



1、【 2017 四川遂宁】 22. I m so hungry. Please give me _ to eat.A. three bread B. three pieces of bread C. three pieces of breads 【答案】 B【解析】考查不可数名词数量的表示。句意为:我非常饿,请给我三片面包吃。 bread 为不可数名词,不能用数词直接来修饰,同时不可数名词没有复数形式,故选 B。【 2017 湖南娄底】 29. What can I do for you?Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and_.A. some c

2、hickensB. any chickensC. some chicken【答案】 C【解析】考查名词的用法。 chicken 当鸡肉讲为不可数名词,没有复数形式,故答案为 C。【 2017 湖北咸宁】 29. Could you give me some _ on how to learn English_? Sure. Practice makes perfect.A. advice; goodB. suggestions; goodC. advice; wellD. suggestion; well【答案】 C【解析】考查词语的辨析。learn 是动词,后面应当用副词well 作状语,可

3、排除 A 、 B; suggestion 是可数 名词,当前面有 some 修饰时,应当用复数,可排除 D。【 2017 甘肃白银】51. Just search the Internet; you can get almost all the _ you need.A. informationsB. informationC. pictureD. story【答案】 B【解析】考查名词。句意:上网搜一下,你就能得到你需要几乎所有的信息。information,信息,不可数名词。故选B。【 2017 四川南充】 22. There are some _ on the floor.A. milk

4、B. childC. boxes【答案】 C【解析】考查名词在语境中的辨析。 there are 后应接可数名词复数, milk 是不可数名词,应排除; child 是 可数名词单数,也应排除。故应选 C。【 2017 四川广安】 23. Are there any _in your school?Yes, there are.A. GermenB. GermansC. German【答案】 B【解析】本题考查名词复数形式。由句中 be 动词 are 可知此处应名词复数形式, German 的复数形式为 Germans。故选 B。【 2017 上海】 36. The students didn

5、 t find much _ about the topic on thatwebsite.A. reportB. articleC. informationD. story【答案】 C 考查名词的用法 句意:学生们在网上没有发现有关这个话题的很多信息。 Much 之后要用不可 数名词,只有 information 是不可数名词。其他的report, article 和 story 都是可数名词。【 2017 湖北黄冈】 33. What would you like to drink, girls? , _ please.A. Two glass of waterB. Two glass o

6、f watersC. Two cups of teaD. Two cups of teas【答案】 C 考查名词的数glass 和 cup 是可数名词,两杯应用复数形式,因此A、 B 错误; tea 是不可数名词,没有复数,故选C。【 2017 广东】 28. Mum, I ve heard that we cant eat _ these days. Is it true?Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat.A. chickenB. chickensC. a chickenD. the chicken【答案】A 【解析】考查名词的用法。ch

7、icken 鸡肉,为不可数名词,故不可以加冠词a,后也能加s ,泛指吃鸡肉也不需要加冠词the,所以选择答案A 。【 2017 黑龙江绥化】6. I saw some _ and _ dancing in the street theday before yesterday.A. Germen; EnglishmenB. Germans; EnglishmansC. Germans; Englishmen【答案】 C 【解析】考查名词复数形式。句意:前天我看到一些德国人和英国人在街上跳舞。 复数形式: 德国人: Germans; 英国人: Englishmen,所以选择答案 C。【 2017

8、广西玉林】 29. Eating more vegetables is good for our health. I often eat lettuce, broccoli and _.A. tomatoB. tomatosC. tomatoesD. potato【答案】 C 【解析】考查名词复数的辨析。看选项可知 B 项是错误的。 tomato 西红柿;tomato 西红柿,复数;potato 土豆。A 项和 D 项都为单数,如果 A 可以,那么 D 项也可以。所以选择答案 C。【 2017 湖北随州】 21. The _ often eat grass on the hill.A. chi

9、ckenB. horseC. cowD. sheep【答案】 D【解析】选 D。此题考查名词的可数与不可数。 Chicken,horse 和 cow 的复数形式应该加 s,而 sheep 的单 复数形式相同,同时动词 eat 说明应该填复数形式,由此选 D。【 2017 贵州贵阳】 34. What do we need for the salad? We need two apples and three _.A. orangeB. tomatoesC. broccoli【答案】 B 考查名词的用法。 orange 意为 橘子 ,是可数名词; tomato 意为 西红柿 ,是可数名词; br

10、occoli 意为 西 兰花 ,是不可数名词。根据句意:你们的沙拉还需要些什么?我们需要两个苹果和三个西红柿。故选B.【 2017 广东】 28.The students of Grade 7 visited Mike's farm and saw many_there.A. birdB. duckC. sheepD. Rabbit【答案】C根据many可以知道后面为名词的复数形式,C 为集合名词单复数同形Aadvice; manCsuggestion; man【 2017 广西玉林】 32. The Internet is very useful. We can get a lot

11、of _from it.A. thingB. messageC. informationsD. information【答案】 D 根据句意从CD 中选择,而information 为不可数名词。【 2017 广西玉林】 36. What is your favorite food? I like _ best. I had a large bowl last night.A. potato noodleB. potatoes noodlesC. potato noodlesD. potatoes noodles【答案】 C Potato 做定语 ,复数形式在noodle 后面变化。【 201

12、7 贵州安顺】 12. Could you please give some _ to the _ teachers?B advices; menDsuggestions; men【答案】 D【2017 湖北咸宁】 23. Mrs. Zhang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.She said she would never forget some pleasant _while working there.A. experiments B. expressions C. experiences D.

13、 emotions 【答案】 C 体验为可数名词,其余为不可数名词【 2017 黔西南】 11. I like _best of all the vegetables.A. potatoesB. tomato C. breads D. rice【解析】 A. 考查名词。 D 是米饭 ,而不是 蔬菜 ;C 答案是 面包 ,不可数名词; B 答案是单数形式; 因此选择 A 答案。【 2017 山东济南】 47. Mum, 1 am hungry. May 1 have some_?Of course. But don't eat too much.A. breadB. noodleC. d

14、umplingD. hamburgerA 【解析】考查名词辨析。 bread 面包 ; noodle 条面 ; dumpling 水饺 ; hamburger 汉堡 由下文的 too much(太多) ,修饰不可数名词,可知空格处也须用不可数名词。故选 A 。于 too much,由 too much 可推测上文空格【易错分析】解答此题的关键在处的词性。【 2017 山东泰安】 26. Would you like some _?Yes, a little please.A. apple B. banana C. orange D. milk 【答案】 D 由下文的 a little 可知此处

15、为不可数名词。【 2017 陕西】 24. I m going to the supermarket to buy some _ this afternoon.A. paper and pencilB. apples and bananasC. milk and eggsD. bowl and spoons【答案】 C 【2017 四川广安】 24. Miss Li, could you give me _on Englishlearning?Certainly. First you should speak English every day.A. any advicesB . many a

16、dvicesC. some advice【答案】 C【 2017 贵州省毕节市】 22. Could you please pass me something to eat? What about some _?A. waterB. orangeC. fishD. tea【答案】 C fish 为集合名词单复数同形【 2017 清远】 38. I'm so hungry. Please give me _ to eatA. three breadB three pieces of breadC. three pieces of breadsD three piece of bread答

17、案 B【解析】考查可数名词与不可数名词的用法。bread 为不可数名词,不加不能直接用数字修饰,排除A 和 C。量词 piece 片是可数的要加s。s,也【 2017 四川德阳】 23. Can I help you, sir?- I d like to have 100 _. I want my students to draw pictures.A. piece of paperB. pieces of paperC. pieces of papers答案:B【解析】 本题考查不可数名词的运用 . paper 是不可数名词, 它没有复数形式,若表示数量, 一般用 a piece of 短语

18、表示,它的复数形式应体现在 piece 上。 paper 是不可数名词, 故排除 C;答句意 我想要 100 张纸 。100 张纸中,量词 piece 应用复数形式,故排除 A。正确答案是: B。【 2017?广西柳州】 Tony has many Chinese _.A. stampB. stampsC. a stamp答案 B【解析】考查名词复数的用法。many 意为 很多 后接名词复数,故选B。【 2017 湖南湘潭】 21. The_ of most trees will fall in autumn.A leafB. leafsC leaves答案: C【解析】本题考查的是名词复数的

19、用法。根据题意,秋天,大多数的树叶都会落。leaf 的复数形式为leaves,故本题选C。【 2017?四川广元】 10.Our hospital needs two _ doctors, Mrs Li. You can ask your son to have a try.A. womenB. manC. men答案: C【解析】 名词复数。 由 你让你的儿子试一试 可知 我们医院需要两名男医生 , 排除 A; man 作 doctors 的定语, doctors 用复数,故 man 也应用复数形式。【 2017 四川宜宾】 23. There are many _ playing on t

20、he playground.A. child B. children C. man teachers D. sheeps 答案: B【解析】B 考查名词复数用法 孩子的复数是 children ,男老师 men teachers,羊 sheep单复 数相同。故选 B。(2017 四川资阳 )16. There are so many _ over there. What shappening? Let s go to have a look.A. flower B. car C. child D. people 答案: D【解析】考查名词用法。many 后接可数名词复数。故选D。【 2017

21、梧州】 40. Please pick up the _. DonA. paperB. boxesC. booksD. bottlest keep it on the floor.【答案】 A【解析】名词的考察 由Dont keep it on the floor可.知应是不可数名词或单数可数名词【 2017 广西崇左】 28.Whats in the icebox?-A few _, but little _.A. apple, milkB. apple, milksC. apples, milksD. apples, milk【解析】D 考查点:形容词辨析。解题思路:few 修饰可数名词的复数形式, little 修饰不可数名词。 故选 D。【 2017 广安市】 23 Are there any _ in the picture?Yes, there are.A. fishB. porkC. beef答案: A【解析】考查名词。 B 与 C 都是不可数名词, be 动词


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