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1、黑龙江省哈尔滨市大千中学高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. what do you think i should wear for such a formal press conference?   dress _ you like.   a. how   b. what    c. whatever   d. however参考答案:d2. he _ have attended the meeting this morning. he has gone to england ye

2、sterday.    a. cant        b. mustnt           c. shouldnt        d. neednt 参考答案:a略3. all these gifts must be mailed immediately_ in time for christmas.a. in order to have received

3、    b. in order to receivec. so as to be received    d. so as to receive参考答案:c【详解】考查不定式。句意:所有的这些礼物必须马上被寄出,为了及时让这些圣诞节的礼物被收到。这里用so as to与in order to都可以表示目的,又因为gifts与receive之间是被动关系,故选c。4. -what a fine day!-yes, at least its _ yesterday.  a. as bad as   

4、   b. no worse than    c. not better than    d. no better than参考答案:b5. it was the training _ he had as a young man _ made him such an excellent speaker.a. which; which    b. which; that    c. that; which   d. that; what参

5、考答案:b6. - excuse me?-               - how can i get to the neatest post office?a. thats ok.          b. pardon?           

6、60; c. whats wrong?          d. yes?参考答案:d7. alex asked the policeman          he worked to call him whenever there was an accident. a. with him            

7、;   b. who                                c. with whom               &

8、#160;             d. whom参考答案:c8. .i dont think he is an honest man;im _ his empty talk.a. grateful for   b. tired of   c. crazy about    d. concerned about参考答案:b9. -mrs smith is so nice a good teacher tha

9、t we will remember her forever.-yes. she _give us help whenever we were in trouble.    a. must          b. might            c. could            &

10、#160;   d. would参考答案:d10. the policeman _ to be reading the newspaper. in fact, he was looking at the man near the window.a. pretendedb. beganc. continued d. expected参考答案:a11. im a newcomer here. id appreciate _ if you tell me something about the old town. a. one    

11、60;           b. that                                 c. this     

12、0;                       d. it 参考答案:d12. visitors _not to touch the exhibits. a. will request       b. request       c. are requested&#

13、160;     d. are requesting参考答案:c  13. it was on october 3, 2011 _ a big fire happened in beijing, _ was a great shock to lots of people.a. when; that      b. that; when        c. when; which    &

14、#160;    d. that; which参考答案:d14. its the second time that i _ in shanghai! what great changes have taken place in    shanghai. it is ten years since i _ it last time.    a. have been; left     b. had been; left    

15、c. have been; had left     d. went; had left参考答案:b略15. there is a piece of board at the gate of the construction site near zhengfa temple, which reads:         without permission.a. keep out    b. keep awayc. keep off   

16、 d. keep up参考答案:aa. keep out留在外面,留下;b. keep away(使) 不接近,(使) 缺席;c. keep off(使) 不接近,禁食;d. keep up保持,不减弱,持续不变。句意:正法寺附近施工现场门口有一块板子,上面写着:未经许可不得入内。根据句意可知选a。16. a basketball team is about to be organized; there is a good chance _ i can join.     a. in which      

17、0;         b. that                       c. for which              d. when 参考答案:b17. they tried

18、 their best to _ good use of the chance that their school offered to study hard.amake  btake  cgrasp  dseize参考答案:a句意:他们尽力好好利用学校提供的机会努力学习。make good use of“好好利用”为固定搭配。18. while _ in tea with that dealer, mr. smith had himself _.   a. trading; ripped off    

19、       b. buying; ripping off   c. selling; ripped off           d. purchasing; rip off参考答案:a略19. - how nice! your grandfather looks lively and energetic.   - yeah, he _ basketball frequently for many

20、 years when he was young.a. playsb. playedc. has playedd. had played参考答案:b二、 书面表达20. 书面表达(满分25分)假设你的班主任在安排座位时, 让成绩好的学生和成绩差的坐在一起. 班会上大家就此进行了讨论. 请根据下表内容, 介绍讨论情况并谈谈自己的看法.赞成观点反对观点你的观点1. 人人都有长处和不足, 成绩差的学生也有可取之处;2. 相互学习, 建立友谊.1. 部分学习差的学生常常上课说话, 违反校规, 成绩好的学生可能会受到影响;2. 总是问问题, 使成绩好的学生不能专心学习.注意:1. 词数120左右;2.

21、可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;参考词汇: 成绩好的学生  top students ;  成绩差的学生  slower students                                    





26、60;                参考答案:one possible version:we have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student.   some are for the idea. they believe everyone has stre

27、ngths as well as weakness. although lower students are not good at lessons, they might do well in other fields like sports or arts. therefore, they can learn from each other, and they may develop friendship.   however, some top students dont hold the same view. they think some slower stude

28、nts are always making trouble, such as keeping talking in class, breaking school rules, which has a bad effect on their studies. besides, they may often be asked questions by slower students, which will probably distract them from their lessons.   in my point of view, that top students sha

29、re desks with slower students does good to them all.they can learn from each other and improve themselves in different fields.三、 阅读理解21. trapped under ruins after the iran earthquake, dan woolley believed he was going to die. but rather than giving up, the film-maker managed to look up ways to treat

30、 his injuries on his iphone beneath the earth. he also wrote a moving diary for his family, allowing them to read his last messages of love and comforting them after his death. instead, he was pulled from the ruins after a week- and would soon meet his family.mr. woolley, from colorado springs, amer

31、ica, had raveled to iran with his colleague david hames. both had been working for charity compassion international. he was in the hotel when the earthquake struck. buried under tons of ruins, the film-maker downloaded a first aid application to his iphone. he used the instructions from the app to t

32、reat the serious bleeding. he used his shirt to tie off the injury on his leg and a sock to bandage the back of his head. the app advised him not to go to sleep if he felt sleepy. mr. woolley set his phone alarm to go off every 20 minutes to keep him awake.mr woolley used a small black notebook to w

33、rite messages to his family, including his son and wife. he had thought his s would read them after he was dead.“ i was in a big accident. dont be upset at god,” he wrote. “ im still praying that god will get me out, but he may not. but he will always take care of you.”mr woolley was eventually resc

34、ued by a french rescue team. after being flown to miami for surgery, he said, “i cried. at that time i wanted to use that time to do everything i could for my family. i always wanted to survive, but i knew that was something that i couldnt control.”new technology really played a huge part in our lif

35、e.4. in the diary, mr woolly noted that _.a. he was looking for ways to surviveb. his iphone was very usefulc. he wanted to do something for his familyd. this might be his last message5. which of the following shows the right order of the events?a. he was trapped under the ruins.b. he downloaded a f

36、irst aid application.c. he treated the injuries properly.d. he followed instructions to treat the bleeding.a. abdc    b. bacd   c. acbd    d. bdac6. which of the following statements is true?a. woolley was confident that he would survive.b. woolley was making

37、a film when the earthquake broke out.c. woolley is now recovering in an iran hospital.d. woolley tried to stay conscious under the ruins.7. whats the best title for the text?a. a large earthquake hit iran    b. determined will saved woolleyc. a man used an iphone to survive    d. nothing more important than family参考答案:4. d    5. a    6. d    7. c本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了在一场地震中,woolley


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