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1、Book 1 Unit 8 Sport(第二课时)教学设计东凤镇中心小学 林观清一、教学内容分析 本节课教学内容选自广东人民版<English>三年级上册 Unit 8 Sport(Vocabulary & Target)部分内容,是本单元的第二课时,主要为与球类运动相关的单词:soccer, baseball, football, tennis, basketball, ping-pong,以及问答运动喜好的句型:Do you like.? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like.二、学情分析 本班学生对英语学习感兴趣,上课比较积极,基本都能专心听

2、讲。经过两个多月的学习,学生已经具备了一定的英语基本知识和技能,能够在教师的指导下,借助图片或课件等形式听懂、理解和读准英语单词和句子。学生在一二年级时学过I like / I dont like的表达,有助与本课的句型学习和表达。但学生初次接触球类单词,容易对单词产生混淆,特别是baseball, basketball两个单词可能给学生带来一定的学习难度。三、教学目标(一)语言能力1. 能听说读Vocabulary 部分的词汇: soccer, baseball, football, tennis, basketball, ping-pong.2. 能够听、说、读,并且会运用以下句型对球类运

3、动的喜好进行问答:Do you like.? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like. 3. 能够根据实际情况,综合运用本节课的词汇和句型进行对话,询问他人是否喜欢某种球类,清楚表达自己喜欢的运动。(二)文化品格1. 让学生了解球类运动的知识,拓宽学生的文化视野,并教育学生通过运动锻炼保持身体健康。(三)思维品质1. 根据图片和动作,分析和判断具体含义,培养学生分析、判断和推理的思维能力。(四)学习能力1. 借助关于球类的图片和视频故事,理解词句的音、形、义。2. 能根据提示,发散思维,和同学谈论自己喜欢的运动和球类。四、教学重难点重点:1.能听说读Vocabulary

4、 的词汇:soccer, baseball, football, tennis, basketball, ping-pong2.能听说读、运用句型:Do you like.? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like.3. 能够运用本节课的词汇和句型询问他人及谈论自己的喜欢的运动。难点: 能流利地运用本课所学到的句型询问他人是否喜欢某种球类,以及清楚表达自己的喜好。五、教学策略:情境教学法,游戏法六、教具:教学课件、黑板、单词卡片StepTeacher activityPurposeRevision(3mins)1. Enjoy a song about sport.T:

5、 Enjoy a song and tell me what it is about.2. Review the storyT: What do Tony, Jenny and Gogo like?用歌曲激活关于运动的主题。回顾第一课时内容,复习句型和单词soccer和baseball。Presentation(20mins)1. Create a scene: There is a big sport club in Tonys school. Tony, Jenny and Gogo are looking for some ball clubs.2. Watch the story an

6、d answer the question: What balls can you see?3. Check the answer and teach the words and sentences.(1) Lets learn: soccer Present pictures about soccer. Say the word. Teach the action of playing soccer. Lead Ss to say the sentences. Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Play a short song to

7、present the member numbers of a soccer team.(2) Lets learn: baseball, football, basketball, tennis and ping-pong4. Read the words.5. Lets chantDo you like soccer? Do you like soccer? Yes, I do.设置故事情景:运动俱乐部,引导学生在情境中学习单词和句子。借助图片呈现单词,通过跟读、做动作帮助学生掌握单词的音形义。进行球队队员数量的知识拓展。借助歌谣巩固单词。Practice(6mins)1. Shootin

8、g game Read the words as the football bombs.2. Guessing game One does the action, and the other ask. A: (play soccer) B: Do you like soccer? A: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.训练学生对单词的识记。动作能更好促进学生理解和记忆单词。同时,本环节将操练从单词转移到句子层面。Extension(10mins)1. What else sports do you like? Present other sports like badminto

9、n and swimming.2. Do a survey If there is a big sport club in our school, which club do you like to join in? Mark the sport you like and you dont like, and then ask and answer in your group.A: Do you like ?B: No, I dont. I like Do you like ?C: Yes, I do. I like club.3. Introduction Invite Ss to intr

10、oduce what club they like to join in.Im I like I dont like I like club.进行运动项目拓展学习。小组交流互动,促进学生运用本节课所学的单词和句型。检测学生的综合运用和表达能力。Summary(30s)Summarize the words and sentences.Homework(30s)1. Copy the words, each for two lines.2. Ask and mark three classmates in other groups about their favourite sport.Story (语篇)(in Tonys school)S1: Do you like soccer? Jenny: No, I dont. Gogo: I like soccer.S1: You can join us!Gogo: Yeah!Tony: I like football. Do you like football, Jenny?Jenny: No, I dont. I li


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