



1、黄浦区2020学年度第一学期高三年级期终调研测试英语试卷2020年12月(完卷时间:120分钟满分:140分)第1卷(共100分)I. LiSteIIing COmPrehenSiOnSeCtiOII ADirections: In SeCtion A. you Wiil Ilear te ShOrt COnVerSatiOnS between two speakers. At the end Of each COnVerSation. a question Will be asked about What WaS said. Tlle conersatons and the question

2、s WiIl be SPOken OnIy once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, Iead die four POSSible answers On your aer,and decide WhiCh One is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. BrOther ad sister. B. Father ad daughter.C. HUSband ad wife. D. MOther and son.2. A A Waiter B.

3、 A manager. C. A SaleSlnan.D. A barber3. A. He ejoys eating it. B. He CareS Httle for it.C. He PreferS fried seafood. D. He doesn,t want to taste it.4. A. The goods tlere Were On Sale IaSt weekend.B. IfS the woman's favourite ShOPPlng mall.C. It SOld OUt 50% Of die goods IaSt weekend.D. IfS the

4、CheaPeSt ShOPPmg mall nearby.5. A. The WOman isnt SatiSfied With her clothes* style.B. Tlle Woman is most PrObably Pregllat.C. Tlle Woman doesnt IIke die new family membe匸D. The WOIllail is trying her best to IOSe weight.6. A. It is tle Only PrOPerty Slle has.B. Her fatler asked her not to Sell it.C

5、. She Inherited It &om his father.D. She has nowhere to IiVe after SeIlmg it.7. A. Call a repaman to COme at once.B. CheCk the SInk Ul die kitchen first.C. Clear UP die kitchen right now.D. StOP die Water &om IUnnlng immediately.8. A. She IOSt her purse.B. She forgot to bring cash.9C. She fa

6、iled to attend the concert.D. She WaS IUlable to get die SnIdent discount.B. COmPlete die IeSearch.D. Start typing the paper.9. A. FillISll CheCkmg her reference.C. PUt the material In order.10. A. Tlle WOllIan enjoyed the movie Very much.B. The WOman dd,t SIeeP Weil because Of the moie.C. The Illan

7、 asked the WOman to be CarefUl at night.D. The Illall IIrVited die WOman to go to die theatre together;SeCtiOII BDirections: In SeCtion B, you WiIl hear two ShOrt PaSSageS and One IOnger COnferSatlon. After each PaSSage Or COnVeISatIOd you Wiil be asked SeVeral questioas. The PaSSageS and the COnVer

8、SatIOll WiIl be Iead twice, but the questions Will be SPOken Only once. When you hear a question. Iead die four POSSible answers On your PaPer ad decide WhICh One WOUld be the best answer to the question you hate heard.QUeStiOHS 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. She wrote sever

9、al books B. She managed a farm.C. She WaS a business WOman. D. She Worked as a muse.12. A lOl years. B. 76 years. C. 25 years. D.22 years.13. A. PICnlreS in PIaiil style. B. A SUCCeSSfiIl art COIleCtOrC. A great AmeriCan artistD. The SeCret OfIiVillg longer.QueStiOHS 14 through 16 are based On the f

10、oUvingpassage.14. A. TO COnCentrate for OUr quiet thought.B. TO give ftll attention to the drmg.C. TO avoid being CaUght by the police,D. TO be as CaSUaI as POSSible In the drmg.15. A. In an elevator. B. At a SPeClal hall.C. In a bathroom. D.At a concert.16. A. By IiStellmg conrehensh"ely and a

11、nalytically.B. By takg a SonIC bath tloroughly.C. By attendmg CIaSSICal COnCertS frequently.D. By IiSteiIillg to an emotional PleCe Of music.QueStiOHS 17 through 20 are based OH the following COHVerSatiOn17. A. InqUlring about the details Of a trade fair.B. BOOkIng rooms at a hotel.C. Conlamug about

12、 die hotel IOOm service.D. GiVing SUggeStIOnS On IeCenng guests.18. A. IfS a busy SeaSOn for international tourism.B. Tllere aren,t Illany hotels available in the city.C. Aii IInPOrtalIt economic event Will occur.D. Tllere is a big COnferenCe to be held.19. A. FOr five days altogethe匚B. FrOmDeC Ilth

13、tO Dec. 13tl.C. FrOm morning to night on Dec.l5th.D. A whole day on the fburtl day Of their stay.20. A. Tlle WOllIan WantS to reserve IOOlIIS either on the ISt or 6tl floor,B. Tlle voman has to Pay 1200 dollars for all the IOOmS Slle has booked.C. WhetheI the rooms are accessible by WheelCllaIr Will

14、 affect die woman's choice,D. TWelVe PeOPle are most IIkely to attend the COnferellCe to be held On Dec.l3tl.Grammar and CabUIaIySeCtiOn ADil eCtions:After Ieadlng the PaSSage below.fill In the blanks to make die PaSSageS COherelIt and grammatically correct. FOr the blanks Witll a given word, fi

15、ll in each blank With the PrOPer form Of die given WOr& for die Other blanks.se One Word that best fits each blank.COnSider the MeChaniCaI PenCilIf you IISed to COlleCt SmaIl ObjeCtS rm SUre (if you Were anything IIke my younger self)tlat you USed to COlleCt mechanical pencils.Iii One Of the mat

16、l preparatory CIaSSeSl (21) (go)to In elementary and InIddle school.We USed to receive mechanical PenCilS as PrIZeS for doing Well On the Ill-CIaSS exams or answering questions In class. ThIS was(22)I built UP my COlleCtiOn Of CadOOZleS,wlich are ShOrtmechanical PenCilS decorated WItll brightly COlO

17、red SPaCeShiPS and ice Creanl bars. BUt TVe IOng SHICe USed UP all my CadOOZleS and a majority Of the IlleChalliCal PenCiIS that 1(23)(hide)hi an empty moon-cake tin SO many years befbre.which makes me IefleCt fondly back on those Old days.wlen receiving a mechanical PenCIl WaS as easy as drmkng a g

18、lass Of WaterMeChamCal PenCilS are IlOt Only more COlrUenlellt than your traditional TiConderOga In the SenSe tlat tley DeVer need (24)(SharPen)tley also PrOdUCe tlmer. Cleaner lines. WhiCh isextremely ImPOrtant for drawers and drafters. FUrthermOreJhey are environmentally friendly.since you don'

19、;t hae to buy (25)WOOdell PenCil WheIleVer you run OUt Of lead(铅;芯).YOUCan SiInPly refill your mechanical pencil. Tllere is OIlIy Oile SlIght negative I must remark on.(26) is that as SOmeOne WhO CallS mechanical PenCilS Hlead PenCilMin CaSllal ConVerSatiOiI.the term Hlead PelICiIHiS Conftismg Mecha

20、nical PelICil Iead is actually not made &om the ChemICal element lead. It is made from a mixture Of graphite and clay. WhICh(2 7)not give you IeadPOISOmIlg TliIS is COntraty to What my tlmd-grade teacher Said When She SaW my CIaSSnlate John CliCklng his mechanical PenCil agamst IliS IlldeX finge

21、r OUt Of boredom:HJOlIll.stop that! YbUre going to get Iead POiSonmg!I think all the third-graders (and teachers) In die WOrld WOUld feel much(2 8)-(Safe) If they knew What really made UP the PenCilS they USe every day.It USed to be SO easy to grab a mechanical PenCil Wheneer I needed one. but (29)

22、the moon-cake till IlaS become Hicreasmgly lighter. I have Ieamed to appreciate my WritIng instruments more.Perhaps I ShOUId hae COlleCted a few more CadOOZleS when I WaS younger.perhaps I SllOUld have appreciated the feeling Of holding UP the moon-cake tin Wllell it WaS three-quarters filL hoping t

23、hat tlree WOUld always be a IleW PenCil for me (30) (IISe)tomorrow.SeCtiOII BDii ectionszFill In each blank With a PrOPer WOrd ChOSen from die box.Each WOrd Can Only be USed once.Note that there is One WOrd more than you once.AthreatelledBdeSignedC.preferencesD.typicallyE.expermetalFtheOretiCalGabal

24、ldOnedHillStnlmentSLCOnStalltlyJ.extenseKperSUaSiVeSCieIlCe Isn,t AlWayS PerfeCtBut We ShOUld Still TrUSt ItFrOm em-ironnient POnUtIOn to Cllnlate change. We make decisions every day that involve US In SCientIfIC CIamIs. Are genetically modified CrOPS Safe to eat? IS Clmlate Change an emergency? In

25、recent years, many Of these issues hae become POlltICaIly POIariZed.with PeOPle IejeCtmg SCientlfiC evidence that is OPPOSlte their POlltlCaWhen Greta Tlnmberg, the youthfill Clllllate activist, WaS asked by One member Wlly We SllOUId tnst the SCienCe sIle replied. HbeCaUSe itsSCieiIce!FOr SeVend de

26、cades, there IlaS been a(n)_32_and OrgallIZed CamPaign Intended to PrOdUCe distrust i SCienCe.fnded by Ieglllated IndlIStrieS and IIbertanall think-tanks WhOSe mterests and beliefs are_33_by the findmgs Of modern SCienCe In IeSPOlISe sCIelItiStS hae tended to StreSS die SUCCeSS Of science. After alt

27、 SCIentiStS hae been IIght about most tmgs.&om the StnICnlre Of die UniVelSe to the relativity Of time and space.TIlat answer isn,t WrOllg.but for nay PeOPle its not_34_.After all. just because SCIelItiStS more than 400 years ago Were right about die StmCnire Of the SOlar SyStem doesnt >ve th

28、at different group Of SCIelItiStS are right about a different issue today.All alternative answer to the question-Why trust SCienCe?is tlat SCientiStS USe Htlle SCientific metlod' If you've got a IlIgh school SCienCe textbook Iying around the house, you,ll PrObabIy find tlat answer in it.But

29、this answer is WrOng BUt Wllat is_35_declared to be the SCientific methoddeelop a hypothesis(假设),then design an experment to test itisnt What s&entists actually do. HiStorianS Of SCienCe hae ShOWll that SCientiStS USe many dSerent methods, ad tlese methods have Changed Witll tme SCiellce_36_Chal

30、lgeS:iIew methods get invented、Old OneS get_37_.and any PartiCUIar POmt m time SCientiStS Call be found doing many different thmgs.Ad tlafs a good thmg.because the SO-Caned SCIelltIfiC method doesnt Work FaISe theories Can PrOdUCe tne IeSUlts, SO even If an experiment WorkS,it doesnt prove the th已Or

31、ythat WaS 38 to test it is true. There also might be many dfieret theories that COUId PrOdUCe that Same 39 reslt.On the contrary; if the experiment fails, it doesn,t PrOVe die theory is wrong: it COUld be that the experiment as badly COndlICted or there WaS a fault i One Of the_40_.Ill.Reading COmPr

32、eheiISiOnS SeCtiOll ADileCtions: For each blank In the following PaSSage there are four WOrdS or PhraSeS marked A B C and D FIIl In each blank With the VtrOTd or PlIraSe that best fits the context.IYaVelling、at IeaSt travelling ay ConSIderable distance, means dealing WitIl airports. ve Seen my Share

33、 Of airports.Tliey COme In SeVeraI-41 The SlllaneSt I have been through WaS In die AfhCall town Of HOedSPnlIt Where the mam WaIting area WaS Smaner than many SChOOl ClaSSrOolnS,security and ticket CheCkiilg Were both_42_by OIle PerSOn WhO WaS also COntrOning the gate OntO the airfield and you had to

34、 Walk OUt to die PIane and CIinlb the StairS to get m.It WaS even SmaIIer than Canadas MOnCtOn airport Where the PerSOn taking the tickets WaS also One Of the two_43_on Ollr flight.At the Other extreme are the_4_.modem airports In die Worlds major CitieS LAX ln LOS AngeleS has two ParalIel nnways an

35、d PrOVideS the ImUSUal OPPOmlnIty to WatCh OUt the vndow Of yor IalIdIng aircraft as aotler One IaildS glt beside you.Some.such as Beijiiigs CaPItal IlItematIonal Airport. SeaTaC In Seattle and the IntenlatIOnal AlrPOrt In San Fraiicisco. IIke those i HOng KOng and Shallghal,ha-e_45_terniinals COIme

36、Cted by dSeret buses Or IuldergrOImd trams.Finding a COlilleCtmg flight Often means Changmg ternmials.which Call be a Iittle 46HeatllrOW arpot In LondOn,Englad.-47-that bigger is not always betterHeatlirow ConSiStS Of tennals IISed by VallOUS_48_and is CeIltered arond an area tlat COntaHlS StOreS an

37、d restarants.At HeathrOw the tired traveller gets tlie_49_tliat they want you Io SPend your time in die StoreS because tley WOnrt announce the gale from WhICh your flight WiIl Ieave Until about an hour before light time.Given that they Start to gel PeOPle OntO the PlaneS half a hour before takeoff t

38、hat IeaVeS just 30 InmUteS to find and-50-3rour gale. SOme Of WhICh are a 15-nmute WaIkfrom the StOre area.Tliere is absolutely no_51_for this because the airport autlorities know even before the day begins IlOW many NlghtS are arriving and departing and Where they PIan to PlIt tlen. If I hae just C

39、Ome OfF One IOng Ilght and Tm Waitmg for anotler. What I want is a quiet place, not a area_52_briglit IightS and IlOISy ShOPPmg.TraVeLfbr me, is mterestmg but When I have Io fly. getting there is_53_not half the fun. AlrPlalleS are Very efficient Way to move PeOPle Iong distances and airports are a(

40、n)PartOf die PrOCeSs. MOSt airport do their best to provide a good travelling experience but they are to be 55 ,not IealIy eyoyed.41. Atyes42. A.detfied43 AgUaniS44. A.tremendous45. A.flexible46. A.excitmg47. A.regulates48 AfhnetionS49. A.recreaton50. A.look for51. A.exception52. A.flled With53. A.

41、InCreaSingly54. A.effective55. A. simplifiedBcitieS Bllalldled BaStrOnaUtS BcrOWded BnnIltiPle BaStOnlShmg BemPhaSiZeSB. department s BpreSentatiOn B .get to BdOUble BdOnlmated byB. Penllanently BOPtional BeiIdUredCareaS CprOmOtedC. pilots C-Hitemational CaVallable Cxonfiisiiig CenCOUnterSC. arlmesC

42、. announcement C. meet at C.aologyCdeCOrated With C. alternatively C.necessary C.declaredDsiZeS DPrOCeSSed DPaSSengerS DfaShIOnable DlneglIIar DenCOUraglllg DdemOnStrateS DaUthOritieS DllllPreSSIon D cheCk OUt DeXCUSe DreCOgllIZed by Ddeflllitely DsUltabIe DparalleledSeCtiOn BDil eCtions:Read the fo

43、llowing two passage. EaCh PaSSage is followed by SeVeral questions or UnfiniShed StateIllents.For each Of them tlere are four ChoICeS marked A B C and D ChOOSe the One that fits best according to the information given In the PaSSage you hae JUSt read.<A)SOmetlmeS When She felt bored, She WOUld PI

44、Ck UP One Of the IIUmerOlIS bographies(传 id ) about herself ad begin to note i. ,I never did thatH Or MSlmPly not tne she WOUld Wrlte IOUgIlly m the margins at the SideS Of pages. SmCe journalists, biographers ad more recently even ,bloggersn had been WntIng about her SnlCe the day Slle WaS bom. the

45、re WaS Plenty Of material to edit. NOt that her notes Or COrreCtiOlIS Were ever SIlared WIth the authors.Lately.hove'er.she even Seemed to have IOSt her appetite for COrreCtIleSS DId it matter anymore if things Were not IIgllt?She knew that SittIng alone CheWiIlg away On downbeat thoughts WOUld

46、not get her anywhere and WOUId IeaVe those around her COnfiISed and IIPSet,should they ever CatCh her out. After all She WaS the decisive one. always On top Ofher game. A Prmted timetable for die following day Iay On tle table. A fll day Of OPenIilgS and presentations. Of SmIling and nodding and flo

47、wers.Shaklilg herself OUt Ofher gray mood. She StePPed o*Ver towards die COllIPUter Where a SUdden burst Of energy gave her an idea. The SCreell flashed UP In front Ofher but instead Of CllCkHlg On the familiar ICOnS WlliCh WOUld Iead her to the emails RalldOlPh COilSIdered She needed to read.she Sm

48、lPly Went to ViSit Mr. GOOgle and began her SearCh for tram timetable.A dish heaped With multi-coloured JenieS and Plellty Of ice cream, sensed by a WhIte-gled train waiter With a PerfeCt moustache. SO Illally years had PaSSed but She StlIl Iemembered the jelly dissolving On her tonge m Sillan but d

49、elicious mothfils. EaCh SPOonfiIl had to be IIfted delicately to her mouth Under the WatChed eye Ofher grandmother. WhO WaS a StiCkIer for good manners. It WaS UnlIkely that they seed jelly On the trams these daysvhat With all the COnCem about ChildhoOd fatness5 but even a SPartan menu COUld not kil

50、l die IOmanCe Of a tram journey. AS tle timetable for LlIle-burst IIne flashed In front Ofher, She Iemembered that the MayOr Of AlwayS WOUld be expecting her to make a short. PredICtable SPeeCh at die OPenmg Of the IlOW bridge.56. WhiCh Of the fblloving Can be Hlferred &om the passage?A. The mam

51、 CharaCter IS PrObably a JOUnlaliSt WritIng blogs about IOyal members.B. The InaiIl CharaCter is always busy editing PIenty Of material about herself.C. The authors PrObably Ilad ChalICeS to get the IlOteS or COrreCtneSS the Illaill CharaCterD. Randolph is PrObably an assistant or a SeCretary to the

52、 main CharaCter57. Why does die main CharaCter recall the tune She ate jellies and ice cream?A. She WiSheS that Slle Were Still a child SO that She COUld eat jellies and ice cream. B she is Ieminded Of tlese foods because the thouglt Of a tram journey reminds her Of tlen. C.She WiSheS She Still knew

53、 Where die handsome train Waiter WaSD TOdayS children aren,t allowed to eat the Sanle tilings that She ate as a child.58. A MSParten menu'* (ParagraPh 4) WOUld most Iikely.A. have mainly IOW fatjealthy foods B be SUitable for a IOmalltiC duuer C.mclude a Iange Of sweets, but no jellyD inClUde fo

54、ods WhiCh are easy to transport59. What is most Iikely to happen IleXt In tlis passage?A The mam CharaCter Will PraCtiSe her SPeeCh for greetmg die MayOr Of Ahvoy.B. The main CharaCter WiIl decide to take a Iail JOlInley. C RandOIPh WiIl Send SOme emails to the mam CharaCter. Dnle mam CharaCter Will

55、 UPdate her blog On die internet.(B)CallaIS have to be built on a lewel,Otlienvise the Water drains OUt Of them and the Canal becomes useless. TliIS WaS the great PrOblem facg the early Canal builders, and they overcame it In different WayS The early engmeers IIke JalneS BrmdIey SinIPly followed the

56、 OUtlUleS Of the COlIntrySide ad kept their CanaIS IeVeI though it Oftell meant ChOOSmg Very IOImdabOUt routes.Later engineers, SUCh as ThOmaS Telfbrd.deweloed a IleW teclmique known as cut and fill' Hl WhICh they IlVed a IeVel through Very accurate surveying. TIliS allowed them to fill in the h

57、ollows On a IOUte with the exact amount Of SOll tley took &om the IlIgher gromd. By this metlod, Very direct IOUteS COUld be taken.wlich CUt down the time Of a JOllnley Very considerably. A good example Of this e Of Canal IS TelfbrdS LiVerPOOl and BIrmHlghanI JlUlCtiOn CanaI,which he began in 18

58、26 Io piOVide a direct route &om the MidlandS to the RrVer Mersey.It WaS SeldOm POSSible to build a COmPletely IeVel CanaL Of COUrSe八VhiCheVer method WaS IlSed,and most CanalS Were PlOVlded With IOCkS In WllICh barges Were IaiSed or IOWered to IleW IeVeIs. If you IOOk at the diagram on the diagram, you Can See a barge being raised In a IOCk by meansOf Water WhiCh WaS allowed IlItO t


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