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1、.毕业设计(论文)外文 资料翻译题目:THE PROCESS OF ON-LINE STORE LOYALTY FORMATION院系名称: 管理学院 专业班级: 市场营销 学生姓名: 胡明霞 学 号: 20074900516 指导教师: 李蕾 教师职称: 副教授 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 2011年1月10日附件1:Jerry Paquin Advances in Consumer Research Volume 27, 2000Pages 145-150网上商店忠诚的过程中形成的1. 摘要本文提供了一个框架的商店的调查对以计算机作为媒介的环境和

2、发展网上商店的理论模型与忠诚度变量通过实证适合命题。传统模型,我们可以得出结论:对商店忠诚提供一个良好的起点商店的理解忠诚电子环境。然而,由于独特的虚拟市场我们建议消费者将会是不同程度的强调各种商店属性,因为他们正在制定满意度和储存的忠诚。2. 引言互联网已经演变成为一个竞争过于激烈的全球市场。观点是“赢家”,消费者在电子商务作为互联网让他们比较价格、产品和服务在各种各样的商店在几分钟之内。商店我才会自然而然地关注消费者的忠诚。这类问题,例如AHow可以储存的忠诚,在虚拟环境下实现吗?什么是民主的组件?不同的人是在互联网上与现实世界吗? 需要进行检查。互联网,低竞争者进入壁垒和低搜索和转换成本

3、对消费者而言,成为中国最终有竞争力的市场(钻和Gallaugher 1997;克莱1998)。吸引新客户可以费用高达保住现有的五倍的人(彼得斯1998)。商店的问题对电脑,介导的零售环境是一个有关网络零售商竞争回头客生意。为零售商、储存忠诚无疑是最重要的关系,的事实可佐证超过92%的网上商人正在积极建筑的忠诚程序(国际数据公司1999年)。营销的学术研究重新考虑它的一些概念和模型,以使他们适合这个以计算机作为媒介的环境(霍夫曼和诺瓦克1997年)。商店最近出现忠诚的焦点是一个重要的市场调研。我们把这条小溪的研究调查的商店的先行对以计算机作为媒介的环境。本文所做的贡献,首先延长两Bloemer和

4、绝望Ruyter(1998)模型对商店的忠诚,和第二识别不同的作用认知的商店的属性满意度及忠诚度之形成一种在线环境。3. 商店忠诚 Czepeil耕地者(1987)国家客户展示的感情、信条、和行为对祭和供应商,促使维护现有交流关系。概念化转商店忠诚分为态度和行为元件的支持,其他研究人员。证明Jacoby栗色(1978),Bloemer和绝望Ruyter(1998)定义储存的信赖为企业的Abiased(即非随机的)行为反映(例如,重新考虑),表示随着时间的推移,一些决策单位就一家商店的商店的,是一个函数的心理(做决策和评估过程在品牌commitment.4. 商店形象 商店形象的概念一直被视为先

5、例,Bellenger对商店忠诚,斯坦顿施泰贝格1976年Hirschman 1981;莱辛,1973年,澳斯曼1993)。这条小溪的研究受到了(1958年)的Martineau早期的建议的哈佛商业评论那个商店的忠诚与商店形象。他认为,因为购物被认为 消费者作为一个Atotal经验,这并非仅仅是有形的商店都吸引消费者的利益,他们也被无形资产如一个更合适的形象。在此基础上的想法,有些研究人员认为,如果消费者有良好的形象,店里的时候,他们可能生长的一定程度的忠诚(多伊尔和Fenwick 1974;詹姆斯张秀珍1976年康凯尔和浆果,1968年;符号1976年)。Bloemer和绝望Ruyter(1

6、998)发现,有一个商店形象在商店的间接正向影响效果忠诚经过商店时满意。延长这一理论,我们建议的影响在一家商店的商店形象的忠诚是潜在的调停下,并显化满意。5. 商店满意研究表明,客户满意是先例的门店的忠诚(Bloemer和绝望Ruyter 1998;Surprenant所罗门1987)。 满意,匹配的期望和效能,可直接对产品、服务或一个商店。在他们的研究中,Bloemer和绝望Ruyter(1998)发现了一个正面的关系储存满意度和忠诚度。主要强调他们的研究发表在商店的满意,两种类型的商店identifiedBmanifest满意度和潜在满意是满意。潜在的满意度发生在消费者不能充分意识到能使他




10、算的,和道德store-consumer承诺。 因此,它是可以探索是否我们的模型是一种很有用的对比框架的影响特点,线的形成商店不同类型的承诺。8.结论近年来,零售市场竞争加剧了在互联网上,造成增加消费者的忠诚所关注的。一些进入壁垒和低转换成本竞争对手为消费者,只有两个原因该局的性质不稳定其中零售商店越来越争取顾客保留。因此,储存忠诚以计算机作为媒介的环境正在受到了更多的关注市场营销专业人士和学者从相似。在本文中,我们认为网上商店的形成的忠诚是依赖于以前的发展,并显化的潜在满意的商店。然而,开发潜在和体现出来的满意是直接相关的,这可以理解的影响商店的特点。我们的模型解释了程度特性都会影响此被觉察

11、到的虚拟商店潜在的形成,并显化满意。所以,我们作了两种截然不同的知识主体的贡献在商店的忠诚。首先,我们把Bloemer和绝望Ruyter商店的中介通过澄清忠诚模型之间的关系,并显化满意度和商店潜在的忠诚。第二,我们建议可以理解的影响的形成储存属性对这两种形式的满意和网上商店的忠诚。附件2:Advances in Consumer Research Volume 27, 2000Pages 145-150THE PROCESS OF ON-LINE STORE LOYALTY FORMATIONJerry Paquin, University of Rhode IslandABSTRACTThi

12、s paper sets out to provide a framework for the investigation of store loyalty in computer-mediated environments and it develops a theoretical model of on-line store loyalty by linking the variables through propositions suitable for empirical testing. We conclude that traditional models of store loy

13、alty provide a good starting point for the understanding of store loyalty in an electronic environment. However, due to the uniqueness of the virtual marketplace we propose that consumers will place a different degree of emphasis on various store attributes as they develop satisfaction and store loy

14、alty.IntroductionThe Internet has evolved into a hyper-competitive global marketplace. It has been argued that consumers are the winners in electronic commerce as the Internet allows them to compare prices, products and services across a wide variety of stores in a matter of minutes. Stores are then

15、 naturally concerned about consumer loyalty. Questions such as, AHow can store loyalty be achieved in a virtual environment? What are its components? Are those different on the Internet versus the real world? need to be examined. The Internet, with its low entry barriers for competitors and low sear

16、ching and switching costs for consumers, has emerged as the ultimately competitive marketplace (Auger and Gallaugher 1997; Klein 1998). Attracting new customers can cost as much as five times that of retaining existing ones (Peters 1998). The issue of store loyalty in a computer- mediated retail env

17、ironment is a concern as Internet retailers compete for repeat business. For the retailer, store loyalty is arguably the single most important concern, as evidenced by the fact that more than 92% of online merchants are actively building loyaltyprograms (International Data Corporation 1999). Marketi

18、ng scholarship has to rethink some of its concepts and models to make them fit for the computer-mediated environment (Hoffman and Novak 1997).Store loyalty has recently emerged as a significant focus of marketing research. We extend this stream of research by investigating the antecedents of store l

19、oyalty in computer-mediated environments. The contributions of this paper are twofold, first to extend Bloemer and de Ruyters (1998) model of store loyalty, and second to identify the differential effects of perceived store attributes on the formation of satisfaction and loyalty in an on-line enviro

20、nment.Store LoyaltyGilmore and Czepeil (1987) state that customers exhibit feelings, beliefs, and behaviors towards offerings and suppliers that act to maintain existing exchange relationships. Conceptualizing store loyalty as consisting of attitudinal and behavioral components is supported by other

21、 researchers. Following Jacoby and Chestnut (1978), Bloemer and de Ruyter (1998) defined store loyalty as the Abiased (i.e., non random) behavioral response (i.e., revisit), expressed over time, by some decision-making unit with respect to one store out of a set of stores, which is a function of psy

22、chological (decision making and evaluative) processes in brand commitment.Store ImageStore SatisfactionResearch has shown that customer satisfaction is an antecedent of store loyalty (Bloemer and de Ruyter 1998; Surprenant and Solomon 1987). Satisfaction, the matching of expectations and performance

23、, can be directed toward a product, a service,or a store. In their study, Bloemer and de Ruyter (1998) found a positive relationship between store satisfaction and loyalty. The major emphasis of their study is on store satisfaction in which two types of store satisfaction were identifiedBmanifest sa

24、tisfaction and latent satisfaction. Latent satisfaction occurs when the consumer is not fully aware of his satisfaction because of lack of motivation or ability to evaluate the store. Manifest satisfaction requires an explicit comparison between consumer expectation and store performance. Thus, the

25、positive effect of manifest satisfaction on store loyalty is stronger than the positive effect of latent satisfaction.Store AttributesStore attributes or characteristics are a part of a stores retail mix. Bloemer and de Ruyter (1998) suggested that consumers use attributes in their initial evaluatio

26、n and store choice, leading to latent satisfaction. They also suggested that the more consumers elaborate on their choices the more they will evolve to manifest satisfaction and eventually to loyalty. Hence, store attributes are a critical factor in the movement of a consumer through the model we ha

27、ve proposed starting with store evaluation and leading to loyalty.Over the years, numerous studies have been done considering the attributes that are the most critical to the retail mix. Ghosh (1990) suggested eight characteristics: location, store atmosphere, customer service, price, merchandise, p

28、ersonal selling, advertising and sales incentive programs. Modifying Ghosh, we identified the following attributes as critical to the development of loyalty to an on-line store: geographies, atmospherics, experiential convenience, price across brands, assortment, accessibility, speed of acquisition,

29、 security, information available, and customization/personalization. Inaddition, we propose an attribute called physical presence, i.e., having a related store with physical presence (e.g., M and Macys stores).*;LimitationsOur model has some limitations, which need to be expressed. First, our model

30、of on-line store loyalty does not include consumer variables and their mediating effects on the formation of latent and manifest satisfaction as well as on-line store loyalty. As research in marketing and consumer behavior in computer-mediated environments advance, more will be known about the media

31、ting effects of consumer characteristics on attitudinal and behavioral outcomes.Second, the disposition of on-line stores characteristics is subject to rapid change, which can never really be accounted for. For example, future improvements in bandwidth, speed of communication and programming languag

32、e will increase a stores possibilty to manipulate most of the store attributes listed in the paper. Therefore, the effect of perceived on-line store characteristics on the consumers latent and manifest satisfaction and loyalty might change in their magnitude over time. Be that as it may, the models

33、general proposition, namely that different store attributes affect consumers attitude toward the store differently at various stages in the model, is still expected to be valid.Finally, our model only looks at store loyalty as an outcome and ignores other possibilities such as search behavior or wor

34、d-of-mouth communication. Research should be directed at investigating if the proposed model should be revised to account forvarious types of attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Furthermore, store loyalty itself can be understood as one form of commitment, but not the only one a consumer can develo

35、p to a store. Bloemer and de Ruyter suggest that marketers should differentiate between affective, calculative, and moral store-consumer commitments. Accordingly, it should be explored whether our model can be a useful framework for contrasting the effects of on- line store characteristics on the formation of different types of commitment.ConclusionIn recent years, retail competition has intensified on the Internet, causing increased concern for customers loyalty. Few entr


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