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1、1授课时间第 4 周第 6 周( 12 学时)授课题目unit one college life教学目的与要求:1.听力部分: 要求学生掌握打招呼,外貌描述的表达法。2.口语部分:要求学生掌握自我介绍的常用表达法。3.阅读部分:要求学生掌握阅读文章a 篇和 b 篇的中心思想和围绕大意而展开的细节。熟记本单元a 篇和 b 篇所出现的四级词汇和短语,以及学习使用文章中的重点句型进行书面表达。结合阅读文章分析语篇,使学生了解英语文章的写作模式。4.写作部分: 一般写作要求学生掌握写作的基本功,写好并列句和复合句,掌握句子的过度与连贯; 实用写作部分要求了解如何填写英文版入学申请表格和个人名片。教学基

2、本内容:综合教程: 1. listen and talk2. readand explore :passagea: my first week at harvardpassageb: wish for the freshman year3. write and produce4. culture salon(学生自学)泛读教程: unit 1passagea: the best way to learn a foreign language is to speak it?passageb: computer game improves childrens language skillspass

3、agec: start school with a click视听说教程: lessona meeting new peoplelesson b what does helook like?快速阅读: unit 1 profile of foreign universities /passage1-4教学重点和难点:objectives: after finishing this unit, students will be able to:get familiar with college life: what they canlearn; what activities they canp

4、articipate in, etc.learn to usethe key words and expressionsin this unitlearn how to form compound and complex sentenceslearn to adopt the reading skill skimming or scanning while readinglearn to fill in registration forms and design name cards教学过程:introduction of college life (1 period)1.your cours

5、e:required(compulsory)course and elective(optional) courserequired course,studying for a degreeor diploma;elective course, not studying for a degree or diploma.2. your name:freshman, sophomore, junior, senior3. college studentspsychological changing(in my opinion)freshman: don tknow you don tknow yo

6、urself.sophomore: don tknow you know yourself.2junior: know you don t know yourself.senior: know you know yourself.4. educationjunior college studentundergraduate studentpostgraduatemaster studentand doctor student5. degreebachelor degreemaster degreedoctor degree6. teachersprofessional titleinstruc

7、tor or lectureassociate professorprofessor7. some other aspects of college lifecertificationsactivitiesleisure timelibrarydormitorysleepingseeinga filmplaying computeretc.section i listen and talk (2 periods)step 1lead in (25 mins)1.warm up questions:what are your main activities in college life?can

8、 you describe them?2.listening: (listen to the passageandfill the missing words in the blanks. listen three times)keywords: spend, golden, explore, experience, lifelong, various, develop, scholars,lay, open3.words and phrasesgolden: adj. 黄金的,宝贵的lifelong: adj. 终生的,一生的opportunity机会、机遇outstanding schol

9、ar 杰出的学者keep a good balance: 保持良好的平衡lay asolid foundation:打下坚实的基础4.answer:1.explore2.experience3.various 4.develop 5.scholars6.lay5.talking about the pictures or saysomething about your college life (pair-work)keywords: discuss,meet, chat, communicatestep 2dialogues (40 mins)1.listen to the two samp

10、le dialogues andtry to answer some questionsdialogue 1 meeting on campuswho is mike?what help did mike need?who is mr. wang?dialogue 2 at the registration officewhereare the two speakers?3what are they doing?which elective course does mike choose at last?2.practiceread two dialogues in pairs (pair w

11、ork)3.learn some useful phrasesand expressions:havebeenlooking forward to doing sth.: 一直希望着i mhere to seewhether you needany help. 我能帮你什么忙吗?show sb. the way: 带某人去both and : 既有 也有 drop out: give uprefund: pay backfill in the forms: 填表格4.new words and expressionscampusk?mp?sthe grounds and buildings o

12、f auniversity, college or school 校园on campusthe campus of harvard university is very beautiful.哈佛大学的校园非常漂亮。elective英 ?lekt ?v 美 ?l?kt ?va coursethat you can choose to study becauseyou are interested in it, while you are studying for a degreein a differentsubject 选修课all the students should do some el

13、ective courses during their 4 years college life.refund r ?f?nda sum of money that is given back 退款ill refund you for the applesand any other damage.我会因苹果和其他任何损坏还钱给您。if youre not delighted with your purchase, we guaranteeto refund your money in full.如果您对所购商品不满意,我们保证全额退款。registrationred ?stre ?(?)nth

14、e actof recording namesand details on an official list 登记 ,注册the registration of births, marriages, anddeaths.出生、结婚、死亡登记。her car registration is h53 uvo.她的车牌号码是h53 uvosample 英 s? mp(?)l美 s?mpla small part or amount of something that is examined in order to find out something about the whole 样品,标本,试样

15、the salesmanbrought somesamples of his firms products.推销员带来了一些他公司的产品货样。semester s?mest?either of the two periods into which a year at universities esp.in the u.s. is divided (尤指美国大学的)一学期, 半学年there are two semestersin a year.一年中有两个学期。withdraww ?edr ? to take money out of a bank account 提取 (银行存款 )4id

16、like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my chequeaccount.我想从我的储蓄账户上提取1000 美元转到支票账户上。martialarts m? ?(?)la sport such asjudo, taekwondo,taijiquan, nunchaku, or karate, in which you fight with your hand and feet,and which was developed in eastern countries (东方国家的 )武术 (如柔道 ,

17、跆拳道(朝鲜) ,太极拳,双节棍,空手道(日)等 )step 3communicativetasks (25 mins)work in pairs and actthe dialogues to the whole class.task1: meeting with a foreign studentand talking about studiestips:glad to meet you.where are you from?which areyou in?i m majoring in about your major name:construction engineering tech

18、nology major 建筑工程技术专业electrical and information engineering technology major 电子信息技术工程专业computer network technology major 计算机网络技术专业marketing andplanning major 市场营销专业task2: helping a foreign friend select his courseat the registration officetips:so far, what syour favorite subject what course do you l

19、ike most?insightful, informative, boring, practical, fantastic, be interested instep 4assignments1. read the dialogues and practice communicative tasks2. preview new words in passagea.section ii read and explore (4 periods)passagea: my first week at harvardstep 1pre- reading tasks (15 mins)1. greeti

20、ngs and a brief revision (pair work or group work)ask one or two pairs (groups) to act out their own dialogues2. lead-in questions:what do you expect to learn as a freshman?answer: the answer may vary. the most important thing afreshman canlearn is to learn how to learn.how do you guessthe author of

21、 the passagewould feel about her first week at harvard, aworld-famous university?answer: the answer may vary. the student thought that her first week at harvard was very impressive, becausethe new5college life would bea once-in-a-life journey for her, at a world-famous university in particular.3.cul

22、ture notes:1.the introductionof harvarduniversityone of the most famous universities in the usatop 10 world universities (rank-2003)1 harvard univ usa2 stanford univ usa3 california inst techusa4 univ california - berkeley usa5 univ cambridge uk6 massachusettsinst techusa7 princeton univ usa8 yale u

23、niv usa9 univ oxford uk10 columbia univ usawe canseethat harvard university ranks the first.harvard is located in cambridge, massachusetts, on the eastern coast of the united states. harvard university,which was established in 1636, is the oldest institutionof higher learning in the united sates. mo

24、st of harvarduniversityscampusesare located in cambridge and boston, massachusetts,on the easterncoast of the united states ofamerica.it has about 2 100 faculty members and more than 10 000 academic appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals.harvard university is made up of 11 principal academic

25、units ten faculties and the radcliffe institute for advancedstudy. the ten faculties overseeschools and divisions that offer coursesandaward academic degrees.there are about 21000 students about 6 700 undergraduatesand 14 500 graduateand professional students.seven presidents of the united states jo

26、hn adams, john quincy adams, theodore and franklindelanoroosevelt, rutherford b. hayes, john fitzgerald kennedy and george w. bush were graduates of harvard. it hasproduced more than 40 nobel laureates.2. shopping weekshopping week is a special time for freshmen at college to sample classes,which co

27、uld help them decide whichcoursesthey are going to take in the beginning of a school year.step 2while- reading tasks (75 mins)1. read the text asquickly aspossible andtry to find the answer to the following questions:1).what did the author think of being afreshman at harvard?answer: she thought it w

28、as very pleasantand lucky to be a freshman at harvard.2).how did the author get along with her roommates?answer: she got along with them very well and they hadhelped her alot.3).what difficult decisions did the girl have to make in the “ shopping week ”?answer: she had to decide what classesto take.

29、4.)what did the author think of eating on campus for afreshman at harvard?answer: eating is oneof the highlights for freshmen at harvard.5).how did the author appreciate meeting the other studentsat harvard?6answer: appreciating and being surrounded by so many gifted people was what had made her fir

30、st week at harvard atruly priceless experience.2.skim the text andtry to find the main idea:main idea: the first day is gorgeous for a freshman at harvard. the author lived with four girls, who helped herthrough the difficultadjustment process. freshmen at harvard can sample classesduring “ shopping

31、 week ”.eatingis one of the most important and enjoyable highlights for students at harvard. the best assetsfor harvard studentsaccording to the author is to have met so many gifted people.3. language points1. the day a freshman moves into harvardyard is said to always be a gorgeous one and this was

32、 certainlytrue of my first day at harvard:it is always said that the day a freshman starts college life in harvard is veryexciting andpleasant and the author thought this was also true of her own first day at harvard.move into: to start living inexamples:shedecided not to move into the new apartment

33、 until shehadfinished decorating.we re excited to move into anew home.harvardyard: the main campus of harvard universitygorgeous: extremely pleasant or enjoyableexamples:johnsaid that he met agorgeous girl at the party last night.do you want to sample someof the jam? it is gorgeous.2.historic:famous

34、 or important in historyexamples:today is a historic occasion for our country.it was difficult for the enterprise to expand during a time of historic change.cf. historical:connected with the past,or connected with the study of the pastexamples:can you tell me something about the historical backgroun

35、d to the civil war?they went to yuelu academy to do some historical research.notes: historic is usually used to describe something so important that is likely to be remembered, while historicalusually describes something that is connected with the past or with the study of history, or something that

36、 reallyhappenedin the past.3.i gazed out the window at this captivatingscene and thought to myself “ no freshman should be so lucky!”:the author looked out through the window of the car at this fascinating scene and had a thought in her mind: “ishould be the luckiest freshman!”think (sth) to oneself

37、: to have a thought in one smind, but not tell it to anyoneexamples:after listening to the professorssuggestion, janethought to herself,“ i msurei will make it.”he gazedout the window at this boundless grassland andthought to himself, “ what a beautiful scenery it is!”4. i m sharinga suite withfouro

38、ther girls that has four single bedrooms and a large common room: theauthor is living in a suite with other four girls, and the suite consists of four single bedrooms and a large commonroom.share with: to use,participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., jointly7examples:the two chemists sharedthe nobel pri

39、zekate is a very generousgirl, for shealways shareswhat shehaswith others5. we re all completelydifferentin terms of background,ethnicity,religion,and interests we reflectthediversitythat harvardis so proudof:the author and the other four girlsare quite different in terms ofbackground, ethnicity, re

40、ligion, and interest, which is refl ection of the variety that harvard is proud of.in terms of: with regard to the particular aspector subject specifiedexamples:hesquite rich in terms of money, but not in terms of happiness.it is difficult to expressit in terms of science.diversity:a rangeof differe

41、nt people or things; varietyexamples:diversity is conducive to the learning environmentweshould get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity of the united states.6. duringthis firstweek, itsa relief to have four girls i can call friends and that can help me throughthisadjustmentprocess

42、which is quite difficultat times: in the first week, i am lucky to have the four girls that i cancall friends. it is them who helped me through this adjustment process, which is rather hard sometimes.it is a relief to (do sth): to have a feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying or pai

43、nful has ended orhasnot happenedexamples:i hateto sayit, but it was a relief to have him out of the house.it is arelief to seeyou get through thoseterrible days.7. thankfully,harvardallows freshmen to sample classesduring “ shopping week ”.sample: to try an activity, go to aplace etc. to seewhat it

44、is likeexamples:wesampled the stuff and found it satisfactory.i sampled several classesand decided to choose four of them this semester.8. which to get involved in?get involved in: to take part in an activity or eventexamples:i got involved in aquarrel about the pricehe regretted that he got involve

45、d in that matter.9. . but itswhere we eat thatstruly remarkable.remarkable:unusual or surprising andtherefore deserving attention or praiseexamples:sheis remarkable for her sweettemperwhen we went swimming last summer, we saw the most remarkable sunsetat the beach.10. our dining hall is more like a

46、church or a museum than a cafeteria:the dining hall is like a church or a museum rather than acafeteria.811. . and is filled with statues and portraitsof famous figures from harvardspast.be filled with: to become completely fullexamples:after reading his poems,i was filled with admiration.i didntgo

47、last time becausemy hands were filled with the paper work.12. allof these first-weekexperiences willmake great life-timememories but the best assets harvardhasoffered me thus far have been the other students i ve met: the first week experiences willmake a life-timeimpression on me, but the most valu

48、able thing harvard university has offered me so far has beenthe students i havemet on campus.13. i m blown away!be blown away: to be extremely impressedexamples:studentswere blown away by his inspiring speech.everyone i told that story to, i mean everyone, is just blown away.14. one week down, four

49、more years to go i can twait:one week had passed,and the author was lookingforward to the coming four years.4. new words and expressionsassetn.the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts 资产,财产cafeterian.a restaurant where you choose your own food and carry it to the table, often in

50、 a factory,college etc.(工厂、学校等的)自助餐厅,食堂 captivatev.to attract sb.very much 使着迷,迷住,吸引chandeliern.a large round structure for holding candles or lights that hang from the ceiling and is decoratedwith many small pieces of glass 枝形吊灯cuisinen.the food cooked in a particular restaurant or hotel, esp.when

51、it is very good 特制饭菜definitelyadj.with no chanceof being wrong, certainly确切地,肯定地dewn.the small drops of water that form on outdoors surfacesduring the night 露珠,露水dinev.have dinner 进餐diversityn.arange of different people or things, variety(人或物的)多种多样down-to-earthadj.practical and direct in a sensibleh

52、onestway 务实的,脚踏实地的encounterv.to meet sb.or experience sth. unexpectedly 意外地遇见,偶遇ethnicityn.the fact or stateof belonging to a common national or cultural tradition种族属性;民族属性ended to explain or describe sth. 说明的,解释的filterv.if light or sound ilters into aplace, it can be seenor heard o

53、nly slightly (光线)隐约地透过, (声音)隐约地传入freshmann.a student in the irst year of high school or university (美)(高中或大学)一年级学生gazev.to look at sth.for a long time, giving it all your attention always without realizing you are doing so(长时间无意识地)凝视,注视gorgeousadj.extremely pleasant or enjoyable 令人十分愉快(开心)的highlight

54、n.the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of sth. 最重要(有趣,愉快)的部分historicadj.a historic event or place is important becauseit is, or will be,remembered aspart of history 有重大历史意义的,历史性的illuminatev.to make a light shine on sth., or ill a place with light 照射,照亮,照明9impeccableadj.(of behavior, pe

55、rformance or appearance) in accordance with the highest standards ofpropriety; faultless(行为、表演、外表)最佳的,完美的impeccablyadv.完美地incredibleadj.too strangeto be believed or very dificult to believe 不可相信的,难以置信的involvev.to include sth. asa necessarypart or result 包含,包括loftyadj.of imposing height 高耸的,极高的mandat

56、oryadj.required by law or rules, compulsory规定的,强制的,必须遵守的moreoveradv.in addition此外,而且musicaladj.connected with music or consisting of music 音乐的,配乐的portraitn.a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person 画像,照片,肖像 profoundadj. showing greatknowledge and understanding 知识渊博的,见解深刻的,深奥的publicationn. a boo

57、k or magazine 出版物,书刊remarkableadj. unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise 不寻常的, 奇特的, 值得注意 (赞扬)的responsibleadj. having a duty to be in charge of or to look after sb.or sth.(对某人或某物)负责的samplev. to try an activity, go to a place to seewhat it is like体验solon. a piece of music f

58、or one performer 独奏曲,独唱曲 sparklev. to shine in small bright lashes 闪闪发光,闪烁,闪耀stainv.n. to change the colour of sth., esp. sth.made of wood, by using a special chemical or dye 给(某物尤其指木制品)染色,着色a mark on sth. that is dificult to remove 污点,斑点statuen. a carved or castigure of aperson or ananimal, esp.one

59、 that is life-sized or larger 雕像,塑像suiten. asetof rooms 套房surroundv. to have a particular kind of people or things nearyou 周围有很多 .,被 .围住talentn. a special natural ability or skill天资,天赋,才能ultimatelyadv. after everything or everyone elsehasbeen doneor considered 最后,最终vibrantadj. full of energy andenth

60、usiasm 充满活力的vibrantlyadv. 充满活力地step 3 post-reading tasks (90mins) (individualwork)1.summarize the passagesummary: the first day is gorgeous for a freshman at harvard. the author lived with four girls, who helped herthrough the difficultadjustment process. freshmen at harvard can sample classesduring


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