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1、湖北省黄石市钢山中学高二英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. whats the smock? something must be burning outside    _.obviously it is coming from the kitchen.a. i hope not                b. im not sure c. i dont think so   

2、0;     d. id rather not参考答案:c2. -ive been told that well have our final exam ahead of time.-i have a doubt _the news is true. a. if b whether c. why d. when参考答案:b3. there is clear evidence _ the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.   a. what &

3、#160;    b. if         c. how          d. that参考答案:d4. the air is deadly polluted because some factories dont     _the rules to protect the environment.a. appreciate  

4、60;    b. regard         c. honor      d. respect参考答案:d5. luckily, wed brought a road map, _ we would have lost our way.         a. by which       

5、60;          b. without which           c. without that       d. without it参考答案:b6. recently a survey _ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused  

6、;  a heated discussion among citizens.  a. comparing      b. compared             c. compares            d. being compared参考答案:a略7. a murderer has escaped from priso

7、n, so a nationwide search for him is _.    a. on the way     b. in a way     c. under way    d. in the way参考答案:c略8. -i dont know whether i should choose science as my main subject of study, mum.-i leave     

8、60;      to your own judgment whether you should do it.a. that   b. this   c. itd. what参考答案:c9. i am not so _ to get a new car now, for the prices have gone up.a. eager              

9、60; b. curious              c. aware                 d. considerate参考答案:a10. -is your father a teacher of english in the no.l middle school?  -no! but he _ engl

10、ish there for ten years.a. has taught      b. has been teaching     c. taught         d. had taught参考答案:c略11. - _ man sitting near the window is _ famous researcher in computer engineering.   a. a; ab. the

11、; ac. the; thed. a; the参考答案:b12.       for the free tickets, i would not have gone to the film so often.    a. if it is not b. were it not c. had it not been d. if they were not 参考答案:c13. _ he come,  the problem would be settled.a. would    

12、;b. should    c. shall    d.  if参考答案:b14. it was not until the beginning of the meeting _ he realized _ i told him was the only possible way to deal with the problem.a. that; what            b. what; that  

13、;          c. when; what        d. when; that参考答案:a15. the driver was at_ loss when _word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.    a. a; the         

14、0;  b. a; /          c. the; the            d. /; /参考答案:b略16. i want a photo of you. would you give me       ?a. one       b. ones 

15、0;   c. it        d. that参考答案:a17. peter looked tired and a little absent-minded at the meeting.         he        up too late.         a. m

16、ay stay                                                   b. could stay

17、0;        c. must have stayed                                    d. should have stayed参考答案:c略18. it is sa

18、id that mary will get paid by_ month.  right, and shell be paid about$700_month.a. x; ab. a; ac. the; thed. a; x 参考答案:a19. _time yesterday, i would have come to see you.a. had i had             b. should i have  c.would i hav

19、e          d. were i having参考答案:a二、 书面表达20. 写一篇有关汉语的文章。内容如下:1.汉语是世界上最古老的语言之一,也是联合国(united nations)的工作语言之一。2.现在世界上越来越多的人说汉语。3.随着中国的发展与壮大,汉语在国际交流中起着重要的作用。要求:1. 字数120词左右2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_参考答案:    chinese is one of the most ancient languages i

20、n the world. although english is used all around the world, more and more people speak chinese nowadays. you will hear chinese spoken in many countries and areas. chinese is also one of the official languages of the united nations.now that china is becoming stronger, chinese will certainly play a mo

21、re important part in international communication. more and more people in the world are beginning to learn chinese and many famous universities have set chinese course.im sure that it is a good idea for people from other countries to learn chinese.【分析】这是一篇说明文。需要根据题目要求介绍:1. 汉语的特点:最古老的语言之一及联合国工作语言之一。2

22、. 说汉语的人数越来越多这一情况。3. 汉语在国际交流中的作用及发展。因为是对汉语的说明及介绍,文章使用一般现在时即可。【详解】首先,根据题目要求,可判断文章写作体裁为说明文。说明文无特定体裁要求,一般可采取三段式的写作方式。其次,确定文章内容及关键词、词组,如one of the most ancient languages(最古老的语言之一),more and more people(越来越多的人),united nations(联合国),play a more important part in(扮演重要角色)。最后,用适当的句型及连词对文章进行润色。【点睛】本篇文章101个字,没有达到

23、题目要求。在考试中,一定要严格遵守字数要求,否则失分严重。其次,本文中句式比较单一,较少出现定语从句、强调句等英语作文高分句型。如可将“chinese is one of the most ancient languages in the world.”和“chinese is also one of the official languages of the united nations.”改为“chinese is one of the most ancient languages in the world, which is also the official languages of

24、the united nations.”,在句型上就将两个简单句合并成了一个复合句。可将“now that china is becoming stronger, chinese will certainly play a more important part in international communication.”改为“it is the fast development of china that makes chinese more and more important in international communication.”这样也增加了文章的丰富性。最后,在结尾可以对

25、汉语或中国的发展进行一个升华,如“and i believe that one day people around the world will enjoy the beauty of chinese from the bottom of their heart, which also shows our country will be better and better.”切记不可虎头蛇尾。三、 阅读理解21. most of us are taught to pay attention to what is saidthe words.words do provide us with so

26、me information,but meanings are derived from so many other sources that it wouldhinder (阻碍)our effectiveness as a partner to a relationship to rely too heavily on words alone.words are used to describe only a small part of the many ideas we associate with any given message.sometimes we can gain insi

27、ght into some of those associations if we listen for more than words.we don't always say what we mean or mean what we say.sometimes our words don't mean anything except“i'm letting off some steam, so don't take it seriously.i don't really want you to pay close attention to what i

28、'm saying.just pay attention to what i'm feeling.”mostly we mean several things at once.a person wanting to purchase a house says to the current owner,“this step has to be fixed before i'll buy.”the owner says,“it's been like that for years.”actually,the step hasn't been like tha

29、t for years,but the unspoken message is:“i don't want to fix it.we put up with it.why can't you?"the search for a more expansive view of meaning can be developed of examining a message in terms of who said it,when it occurred,the related conditions or situation,and how it was said.when

30、a message occurs can also reveal associated meaning. let us assume two couples do exactly the same amount of kissing and arguing.but one couple always kisses after an argument and the other couple always argues after a kiss.the ordering of the behaviors may mean a great deal more than the frequency

31、of the behavior.we would do well to listen for how messages are presented.the words,“if sure has been nice to have you over,"can be said with emphasis and excitement or ritualistically(例行公事地).the phrase can be said once or repeated several times.and the meanings we associate with the phrase wil

32、l change accordingly. sometimes if we say something infrequently it assumes more importance; sometimes the more we say something the less importance it assumes.28. what does the passage mainly tell us?a. words provide listeners with the most important information.b. listeners can gain insight if the

33、y listen for words carefully.c. the comprehension of a message is influenced by a few factors.d. when messages are presented is of great importance.29. what does the underlined sentence“i'm letting off some steam”in para.2 probably mean?a. i'm just kidding.b. i'm just calling your attent

34、ion.c. i'm saying the opposite.d. i'm giving some important information.30. why shouldn't people rely too much on words alone?a. words are used to describe a big part of the many ideas.b. words always successfully represent what we say.c. listeners may not develop healthy relationships.d

35、. listeners will fail to understand the unspoken language.31. how does the author develop para.3?a. by raising questions.b. by listing data.c. by giving examples.d. by analyzing causes and effects.参考答案:28. c    29. a    30. d    31. c本文是一篇议论文。文章讲述的是词汇的确能给我们提供一些信息,但它的意义却来自于许多其他的来源,对信息的理解受到几个因素的影响。【28题详解】


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