别类攻单词识形辨意·拓展应用(二) 写用结合记短语译写短语·语境活用(三) 仿写活用练句式经典句型·仿写背诵Step 2 课堂探究核心考点 点点突破1. 重点难点考点学通练透2. 归纳总结拓展开阔视野 3. 方法规律技巧权威点拨4.面面俱到打创高效课堂第一时段 Introduction, Reading And Vocabulary1 entertaini

2、ng adj.有趣的;令人愉快的 教材原句 Do you agree or disagree that advertisements areentertaining?你同意还是不同意广告是有趣的?(1) entertain vt. 使娱乐,使快乐;招待,款待 entertain sb. to sth.用招待 / 款待某人entertain sb. with sth.用使某人快乐(2) entertainmentn. 娱乐;文娱节目;款待;招待much to the entertainment of sb. to one's great entertainment令某人非常高兴的是单句语

3、法填空 He likes to entertain friends fine food at home. To my great (entertain), he promised to entertain us icecream. Pets are amusing and (entertain), but we are in a way doing animalsharm. 答案 with entertainment; with entertaining 知识顾问 表示“用某物招待某人”时用介词 to ,而表示“用某物使某人快乐时” 用介词 with 。2 come out 出现;出来;出版;

4、 (花) 开放;被获知;结果是 教材原句 When did it come out? 它是什么时候出版的?come about 发生;造成come on快点;加油;得了吧come to苏醒;合计;谈及,说到come up发芽;被提出;升起;出现come across 偶遇写出下列句中 come out 的含义 The b ook to come out next week is written by a famouswriter. The sun came out from behind the clouds late in the afternoon. The gardener went i

5、nto his garden to see if the flowers had come out . It was several weeks before the truth of the mattercame out . I am confident that everything willcome out right intime. 答案 出版 出来;出现 ( 花)开放 被获知 结果是 方法规律 come out 表示“出版”时, 为不及物动词短语, 没有被动语态; 而 publish 表示“出版”时,为及物动词,可用于被动语态。3形容词作状语句式 教材原句 Brave, good a

6、nd strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most. 我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。(1) 句中的 brave, good and strong 是形容词作状语,说明句子主语的特点或处于某种 状态。形容词 (短语 ) 作状语可以表示方式、原因或伴随状况等,可位于句首、句末或句中, 常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。 He went to bed, .( 表示伴随状况 )他又冷又饿地上床睡觉了。(2) 在描绘性文字中,形容词 (短语 )或形容词化分词有时起状语作用,说明主句所述的 原因、时间或主语所处境况或意义增补。 ( When

7、 they are ripe), the oranges taste sweet.(表示时间 )这些橘子成熟时,味道甜美。 After the long journey, the three of them went back home, .( 表示主语所处境况 )长途旅行后,他们三个人回家了,又累又饿。(3)形容词作状语时常用来说明句子主语的状态,即和主语常构成系表结构。如果用来 修饰句子的谓语动词或整个句子,则应用副词作状语。 He was robbed last night, but he didn't have much money on him then.他昨晚被抢劫了,但幸

8、运的是,那时他身上没有多少钱。 答案 cold and hungry Ripe tired and hungry fortunately 答案 1.directed 2.a 3.telling 4.characters 5.but 6.to get7.played第二时段 Integrating Skills1 occasionally adv. 有时;偶尔 教材原句 Occasionally Alice would look up from her books. 艾丽丝偶尔从书本中抬起头来。(1)occasional adj. 偶尔的;有时的(2)occasion n. 场合;机会 on o

9、ccasion 有时;偶尔;间或on no occasion决不 ( 放在句首时需倒装 )on this/that occasion在这个 / 那个时候on the occasion of在的时候;在之际单句语法填空 I've been writing this report(occasion) for the last two weeks, butit has to be handed tomorrow. There will be (occasion) showers during the day. He was presented with the watch the occas

10、ion of his retirement.补全句子 I know he has usually worked well but .我知道他通常干得不错,但这次我必须惩罚他。 On no occasion . Oncethey find you dishonest, they will never believe you any more.你绝不要欺骗别人。一旦他们发现你不诚实,他们再也不会相信你了。 I can spend a wholeday with my family.我和我家人待一整天的场合很少。 答案 occasionally occasional on I must punish

11、 him on this occasion should you cheat others Occasions are rare when 方法规律 occasion 虽可意为“场合”,但表示时间,后接定语从句时关系副词用 when。2 argue v 争论;辩论;主张;说服 教材原句 Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch? 你曾经和你的家人就看什么电视节目发生过争论吗?(1)argue with sb. about/over sth.与某人辩论某事argue for/against sth.赞

12、成 / 反对某事argue sb. into/out of doing sth.说服某人做 / 不做某事argue that.主张;认为(2)argument n. 争论;辩论单句语法填空 Thus, I would argue copying previous architectural styles and choosesomething fresh and different. It is beyond (argue) that the book belongs to me. He was arguing his brother how they should spend the mon

13、ey.根据提示完成小片段 She going to see a movie alone. Finally her parents alone. So she invited Jane to go together. However, they which film to go and see.她主张独自去看电影。最后,她父母说服了她不要独自去。所以她邀请简和她一起去。 可是,她又和简为去看哪一部电影而争论不休。 答案 against argument with; about/over argued for; argued herout of going; argued with each ot

14、her about/over3 care about 关心;顾虑;在乎 教材原句 First of all, I will have a warm family where the members will love each other and care about each other.首先我将拥有一个温暖的家庭,家庭成员会互相爱护互相关心。care for 喜欢;照料;想要take care当心;保重take care of 照料with care 小心地;慎重地单句语法填空 When you care other people, they tend to think a lot of

15、you. The nurse takes good care the baby. She cared her father all through his long illness. You must mark “ Handle care ” on the face of the box.根据提示完成小片段 Wendy, whose job is to children, theirgrowth instead of her salary, because she them.温迪的工作是照顾孩子们。她关心他们的成长,而不是只在乎薪水,因为她喜欢他们。 答案 about of for with

16、take care of; cares about; caring only about; cares for 答案 Step 3 课后演练知识能力 链接高考. 单句语法填空1 We don't meet often. We only see each other (occasion) 答案 occasionally2 I managed to argue her into (take) a walk with me after supper. 答案 taking3 Howl ong had they been love with each other before they got

17、married? 答案 in4 A selfish person doesn't care other people's problems. 答案 about5 is generally agreed that cycling contributes greatly to people'sphysical fitness. 答案 It6 The film, (set) in Tang Dynasty, is well received by many foreignviewers. 答案 set7 He is very popular among his student

18、s as he always tries to make them(interest) in his lectures. 答案 interested8 Can you tell me how the accident came ? 答案 about. 单句改错1 He was Tom that went to the cinema with meyesterday. 答案 He It2 She has fallen in love with Tom for two years. 答案 fallen been3 Just try your best, or you will succeed so

19、oner orlater. 答案 第一个 or and4 He came back after a trip, tired but happily. 答案 happily happy5 I was delighted to be playing part in the process. 答案 在 part 前加 a6 It was what he said which gave me a big surprise. 答案 which that7 Ask a young person in the street who the greatest American film director he

20、is , and you may get the answer Steven Spielberg. 答案 去掉 he8He has mades uccessful films than any other directors in the west. 答案 directors director . 根据提示词及相关要求完成句子1他们第一次相见时就彼此相爱了, 也就是说, 他们相爱八年了。 (fall in love with) They the first time theymet. That is, they for eight years. 答案 fell in love with eac

21、h other; have been in love 2又惊又喜,托尼站起来领了奖。 ( 形容词作状语 ) , Tony stood up and accepted the prize. 答案 Surprised and happy 3人们相信,如果所有的人能和平共处,那个地方就能变成天堂。(It is 过去分词that.)a paradise if all people live in peace. 答案 It is believed that the place will become 4是这种无私的爱令我们很感动。 ( 强调句型 ) made us moved. 答案 It was th

22、e selfless love that5努力工作,你可以取得很快的进步。( 祈使句 and/or 陈述句 ) make rapid progress. 答案 Work hard, and you can 6不可否认的事实是,环境污染越来越严重了。(more and more)No one can deny the fact that the environment is getting polluted 答案 more and more seriously高考题型分组训练训练一 语言知识运用板块训练重情理,练准度( 限时: 25 分钟 ). 完形填空(2018 ·广东肇庆第二次统一

23、检测 )I was eight when I first heard the term “culture shock ” . I had just _1_ to the Philippines. It sounded like something terriblethat could _2_ a person out like the electric shock, the toxic shock, or something _3_ awful.The adults were all talking about _4_: about how they could hardly_5_ with

24、life here in the beginning, or about how bad the culture shock was.As a kid making the transition to a new _6_, however, I didn't think I really _7_ too much culture shock. I didn't like being stared at _8_ and followed around just because I was a foreigner. I didn't like sleeping _9_ a

25、mosquito net. Iremember almost _10_ during my first meal fish with bones! I didn't like thatall the yellow race of the islands _11_ us like we were super special and important because of our different _12_. The cold showers were _13_ to get used to at first. However, _14_ of these things really

26、felt earth shattering( 惊天动地的 ) to me.I was having a good time, and enjoyed the _15_. It was just different, and in my childish innocence, I was able to _16_ anything.Back to the USA, two years later, I went through the real culture shock for the first time. People didn't seem as respectful to th

27、eir elders. Their table _17_ were different, so I was afraid of saying something rude. They didn't smile as much as Filipinos do, so I didn't feel as _18_ in my home country. In America, kidscouldn't do all the things I used to do in the Philippines. We stayed“ home” foronly several mont

28、hs,_19_ I was glad to get back to the Philippineswhich providesa life with more _20_.语篇解读:作者叙述了自己小时候到菲律宾体验不同文化后回到祖国美国时对其文化不 习惯的故事。 作者刚到菲律宾时不习惯被别人另眼相待, 不习惯吃带刺的鱼, 不习惯洗冷水 澡,但是这些对于年幼的作者来说更像是一场冒险, 可以很快适应。 后来作者回到美国后觉 得非常不自在,反而很高兴可以很快重新回到菲律宾。1 A.adjustedB movedC returnedD settled 解析 由上句的 culture shock 以及设空

29、后的 to the Philippines 和后文中的 lifehere in the beginning可知,此处应表示作者刚搬到菲律宾。 move to 意为“搬到”,符合语境。 adjust to 意为“适应”; return to 意为“回到”; settle 不与 to 搭配,与 in 搭配表示“适应 ( 新情况) ”。 答案 B2 A.leaveB giveC bringD knock 解析 从设空后的 like the electric shock, the toxic shock可知,作者以为文化冲击会像电击、 中毒性休克一样让人昏过去。 knock out 意为“使失去知觉”

30、, 符合题意。 leave out 意为“遗漏”; give out 意为“分发”; bring out 意为“使显现;出版”。 答案 D3 A.exactlyB evidentlyC equallyD eventually 解析 根据 or 可知,此处和 the electric shock, the toxic shock并列,指类似的非常糟糕的事情。 equally 意为“同样地”, 符合语境。 exactly 意为“恰好”; evidently 意为“明显地”; eventually 意为“最后;终于”。 答案 C4 A.itB meC themD him 解析 由下文的 about

31、how bad the culture shock was 和上文提到的 culture shock 可知,成年人谈论的就是文化冲击,故用代词 it 来代替。 答案 A5 A.stickB conflictC meetD cope 解析 根据设空后的 with life here in the beginning 和 how bad the culture shock was 可知,在一个陌生的地方,一开始面对文化冲击会感到难以应对。 cope with 意为“处 理;应付”,符合语境。 stick with 意为“坚持”; conflict with 意为“与发生冲突”; meet with

32、 意为“会见”。 答案 D6 A.islandB cultureC minorityD city 解析 由上文提到的 culture shock 可知,此处是指过渡到新文化。 culture 意为“文 化”,符合题意。 island 意为“岛屿”; minority 意为“少数派”; city 意为“城市”。 答案 BB appreciatedD enjoyed7 A.experiencedC accepted 解析 根据前文的 how had the culture shock was和设空前的 however ,再结合后文的 I was having a good time, and en

33、joyed.可知,虽然成年人在谈论文化冲击有多严重,但是作者觉得自己没有经历太多的文化冲击。 experience 意为“经历”, 符合题意。 appreciate 意为“欣赏;感激”; accept 意为“接受”; enjoy 意为“喜爱”。 答案 A8 A.unfriendlyB cheerfullyC constantlyD meanly 解析 根据句中的 followed around 和常识可知,出于对外国人的好奇,人们会跟在 他们身边, 不停地盯着他们看。 constantly 意为“不断地; 时常地”, 符合语境。 unfriendly 意为“不友好地”; cheerfully

34、意为“高兴地”; meanly 意为“吝啬地”。 答案 C9 A.onB underC aboveD beside 解析 根据语境和常识可知,应该是在蚊帐下面睡觉。 under 意为“在下面”, 符合语境。 on 意为“在上面”; above 意为“在上方”; beside 意为“在旁 边”。 答案 B10 A.yellingB chokingC jumping upD throwing up 解析 根据后文的 fish with bones 和语境可知,作者第一顿饭吃了带刺的鱼,应该 是差点卡住。 choke 意为“使窒息;哽咽”,符合语境。 yell 意为“喊叫”; jump up 意为

35、“跳起”; throw up 意为“呕吐”。 答案 B11 A.treatedB praisedC tendedD delighted 解析 由设空后的like we were super special and important可知,亚洲人把外国人看得非常特别和重要。这是一种对待方式,treat 意为“对待”,符合题意。praise意为“表扬”; tend 意为“倾向”; delight 意为“使高兴”。 答案 A12 A.clothesB attitudeC colorD thoughts 解析 根据设空前的 all the yellow race of the islands可知,作者

36、认为岛上的黄种人对待他们的方式不同,是因为他们有不同的肤色。 color 意为“肤色”,符合语境。clothes 意为“衣服”; attitude 意为“态度”; thought 意为“想法”。 答案 CB interesting13 A.excitingC entertainingD challenging 解析 根据语境可知, 此处作者在讲述自己初到菲律宾不习惯的事情, 所以此处应表示洗凉水澡对于作者来说是个挑战。challenging意为“有挑战性的”, 符合语境。 exciting意为“令人兴奋的”; interesting意为“有趣的”;entertaining意为“使人愉快的”。

37、答案 D14A.allBsomeC neitherDnone 解析 根据空前的 However 和下一句中的I was having a good time, and enjoyed.可知,此处表示这些事情都没有让作者觉得惊天动地,而前文中提到的事情有五件。 none意为“ (三者或三者以上 )都不”, 符合语境。 all 意为“ (三者或三者以上 )都”; some意为 “一些”; neither 意为“ ( 两者 ) 都不”。 答案 D15 A.attentionC adventureB sufferingD entertainment 解析 根据前文的内容可知,这些事情对于作者来说都有挑

38、战性,相当于冒险。 adventure 意为“冒险”, 符合语境。 attention 意为“注意”; suffering 意为“痛苦”; entertainment 意为“娱乐活动”。 答案 C16 A.give upB adapt toC approve ofD join in 解析 根据前文的 I was having a good time, and enjoyed the . 可知,天真无邪的作者认为自己能够适应任何事情,所以过得很愉快。 adapt to 意为“适应”, 符合题意。 give up 意为“放弃”; approve of 意为“赞同”; join in 意为“参加”。

39、 答案 B17 A.settingsB mannersC rulesD traditions 解析 根据前文的 the real culture shock 和后文的 say something rude 可知,此 处讲述的是作者回到美国后经历的文化冲击,所以此处是指餐桌礼仪。 table manners 意为 “餐桌礼仪”,符合题意。 setting 意为“环境;背景”; rule 意为“规则”; tradition 意为“传统”。 答案 BB friendly18 A.important 解析 根据句中的 They didn't smile as much as Filipinos

40、 do 可知,美国人不像 菲律宾人一样经常笑,因此作者感到没那么受欢迎了。 welcome 意为“受欢迎的”,符合语 境。important 意为“重要的”; friendly 意为“友好的”; attractive 意为“吸引人的”。 答案 C19 A.sinceB unlessC soD but 解析 根据语境可知, 作者是一名美国人, 离开美国本来应该感到不舍, 但是作者仅 呆了几个月就要回菲律宾,而且很开心,故前后内容是转折关系,故用连词 but 。 答案 D20 A.opportunitiesB wealthC freedomD justice 解析 根据前文的描述可知, 作者在美国

41、期间倍受约束, 很不自在, 所以作者回到菲 律宾很高兴,因为菲律宾的生活更自由。 freedom 意为“自由”,符合题意。 opportunity 意为“机会”; wealth 意为“财富”; justice 意为“公平”。 答案 C. 语法填空(2018 ·湖北八校第二次联考 )I won't call myself the most accomplished person when it comes to 1.(hold)chopsticks. In fact, I'm pretty sure that my technique looks clumsy at t

42、imes. I tend to hold 2.(I) in the middle, more beginner than expert.Still, since I eat almost every meal with the eating utensil(器皿 ) of choicein China it's not uncommon for a new friend or acquaintance to come to a simple3. (conclude) after observing me that my Chinese husband, Jun, must4. (sho

43、w) me how to use them.They are wrong. I've used chopsticks ever since I was a teenager, a time whenmy sister and mother were both fond of Chinese cuisine and introduced me5. many new dishes, along with the utensils 6.(prefer) byChinese. We always kept bamboo chopsticks along with our 7.(knife),f

44、orks and spoons, ready for whenever we happened to have Chinese food for dinner.It was my closest family 8. observed my first mistakes I made in usingchopsticks.Plus, I had lived over two years in China before Jun and I started dating and I was expected to use chopsticks in almost every restaurant,

45、stand and bar.Trustme, when you're 9.(hunger) you figure out pretty fast what it takes todown( 咽下 ) 10. meal with these utensils.语篇解读:本文讲述了作者与筷子的不解之缘。1 解析 句意为:当谈到如何拿筷子的时候,我不会说我是最有才华的人。 when it comes to. 为固定句型,其中 to 为介词,其后应接名词、代词或动名词,故填 holding 。 答案 holding2 解析 句意为:我经常握住我的筷子的中间部位,这是初学者的做法而不是熟练 使用

46、筷子的人的做法。根据句意可知设空处指“我的筷子”,应用名词性物主代词,故填 mine。 答案 mine3 解析 句意为:在观察了我用筷子的样子后,我的新朋友或者熟人就得出我 的中国丈夫一定是向我展示过如何使用筷子的简单结论,这也是很正常的。 come to a conclusion 为固定词组,意为“得出结论”,故填 conclusion 。 答案 conclusion4 解析 句意见上题解析。根据句意可知此处表示对过去发生动作的肯定推测,应用 must have done 。故填 have shown 。 答案 have shown5 解析 句意为:那时候我的妈妈和姐姐都很喜欢中国烹饪,并给

47、我介绍了很 多的新菜,还有中国人喜欢的器皿。 introduce sb. to sth. 为固定用法,意为“使 ( 某人 ) 初次接触 (某事物) ”,故填 to 。 答案 to6 解析 句意见上题解析。根据句意可知此处表示“中国人所偏爱的”, prefer 与 utensils 之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。故填 preferred 。 答案 preferred7 解析 knife 为可数名词,再根据句意及空后的forks and spoons 可知设空处应用可数名词的复数形式,故填 knives 。 答案 knives8 解析 句意为:正是我最亲密的家人看到了我最开始使用

48、筷子时犯的错误。根据 句意可知,设空处所在句为强调句型。被强调部分是人,故填 who/that 。 答案 who/that9 解析 句意为:相信我,当你非常饿的时候,你很快就能知道用这些餐具吃一顿 饭需要付出什么了。设空处作系动词 are 的表语,应用形容词。故填 hungry 。 答案 hungry10解析 根据句意及设空处后的可数名词单数 meal 可知应填 a,泛指“一顿饭”。 答案 a训练二 主观应用题板块训练重语法,练规范( 限时: 45 分钟 ). 语法填空(2018 ·安徽宣城二模 )A young man in Wuhan, Hubei Province has be

49、come the latest Internet sensation after a video showing his heart warming act on a subway trainwent viral( 广为传播的 ) on social media 1.(recent)In the video, the man can be seen 2.(hold)his mobile phone in hishand after falling asleep on a Metro, with a message in largefont( 字体) on the screenwhich rea

50、ds, “ Please wake me if you need my seat.”The video 3.(capture) by a fellow passenger who posted it on Weibo.The video, 4. was just 7 seconds long, has been viewed more than 19million times injust two days. Chinese netizens were greatly touchedby the youngman's act and applauded him for his 5.(k

51、ind). A web user even commented,“ I only needed 7 seconds to fall 6. love with this young man.”The humble man 7.(refuse) an interview invitation after becomingan Internet star and said that he just did whathe felt he should. In a Weibo post,he thanked netizens for 8.(they) love and praise. He said h

52、e would alwaysfall asleep when he had nothing to do on the train but worried others may need the seat, so he got 9. idea of making a message on his phone screen.He added that he hopes the positive energy can spread10.(far) 语篇解读: 湖北省武汉市的一名年轻男子在网上迅速走红, 因为他在地铁上睡着后, 他 手里拿着手机, 屏幕上用大字体显示着: “如果你需要我的座位, 请叫醒

53、我。”他的这种暖 心的行为深深地打动了广大网民,大家纷纷称赞他的善良。1 解析 句意为:近日,一段关于湖北省武汉市一名年轻男子在地铁上的暖心行为 的视频在社交媒体上走红后,这名男子在网络上引起了轰动。设空处修饰句子,应用副词, 故填 recently 。 答案 recently2 解析 句意为:在视频中,人们可以看到,这个人在地铁上睡着后,手里拿着手 机,屏幕上有一条大字体的信息, 上面写着: “如果你需要我的座位, 请叫醒我。 ” see sb. doing sth. 为固定搭配,意为“看到某人正在做某事”,此句用到了其被动结构,故填 holding 。 答案 holding3 解析 句意为

54、:这段视频是同车的一名乘客拍摄的,他把视频传到了微博上。设 空处描述过去的动作,应用一般过去时,且设空处和主语 The video 为被动关系,故填 was captured 。 答案 was captured4解析 句意为:这段时长仅 7秒的视频在短短两天内就被观看了 1900多万次。 分析句子结构可知, 设空处引导定语从句, 先行词为 video ,指物,在从句中作主语, 故填 which 。 答案 which5 解析 句意为:中国网民被这个年轻人的行为深深地感动了, 纷纷称赞他的善良。根据设空处前的介词 for 和形容词性物主代词 his 可知,设空处应为名词, 故填 kindness 。 答案 kindness6 解析 句意为:一位网友甚至评论: “我只需 7 秒钟就爱上了这个年轻人。 ”fall in love with为固定搭配,意为“爱上”,故填 in 。 答案 in7 解析 句意为:这位谦虚的人在网上走红后拒绝了采访邀请,并说他只是做了他 觉得应该做的事。 and 连接并列成分,根据其后的 said 可知,设空处应用一般过去时,故 填 refused 。 答案 refused8 解析 句意为:在微博上, 他感谢了网友对他的爱和赞扬。 设空处指代 netizens , 且修饰名词 love and prais


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