已阅读5页,还剩21页未读 继续免费阅读




1、人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册教案欢迎共阅第一单元Unit 2 My Favourite Seas onTopic:谈论自己喜欢的季节Lan guage systems:1.Lexis:四会掌握季节单词:spring, summer, fall, winter, season;季节性活动的单词和短语:swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees, sleep.2.Grammar:有关询问所喜欢的季节的句型:What s your favourite seas on? I like WhichI 汀seas on do you lik

2、e best? I likebest. Why do you like ? Because I can 3.Function:学会询问别人所喜欢的季节及其原因,表达自己所喜欢的季节及原因。4.Pho no logy:字母组合环 air, ear 在单词中的发音以及 sp, sk 的发音训练。同时在教授新单词和 let s chant 时渗透一些发音规律。Lan guage skills:1. Listening:听懂一些表达所喜欢季节及其原因的单句、对话和一段完整的语篇,根据关键信息完成一些相应的听力练习。|2. speaking:能和他人交谈或向他人介绍有关季节的信息内容,并介绍自己最喜爱的

3、季节及原因。3. reading:读懂对话或短文,培养一些基本的阅读技能,如如何快速查找关键信息,根据上文猜词等。4. writing:规范书写四会单词和句子,并能根据图片和提示语写一段话介绍自己最喜爱的季节及原因,养成良好的书写习惯和写作习惯。Objectives:1 .能力目标人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册教案欢迎共阅(1)能够就所喜欢的季节及原因进行问答,如:What s your favourite seaso n?/欢迎共阅Which seas on do you like best? Summer/Wi nter Why do you like ? Because I can(

4、2)能够就天气情况进行问答口:“ Wha s the weather like in ? Sunny. ”(3)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“ What s YourFavourite Season?”和本单元的歌谣。2.知识目标(1)认读 A、B 部分 Lets learn 、Lets talk中的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词。(2) 掌握 Read and write 中的四会句子,读懂对话内容,并完成阅读理解检测题。(3)能够理解并开展 Let s start, Makea survey, Take time等部分的内容。(4)能够了解Pronunciation中字母组合air,ear, sp, s

5、k的发音规则,能朗读相关的例词。(5) 了解 Good to know, Story time等部分的内容。3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1) 情感态度:让学生有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与课堂活动。(2)学习策略:弓|导学生注重小组合作学习,培养沟通和交流的能力。(3) 文化目标:让学生了解有关全球天气差异的常识。/厂/ 拟.厂-产IEvide nee:1.学生能熟练运用目标语言与他人进行交际活动,与他人谈论有关季节的信息内容,以及表-、芒 I达自己最喜爱的季节及原因。2.听说读写技能有所提高,能独立自主地完成课本、活动手册和同步练习册相关的听力和笔Ii试部分检测练习。3.教学中让学生在玩中

6、学,学中玩,寓教于乐。让学生能把所学内容联系到实际,在真实的情景中使用英语。Procedures:stThe 1 less on: Let s start/ Main Sce ne/ A. let s lear n/let s cha nt/let s singThe 2ndless on: Let s sin g/Let s try/A 丄 e t s talk/Make a surveyThe 3rdless on: A.Read and write/ Good to knowThe 4thless on: B. let s lear n/Let s play/Group work欢迎共阅

7、The 5thless on: B. Let s try/Let s talk/Let s find out/Task time/ Pronoun ciati onThe 6thless on: B.Read and write/ Let s find out /Story time五年级下册 unit 2Period 1欢迎共阅Specific vocabulary:能听、说、读、写四个季节类单词“spr in g,?summer,?fall,?wi nterSpecific target sentences:在实际情景中,能恰当地使用句型“ Whaf s your“ My favourit

8、e is_学生能询问某人喜爱的季节。珈心心教师准备教学多媒体课件口亠+ 教师准备单词卡片、录首机、教学录首带学生每人准备单词卡片一套Assumpti ons and An ticipated problems: 本节课重点讲解四个季节类单词 “ spri ng,I、-一s Ijsummer, fall, win ter ”和 “Whaf s your favourite seas on? My favourite seas onis_”句型,在情境中进行教学。(一)Warm-upf广、y一八二芦尸IT: Good morning, boys and girls. Whats the weath

9、er like today?S: It s warm. It s sunny.IIT: Yes, it s warm and sunny. What a nice day. And look the flowers arebeautiful. And the trees are gree n. The birds are singing on the trees.Spring s coming. Do you like spring? (show the picture of spring by CAI)(设计意图:在教学中以旧引新,这样既能相应地降低教学的难度,也能带领学生 0 |. 温故而

10、知新。)( 二)Presentation1.T: Howma nyseas ons are there in a year? 板书 seas on.: spri ng, summer, fall, wi nter.2.通过图片以及教师的介绍了解四季的特色favourite seas on? ”Specific fun cti onal exp onen ts: Sourceof material:录Spring:It s warm and sunny. The flowers are beautiful. And the trees are gree n.Summer: It s sunny

11、and hot. We can go swimming.Fall: It s windy and cool. The trees are yellow. There are many fruits.Win ter: It s windy and cold. In some places. It sno ws.(设计意图:在轻松的教学环境中学生学得主动,放松,培养他们学习英语的兴趣。)(三)Practice1. Game1: mouth guessing.J2. page18 Let s play.(设计意图:在紧张刺激的游戏中,学生的注意力高度集中,学习效果更加明显。设计这样的游戏把学生从集体

12、活动中解放出来,让学生自主地消化掌握学习的内容,同时培养学生相互沟通和交流的能力。活动类型:A )3. Let s talk1.s ing the song of the seas on s.P24T: there are 4 seas ons in a year. So what s your favourite seas on?Ask and an swer in pairs:J、(fll-、一 hWhaf s your favourite seas on?Win ter.(可适当让学生说说季节的特征)(设计意图:这一系列活动的设计,是为了更好地巩固本课时的教学成果。通过情景交际活动,在说

13、中运用巩固单词,达到在“学中用”,在“用中学”的效果,培 养学生用英语进行交际活动的能力。活动类型:C )(五)Sum up说说一年的四个季节,let s chant P14.欢迎共阅欢迎共阅(六)Homework(2)听课文的录音两次。读读记记季节的单词。把季节的词语每个写两行.(设计意图:作业是课堂教学的延伸,让学生回家后听、读、认、写,巩固本课的内容,为下节课的运用做好准备。)Period 2Specific vocabulary:学生能够在句型中运用季节的词语。Specific target senten ces:学生能够运用句型:which seas on do you like b

14、est ?I like best. 来谈论自己喜欢的季节。Specific fun ctio nal expo nen ts:学生能够询问并回答有关自己喜欢的季节并能灵活运用于实践。Source of material:1、教师准备多媒体课件。2、教师准备录音机和录音带。3、教师准备相关单词卡片、句子卡片。Assumpti ons and An ticipated problems:五年级的学生学习能力较强,思维活跃,肯动脑筋,能积极参与讨论、发表自己的观点。对于学生来说谈论他们喜爱的季节比较简单,教师要为学生创设真实的语言环境,让学生在自然的交流中逐步掌握主|句型,并以此初步培养学生的语音、

15、语调,建立语感,逐步发展学生的语言能力。并且注意引导学生能说说这些季节的特点。(一) Warm-up1 丄 et s chant(P14):Spring is green with flowers and songs.Summer is hot and the days are long.Fall is golde n and farmers are busy.欢迎共阅Win ter is white and the year is gone.(设计意图:全班一起朗读歌谣能活跃课堂气氛,并且通过师生之间的歌谣式的问答让学生复习季节的词语以及季节的特色。学生轻松融入学习英语的氛围中.并且由此引入

16、新课的学习。)(二)Presentation1. Ask and an swer :T: What s your favourite seas on?S: win ter. S: Fall.2. let s try.JWhat are their favourite seas ons?Mike Che n Jie Amy3. Liste n and find out Zhang Peng and Mike s favourite seas on.4. Watch the VCD:iIZzMike likes fall. Zhang Peng likes winter.gx | J/5. Wat

17、ch aga in and tell why?(三)PracticeRead the dialogue after the tape.(fll- JhPractice in pairs.Make a new dialogue.(设计意图:通过情景交际活动,培养学生用英语进行交际的能力,人人参与到调查 活动中来,体现了教学面向全体,关注全体的教学理念。)(四)Homework欢迎共阅1找同伴表演本课时对话,听课文录音十分钟。2学生背诵并抄写本课时对话并且创造一个新的对话。(设计意图:通过与同学合作表演对话加强同学间课后的互动,在班上形成良好的 学习英语的氛围。课后的复习对掌握知识尤为重要。)Pe

18、riod 3Specific vocabulary:leaf- leaves, Hallowee n, Than ksgi vingSpecific target senten ces: Which seas on do you like best? I like win ter best.Summer is good, but fall is my favourite seas on.Specific fun ctio nalexp onen ts:在实际情景中正确运用所学的对话Carr?Y es,Ican. No, I can t.Source of material:教师准备教学多媒体课

19、件教师准备录音机,录音带,教学 VCDAssumptio ns and An ticipated problems:通过前两个课时的学习学生已经掌握了关于季节的单词,并且能说会用句型“ Which season do you like best? I likesummerr best.来讨论自己喜爱的季节。学生在理解read and write的基础上,综合运用句型“ Which season do you like best? I likebest. ”(一)Warm- up1. 学生齐唱歌曲“ what s your favourite season?”l(设计意图:孩子们喜爱唱歌,优美的

20、歌声能营造快乐轻松的英语氛围,使孩子迅速 进入英语学习的状态。歌曲的内容也与本单元的语言知识紧密结合,对上课时所学 的内容是一个很好的回顾复习。)2. Free talk欢迎共阅Whaf s your favourite seas on?Which seas on do you like best?(二)Presentation1. Read the dialogue and tell the students favourite seasons.(1) which seas on does Zhang Peng like best?(2) Which season does Mike lik

21、e best?(3) How about Amy?2. Show the senten ces and tell why they like the seas ons.Mike: Summeris good, but fall is my favourite season.( The sky is very blue. The leavesare colourful.)Zhang Peng: I like win ter best. ( We go up n orth. We play with the sno w.)Amy: I like summer best.( I like to sw

22、im in the sea.)J(设计意图:真实呈现让学生在发现中学习,学习的热情高涨。活动类型:R)3. Read the dialogue again and try to read it.4. Watch the vedio and try to un dersta nd it.(五) Sum up用英语口头介绍自己喜爱的季节,完成同步相关的练习。(六) Homework1. Part C Task Time(1) 写一写自己喜爱的季节。.才(f |. (2) 听录音,读短文三次。(设计意图:开放性的作业的设计,引导学生养成自主学习英语、用英语交流的习惯,体现了学生学习方式的转变,并使语

23、言学习成为一种技能,使其与生活相“连 接”,自然地把教学内容延伸到生活实践。)Period 4Specific vocabulary:能听、说、读、写单词“ swim, fly kites, skate, make asno wma n, pla nt trees ”欢迎共阅欢迎共阅Specific target senten ces:Which seas on do you like best?Win ter. I can make a sno wma n.Specific fun ctio nalexpo nents:学生能介绍在某个季节里面可以做什么。I canSource of mat

24、erial:教师准备教学多媒体课件教师准备单词卡片、录音机、教学录音带Assumpti ons and An ticipated problems:学生在谈论自己喜爱的季节并且能用句型“lean”说说在该季节的活动,初步接触句型“Whatwould you like to do? I d like to ”J一、Warm up1. Sing the song“ Whaf s your favourite seas on?”2. Tell what seas on is it?、JriT: It s warm and windy. We can fly kites. Ss: Spring.iIZ

25、zIt s hot and sunny. We can swim in the sea. Ss: .It s warm. The weather is nice. Sometimes it s rainy. Wecan plant trees.Ss:It s always cool and sunny. We can go hiking.Ss:J、(fll-、一 hIt s cold. We can skate. We can make a snowman.Ss:二、Presentation1. teach and show the words. Try to read it once.(设计

26、意图:在轻松的学习氛围中感受新知,提高了学生学习的积极性、主动性。)2. read after the tape3.“ Bomb game欢迎共阅4. guess ing the acti ons三、Practice1. read the words by themselves2. Ask and an swer:A: Which seas on do you like best?B: Win ter. I can make a sno wma n.四、Add-activityT: Your group is going out together. Make a survey to find

27、out your group sfavourite activitiesActivityNumber of peopleClimb mountainsPlant trees; llFly kitesPlay sports(设计意图:这一系列活动的设计,是为了更好地巩固本课时的教学成果。通过情 景交际活动,培养学生用英语进行交际活动的能力。)五、Sum up(f |; JhRead the words and try to remember it六、Homework:1. copy the words2.听录音,读单词十分钟。Period 5欢迎共阅Specific vocabulary:听说掌

28、握单词 why 禾口 becauseSpecific target sentences: 听懂、会说: Why do you like ? Because I can 等 句型并能在情景中熟练运用。Specific functional exponents:在实际情景中正确运用所学的对话Whaf syour favourite seas on? Why do you like ? Because I can Source of material:教师准备和收集相关的物品,包括多媒体课件,录音机、磁带、单词卡片等。Assumpti ons and An ticipated problems :通

29、过前面的学习学生已经掌握了关于季节性的活动词组 fly kites, plant trees等,并且会运用句型 Whaf s yourfavourite seas on? Which seas on do you like best? I likebest.来讨论、表J达自己喜欢的季节。在本课时进一步提供更加多的季节性活动,让学生掌握句型:Why do you like? Because I can 以及在实际情景中正确运用对话。1、Warm-up:Warm-up:热身活动a) ? Greeti ng: Last less on, we have talked about the seas o

30、ns. Today, MissTime comes and she will ask you somethi ng about seas ons.h:/ iIzzMiss Time: How many seas ons are there in a year? What are they?b) Miss Time: What s the weather like in four seasons?Students: Spring. Spring, Spring, warm and rainy.Summer, Summer, Summer, hot and sunny.Fall, fall, fa

31、ll, cool and win dy.Win ter. Win ter, Win ter, cold and sno wy.c) Miss Time: What do you wear in spri ng/ summer / fall / wi nter?Stude nts: Spring is warm. I wear shirts.Summer is hot. I wear shorts.Fall is cool. I wear jackets.Win ter is cold. I wear coats.d) Miss Time: What can you do in spring/

32、summer/ fall/ winter?欢迎共阅Stude nts: Spring is rainy. I can pla nt trees.Summer is sunny. I can go swim ming.Fall is windy. I can fly kites.Win ter is sno wy. I can go skati ng.c) Miss Time: Whaf s the characteristic of the four seas ons? 见(Un it 2, Let s start.)(设计意图:通过创设情景,让学生复习相关的季节内容,为下面的学习做好辅垫。活

33、动类型 C/R)2、 Presentation:新课呈现Miss Time: What seas on is it now?Teacher: Yes, it s spring. Weall know spring is green with flowers and songs. Can yousing a song for Miss Time? OK! Let s sing.Sing a song,通过演唱歌谣复习学过的单词,同时呈现本课重点句子:“ Whats your favourite seas on?。“ Why do you like ?”教师通过多媒体课件展示,师生之间互问最喜欢的

34、季节及其喜欢的原因,练习对话。|3、 ?Practice:趣味操练a) Game:连句接龙(Say the sentence in a train )A: What s your favourite seas on?B: Fall.A: Why do you like fall?B: Because I can swim in the sea.b) 重点操练“ becausec) Pair work.(设计意图:为 let s talk 作好铺垫和过渡,把学生拉近谈论的话题。活动类型A)4、 Listening Exercise:听力练习,Let s try.(设计意图:让学生对新句型在听觉上

35、有所感知,为新课学习做铺垫。活动类型C)5、 Task 1 : Miss Time wants to kno wwhat your favourite seas on is. Why?Let shelp her to make a survey.欢迎共阅NameFavouriteFavouriteAmysummerswim in the seaTask 2: Give the feedback.活动反馈学生在自由组合的方式下进行采访活动, 之后来到展示台前向全班同学展示他的采访结果。(设计意图:在采访,汇报采访结果中让学生更好地掌握运用所要学习的句型。活动类型 A)6、 Task 3: Dra

36、w a picture.画出自己最喜欢的季节,并写出原因。例: It s spring. I like spring, because the weather is warm in spring.I can pla nt trees. I can wear shirts.(设计意图:培养学生的动手和创新能力。活动类型: A)7、Task 4: Make a season book. Show out the books.制作图书。展示。I-(设计意图:提高学生学习英语的兴趣,并为学生创设了一个展示自我的平台。活 动类型A)& Consolidation:课堂总结教师总结本课时重、难点,

37、并以 song 结束本课教学。9、Extension: 课外活动h/ ifz(1)、进一步完成故事书。?( 2)、录音介绍你最喜欢的季节,并说说喜欢的原因。Period 6Specific vocabulary:says, eat a lot, comes, sleep, wake up, asks, a longr、-./(fll JhtimeSpecific target sentences:学生能够听、说、读、写句型:Whydo you like summer?Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like win ter? Because

38、 I can sleepa long time.并能在情景中正确运用。Specific functional exponents:学生能够运用句型 Why do you like ?Because I can Source of material:教师准备教学多媒体课件欢迎共阅欢迎共阅教师准备学生阅读材料若干教师准备教学单词卡、教学录音带Assumptions and Anticipated problems:学习本课前,学生已经熟练掌握一年四季,天气,季节的活动等词汇,能够简单描述各个季节的特征,并能运用以下句型进行围绕 季节这个主题的对话:Which season do you like

39、best?/ What s your favourite seas on? Ilike best./ Why do you like(summer)? Because I can 等.女口何 更有深度地对各个季节的优点进行描述并写出一篇介绍自己认为最好的某个季节的文章,这是学生在本节课的学习困难。一 .Warm-upListe n and do: e.g. If you can swim , sta nd up.(设计意图:设计了一个 If 听力游戏进行热身以及把相关的季节内容放在听力内容中,既调动了学生的学习热情,又为下面的阅读环节复习了必要的相关知识。活动类型 C)二. Guessing

40、gameIn vite one stude nt to describe a seas on, the n guess what seas on it is.(设计意图:使学生对四季的特征有了更清楚的认识,为下面的阅读提供了充分w |;的知识准备。活动类型:A/R。)三. Prese ntatio n1.猜测欢迎共阅(1) Opentheirbooks, observe 观察 the pictures and tell what they can see in thepictures.(2) Predict 猜测一 what is the story about?2 2. ReadRead f

41、orfor thethe firstfirst timetime 快读Read the text for 15 sec on ds, un derl ine the key words and tell: the story is about3. ReadRead forfor thethe secondsecond timdtimdffl读(1) Read the text and True or False1. Zip likes summer because it is very hot in summer. T F2. Zoom and Zip eat many fruits in f

42、all. T F3. Zoom likes sleeping very much. T F4. Zoom and Zip sleep when spring comes. T F(2) Share the answers in the class.Teach a lot, wake up.J4. Read the text aloud together.5. Work in groups of 6 to raise some questions. Then each group chooses oneI:-?$ 厂 y:k|questi on for the other groups to a

43、n swer. Je.g. What s Zip s favourite seas on ? Why?h、广i fWhich seas on does Zoom like best? Why?/I J 夕(设计意图:引导学生能够运用阅读中的 Predicting(预测),Scanning(快速浏览),Intensive reading(精读)等阅读技巧,培养学生学习能力,强调学生的学习策略,使学生能很好理解文章意义,获得相关知识。活动类型:A/R/C)(f |. 四. Extension1. Encourage Ss to talk about things we can do in four

44、 seasons.2. .Divid the class into 4 groups, read a passage-Seasons in China andhave a debate- which seas on is the best to come to China!(设计意图:激发了学生的学习热情,又为下面的写作环节做了很好的铺垫。活动类型:A )Suppleme ntary Read ing欢迎共阅Seas ons in China Which seas on is the besttime to come to Chi na?In Spring, the weather is nice. It s always warm


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