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1、XX公司XX CorporationMaterial Safety Data Sheet化学品安全技术说明书SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION化学品及企业标识PRODUCT NAME:产品名CAS NO.:SUPPLIER:供应商:企业应急电话:Emerge ncy Telepho neSECTION 2: Hazards identification危险性概述无毒:2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture物质分类Not a hazardous substa nee or mixture

2、 accord ing to Regulati on (EC) No 1272/2008据(EC) No 1272/2008规定不属于有害物质This substa nee is not classified as dan gerous accord ing to Directive 67/548/EEC.根据67/548/EEC号文件此物质不属于危险品2.2 Label elements标记要素The product does not n eed to be labelled in accorda nee with EC directives or respective n ati onal

3、 laws.此产品不需要按照欧共体法则或各国法规进行特殊标签2.3 Other hazards -none其他危害有毒:In-tak ing Pathways: drug abuse, skin or eyes con tact侵入途径:吸入、皮肤、眼、误服Health hazards健康危害Eye con tact: May cause eye irritati on, red ness, teari ng or blurred visio n眼接触:可引起眼睛刺激、发红、流泪、视力模糊。Skin con tact: If you touch it, it will cause skin s

4、timulated, dermatitis, continued touch can cause skin degrease皮肤接触:可引起皮肤刺激、皮炎、持续接触可引起皮肤皲裂和脱脂。Inhaling: If accidental poisoning, it will cause gastrointestinal stimulated, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. 误服:可引起胃肠道刺激、恶心、呕吐、腹泻。其他翻译:Hazard stateme nt(s)危险申明Harmful if swallowed.吞咽有害。Causes skin irritati on.造

5、成皮肤刺激。May cause an allergic ski n reactio n.可能导致皮肤过敏反应。Causes serious eye irritati on.造成严重眼刺激。May cause respiratory irritation.可能引起呼吸道刺激。May cause damage to organs through proIon ged or repeated exposure.期或重复接触可能会对器 官造成伤害。Precauti onary stateme nt(s )警告申明Avoid breathing dust/smoke/gas/vapor/mist.不要吸

6、入粉尘 / 烟/ 气体/ 烟雾/ 蒸汽/ 喷雾。SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients成分/组成信息3.1 Substances物质Formula :分子式Molecular Weight : 142,04 g/mol分子量CAS-No.:EC-No.:No comp onents n eed to be disclosed accord ing to the applicable regulati ons.补充:主要组份Main comp onents纯品 Pure chemicals;混合物 mixtureSECTION 4: F

7、irst aid measures急救措施4.1 Description of first aid measures必要的急救措施描述General advice一般建议Con sult a physicia n. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in atte ndan ce.请教医生。向到现场的医生出示此安全技术说明书。If inhaled吸入If breathed in, move person into fresh air. If you feel that it is difficult to breath, please offe

8、r oxygen.If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Consult a physician.如果吸入,请将患者移到新鲜空气处。如呼吸困难,给输氧。如呼吸停止,进行人工呼吸。请教医生。In case of skin contact皮肤接触Wash off with soap and plenty of water. Consult a physician.用肥皂和大量的水冲洗。请教医生。Immediately take off the clothes, flow of water washi ng using the soap or s

9、pecial deterge nt. 立即脱去污染的衣着,用大量流动清水和肥皂水或专用洗涤剂冲洗。In case of eye contact眼睛接触Flush eyes with water as a precautio n.用水冲洗眼睛作为预防措施。You should rinse the eyes for 15 minutes if it splashes in. If the eyes are still very afflictive, please seek medical atte nti on.用流动清水冲洗15分钟,如仍感刺激,就医。If swallowed食入Never g

10、ive anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Rinse mouth with water. Consult a physicia n.切勿给失去知觉者通过口喂任何东西。用水漱口。请教医生。饮足量温水,催吐,就医。Please drink eno ugh water to spit if you accide nt drink it, or else con sult a physicia n.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed主要症状和影响,急性和迟发

11、效应The most importa nt known symptoms and effects are described in the labelli ng (see sect ion 2.2) an d/or in secti on 11最主要的症状和影响见标签或11部分。4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed及时的医疗处理和所需的特殊处理的说明和指示no data available无数据资料SECTION 5: Firefighting measures消防措施5.1

12、 Extinguishing media灭火介质Suitable extinguishing media灭火方法及灭火剂Use exti nguish ing measures that are appropriate to local circumsta nces and the surrounding en vir onment.根据当时情况和周围环境采用适合的灭火措施。5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture源于此物质或混合物的特别的危害Sulphur oxides, Sodium oxides硫氧化物,氧化钠5.

13、3 Advice for firefighters给消防员的建议Wear self-c ontained breathi ng apparatus for fire-fighti ng if n ecessary.如必要的话,戴自给式呼吸器去救火。5.4 Further information进一步信息The product itself does not burn.此物质本身不燃烧。SECTION 6: Accidental release measures泄露应急处理6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency p

14、rocedures作业人员防护措施、防护装备和应急处置程序Avoid dust formatio n. Avoid breathi ng vapours, mist or gas. En sure adequate ven tilati on. For pers onal protect ion see sect ion 8.避免粉尘生成。避免吸入蒸汽、烟雾或气体。保证充分的通风。个人防护措施详见第8部分。6.2 Environmental precautions环境保护措施Preve nt further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Do no

15、t let product en ter drains. Discharge into the en vir onment must be avoided.如能确保安全,可采取措施防止进一步的泄漏或溢出。不要让产品进入下水道。一定要避免排放到周围环境中。To un dertake ven tilated, elim in ate the leakage area fire to avoid breath ing vapor, foam cover large spills to reduce steam hazards.对泄漏区进行通风,排除火种以避免吸入蒸汽,大量泄漏用泡沫覆盖,降低蒸汽危害

16、或其它类 似物质吸收。6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up泄漏化学品的收容、清除方法及所使用的处置材料Pick up and arrange disposal without creat ing dust. Sweep up and shovel. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.收集和处置时不要产生粉尘。扫掉和铲掉。放入合适的封闭的容器中待处理。6.4 Reference to other sections参考其他部分For disposal see

17、 sect ion 13.丢弃处理请参阅第13节。SECTION 7: Handling and storage操作处置与储存7.1 Precautions for safe handling安全操作的注意事项Provide appropriate exhaust ven tilati on at places where dust is formed. For precauti ons see secti on 2.2.在有粉尘生成的地方,提供合适的排风设备。注意事项见第2.2节。7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompati

18、bilities安全储存的条件,包括任何不兼容性Store in cool place. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Hygroscopic 贮存在阴凉处。使容器保持密闭,储存在干燥通风处。产品吸湿。7.3 Specific end use(s)特定用途A part from the uses men ti oned in sect ion 1.2 no other specific uses are stipulated一部分用途见1.2,其他无数据资料。SECTION 8: Exposu

19、re controls/personal protection接触控制和个体防护8.1 Control parameters防护参数Components with workplace control parameters工作场地控制参数种类8.2 Exposure controls暴露控制Appropriate engineering controls适当的技术控制(或工程控制)Han dle in accorda nee with good in dustrial hygie ne and safety practice. Wash hands before breaks and at th

20、e end of workday.根据良好的工业卫生和安全规范进行操作。休息前和工作结束时洗手。工程控制:全面通风或局部排风。Engineering control: Comprehensive ventilation or local exhaust.Personal protective equipment个体防护设备Eye/face protection眼/面保护Use equipme nt for eye protect ion tested and approved un der appropriate gover nment sta ndards such as NIOSH (US

21、) or EN 166(EU).请使用经官方标准如NIOSH (美国)或EN166(欧盟)检测与批准的设备防护眼部。Skin protection皮肤保护Han dle with gloves. Gloves must be in spected prior to use.戴手套取操作。手套在使用前必须受检查。Use proper glove removal tech nique (without touchi ng glove's outer surface) to avoid skin con tact with this product.请使用合适的方法脱除手套(不要接触手套外部

22、表面),避免任何皮肤部位接触此产品。Dispose of con tam in ated gloves after use in accorda nee with applicable laws and good laboratory practices. Wash and dry han ds.使用后请将被污染过的手套根据相关法律法规和有效的实验室规章程序谨慎处理。请清洗并吹干双手。The selected protective gloves have to satisfy the specificati ons of EU Directive 89/686/EEC and the sta

23、ndard EN 374 derived from it.所选择的保护手套必须符合EU的89/686/EEC规定和从它衍生出来的EN 376标准。Full con tact完全接触Material: Nitrile rubber物料:丁腈橡胶Minimum layer thick ness: 0.11 mm最小的层厚度0.11 mmBreak through time: 480 min溶剂渗透时间:480 minMaterial tested:测试过的物质:Splash con tact飞溅保护Material: Nitrile rubberMinimum layer thick ness:

24、0.11 mmBreak through time: 480 minMaterial tested:Data source:数据来源Test method:测试方法If used in solution, or mixed with other substances, and under conditions which differ from EN 374, con tact the supplier of the CE approved gloves.如果以溶剂形式应用或与其它物质混合应用,或在不同于EN 374规定的条件下应用,请与EC批准的手套的供应商联系。This recomme n

25、dati on is advisory only and must be evaluated by an in dustrial hygie nist and safety officer familiar with the specific situati on of an ticipated use by our customers. It should not be con strued as offeri ng an approval for any specific use sce nario.这个推荐只是建议性的,并且务必让熟悉我们客户计划使用的特定情况的工业卫生学专家评估 确认才

26、可。这不应该解释为在提供对任何特定使用情况方法的批准。Body Protection身体防护Choose body protection in relation to its type, to the concentration and amount of dangerous substa nces, and to the specific work-place.根据危险物质的类型,浓度和量以及特定的工作场所选择身体保护措施。The type of protective equipme nt must be selected accord ing to the concen trati on

27、and amount of the dan gerous substa nee at the specific workplace.防护设备的类型必须根据特定工作场所中的危险物的浓度和数量来选择。Respiratory protection呼吸系统防护Respiratory protectio n is not required. Where protecti on from nu isa nee levels of dusts are desired, use type N95 (US) or type P1 (EN 143) dust masks.XX公司XX Corporation不需要

28、保护呼吸。如需防护粉尘损害,请使用N95型(US)或卩1型(EN 143)防尘面具。Use respirators and comp onents tested and approved un der appropriate gover nment sta ndards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).呼吸器使用经过测试并通过政府标准如 NIOSH( US)或CEN( EU)的呼吸器和零件。Control of environmental exposure化境暴露控制Preve nt further leakage or spillage if safe to d

29、o so. Do not let product en ter drains. Discharge into the en vir onment must be avoided.如能确保安全,可采取措施防止进一步的泄漏或溢出。不要让产品进入下水道。一定要避免排放到周围环境中。SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties理化特性9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties基本的理化特性的信息a) Appeara nee外观与性状b) OdourForm: granu larColour

30、: white形状:颗粒的颜色:白色no data available气味c) Odour Thresholdno data available气味阈值d) pH5,2 - 8 at 50 g/l at 20 C°e) Melting point/freezing pointMelting point/range: 884 C熔点/凝固点f) In itial boili ng point and boili ng range no data available沸点、初沸点和沸程g) Flash pointnot applicable闪点h) Evapourati on rateno

31、 data available蒸发速率i) Flammability (solid, gas)易燃性(固体,气体)no data availablej) Upper/lower flammability or explosive limitsno data available高的/低的燃烧性或爆炸性限度k) Vapour pressureno data available蒸汽压l) Vapour den sity蒸气密度m)Relative den sity相对密度n)Water solubility水溶性no data available2.68 g/mL at 25 C °sol

32、uble/i nsoluble可容/不可溶XX公司XX Corporationo) Partiti on coefficie nt: n-octanol /waterno data availablen-辛醇/水分配系数p) Auto-ig niti on temperatureno data available自燃温度q) Decompositi on temperatureno data available分解温度r)Viscosity粘度s)Explosive properties爆炸性t)Oxidizi ng properties氧化性no data availableno data

33、availableno data available9.2 Other safety information其他安全信息Bulk density 1.400 kg/m3体积密度SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity稳定性和反应活性10.1 Reactivity反应活性no data available10.2 Chemical stability化学稳定性Stable un der recomme nded storage con diti ons.在建议的储存条件下稳定10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions危险反应no

34、 data available10.4 Conditions to avoid应避免的条件High temperature, fire.高温、火种10.5 Incompatible materials不相容的物质Stro ng acids, Alumi num, Magn esium强酸,铝,镁10.6 Hazardous decomposition products危险的分解产物Other decompositi on products - no data available聚合危害:不聚合Polymerization harm: no polymerization禁忌物:强氧化剂、强酸、强

35、碱。XX公司XX CorporationTaboo thing: strong oxidizer, strong acid, strong alkali.SECTION 11: Toxicological information毒理学资料11.1 Information on toxicological effects理学影响的信息Acute toxicity急性毒性LD50 Oral - mouse - 5.989 mg/kg半数致死剂量 (LD50)-经口 -小鼠-5,989 mg/kg本品对皮肤粘膜的刺激作用较甲苯为强,高浓度时对中枢神经系统有麻醉作用。The stimulating e

36、ffect of this product to the skin and mucosa is stronger than toluene, which can cause cen tral n ervous system an esthesia whe n it is high concen trati on.Skin corrosion/irritation皮肤刺激或腐蚀Serious eye damage/eye irritation眼睛刺激或损伤Respiratory or skin sensitization呼吸道或皮肤过敏Germ cell mutagenicity生殖细胞致突变性

37、Carcinogenicity致癌性IARC: No component of this product presented at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or con firmed huma n carci nogen by IARC.此产品中没有大于或等于 0.1%含量的组分被IARC鉴别为可能的或肯定的人类致癌物。Reproductive toxicity生殖毒性Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure特异性靶器

38、官系统毒性(一次接触)Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure特异性靶器官系统毒性(反复接触)Aspiration hazard吸入危险Additional Information附加说明RTECS: WE1650000化学物质毒性作用登记:WE1650000To the best of our kno wledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not bee n thoroughly inv estigated.SECTION 12: Ecol

39、ogical information生态学资料12.1 Ecological Toxicity生态毒性Toxicity to fish LC50 - other fish - 56 mg/l - 96 h对鱼类的毒性 半数致死浓度(LC50)-其他鱼-56 mg/l - 96 hToxicity to daph nia and other aquatic inv ertebrates对水蚤和其他水生无脊椎动物的毒性Immobilization EC50 - Daphnia - 3.150,21 mg/l - 48 h固定 半数效应浓度(EC50)-水蚤-3,150.21 mg/l - 48 h

40、12.2 Persistence and degradability持久性和降解性no data available12.3 Bio-accumulative potential潜在的生物累积性no data available12.4 Mobility in soil土壤中的迁移性no data available12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT和vPvB的结果评价PBT/vPvB assessme nt not available as chemical safety assessme nt not required/not con du

41、cted12.6 Other adverse effects其它不良影响Harmful to aquatic life.SECTION 13: Disposal considerations废弃处置意见13.1 Waste treatment methods废物处理方法Product产品13.1 Offer surplus and non-recyclable soluti ons to a lice nsed disposal compa ny. Con tact a lice nsed professi onal waste disposal service to dispose of t

42、his material.将剩余的和不可回收的溶液交给有许可证的公司处理。联系专业的拥有废弃物处理执照的机构来处理此物质。13.2 Send to the environment & Sanitation department or special place with burning.送环卫部门指定的填埋场或处理场所,用控制焚烧法处理。13.3 Disposition noticed: store and disposition should refer to National ad Local ' s relate law. 废弃注意事项:废物贮存、废弃处置应参阅国家和地方

43、环保有关法规。Contaminated packaging受污染的容器和包装Dispose of as unu sed product.按未用产品处置。SECTION 14: Transport information运输信息14.1 UN number联合国危险货物编号ADR/RID: - IMDG: - IATA:-14.2 UN proper shipping name联合国运输名称ADR/RID: Not dan gerous goodsIMDG: Not dan gerous goodsIATA: Not dan gerous goods14.3 Transport hazard class (es)运输危险类别ADR/RID: - IMDG: - IATA:-14.4 Packaging group包裹组ADR/RID: - IMDG: - IATA:-14.5 Environmental hazards环境危险ADR/RID: no IMDG Marine pollutant: no IATA: no14.6 Special precautions for user对使用者的特别提醒Transportation notice: Avoid the vessel leakage, you mu


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