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1、2008年一月第一部分 交际用语(1()分) 1一5小题:阅读下面的小对话,从a、b、c三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)1. hello, mary, how are you? b a. very good. are you good? b. not too bad, thanks. and you? c. hello, rose, how do you do?2. what does your sister look like? c a. she likes dancing. b. she looks sad. c. she&#

2、39;s average height and slim with long straight black hair.3. could you finish late today? a a. yes, of course. b. yes, please. c. yes, lhat's right.4. what lime does the train leave? c a. on tuesday. b. in the morning. c. at half past five. sim is talking to mary.5. a. what is she doing right n

3、ow? a b. what does she dc)? c. what is she talking about?第二部分 词汇与结构(40分) 625小题:阅读下面的句子和对话,从a、b、c三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共40分)6. the business banking department is on second floor. a. / b. a c. the7. mark is responsihle the international market. a. in b. for c. of8. who is that mar

4、l over there? do you know name? a. their b. her c. his9. i'd like to you to a party this saturday. a. join b. invite c. leave10. hurry up. we don't have time. a. enough b. many c. 1oo many11. i alu not feeling very well. i to see the doctor. a. need b. should c. would12. rice do you want to

5、buy? a. how many b. how much c. how13. - i haven't got a car. . neither i. a. have b. do c. am14. it often in winter in the north of china. a. snow b. snows c. is snowing15. that is xiaoyan's desk and this is a. my b. me c. mine16. he hasn't got _ cousins. a. any b. some c. much17. - wro

6、ng with your clock? - it's broken. a. howls b. what's c. where' s18. how often take the medicine? a. i should b. i should to c. should i19. - the classroom is not big enough for 50 students. - yes, lagree. it's a. too small b. no big c. not small enough20. i'll give a. the man th

7、e book b. the book the man c. the book for the man21. how about a taxi? a. take b. to take c. taking22. i am getting too fat. i have to my weight. a. work off b. work out c. work to23. a coffee machine in the room? a. are there b. is there c. have there24. sally's parents come and stay with her

8、next week. a. are going b. are going to c. is going to25. i don't like london. it is beijing. a. different as b. as different as c. different from第三部分 阅读理解(20分) 2630小题:阅读下列短文,从a、b、c三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)tom: can i park in the staff car park?david: no, i'm afraid you can

9、9;t. only managers can park there. you can park behind the building.torn: okay. when can i have lunch?david: you can't go before 12.30 because we are very busy, but after 1.00 o'clock you can go when you like. you can eat and drink in the office, but you can't smoke here. everyone goes t

10、o the coffee lounge, because they can smoke there.torn: can i use the phone?david: yes, but you can't phone abroad.26. why can't tom park in the staff car park? a. because he does not work here. b. because he is not a manager. c. because he is a new comer.27. which of the following is true?

11、a. tom can park his car behind the building. b. tom can use the inanager's car. c. david can help tom to park his car ii1 the staff car park.28. when carl tom go to have his lunch? a. before 12.00. b. before 12.30. c. after t. 00.29. what can tom do in the office? a. eat and drink. b. smoke. c.

12、phone abroad.30. where can everyone go to smoke? a. in the car park. b. in the coffee lounge. c. in the cafe near the office building.3l一35小题:阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(刚ght)、错误(wrong),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(doesntsay),并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分, 共10分) kathy lives in sydney. she works in an office and she is a secre

13、tary. she begins work atnine every day. she is always on time for work. in fact, she is often early. she is never late,and she is never sick. kathy usually types letters and answers the telephone. she sometimesfiles (把文件归档) and makes copies (复印文件). she seldom makes mistakes (出错) whenshe types or fil

14、es. she always answers the phone politely(礼貌地). she has lunch from12.30 am to 1.30 pm, and she finishes work at 5.00 pm. in the evening sometimes she goes oul with her friends. sometimes she stays at homewatching tv. she doesn't,work on the weekend. on saturday, she cleans the house, doeshousewo

15、rk and goes shopping. on sunday she relaxes or goes to the cinema. 31. kathy is never late for work. a. right. b. wrong. c. doesn' t say.32. kathy types very fast. a. right. b. wrong. c. doesn't say.33. in the aternoon kathy starts work at 1.30. a. right. b. wrong. c. doesn't say.34 kath

16、y always watching tv at home in the evening. a. right. b. wrong. c. doesn't say.35. kathy never does any ofice work on sunday. a. right. b. wrong. c. doesn' t say.第四部分 翻译(30分) 3640小题:根据括号内的提示将下列句子补充完整,并将答案写在答题纸上。(每题3分, 共15分) 36. - how about going to an estate agent? - yes, thats a good idea

17、(是个好注意). 37. - whats the weather like today? (今天天气如何) - it's very cold. 38. david smith is bad at/isn't good at (不擅长)web management. 39. the week after next (再下一周)she is visiting the birmingham branch on tuesday. 40. you need to reduce (your) temperature (退烧), so you should lake some aspirin

18、s.4145小题:将下列句子翻译成汉语,并将答案写在答题纸上。(每题3分,共15分) 41. she is talking to a customer right now. 她正在和客户谈话。 42. he is not very tall and wears glasses. 他个子不太高,戴着眼睛 43. what about playing football tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午去踢足球怎么样 44. she doesn't like borrowing things from others. 她不喜欢向别人借东西 45. i think the ar

19、ea is too dirty and too noisy and the flat's too far from the tube. 我觉得这个区太脏、太吵,而且那房子离地铁也太远试卷代号:2204 中央广播电视大学20072008学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试 工市营等专业 英语工(1) 试题答案及评分标准 (供参考) 2008年1月 第一部分 交际用语(每题2分,共10分) 1. b 2c 3a 4c 5a 第二部分 词汇与结构(每题2分,共40分) 6c 7b 8c 9b 10a 11a 12。b 13a 14b 15c 16a 17b 18c 19a 20a 21 c 2

20、2 a 23b 24b 25 c 第三部分 阅读理解(每题2分,共20分) 26b 27a 28c 29a 30b 31 a 32 c 33 a 34b 35 a 第四部分 翻译(每题3分,共30分) 36 thats a good idea 37whats the weather like today 38 is bad at/isn't good at 39 the week after next 40 reduce (your) temperature 41她正在和客户谈话。 。 42他个子不太高,戴着眼睛。 43明天下午去踢足球怎么样? 44她不喜欢向别人借东西。45我觉得这个

21、区太脏、太吵,而且那房子离地铁也太远。2008年7月第一部份 交际用语 (10分) 1-5小题:阅读下面的小对话,选答案1 . what is mary doing right now. 玛丽现在在做什么? she is talking to a customer. 她正在和一个客户交谈. 2. whats the matter with you? 你有什么要紧的事吗?ive got a bad cough .我有很严重咳嗽3. whats the weather like in this area? 这个地区是什么天气?its ,windy.它是 ,多风的。4. can you get a

22、coffee for me? 你能为我准备一种咖啡吗?yes ,of course.是的 ,当然5. excuse me, where is the nearest bank,please? 对不起,请问最近的银行在哪里?its next to the newsagent. 在报纸或定期刊物之经销商旁边的。第二部分 词汇与结构 (40分)6. david is the only accountant in my fathers company.大卫是唯一的会计师,在我父亲的公司7. i usually get up at 7 oclock in the morning.我常常早上7点起床8.

23、her name is clair.她的名字是克莱尔9. there is a sofa in front of the television.有一个沙发在电视机前。10. i dont want any milk in my coffee.我不想放牛奶到我的咖啡里面11. im sorry shes not in. would you like to leave a message?对不起她不在,你可以留个口信12. hurry up. we dont have enough time.快点。我们没有足够的时间13. you should go to bed and sleep.你该上床睡觉

24、了14. she is making herself a cup of coffee.她为自己做了一杯咖啡15. what do they do on sundays?星期日他们在做什么?16. im bad at spelling , but jane is worse than me.我的拼写错误了,但是简比我还要差17. it is raining heavily here at this moment.在此时刻下大雨。18. would you like to go to the pub after work?下班之后你去不去酒吧耍19. mark is responsible for

25、 the international market.马克负责国际的市场。20. the house is very close to the railway station, so its very convenient for transport.这房子里火车站很近,所以出行很方便21. how much does the flat cost a month?公寓多少租金一个月?22. my husband doesnt like shopping, but i like it very much.我的丈夫不喜欢逛街,但是我很喜欢23. billy is more attractive th

26、an ben.贝利比本更具吸引力24. i havent got a car. neither have i.我没有车。我也没有25. the classroom is not big enough for 50 students. yes, i agree. its too small.这个教室不够大坐不了50个学生。第三部份 阅读理解(20分)阅读部份省略26. there are a lot of classes in the gym.这里有很多个健身教室27. jan goes to yoga class on tuesday morning.星期二的早上要去练瑜伽28. there

27、is a sauna in the gym.这个健身房有桑拿29. what is free in the gym? cosmetics.健身房有什么是免费的?化妆品30. how can you pay for the classes? both a and b.你要选哪门课,a还是b31-35小题:阅读短文,判断句子正确还是错,(共10分)短文省略.31. everybody talks about the weather, but nobody can change it.每个人都会谈论天气,但是没有人能选择它a. right. b. wrong. c. doesnt say. 正确答案

28、: a32. people usually have similar (相似的) ideas about the weather.人们通常会对天气有相似的看法a. right. b. wrong. c. doesnt say. 正确答案: b33. when farmers need water, they like rainy weather.当农民们需要水的时候,他们黑喜欢下雨的天气a. right. b. wrong. c. doesnt say. 正确答案: a34. many people take umbrellas (伞) when they go traveling.当人们出去

29、旅游的时候,他们会带伞a. right. b. wrong. c. doesnt say. 正确答案: c35. the weatherman never makes mistakes.气象预报员不曾犯错。气象预报员绝不会犯错a. right. b. wrong. c. doesnt say. 正确答案: b第四部分 翻译(30分)36-40小题:根据括号内的提示将下列句子补充完整,并将答案写在答题纸上,每题3分,共15分36. are you free (你有空吗)on sunday? im afraid not. i have to go to the english classes on

30、 saturday.我怕不行,我星期6的时候我要去上英语课恐怕不行,我星期六有堂英语可37. whats the time? it is a quarter post nice oclock. (九点一刻).好多钟?现在是9点一刻。38.the supermarket is in the bank opposite the.(在银行对面)这个超市在银行的对面39.how long does it take to take the subway to your office.(乘地铁去你的办公室)?从地铁站到你的办公室有多远?40.can i smoke in the park. (在花园里吸烟

31、)?我能不能在花园吸烟41-45小题:英译汉,每小题3分,共15分.41. i am looking for a flat on the ground floor. 我正在寻找一个平坦的地面42. xiaoyan (晓燕) goes to a gym twice a week with her friends. 晓燕与她的朋友们每周去两次健身房.43. you cant park your car in front of the office building. 你不能在公园及办公楼前面停车。44. he doesnt like borrowing things from others. 他不

32、喜欢向别个借东西45. my younger brother is quite outgoing and talkative. 我的弟弟相当外向和喜欢说话。2009年1月第一部分交际用语(10分)1-5小题:阅读下面的小对话,从a,b,c三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)1. 一 一my mother is retired. my father is- a manager. a. what do your parents do? b. where are your parents? c. what are your parents d

33、oing right now?2一what time does the train leave? - _ a. on tuesday. b. in the morning. c. at half past five.3一excuse me, how do i get to the gym,please? - _ a. you take the number 66 bus from the supermarket. b. you get off outside the supermarket. c. i'd like to see them. 4一what does your siste

34、r look like? - _ a. she likes singing. b. she's tall and wears glasses. c. she looks depressed.5一would you like to go with us? -_ a. id love to. b. i would like. c. its fine to go. 第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 6-25小题:阅读下面的句子和对话,从a,b,c三个选项中选出一个能填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共40分) 6. john isonly accountant i

35、n my sons company. a. a b. an c. the 7. there _ four children in the picture. a. is b. are c. have 8. we often have _ supper at home. a. us b. our c. ours 9. _chris worried about the presentation last week? a. is b. was c. were 10. 1 sometimes go to the pub _ friday. a. on b. in c. at 11. london is

36、_ capital of britain, and it is _ great city, too. a. the, a b. a, the c. a,a 12. have you got _ cream,please? a. some b. any c. 13. lily and lucy are_ a picture-book in their room. a. looking b. watching c. reading 14. i have two brothers. one is a driver, _ is a policeman. a. one b. other c. the o

37、ther 15一is the man near the bank? 一oh,he is tom. a. what b. who c. how16. which is,the yangtze river or the yellow river? a. a bit long b. longer c. more long17. i'm sorry shes not in. would you like to_ a message? a. keep b. rest c. leave18. he goes to work _ foot but comes back home _ taxi. a.

38、 on, by b. by,on c. by, by19. my aunt _ for her friends at home. a. enjoys cooking b. enjoys to cook c. enjoy cooking20. _ does the flat cost a month? a. how many b. how much c. how about21. rose is _ than frank. a. very easy-going b. much easy-going c. much more easy-going22. he is a good student.

39、he _ early. a. come always b. always comes c. always come23一i like documentaries on tv. 一so _ i. a. am b. do c. have24. i _ buy any wine. a. need not b. dont need c. dont need to25. when _ for london? a. is she flying b. she flies c. she is going to fly第三部分阅读理解(20分) 26-30小题:阅读下列短文,从a,b,c三个选项中选出一个正确答

40、案,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)dear sir or madam, i am writing in response to the advertisement in the guardian newspaper on the 1st july. i would like to apply for the post of technology sales representative in your company. i am 28 years old and i am a graduate from dangston university. i have a deg

41、ree in business technology, i am working currently as a secretary in polymer ltd. in my current job i am responsible for arranging the presentations of the "technology sales representatives to foreign clients. i enjoy working in business technology,but i am now looking for the opportunity to de

42、velop my own skills and to be a technology sales representative myself. i am interested in travelling and i am keen to use my language skills in your foreign companies. i speak french and german fluently. i am happy to live abroad for my work. i am available for interview at any time in the next two

43、 weeks because i am on holiday. i am sending my c. v. with this letter. i look forward to hearing from you. yours faithfully, jane simson 26. jane simson is a graduate from _ a. new jersey university b. dangston university c. german university 27. what would jane like to apply for? a. the post of te

44、chnology sales representative. b. the manager of technology sales representative. c. the worker of technology sales representative. 28. what does jane like very much? a. she enjoys working in medicine technology. b. she enjoys working in computer technology. c. she enjoys working in business technol

45、ogy. 29. jane is good at speaking a. english and german b. french and german c. german and chinese 30. why is jane available for interview at any time in the next two weeks? a. because she wants to get the job. b. because she wants to be a representative in that company. c. because she is on holiday

46、. 31-35小题:阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(right)、错误(wrong),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(doesn't say),并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分) it is sunday morning. mrs brown is working in the kitchen. she is cooking the sunday dinner, on sunday the browns(布朗一家)have their big meal in the middle of the day. on other days,"dinne

47、r" is in the evening. all the family are at home on sunday, and they can have their meal together. mr brown doesn't go to office on sunday. he is working in the garden. he enjoys working in the garden. he grows vegetables and flowers. he brings the vegetables to the kitchen and mrs brown cooks them. the kitchen is clean. there are many cupboards(碗柜)on the wall. mrs brown is a good cook. she enjoys cooking. her family enjoy her cooking(饭菜) 31. the browns have


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