已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、服务类翻译复习(教师版)1、 My family is planning to go on a trip during the upcoming Spring Festival. 在即将来临的春节,我家计划去旅行。2、 Would you like to go on a domestic trip or an outbound one? 你想出境游还是国内游呢?3、 We have a package tour and a FIT tour. 我们有随团游和自由行。4、 Shes on another call right now. 她再接另一个电话。5、 Id like a double r

2、oom with a double bed for three days. 我想订一间有双人床的双人间三天。6、 But we dont have such a room available. 但是我们没有这样的房间可用。7、 How much do you charge for that? 那样的房间你们收费是多少?8、 Would you please show me your passport? And please fill in this form. 请您给我看一下您的护照,好吗?并请填写这张表格。9、 - Could you please leave a deposit of $6

3、00? - Ill pay with my Visa card. - 请交600美元押金好吗?- 我用维萨卡支付。10、 Our electricians are busy looking into the cause of the accident. 我们的电工正忙于调查事故的起因。11、 Im sorry for the power outage just now. 对于刚刚发生的停电事故,我表示抱歉。12、 We are sorry again for the inconvenience to you. 因为我们给您带来的不便,我们再次表示歉意。13、 The most importan

4、t thing is our concern and consideration for the travellers. 最重要的事情是我们关心和体谅游客。14、 Our duty is not only arranging the trip, but also taking good care of the travellers, especially the elderly and children. 我们的职责不仅要安排旅行,而且还要照顾游客,特别是老人和小孩。15、 Ive been to quite a few interesting places. 我去过相当多好玩的地方。16、

5、What about tourist spots in forign countries. 外国的旅游景点怎么样?17、 Tomorrow Im showing a group of travellers around Disneyland. 明天我要带领一群游客参观迪斯尼乐园。18、 Welcome aboard. 欢迎加盟。19、 You will work as a secretary in the Sales Department. 你将在销售部担任秘书。20、 Each of our department members will make a presentation on the

6、 first half years work. 每个部门成员都要制作一份上半年的工作报告。21、 Please inform the staff about the time and place of the meeting, and ask them to get their PPTs ready.请通知员工会议时间和地点,并要求他们准备好PPT(演示文稿)。22、 Would you please ask him to call me back?请你要他给我回电话好吗?23、 Could you recommend some models to my students?你能给我的学生推荐一

7、些(电脑)型号吗?24、 We would be greatly honoured by your presence.您的光临将是我们极大的荣幸。25、 Ill pass on your email address to him at once.我马上把您的邮件地址传给他。26、 But something urgent has come up.但是发生了紧急事件。27、 Please send me an email to confirm details of the appointment.请给我发邮件以确认会面细节。28、 We would like to make an appoint

8、ment with Mr. Hunter.我们想约亨特先生会面。29、 I hope so!希望如此!30、 You can return the blouse for a full refund with the sales receipt within 30 days of purchase. 购买衬衫后30天之内,可以凭收据全额退款。31、 But in your case, you cant prove whose error this was.但在您这种情况下,您无法证明是谁的错(责任)。32、 Whats your order number? 您的订单号是多少?33、 I shou

9、ld have checked the book on delivery.我本该在这本书送达时检查一下的。34、 We have always worked hard to satisfy our customers through quality service and fine products. 我们一直致力于通过优质服务和优良产品使顾客满意。35、 We would like to thank you for helping us to improve our work, and hope that we stillhave the opportunity to be of servi

10、ce.感谢您帮助我们改进工作,希望仍有机会为您服务。36、 Congratulations on your promotion. 祝贺你升职了。37、 Its been a pleasure to work with you. 和你一起工作是一件快乐的事。38、 Your schedule for this is quite full. 您本周的行程相当满了。39、These documents are for you to review and sign this morning. 这些文件今天早上需要你审阅和签字。40、Please set up a meeting with the Be

11、ll company. 请安排一次与贝尔公司的会议。41、What sorts of discount are you offering? 你们提供哪种折扣?42、The blouse looks beautiful on you. 这件衬衫穿在您身上很美。43、Im looking for a blouse to match my skirt. 我正在找一件衬衫来搭配我的裙子。44、Then you can get an addictional 10% off your final bills. 那么你最后结账时还可以再获得10%的折扣。45、 Could you please do me

12、a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?46、Shopping online is cheaper and saves time and energy. 网上购物既便宜又省时省力。47、 We depend on your comments to improve our service. 我们靠您的评价来提高我们的服务。48、Buy 4 and get 1 free. 买四送一。49、It can go with many colours. 它可搭配多种颜色。50、How would you like to pay, cash oe charge? 您想怎样付款,现金还是刷卡?51、 We wil

13、l continue to provide you and all our customers with the best service. 我们将继续为您及我们所有的顾客提供最优质的服务。52、 Id like to make a flight reservation to Boston on Sunday. 我想预订星期天去波士顿的航班。53、 A single ticket is $500 for economy-class to Boston. 去波士顿的经济舱单程票是500美元。54、 The whole building is having a power outage.整栋楼都停

14、电了。55、We will solve the problem as soon as possible. 我们将尽快解决问题。56、 Please extend our sincere thanks to him. 请向他表示我们最真诚的感谢。57、Thank you very much for your email to our general manager.非常感谢你给我们总经理发来的电子邮件。58、 Can you show me how to use the ATM? 您能告诉我如何使用自动取款机吗?59、 You should insert your card into the m

15、achine first. 首先你要把卡插进机器。60、 Im calling to ask if you offer any further education program for adults.我想咨询一下你们有没有适合成人的继续教育课程?61、 How do I sigh up? 我怎样报名?62、 It is goods news to me that I can register online.能在网上注册对我来说真是个好消息。63、 Ill get this watch exchanged for you in no time. 我马上给您换这块表。64、 Who is in

16、charge of the work? 谁负责这项工作?65、 We cant wait to have a try. 我们迫不及待要试一试了。66、 Would you miand say something about your work experience? 你介不介意说说你的工作经历呢?67、 Your company has a good reputation. Thats the kind that Id like to work for. 贵公司具有良好的声誉,我非常愿意为这样的公司工作。68、 You might be just the person whom weve be

17、en looking for. 看来你正是我们要找到合适人选。69、 I graduated from Guangzhou Technical Institute of Tourism &Commerce in 2015, majoring in Business English. 2015年,我毕业于广州旅游商贸技术学院,专业是商务英语。70、 Sorry to bother you. 抱歉,打扰一下。71、 Its about a ten-minute walk from here. 离这儿大约步行十分钟。72、 There is a hospital opposite to ou

18、r community. 我们社区对面有一家医院。73、 The best way to stay safe is to fasten your seat belt. 最安全的方法就是系好安全带。74、 Are you coming to the fashion fair? 你来参加服装展览会吗?75、 Do yoy have any experience in that field? 你在那个领域有经验吗?76、 Youve done a good job. 你做得很好。77、 May you make even greater progress. 祝你有更大的进步。78、 Wish you

19、 great success.祝你成功。79、 Can you keep an eye on my bag? 你能帮我照看一下我的包吗?80、 Do you really want to log out? 你真的要退出吗?81、 Do you have a return ticket? 有往返票吗?82、 Ive applied to six companies so far. 到目前为止,我已经向六家公司递交了应聘申请。83、 What are your strong points? 你的优势是什么?84、 Do you think you are qualified for this jo

20、b? 你认为自己能胜任这份工作吗?85、 Have you ever missed your last train or bus home? 你是否曾错过了最后一趟回家的火车或公交车?86、 Im sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. 我很抱歉让您等了这么久。87、 What qualifications do you have? 你有什么特殊技能?88、 Could you tell me something about your educational background? 你能谈谈你的教育背景吗?89、 I worked as

21、a clerk in a foreign trade company for one year.我在一家外贸公司当了一年的职员。90、 Whats the key to your success? 你成功的关键是什么?91、 Whats your plan for your next step? 你下一步计划是什么?92、 How much do you want to deposit? 你想存多少钱?93、 Not exactly. 不全是。94、 在游客较多的旅游区,利率可能上升,但你仍然可以通过讨价还价得到更低的价格。In heavy tourist areas,the rates ma

22、y go up,but you can still bargain to get a lower price.95、 这与你们承诺的不一样。Its not what you promised.96、 如再有问题请与我们联系。 Contact us again if you have any other problems.97、 如果产品仍在保修期内,你不必支付服务费。 You neednt pay for the service if the product is still under guarantee.98、 我们将在生产线上当包装者 We are going to work as packagers on the assembly line.99、 你的任务是把所有的袋子送出去。Your task is to deliver all these bags.100、 我想找一份适合我的工作。 Id like to find a job that is suitable for me.101、 你有什么样的个性? What kind of personality do you have?102、 一定要走斑马线。 Do use the zebra crossing.103、 就英语学习方面你能给我一些建议吗?


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