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1、精品文档总分: 95 分二、单项填空(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)。在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。() 26 Do you often play _ basketball with your friends? No, I don tlike sports I often play _ piano in myfree timeAa; theBthe; /C/;theD the; a() 27 Could you tell me how to remember new words quickly? Yes,

2、 I think a _ tree can help you a lotAgrammarBquestionC.punctuationDvocabulary() 28They moved _ Paris _ last JulyAat, inBin, /Cfrom,atD to, /() 29 Are these books _ ? No, they are not mine They belong to _A your; herB yours; herCyou; hersD yours;she() 30 How was your vacation in America? It couldntbe

3、 _! I donteven want to talk about itAleastB betterCmoreimportantD worse() 31 Hey, Jack You _on the phone just nowBut You weren there and the man left a phone numberOh? I was in the libraryA wantedB are wantedC were wantedD havewanted() 32You must study hard and do more exercise And _, youcan make gr

4、eat progressAin thiswayB by the wayC on the wayD instead() 33 $ 50 for such a T-shirt! You _ be joking! I m serious! Its made of silkAmustBmayCcanD cant() 34 The sweater looks nice on you How much does it _?。1欢迎下载精品文档 I just _¥100 for itAtake, hadB use, affordCspend, give D cost,paid() 35 It s nine

5、oclock now I must go It s raining outside Dontleave _ it stopsAwhenB sinceCwhileDuntil()36Which do you prefer,tea or coffee?_I d likejuice AYes, both are OKBNeither,thank youCSure, I would love toD Not at all()37A reportin Britainsays thatthe _ students use computersat home, the _they do in exams of

6、 maths So lets turnoff our computers!Amore, better Bless,worse C more, more D less,better() 38 Oh, my god! I cantfind my key to the office Dontworry Perhaps it _ at your homeAleftBhas leftC was leftD had left() 39He fell asleep _Abefore the meeting will beginBsince the meetingbeganCwhile he was at t

7、he meetingD when it is 10:00() 40 Would you mind passing me the _ book? Which one? There are_ books here The one on the rightAthree, threeBthird,third Cthree,third Dthird,three() 41 I m sorry I didn t hear you Could you please say itagain?I said“The English- Chinese dictionary _ my fatherbought for

8、me many years ago is still of great value ”AthatB whenC whoD whose() 42 Peter,is there anythingelse you want to know about China? Yes, I am still wondering _Ahow is the Chinese paper cut madeBhow was the Great Wall built in ancient timesCwhy the Chinese people like to play the dragon danceD why do t

9、he Chinese people eat rice dumpling at Dragon Boat。2欢迎下载精品文档Festival() 43 John, don tdrive so fast You may hit others car _, MumAOK, I willB That s rightCI won trun fastDDont worry,I wont() 44 _ do you do exercises? Three times a weekAHow longBHow often C How many times D How much() 45It was such a

10、funny show that people couldnthelp _ againand again AlaughBto laughClaughingD laughed三、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)。通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。What do you think of stress? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Mostof the studentsthinkstresscan do harm 46_themin somewa

11、ysThere sa story about a teenager in a middle schoolHe even 47_his studybecause of the stressfrom schooland familyWealsousually48_thatsomeone turnstopsychologicaldoctorsbecause ofheavyworkingstress There is no doubt that some people think stress is a dangerouswolf On the other hand, other people arg

12、ue that stress is not a badthing They 49_ stresscan produce momentum(动力) in the end Forthem,rightattitudeandaction canreducestressandmake it50_ WhenIwas a child,my momalways pushed meto study hard Shewished I couldgo to an ideal51_for furthereducation I experiencedstressfor the firsttime Born in a p

13、oor family,I deeply knew 52_wasnot easy for us,and everythingmy mom did tome was justto hope I couldlive a better lifeinthe future 53_the saying goes,“no pains, nogains ”So I did what my mom expected because I didntwant to let herdownAt last, I did measure up(达到标准) to my moms expectation andgo to co

14、llege 54_ Thanks to my moms push! Thanks to the stress!In this way, I dontthink stress is a bad thing Overall, stress is nota bad thing in 55_ The key is how we deal with it() 46AforBinCtoD of。3欢迎下载精品文档() 47Abegan withB showed offCgave up D cheered for() 48Awonder BdecideCpromise D hear() 49AdoubtB

15、believeCdisagreeDforget() 50AusefulBdifficultCstrangeD terrible() 51Acompany BcollegeCfactory Dfarm() 52AlifeB spiritCopinionDsilence() 53AThenB ButCAs DOr() 54AquietlyBwildlyCspeciallyD successfully() 55AhimselfBmyselfCitselfDherself四、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)。阅读下列短文。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成

16、所给句子的最佳答案,将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。AJeanisabrightyoung woman who comes fromarichandfamousfamily She goes to a good university and has everything that money canbuy Well, almost everythingThe problem is that the people in Jeansfamilyare so busy thattheycan hardly find time to be withher Infact,Jean is qu

17、ite lonelySo Jean spends a lot of time on her QQShe likesbeinganonymous, talkingto peoplewho do not know about her famous familyand her rich life She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot offriends who she keeps in touch with quite oftenLast year Jean made averyspecialfriendonQQ Hisname wasDa

18、vidandlivedinSanFrancisco David was fullof storiesand jokes He and Jean had a common(共同的) interestinrockmusic and modern danceSo italways tookthemhourstotalkhappilyon QQand sometimes they even forgottheirtime Ofcourse, they wanted to know more about each otherDavid sent a pictureof himself: He was a

19、 tall, good-looking young man with a big, happysmile As timewent by,theybecame good friendsand oftensentcardsandsmallthingstoeach other WhenJeans fathertold herthathe was goingon a businesstriptoSan Francisco,she asked him tolether go withhimso that she couldgive Davida surprise for his birthday She

20、 would takehim the latest DVD of their favorite rock singer But when she knockedon David s door in San Francisco, she found that her special friend wasa twelve-year-old boy named Jim!() 56Jean spends a lotof her time on QQbecause she is_.。4欢迎下载精品文档ArichBfamousCyoungDlonely() 57Jean thought“David ”wa

21、s special because he_.Amade her quite happy on QQBwas from San FranciscoCsent her a picture of himselfD wastallandgood-looking() 58When Jean and “David ”met and introduced themselves to each other, who felt surprised?A“David ”BBoth “David ”and Jean CJeanDNeither“David ”nor Jean () 59What does the wo

22、rd“anonymous,”here mean?A烦恼B匿名C公开D紧张() 60Whats the main idea of the passage?ADontbelieve those you get to know on QQ so easilyBPeople don tuse their real names on QQ so oftenCDontgo to meet those you get to know on QQDPeople should tell their real names to others on QQBYoure going to high school, ar

23、en t you? Maybeyou dont knowwhat to do . Well, here s a list of the top six things to do whenyoure in high school Thesethings will give you ideas of what your high school life could be li keHere you go!Findyour passion(激情)and what kind of person you are: Whether it s dance, basketball,or drawing,the

24、 importantthingis thatyou have found something you are interested in Talk to people you wouldnt usuallytalkto:Meet newpeople, findnewfriends and even talkto people you dont like It willshowwhat a great person you are Younever knowwhat willhappen afterhigh school Take part in at leastone contest:This

25、 willgive you tearsof laughter,happiness and memories Get a job:This willhelp you see what it s liketo have responsibility.Itcan also help youmakea littlemoneyto spend on yourself Take a tripwith your friends:Itdoesnt matter where you go or what you do, thememorieswillhappenon the way and go on till

26、the finalplace 。5欢迎下载精品文档 Doyour best at school: Dont ever get lazy Working hard nowwill help you in the future () 61 Thewritermainly tellsyou six thingsyou should do_.A. inyour high school yearsB at the beginning of your high school yearsCbefore your high school beginsDafteryou finishyour high scho

27、ol()62.The writergives you advice thatyou should talkto the people you dont likebecause_.A you willfeelsorry ifnotB itwillshowhowgreat you areCyou can showhowcleveryou areDyou can makeyour study better() 63. From Point, weknowthat you canina contest.Aget lotsof tearsB have a strong bodyCget good gra

28、des in high schoolDhave differentfeelingsand memories()64Which of the followingyoud betterNOTdo according to the passage?A Find your interestB Get a job C Takea tripwith your friendsD Get lazy () 65 Whats the main idea of the passage?AHavea happy school lifeBHowto get along with your schoolmates CId

29、eas of successfulhigh school lifeDMakeyour school lifeeasyC请阅读以下左栏相关信息, 然后与右栏的相匹配。 并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在指定位置上。()66 There are too many netAPracticespeaking English as muchbarsaroundus Some ofmyas possibleand please rememberclassmates oftenspend too much“Nothing is difficultifyou set。6欢迎下载精品文档time in playing

30、 computer gamesyour mind on it”and stayin the net bars all day B As a student,theymustntgoand allnight As a result,theyonline when its time for themdo worse and worse intheirto study They should learnhowlessons to use the computer to get more()67 Sometimes I get angryinformation after schooleasilyan

31、dshoutatmy C Have a balance diet, take morefriends That makes them thinkexercises and watch TV playsI'm not being friendly to themDWhen your friend knows what you()68I m shy, and I mnervousare thinking, I think she willaboutansweringtheteachers be happy A good friend neverquestions I m afraidtha

32、tIminds how much thegiftcant getgood results inmycosts Writea letterto herorEnglish exams buy her a gift you can afford()69My best friend s birthdayE When you feel angry you shouldis coming I want to give herstoptalkingand countto tenorsomething special but I haventwalkaway until you keep quietgot e

33、nough moneyand I m not good FMore sportshelp people be in goodat making thingshealth ()70 According to a resultGYou shouldn t worry too muchTrysurvey result in Fuzhou, one ofand let them know you. I thinkevery fivechildrenin thiscityfriendsshould help each other.is overweight Doctors said aYou can h

34、elpthem withtheirbigreasonwas thatchildrenstudies spent long hours in frontof thetelevision五、短文填空(本大题共10 小题,每小题 15 分,共 15 分)。Do you know the man called Nick Vujicic, a 29-year-old Australian?Nick was born withoutlimbs(四肢), so lifewas not 71_for himAtschool many studentsplayed jokes on him 72_he look

35、ed differentfromeveryone else He was refused to be 72_friends, so he always felt74_However, he faced thatbravely He learn to type and writewithtwo toes at the 75_of six, and he could even surf and play golfIncollege, he was one of the best 76_in the studies And he decidedon 77_to do later in his lif

36、e-to encourage others to work hard for。7欢迎下载精品文档their dreamsNow Nick is 78_of the most popular speakers in the worldHealways says, “Living life happily is about looking at what you 79_,not what you donthave ”His story encourages millions of people“Itell people to keep on getting up 80_they fall and

37、to always lovethemselves,”he said六、读写综合(本大题分为A、B 两部分,共20 分)。A信息归纳(共 5 小题。每小题 1 分)。The designeroftheAppleComputer, SteveJobs,wasnotquitesuccessfulin hisearlyyears Hewas not amongthe beststudentsat school,and from time to time he got into trouble with either his schoolmates orhis teachers But he was f

38、ull of new ideas, of which few people saw thevalue Things remained the same when he went up tocollegeand he droppedout halfwaySteve Jobs worked firstas a video game designerat Atari He workedthere for only a few months and he set out to tour IndiaHe hoped thatthe trip would give him more ideas and give him a change in life for thebetter After he returned from India, he began to live ona farm in CaliforniaAnd then, in1975,Steve Jobs setabout making a new type of computer Along with hisfriend Stephen Woziak, he desi


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