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1、Unit 6 Maker Movement in ChinaKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested an swers for refere nee1. Ruler, tape, calculator, hammer, pin eers, drill, wren eh, saw, etc.2.1 once made a kite with knife, scissors, ruler, tape, wood and paper.At first it didn ' t work to o well. Myfather helped meimprove the de

2、sign and then it flew much better. It was so much more satisfying to fly a kite made by myself.3. There are large worktables in the makerspace. Makers there are usingall kinds of materials to build thi ngs. And in stead of worki ng alone,they are com muni cat ing with each other, shari ng ideas and

3、lear ning new skills from one another.Reading & InteractingI. Un dersta nding the Text1. Text Orga ni zati onrtherelati on shipbetwee n creati onand copying / Para.11r>Ms. Peng, who made a talk ing tree at Xin chejia n/Paras.1-3;Para.-12the aim of SeeedStudio / Paras. 9-10Athe defi niti onsof

4、maker / Paras. 4-5J/themissi onofXinchejian/ Para. 6Vvthe support from theChin ese gover nment/ Para. 8the sig ni fica nee ofthe maker movementto Chin ese in dustry/Para. 7V2. Comprehension CheckFocus ing on the main ideasThe maker movementis now gaining ground in China and makerspaces like Xincheji

5、an and Seeed Studio are ope n to the public. A maker is some one who builds, creates or hacks physical materials. They are differe nt from the traditi onal inven tors who tin kered in garages.Makers often use software to design objects to be produced by desktopmachines like 3-D printers. And they of

6、ten cooperate and share theirideas on li ne. The Chin ese gover nment is support ing this moveme nt by build ing more gover nmen t-supported inno vation houses and orga nizing maker carnivals. And it is hoped that this movement can help Chinese industry move to a new stage. Although some observersse

7、e China ' smaker movement as producing copycat goods, Mr. Pan Hao, founder ofSeeed Studio, advises patie nee.Digg ing into detail1. They can tinker with everything from art projects to robots.2. It can react to human touch. And it can talk.3. He defi nes a maker as some on ewho builds,creates or

8、 hacks physicalmaterials, whether food, clothi ng or gadgets.4. He describes makers as “the Webgeneration creating physical thingsrather tha n just pixels onscree ns. ”5. It is a con duit for people to say“ This in teractive stuff is notthat scary, not that difficult.”6. They hope that one of the ti

9、nkerers may develop the next groun dbreak ing tech no logy.7. It specializes in the small-scale manu facturi ng of experime ntal,ni che-market products.8. It features a picture of the South American revolutionary CheGuevara, his head sprout ing electr onic comp onents in stead of hair.9. He wants to

10、 show that creati ng someth ing orig inal starts from lear ning and copy ing.Un dersta nding difficult senten ces1. A 2. B 3. B 4. AII. Focus ing on Lan guage in Con text1. Key Words & Expressi ons1. For the time being, this computer system is still in its experimental stages.2. There is a growi

11、ng tendency to regard moneymore highly than quality of life.3. The followi ngtable in cludesa list of subjects at the frontier ofscie ntific explorati on.4. Computer tech no logy in all its phases from hardware to software has become less expe nsive.5. Problem sol vin g, like other men tal activitie

12、s such as creativity,is hard to define but ge nerally easy to recog ni ze.6. Due to his health problems, Richard has to give up hard physical work on his farm.7. My storybooks occupy most of the space of my two bookshelves in my bedroom.8. I am eager to know where my former classmates are now.9. On

13、li ne stores are booming and continu ally in creas ing their market share.10. Cloud-based tools en able you to en gage and in teract with youraudie nee in real-time.11. It is amaz ing that Jack built a robot of his own.12. Huma n beings are born with a capacity to lear n Ian guages.13. Jack recomme

14、nded to me a unique restaura nt that specializes inseafood.14. There are three promisi ng can didates for the job.15. Emily and her partners are working on their classroom presentation.1. gaining ground 2. migrate 3. tran sform ing 4. comp onents5. manufacture 6. executed 7. exhibited 8. sort of (ho

15、ping)1. Emily takes an interestin making things from all types of materials.2. This bus in ess specializes in the manufacturetail sales of garde n tools.3. The skin on our body is a good barrier to the virus, uni ess it is broke n or cut.4. The poster calls for people to put dow n their smartph ones

16、 andhavemore face-to-face com muni cati on with each other.5. It is importa nt to select and hire the best can didates for the post.2. Word Formatio ncollect f collector/collection impress f impressive/impression locate f locati ondefi nite fdefi nitelyemployer/employee/employme nt survive f survivo

17、r/survivalfriend f frie ndly/frie ndship experiment f experimental encourage f encouragement employ fhard f hardship1. The childre n thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the Maker Faire inNew York.2. Below is a listof manu facturers who can turn out custom laser-cutdesig ns and circuit boards.3. Roger l

18、ikes reading; he is an active memberof the local book club.4. As a small country, it had to take a new road to its in dustrializati on.5. Nowadays many wome n are as successful in bus in ess as men.6. The weather is so cha ngeable high up in the mountains that the forecast is sometimes n ot reliable

19、.7. These sensors can monitor speed and distanee from the car in front.8. The director of recruitment for the bank was very busy orga nizingin terviewsand career fairs at various uni versities duri ng thehiri ng seas on.3. Sentence Patter ns1. The more you give, the more you receive.2. The more Mike

20、 earns, the more he spe nds.3. The more you explai n, the more con fused I am/feel.1. John waited at the doorway, his coat dripping water.2. Diana stood at the end of the diving board, every muscle of her body an ticipati ng acti on.3. Jim slipped on the ice-coated steps, his head ban ged aga inst t

21、he ground and his back bruised.4. Comprehe nsive PracticeClozeDo you know what I ' ve bee n doing I ' ve bee n in teract ing with atree, getting it to talk. No, don' t laugh. It ' s true. I ' mnot making it up. The tree is the creation of some one in the maker moveme nt. I don

22、9; t know if you havetaken an interest in the movement, but I findit fascinating. It ' s very popular in America and now it is gainingground in China. It is even receiving encouragement from the government, which hopes it will help to transform the economy. The maker movement brings together tra

23、ditional craft skills with the very latest inelectro nic tech no logy to create somethi ng n ew. It does so by provid ing places where makers can get together to learn new skills from one ano ther. Makers also en courage the shari ng of ideas, rather tha n working in secret. So why not give it a try

24、 If you like tinkeringwiththings you might end up inventing something even more surprisingthana talki ng tree!Tran slati on1. The Maker Faire in New York got together inven tors of all ages.2. Makers exhibited their latest creati ons.3. In dustrializedn ati ons must take the lead in reduci ng their

25、carb onemissi ons.4. With the right tools and inspiration, makers have the capacity tocha nge the world.5. As far as I know, they are working on a project in secret.6. This tow n has a boo ming tourist in dustry and (a flourish ing) realestate market.7. In the last decade, t he digital revolution ha

26、s stimulated people ' s creativity in an un precede nted way.8. At Xinchejian,China' s first formal makerspace, makers aretinkeringwith all types of materials, such as metals, plastics andelectr onic comp onen ts.Reading & ComprehendingRead ing 11. Comprehe nsion Check for Readi ng 11. T

27、 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. F2. Tran slati on1. 让柴火与众不同的是它既与广义的创客运动有关,又同全球制造业正在经 历的转型相关。2. 一张巨大的木头桌子占据了创客空间的大部分地方,它是可以用于从焊接到编程到社交等多用途的工作台。3. 当中国开始失去相对于其它国家的成本优势时, 它再也无法依赖制造业中 传统的低利润、高产量的经济模式了。4. 正如其名称所暗示,潘希望通过各方协力,能够让中国刚刚兴起的创客文 化的小枝条点燃创意之火。Read ing 2Comprehe nsion Check for Read ing

28、 21. a full-sized orange robotic giraffe n amed Russell that chewed,swayed, walked and eve n talked2. a gia nt red weather ballo on in the Rose Garde n3. a paper-crafted dino saur head in the hallway4. a 3-D- prin ted sculpture of Preside nt Obama ' s State of the UnionAddress5. a 3-D-pri nted p

29、an cake6. a microscope made out of folded paper7. robots made by the Beatty sistersIntegrated Skills PracticingI. Viewi ng & Liste ning1. When I was very young, I was in love with animation. But I found myself flowing more into sculpture, because I realized from my own temperament, the effort an

30、d time invoIved to makethe thing actually move was about the same as the effort and time invo Ived to make anani mati on.2. The stuff is all garbage. If it isn' t sorted in a way that makessense to me, then I ' mjust warehousing garbage. If things have their place and I know where they are,

31、then this is a stock pile of valuable material. These things are treasures to me, but not if I can' t access them and remember where they are.3. I found myself in an in terest ing sort of gap betwee n the makermovementand the art world. The majority of people are excited about it. But they want to know what' s it for . If y


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