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1、英语小学部分语法一一特殊疑问词.特殊疑问句单词意思用法When什么时间问时间Who谁问人Whose谁的问主人Where在哪里问地点Which哪一个问选择Why为什么问原因What什么何东西what time什么时间问时间what colour什么颜色问颜色what about怎么样问意见what day星期几问星期what date什么日期问具体日期what for为何目的问目的How怎么样问情况how old多大问年龄how many多少问数量how much多少问价钱how about怎么样问意见how far多远问路程对划线部分提问。(把各句变为特殊疑问句)1、对主语(人)提问:The

2、boy is running now. Who is running now2、对表语(人)提问:He is Lily ' s father . Who is he3、对介宾(人)提问:She is looking for the little boy. Who is she looking for4、对动宾(人)提问:I often help Wei Hua with English. Who do you often help with English5、对间宾(人)提问:Kate lent Tom a ball yesterday. Who did Kate lend a bal

3、l yesterday6、对主语(东西)提问:The books are on the desk. What are on the desk7、对表语(东西)提问:These are boats. What are these8、对动宾(东西)提问:I want a cup of tea. What do you want9对职业(提问)提问:The man is a farmer. What is the man What does the man do10.对介宾(东西)提问:He is looking for his pen. What is he looking for11、对是什么提

4、问:It ' s a Chinese car. What is it12、对计算结果提问:Six and nine is fifteen. What is six and nine13、对年级提问:I ' m in Grade Three. What grade are you in14、对班级提问:Li Lei is in Class Five. What class is Li Lei in15、对年级和班级提问:Wei Hua is in Class Three Grade One, What class and grade is Wei hua in16、对排提问:We

5、 are in Row One. What row are you in注:1、对年级、班级、排提问时,问句中的in不能去掉.2, what 后的 grade ,class , row 用/J、写形式.3,what根据实际译为汉语.17、对学号提问:Lucy is Number Six . What number is Lucy What is Lucy ' s number18、对后置定语提问:This is a map of China. What map is this19、对颜色提问:The flowers are red. _What color are the flower

6、s20、对几点几分提问:It ' s six . What time is it What ' s the time21、对名字提问:My name is Li Lei . What ' s your name22、对前置定语提问:These apples are yours. Which apples are yoursThe best one is Lily ' s. Which one is Lily ' s23、对表语(名物代)提问:This cup is yours. Whose is the cup24、对后置定语提问:The boy in

7、the hat is my brother. Which boy is your brother25、对后置定语提问:I want to buy the shirt on the left. Which shirt do you want to buy26、对主语(名物代)提问:Mine is red. Whose is red27、对定语(形物代)提问:They are my books. Whose books are they28、对定语(名词所有格)提问:This is Lucy and Lily ' s room. Whose room is this29、对表语(名词所有格

8、)提问:This cup is Kate' s . Whose is this cup30对身体提问:I ' m fine (well, OK, All right.) How are you31、对年龄提问:The boy is fifteen. How old are you32、对天气提问:It ' s cloudy today. How is the weather today =What ' s the weather like today33、对语言提问:I can spell it in English. How can you spell it3

9、4、对方式提问:I often go to school on foot.(by bus ,by train , by bike ) How do you often go to school35、对程度提问:She studies hard. How does she study36、对数量提问:1,There are five birds in the tree. How many birds are there in the tree2,There is much water in the bottle. How much water is there in the bottle3,Th

10、ere is an apple tree in front of the house. How many apple trees are there in front of the house37、对价格提问:The meat is ten yuan . How much is the meat注:1,对价格提问,be应根据后面的主语而定。2,单位yuan在问句中去掉。38、对距离提问:The factory is two kilometers from here. How far is the factory from here39、对长度提问:The ruler is one metre

11、10ng. How long is the ruler40、对for+ 一段时间提问:We have stayed there for two hours. How long have you stayed thereHe has lived here since 1997. How long has he lived here注:how long后面必须是延续性动词。41、对星期提问:Today is Monday. What day is it today42、对in+一段时间提问:The woman will go to the shop in five minutes. How soo

12、n the woman will go to the shop43、对频度副词提问:Liu Ying often carries water for Uncle Li. How often does Liu Ying carry water for Uncle Li44、对范围内的次数提问:I go swimming once a week in summer. How many times do you go swimming in summer45、对宽度提问:The river is five metres wide. How wide is the river46、对原因状语提问:He

13、 didn ' t come to school because he was ill in bed. Why didn' t he come to school注: 表示 “因为" 的连词有since, as , for, because.47、对时间状语提问:We usually come to school at seven in the morning. When do you usually come to school48、对地点状语提问:The children sometimes play football on the playground. Whe

14、re do the children sometimes play football49、对几月几日提问:It ' s May 2 today. What ' s the date today50、对种类(后置定语)提问:I want the cakes with nuts in them . What kind of cakes do you want51、对作什么提问:The boys are playing in the tree. What are the boys doing in the tree练一练1、A:is the boy in blueB:He'

15、s Mike.2、A:wallet is itB:It ' s mine.3、A:is the diaryB:It ' s under the chair.4、A:is the Chirstmas DayB: It ' s on the 25 th of December.5、A:are the earphonesB:They are 25 yuan.6、A:is the hairdryerB:It ' s blue.7、A:is it todayB:It ' s Sunday.8、A:was it yesterdayB: It was the 13th

16、 of October.9、A:this red oneB:It ' s beautiful.10、A:is it from hereB:It ' s about two kilometre away.11、A: Can I have some paper and some crayonsB:A: I want to make a kite.12、A:one is fatter, the blue one or the red oneB: The blue one.13、A:is your cousinB: He' s 15 years old.14、A:do you

17、have dinnerB: At 6 o ' clock熟记变特殊疑问句时,容易判断错的情况。1、数词表示年龄:He is fifty-five. How old is he表示时间:It ' s fifty-five. What' s the time表示加法:Six and two is eight.What' s six and two表示价格:The shirt is thirty yuan . How much is the shirt表示多少:I have three brothers. How many brothers do you have2、

18、姓名和人表示人名:My name is Gina . What ' s your name表示人: The woman is Gina. Who is the woman3、长度和距离表示距离:It ' s Ive hundred metres away from here. How far is it from here表示长度:It's Ive hundred metres. How long is it4、颜色,东西表示颜色:The shoes are white. What color are the shoes表示物: They are white sheep

19、. What are they表示颜色:They are white sheep. What color are these sheep5、名词所有格和人表示名词所有格: She' s Lucy ' s sister. Whose sister is she表示人:She' s Lucy ' s sister . Who is sheis this It ' s a rubber.rubbers are there in the pencilboxis your brother He ' s nine.are they They are cows

20、.5 .are y ou I'm fine.6 .do you feel We are happy.is your father He is a dentist.does he goto school He goes to school by bus.are the ducks They are on the river.7 0.is his name He is Martin.11.new books have you got Five.is the tree It ' s green.13.coats are these Mary ' s.14.is on the

21、desk There is a glass.15.is this book It ' s a cirecle.I.对画线部分提问1. They bought a new bike yesterday.2. She is a nurse .3. She is my teacher.4. He bought the red one .5. It is my coat .6. I am looking for my sister .7. I get up at six .8. I am from Hubei .9. I went to school late because I got up

22、 late.10. It is windy11. I am getting on well with it.12. My bag is red13. The book is Li Hua ' s .14. I like math best.15. They are five yuan .16. I wash it twice a week .17. He will be back in four days .18. I didn ' t come to class yesterday because I was ill .II.选择题()19. Excuse me is the

23、 nearest bookshopGo down the street and turn left at the second cornerA. how B. what C. where D. who()20.is a ticker for the film Hacker HeAbout forty yuan .A. How old B. How many C. How much D. How often()21.are you going - I' m going to the library.A. Who B. Which C. What D. Where()22. It '

24、; s a nice car.have you been in itJust to Shanghai.A. How much B. How soon C. How long D. How far()23.It ' s eight.A. What day is it B. What ' s five and threeC. How old are you D. What ' s your telephone number()24. I' ve got a headache and a cough.A. What' s your trouble B. Wha

25、t ' s wrong with itC. Can I help you D. How are you()25.tea did you haveTwo cups.A. How many B. How much C. How soon D. Which()26.shall we meet in the parkWhat about half past eightA. What B. When C. Where D., Which()27.a year does your school have sports meetingsTwice a year.A. How often B. How

26、 soon C. How long D. How many times()28.The one behind the tree.A. Whose girl B. Who ' s that girl C. Which girl D. Where' s the girl()29.are you going to be in the futureI want to be a person- Yang Liwei.A. How , like B. How , as C. What , like D. What , as()will your father be back .A How

27、long B how often C How soon D How wideIII就划线部分提问。31. He often has lunch in the factory. he often lunch32. They will come back in a month. will they come back33. He hurt his leg last Sundayhe hurt his leg34. I got up at six this morningyouup this morning35. They were drawing a horse when I came in .

28、they when I came in36. I didn't go to school because I had a bad cold. you go to school37. You'd better take the No . 3 bus . bus I better take38. He's feeling well. he feeling39. The girl in a red coat is my sister is your sister40. He comes to China once a year . he to China41. He goes

29、 to see his grandma ( twice a week ).(对括号部分提问 )42. My father goes to work by car.(改为特殊疑问句 )43. It take ( 15 minutes ) for a ferry to cross the river.(对括号部分提问 )44. You can dial ( 110 ) to call the police.(对括号部分提问 )can you dial to call the police45. Ted put his bag in the desk .(改为特殊疑问句)Ted in the des

30、k46. The students ( went camping ) last week.(对括号部分提问)47. 3 and 9 is 12.(改为特殊疑问句)48. Diogenes came from ( Greece ).(对括号部分提问)Diogenes49. The way to keep fit is ( to eat food and take morn exercise).(对括号部分提问 )the way to50. We landed (on an unexplored planet ).(对括号部分提问 )you landIV.就划线部分提问。1 .It ' s

31、 a _2 .He' s Mr. Jones.3 . They are on the lake.4 . I,m twenty-one.5 . We are reading an English book.6 . She comes from China.fathersWang is looking for his teacher.White is Tom ' s mother.s mother is a music teacher.s mother is teaching music.go to work at eight.'s April's wet and cloudy.am talking about the film.go in for basketball.have caught a bad cough.uncle will take bus .am writing with my old pen.write with our teacher ' s pen.Brown is from London.sister began to learn English three years ago. go to the cinema twice a week.library.'s about


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